Rural Magic Doctor With Super Vision



0It had been many days since they parted ways in the Sky Disaster Desert.    


Golden Giant Dragon Mo Feng could be said to be one of the few people that Chen Sanqiu knew after coming to Emperor Star from Earth.    


Well, maybe, he could be said to be from the same village.    


Because, when Chen Sanqiu and Golden Giant Dragon Mo Feng met, they were still on Earth.    


To Golden Giant Dragon Mo Feng, Emperor Star was Golden Giant Dragon Mo Feng's hometown.    


However, it didn't matter to Chen Sanqiu.    


Although Chen Sanqiu was doing pretty well in Emperor Star, and after he came to Emperor Star, although he had a rough time in the Scourge Desert at first, he became Heavenly Demon Cult Leader later on.    


Along the way, they also made a lot of friends, but in Chen Sanqiu's heart.    


At Emperor Star, the most important things to him were Chen Jiaojiao, Nannan, Bai Xiaobai, the super system, and Golden Giant Dragon Mo Feng, who followed his soul back to Emperor Star.    


Thinking that Golden Giant Dragon Mo Feng might very well be in the glacier at the end of Far North, Chen Sanqiu felt a sense of familiarity.    


There was a feeling, well, that he was about to meet an old friend.    


That feeling was a bit happy, a bit excited, and also a bit worried.    


It's been so long since we've seen each other, we're not together. I wonder if Golden Giant Dragon Mo Feng has changed.    


People change with time, with experience.    


If the current you were to suddenly meet the future you, perhaps, you would be very surprised as to why you have become like this.    


"You said that it's very likely that my father is at Far North?" Chen Yu‘er's voice trembled slightly. Her face was filled with joy and panic.    


A father they had never met was indeed enough to make people feel joy and panic.    


What if my father doesn't love me?    


What if his father had never thought of recognizing him at all?    


What if his father was cold when he saw him?    


Chen Yu‘er's mood was incredibly complicated, and her heart was filled with anxiety.    


Chen Sanqiu heard Chen Yu‘er's trembling voice and understood what was going on. He turned to look at Chen Yu‘er and saw a complicated expression on her face.    


Chen Sanqiu smiled and patted Chen Yu‘er's head. He smiled at Chen Yu‘er and said, "No matter what your father does, you only need to know that you are about to meet him. Isn't this happy enough for you?"    




"What if he doesn't like me? Is it cold to see me? " Chen Yu‘er opened her mouth and let out a sigh. With a forced smile, she said, "Maybe I was just thinking too much."    


"I just feel that, as a father, when knowing that his daughter is still alive, he doesn't show up and doesn't go see his own daughter, he is still very unhappy in his heart." Chen Yu‘er was a little uninterested as she had a downcast expression on her face.    


Chen Sanqiu didn't continue to comfort Chen Yu‘er. After all, nothing had happened to him. He was just reading someone else's story.    


These things happened to Chen Yu‘er, Chen Yu‘er finally had the right to explain.    


"Let's go. With our speed, it would be best if we could find a place to stay before nightfall. According to the markings on the map, there is an abandoned palace in front of us. That place can protect us from the cold." Chen Sanqiu squinted his eyes and opened the Far North Survival Manual map.    


"An abandoned palace?" Yu Feifei frowned in disbelief.    


In this sort of desolate place, cough cough, incomparably desolate place, there was actually an abandoned palace.    


Didn't this mean that, in the past, there was an enormous sect that ruled over this place?    


How was this possible? The Far North was very strange, the cold wind was actually able to make even this group of Universe level S rank experts feel cold on their hands and feet, how could those people maintain the control of the Far North?    


"There seems to be something on the map. It seems like its name is … Hmm, Ghost Sect Hall." Chen Sanqiu grinned and said the name of the hall on the map.    


After saying that, the corner of Chen Sanqiu's mouth twitched.    


Thinking back to the terrifying scene of countless ghosts passing through the Far North last night, his heart was filled with understanding.    


The reason why the Ghost sect had created its own sect here was probably because of the ghosts wandering Far North.    


Yellow Sand Old Man and the rest were stunned when they heard Chen Sanqiu's words.    


Yellow Sand Old Man swallowed hard: "Ghost Sect Hall? Legend has it that the Ghost sect did more evil than their Heavenly Demon Cult, although Heavenly Demon Cult are evil, they bully people the most, and the matters of the dead are not many, but the Ghost sect is too scary, as long as they are caught by the Ghost sect, they are dead without a doubt, and furthermore, they have the most miserable way of dying. "    


"According to the rumors, as long as a person is caught by a Ghost sect disciple and is able to commit suicide, it is best to commit suicide. If you are a step too late, you will feel as if you are living a life worse than death."    


"The imp refined for himself by the treasure of the Ghost sect is very evil, and doesn't fear wind, lightning, fire, invisibility, instant arrival, killing without a trace, but the imp needs to rely on bloodlust to survive, once it attacks, the imp will absorb all the blood in your body and torture you to death, because, only by torturing someone to death, can this person's soul become strong because of resentment, and won't disappear from this world immediately."    


"After that, that brat will eat the soul of hatred to increase his own strength."    


"However, the refining of that boy is also very scary. He needs seven, forty-nine wronged souls to gather together like raising a Gu and not feed them. Only by devouring each other can they survive. Only the one that survived can they become a boy."    


"Later on, because the Ghost sect was too evil, it attracted many righteous sects to come together and punish them. However, I never thought that the Ghost sect was so powerful that only after four fifths of the cultivators of the Justice Alliance died, they were completely destroyed from this world."    


"Furthermore, it was at that time that the order that no one could cultivate the Forbidden Life Arts was issued. From then on, the Ghost sect no longer existed in this world, and no one would cultivate Forbidden Life Techniques.    


After Yellow Sand Old Man finished his sentence, his face showed a look of regret.    


Although the Ghost sect had committed many evil deeds and was eventually destroyed, it was still enough to make so many righteous alliance cultivators pay a painful price.    


It was enough to show how powerful the Ghost sect was all those years ago.    


After hearing Yellow Sand Old Man's words, Chen Sanqiu didn't seem to mind at all. He turned around and saw Chen Yu‘er, Yu Feifei, Qing Luan, and even Zero, all trembling in fear.    


The Ghost sect was so terrifying.    


This little kid was too terrifying.    



Wuuu ….    


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