Rural Magic Doctor With Super Vision



0Yellow Sand Old Man, Qing Luan, Yu Feifei, Chen Yu‘er, and Su Ling saw countless ghosts howling within the gray fog that shot up into the sky. They were so frightened that their souls almost left their bodies.    


Right now, he didn't care what the Ghost Sect Hall looked like.    


How could they be more terrifying than so many ghosts?    


All of them rushed towards the Ghost Sect Hall at their fastest speeds, hoping that they would be able to charge into the Ghost Sect Hall before the spirits of the dead arrived.    


Thinking about it, the Ghost sect must have a way to stay safe since they had been able to maintain their Far North for so long. For example, this Ghost Sect Hall could protect them from the countless souls of the dead.    


Just as the gray fog was about to touch their bodies, everyone finally rushed into the Ghost Sect Hall.    


"Roar …"    


"Heh heh …"    


A burst of ghastly wails and wolfish howls drifted from behind, brushing against the back of the heads, causing everyone's scalps to go numb.    


After grabbing the large hall, without having the time to observe the situation inside the Ghost Sect Hall, he turned around and looked outside.    


Countless spirits were like an army, wandering around the Far North of the ice plains, whizzing past.    


Although a lot of dead spirits had discovered them, these Ghost Sect Hall seemed to have some sort of magic, and although the dead spirits had discovered them in the great hall, they did not dare to approach them.    




"Seems like it's just as we thought, this Ghost Sect Hall does indeed have the ability to obstruct the souls from entering." Qing Luan took a deep breath and patted her chest resentfully.    


"Yeah, luckily we came fast, otherwise, it would be very dangerous. So many dead souls, even if they were individually weak, with so many charging together, even God would have gone insane." Chen Yu‘er still had a face full of lingering fear. Even as a member of the Golden Giant Dragon s, she was still afraid when she encountered such a group of dead spirits.    


F * ck, what are you resisting for?    


There was no chance of resistance at all.    


Qing Luan nodded and turned around to look at Chen Sanqiu. She found that Chen Sanqiu didn't have any fear on his face. Instead, there was a strange expression on his face as he kept looking at the group of dead souls outside.    


"Sanqiu, you … are you alright?" Qing Luan couldn't help but walk behind Chen Sanqiu. She lightly patted Chen Sanqiu's shoulder and asked him.    


Her face was filled with worry.    


At this moment, Yu Feifei extended her hand and took out a Far North Survival Manual.    


Everyone looked at Yu Feifei in surprise.    


Yu Feifei shrugged her shoulders, "At that time, I thought it was fun, so I bought it. I just didn't take it out previously, that's all.    


Everyone …    


"Eh? This group of lost souls, is actually the Human Clan army that followed the Heavenly Demon Cult to fight? " Yu Feifei flipped through the Far North Survival Manual and happened to see the description regarding the Far North and the dead soul army.    


Hearing Yu Feifei's words, Qing Luan was stunned for a moment.    


He quickly turned his head and looked at Chen Sanqiu, thinking of the scene where he saw Chen Sanqiu crying this morning.    


At that time, he was wondering why Chen Sanqiu was crying, but Chen Sanqiu said he was blown away by the wind and sand.    


Qing Luan naturally didn't believe him. She just didn't understand why Chen Sanqiu was crying.    


Hearing Yu Feifei's words, everyone fell into silence.    


They all looked up at Chen Sanqiu.    


"Cough cough, what are you all looking at me for?" Chen Sanqiu laughed dryly, seeing that everyone was still staring at him.    


In the end, Chen Sanqiu helplessly shrugged his shoulders and said to the rest of them, "That's right, I found out that these ghosts were all Human Clan warriors who followed Heavenly Demon Cult Leader and attacked God Stage back then."    


Hearing Chen Sanqiu's confirmation.    


Everyone could not help but be shocked.    


One by one, they looked outside the window in shock, at the souls of the dead that were roaring as they wandered in the Far North.    


Thinking back to how these people were heroes back then, they unleashed a moth-like attack towards the God Stage gods, causing them all to die a tragic death.    


How tragic that scene was.    


But now, after countless years had passed, this group of hot-blooded warriors back then had now turned into a group of homeless, wandering souls wandering the Far North's ice plains.    


"Is what the rumors say true? Was your Heavenly Demon Cult really constantly attacking it back then? " Yu Feifei took a deep breath and looked at the dead souls outside the window in disbelief.    


Wu Tie nodded his head, and said to Yu Feifei: "Of course it's true. Every generation's Heavenly Demon Cult Leader's ultimate goal is to kill God Stage."    


"A bunch of madmen." Yu Feifei opened her mouth in shock and took a long time to digest what Chen Sanqiu had said.    


"Why do you all insist on attacking God Stage? What did God Stage do wrong? Causing your Heavenly Demon Cult to attack so crazily, and what did you get out of that? Countless people have been bewitched by you to accompany you to attack God Stage, a group of Universe level cultivators, following you to attack the Gods, what will happen in the end, what will happen in the end, don't you know? "    


"Live well, cultivate well, then shatter the void and enter the God Transforming Stage to become a god. Isn't that a better choice?" Yu Feifei frowned as she looked at Chen Sanqiu with an unhappy expression.    


Hearing Yu Feifei's words, Chen Sanqiu nodded in agreement.    


Who the hell didn't want to live a good life anymore?    


Who wouldn't want to live happily every day?    


However, even if you wanted to, the Heavenly Dao wouldn't give it to you.    


Just like Chen Sanqiu, when he first accepted Heavenly Demon Cult Leader's position, he was ignorant of Heavenly Demon Cult and was directly tricked into becoming the Sect Leader.    


And as long as you become the Sect Leader of Heavenly Demon Cult, and don't attack God Stage, then he would be willing to directly kill Chen Sanqiu.    


"Sometimes, you can't make your own choice." Chen Sanqiu sighed. He looked out the window at the wandering dead souls and smiled bitterly.    



"What do you want to do?" Chen Yu‘er felt that Chen Sanqiu was thinking about something very dangerous, so she walked to Chen Sanqiu's side and asked worriedly.    


Chen Sanqiu grinned and took a deep breath.    


Even if he knew, he couldn't keep it a secret forever.    


Narrowing his eyes, Chen Sanqiu said, "I think, um, after everything is done, we should go to the gates of hell and give them freedom."    


Chen Yu‘er, Qing Luan, Ling, and Yu Feifei were all shocked when they heard Chen Sanqiu say that. They looked at Chen Sanqiu in shock.    


Yellow Sand Old Man almost cried.    


"Hierarch, you can't go. You can't go. That's the gates of hell."    


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