Rural Magic Doctor With Super Vision



0"Kid, I didn't expect that you'd actually hook up with our big miss. How amazing."    


After chasing away the rest of the disciples from the Alchemist Sect's outer sect, he handed Li Yiping over to the Law Enforcement Hall members who came to check on the situation.    


Tang Dan said to Chen Sanqiu with a smile on his face.    


His face was filled with envy.    


She was the Eldest Miss of the Alchemy Sect.    


He didn't expect Chen Sanqiu to be so amazing. He wasn't stingy when it came to fighting.    


As a outer sect Elder of the Alchemist Sect, Tang Dan was well aware of this.    


Even if Li Muxi wanted the moon in the sky, Sword God's grand master was very fond of his only daughter.    


Sword God Zong must think of a way to get one for Li Muxi.    


Just like that.    


This was how overbearing he was.    


Who asked him to be Sword God Zong's grand master?    


Chen Sanqiu was stunned for a while after hearing Tang Dan's words.    


He then hastily waved his hand. "Master, don't spout nonsense. Li Muxi and I are innocent."    


Liu Xisong, who was at the side, smiled.    


He harrumphed.    


All men know how to smile.    


He came to Chen Sanqiu's side and said to him, "Kid, we understand, we understand. Haha, I didn't expect you to be so tactful. Don't worry, we won't speak carelessly about this."    


Tang Dan's eyes lit up when he heard Liu Xisong's words.    


"Haha, understood, understood. Look at my mouth, it's full of nonsense, if these words were to be overheard by others, those Sword Sect disciples would all go crazy."    


"As a disciple of the Sword Sect, the young miss has a pursuer that can line from the top of the mountain to the foot of the mountain.    


"Otherwise, I wouldn't even know how I died."    


Tang Dan patted his chest and said with a face full of lingering fear.    


Chen Sanqiu …    


He really wanted to throttle Tang Dan to death.    


This was basically forcing him into a dead end.    




You know how terrible it would be for you if this were to be known, and yet you still f * cking speak of it.    


"Li Muxi and I really don't have anything. Besides, I don't like that woman either." Chen Sanqiu hurriedly said to Tang Dan with a serious face.    


"My woman must be a devastatingly beautiful one."    


When Tang Dan and Liu Xisong heard Chen Sanqiu's words, they recalled Li Muxi's incomparably beautiful appearance.    


They all rolled their eyes.    


"There's only one month until inner sect Assessment." Tang Dan turned around and said to Liu Xisong, "Chen Jiangliu will need your care in the future."    


Liu Xisong's mouth twitched.    


Thinking about the things Chen Sanqiu had done since he came to the Alchemist Sect's outer sect, although he had refined quite a few earth-shattering elixirs.    


He even invented a factory to concoct pills.    


It would make it easier to concoct pills.    


However, it had brought him quite a bit of trouble.    


Before, it was just a matter of Weapon Refining Sect, a matter of outer sect disciples.    


Now, Chen Sanqiu had offended the direct disciple with Sword Sect.    




That was direct disciple.    


Even he didn't want to offend his master that easily.    


In the future, his life would be very difficult.    


"Don't worry. If Li Yiping still dares to come and create trouble again, we will not let him off so easily this time." Chen Sanqiu's face was cold as he comforted Liu Xisong.    


Liu Xisong …    


I'm not worried at all.    


What's the difference between Li Yiping and death this time?    


Could it be that he had to kill Li Yiping next time?    


Liu Xisong grinned and looked at Chen Sanqiu deeply.    


In the end, he laughed bitterly: "The first place in the inner sect Assessment will be yours. Whether our Alchemist Sect can stand up again will all depend on you." Fictional Novels     


Chen Sanqiu thought for a bit, it seemed that amongst the outer sect disciples, no one would have the chance to get first place from him.    


He pondered for a moment.    


Chen Sanqiu looked at Liu Xisong and asked, "How is the reward for first place in this inner sect Entrance Test?"    


Liu Xisong's face instantly turned black when he heard Chen Sanqiu's words.    


He quickly said to Chen Sanqiu, "The reward will definitely make people jealous. However, don't think that you can sell your first place spot in the entrance exam."    


"Now, because you sold the first place of the entrance exam without authorization, it has already been written into the sect rules. You cannot sell the rank of the exam without authorization, or else you will cripple the Genuine Qi and expel Sword God Zong."    


Hearing Liu Xisong's words, Chen Sanqiu was speechless.    


To him, expelling Sword Godzong didn't really matter.    


He did not expect to be expelled from Sword God Zong by crippling his entire body of Genuine Qi.    


This punishment was too excessive.    


Chen Sanqiu shrugged and didn't say anything more.    


Liu Xisong and Tang Dan saw that the matter had been settled.    


After sending people to rebuild the palace, the two left immediately.    


Chen Sanqiu frowned as he watched Liu Xisong and Tang Dan leave.    


He was so bored that he didn't know what to do.    


Continue to call the Alchemy Sect's outer sect disciples over, and teach them the method of refining a Rank 4 Spirit Dan?    


The main hall was gone.    


Return to his own cave?    


He had already been in seclusion in the cave for a long time.    


He pondered for a moment.    


Chen Sanqiu decided to go find Bai Ya.    


After all, he'd heard that Bai Ya hadn't returned to the main hall ever since he'd gone into closed door cultivation.    


"I don't know if he's sick or if it's better to go over and take a look." Chen Sanqiu thought about it and decided to visit Bai Ya.    


Even though he didn't think much of Bai Ya.    


However, ever since he entered the Alchemist Sect, Bai Ya had also helped him a lot.    


Thinking of this, Chen Sanqiu went to the bamboo forest at the front mountain of the Alchemist Sect.    


Most of the disciples from the Alchemist Sect's outer sect did not have the qualifications to live in the cave and could only live in the small built courtyard.    


However, this was still Sword Godzong.    


Everyone's life was pretty good.    


Everyone had their own residence within the bamboo forest, and it was a picturesque sight to behold. Furthermore, the atmosphere would be much more boisterous than living in a cave.    


The moment Chen Sanqiu arrived at the residence area, he was discovered by a few Alchemist Sect's outer sect disciples.    


He found out that Chen Sanqiu was looking for Bai Ya.    


One by one, they smiled back at Chen Sanqiu as if we knew what was going on.    


After that, he guided Chen Sanqiu to the outside of Bai Ya's residence.    


"Junior Brother Chen, we're not going in. You can go in by yourself. Senior Bai Ya should be inside."    


After saying that, the disciples from the Alchemist Sect's outer sect led the way and hurriedly left.    


Chen Sanqiu smiled, he knew these people were blaming him.    


However, he didn't want to explain.    


The more he explained it, the more others misunderstood him.    


I might as well not say anything.    


Chen Sanqiu leaped into Bai Ya's yard.    


He walked to the door and knocked on it.    


No one answered.    


Chen Sanqiu frowned. Could it be that Bai Ya wasn't in the room?    


Thinking about it, Chen Sanqiu put the Eight Transformations Spirit Pill's Muscle Meridian pills he refined in Bai Ya's room.    


When Bai Ya returned, she noticed it as well.    




Chen Sanqiu pushed open the door and entered.    


The stench of blood instantly assaulted his nostrils.    


Chen Sanqiu's expression changed and he immediately rushed into Bai Ya's bedroom.    



He found Bai Ya lying on the bed, her body slightly trembling. There was still blood seeping out from the wound on her waist.    


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