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0Chen Sanqiu looked speechlessly at Jiao Jiao. The corner of his mouth twitched as he smiled dryly at Jiao Jiao and said, "What did you want me to call you?"    


"Kneel down and call me my wife." Jiao Jiao with her arms behind her back, holding her head up high and looking at the sky, proudly said to Chen Sanqiu.    


Chen Sanqiu grinned: "Call you your wife? You want me to kneel? "    


"Of course, don't you know that your wife is the boss at home?" Jiao Jiao said to Chen Sanqiu proudly.    


Chen Sanqiu laughed dryly and whispered to Jiao Jiao, "Do you really want to go to bed with me?"    




Jiao Jiao heard Chen Sanqiu suddenly say something. Her face reddened as she glared at Chen Sanqiu fiercely with a shy face. She angrily said to Chen Sanqiu, "Chen Sanqiu, I called you a lecherous dog. You really are a lecherous dog. Pah! What are you thinking about in your head every day? Shame, bad boy, you are shameless."    


Chen Sanqiu laughed and said to Jiao Jiao, "Am I that shameless? Then let me ask you, if you want me to call you wife, what will you do after you become my wife? Shouldn't you have gone to bed with me? "    


She pouted and stomped her feet in anger. Then, she said to Chen Sanqiu with a face full of anger, "Chen Sanqiu, you bastard. If you keep saying that, I'll really get angry."    


Hearing Jiao Jiao say that, Chen Sanqiu immediately laughed and said to Jiao Jiao, "Haha, then you still dare to call me your wife?"    


Jiao Jiao saw Chen Sanqiu laughing out loud. She suddenly rolled her eyes and said, "Sanqiu, do you really want to go to bed with me?"    




At this time, it was Chen Sanqiu's turn to shudder, he grinned, looking at Jiao Jiao's charming and gentle expression, he gritted his teeth, stomped his feet and said: "That's right, didn't you say I'm a perverted dog? Of course I want to go to bed with you. "    


"How about I go to the Beijing Hotel and get a room. When the time comes, I'll let you do whatever you want. You can play however you want, okay?" Jiao Jiao said to Chen Sanqiu with a shy face. Then, she winked at Chen Sanqiu.    


Chen Sanqiu shuddered when he saw that.    


He instantly swallowed a mouthful of saliva as his body sank into panic. He hurriedly took two steps back and said to Jiao, "Cough, cough, why hasn't Fang Menglong returned yet? He's driving too unreliably. I'll go check out the underground parking lot."    


With that, Chen Sanqiu turned around and walked towards the parking lot. Jiao saw Chen Sanqiu like this and snorted. She had a victorious smile on her face, "Pfft, a guy with evil intentions and no courage. Humph."    


Jiao Jiao couldn't help but giggle as she looked at Chen Sanqiu's back as he walked frantically towards the parking lot.    


"What an interesting man." She giggled and ran towards Chen Sanqiu.    




Of course, this was paid for by Chen Sanqiu, and the main reason was because Jiao Jiao wanted to develop in the capital. If she stayed with every family member in the capital and didn't have her own home, it would be a great sense of insecurity for a girl.    


When they arrived at Yue Ling'er's mansion in the capital, Jiao Jiao didn't get out of the car yet. She took a glance at the mansion and turned to Chen Sanqiu, "You bought this for little sister Ling'er, right?"    


Chen Sanqiu straightened his neck and said to Jiao Jiao, "I bought it, what's wrong?"    


"Yo, you're very interested in this little sister Ling'er. You're very willing to spend money, aren't you?" Jiao Jiao squinted her eyes and said to Chen Sanqiu.    


Fang Menglong, who was driving, laughed and said, "This villa is over 30 million yuan, although it's not in the city, the scenery here is pretty good. Fang Menglong, who was driving, laughed and said," This villa is over 30 million yuan, although it's not in the city, but the scenery here is quite good, so Big Brother Sanqiu bought this villa for little sister Ling'er.    


"Oh? To be treated as a sister? Why do I feel like a child bride? " Jiao Jiao squinted her eyes and said.    


"Ceng." Hearing Jiao Jiao's words, Fang Meng Long immediately shut up. He turned around and looked at Chen Sanqiu embarrassedly as if he was a child who had done something wrong.    


Chen Sanqiu …    


"Cough, cough, get off." Chen Sanqiu hurriedly got off the car and walked to the door of the mansion. He looked around and nodded in satisfaction, "The location of this house is not bad. It's a good place to live."    


"Of course, this is a house that I got because of my relationship with Fatty." Fang Meng Long said with a smile, as if he was taking credit for this.    


With a groan, her face darkened, and she said to Fang Menglong: "You spent more than 30 million just for this relationship?" It's embarrassing. "    




After hearing Jiao Jiao's words, Fang Meng Long was immediately displeased. A villa in this area was not something that could be bought with money. With so many wealthy people, it was not certain that the developers would not sell it to you, was it?    


To be able to buy this house at such a high price, Fang Menglong felt that his reputation was already very impressive.    


At this time, Jiao Jiao turned to Fang Menglong and asked: "Which open businessman is this?" "Give me your phone number, and I'll ask him to return the thirty million and give me the neighboring villa."    




Upon hearing Jiao Jiao's words, Fang Meng Long was stunned.    


He grinned and said to Jiao Jiao, "You have that much ability? "I have been doing very well in the capital. I don't believe that you have that kind of ability."    


Chen Sanqiu hurriedly pulled Jiao Jiao inside the door of the mansion. He said to Jiao, "Buying a house, paying for it is only right and proper. If you dare to do so, don't blame me for being rude."    


Jiao Jiao let out a humph and didn't say anything else.    


When Fang Meng Long heard Chen Sanqiu speak to Jiao Jiao like that, he was stunned for a moment. Who the hell was this woman? It sounds awesome.    


After entering the villa, Yue Ling'er found out that Chen Sanqiu had arrived. She immediately rushed down from the third floor and threw herself into Chen Sanqiu's arms, her eyes blinking as tears welled up in her eyes. "Brother Sanqiu, you finally came to see me. Wuu, I thought you forgot about Ling'er."    


Chen Sanqiu hurriedly and gently patted Yue Ling'er's back as he yelled at Ling'er, "You silly girl, how could I forget about you? It's mainly because there are a lot of things at home and I can't find time to come, don't you see?"    


Jiao Jiao stood to the side and carefully sized up Yue Ling'er. She snorted, "You're indeed a cute, silly girl. Tsk tsk."    


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