Rural Magic Doctor With Super Vision



0Fang Meng Long excitedly drove, occasionally turning his head to look at Chen Sanqiu, who was sitting at the back. Chen Sanqiu was speechless: "Damn, Young Master Long, can you look at the front of the car while you're driving? "It doesn't matter if you die, if I die in your car in a car accident, then I would die from grievances."    


Fang Meng Long grinned and nodded his head bitterly. He tried his best to suppress his desire to turn and look at Chen Sanqiu in admiration, trying his best to keep his eyes forward, but his mouth never stopped: "Damn, big brother, you're too awesome. What did you do to Lee Gou Dan? "Damn it! Just a moment ago, when Li Goudan was so weak, he suddenly became so strong that even my eyeballs nearly popped out of their sockets. This is too exciting!"    


Chen Sanqiu chuckled and said to Fang Menglong, "Do you know what is called mental control? Do you know what hypnosis is? When you let a person know how strong they are, that person would activate the power within their body and become as strong as they truly are. "    


Although Chen Sanqiu felt that Fang Menglong was a good person, he didn't want to reveal the fact that Lee Gou Dan had become so strong after eating the Power Strengthening Pill that he exchanged with the super system.    


Chen Sanqiu didn't even talk about it with his parents, not even Li Zhenghua. It was impossible for him to tell this to Fang Menglong, whose father was a high-ranking government official.    


If Fang Meng Long told Fang Wen Yu about the Energy Strengthening Pill, Fang Wen Yu would know about it.    


Chen Sanqiu felt that there was a one in a hundred thousand chance that he would be captured by the government. He was asked to provide strength strengthening pills to strengthen the soldiers.    


At least Chen Sanqiu didn't want to do that right now.    


"Damn. Big brother, I really admire you more and more. You actually know hypnosis? You're too awesome!" Fang Meng Long excitedly said to Chen Sanqiu.    


Chen Sanqiu smiled and said to Fang Menglong: "Why don't you try it out too?"    


Fang Meng Long was shocked by Chen Sanqiu and quickly waved his hand: "Forget it, forget it, I don't need to try anymore."    


If he wanted to transform into the captain of the United States, to transform into a Spider-Man or something like that, perhaps Fang Menglong would agree immediately. Every man's heart would have a dream of becoming a hero.    


Even for someone like Fang Menglong, who had been called a shameless rich second-generation, he still had the dream of becoming a hero.    


However, hearing Chen Sanqiu say that he would do a hypnosis spell to make himself strong, what the hell, that would be meaningless.    


Wasn't that the same as harming yourself?    


Chen Sanqiu smiled faintly and let Fang Menglong drive the car to the Three Autumn Vegetables supermarket, then he fixed Lee Goudan's wound at the Three Autumn Vegetables supermarket. After the wound was done, Chen Sanqiu told Lee Goudan to follow him back to Fallen Phoenix Village and let Panther watch the Three Autumn Vegetables supermarket first.    


He waited for the panther to bring the vegetables from the second day, then he had Fang Meng Long and co. drive back to the capital first.    


However, as soon as Fang Meng Long and co. arrived at Hedong City, they were unwilling to go back. Each of them insisted on following Chen Sanqiu to the Fallen Phoenix Village, refusing to leave even if they were beaten to death.    


Chen Sanqiu could only helplessly smile bitterly as he brought Fang Meng Long, Fatty, and Yan Hu, the rich second generations from the capital, to Fallen Phoenix Village.    


After arriving at Fallen Phoenix Village, Fang Meng Long, Fatty, Yan Hu, and the other rich second generations from the capital were all excited to see the new village under construction. They looked as if they were even more excited than if they were building a house at home.    


Moreover, what made Fang Meng Long and the rest even more excited was that …    


The villagers were so simple and honest.    


After they drove into the village, one by one, their aunts and uncles walked up to their car.    


"Yo, this car is really big. It even caught up to the muddy buggy on the construction site."    


"He has a big nose and a big face. He looks really pretty. He shouldn't be cheap. However, he's still the same as the Three Autumn Family's Mercedes-Benz."    


"Don't talk like that, just give him some face."    


Fang Meng Long …    


He really wanted to yell, "Auntie, open your eyes wide and take a good look! The car I'm driving is Leslie Rolls-Royce!"    


But thinking about Brother Chen Sanqiu, who had made so much money, driving a Mercedes and driving a Rolls-Royce himself, he couldn't help but blush.    


With a bitter smile on his face, Fang Meng Long dragged Chen Sanqiu to the vegetable shed. When he saw the finished vegetables shed in Fallen Phoenix Village, Fang Meng Long's heart was filled with excitement.    


He whispered to Chen Sanqiu, "Brother, are all these vegetable bases yours?"    


Chen Sanqiu smiled, shook his head and said, "No, I only contracted 200 mu. These are all from our cooperative."    


Fang Meng Long swallowed a mouthful of saliva as he looked at the vegetables and the houses that were constructed to be incomparably modern, making him think that he had left the country and was not in Hua Xia.    


One had to know that even the vegetable sheds in the outskirts of the capital didn't have the scientific, beautiful, and modern style of the vegetable sheds in Fallen Phoenix Village.    


Fang Meng Long gulped.    


Ye Zichen said to Chen Sanqiu, "Brother, isn't the construction of these vegetable stalls too awesome?"    


Chen Sanqiu smiled, "It's nothing. They were built in accordance with the world's best vegetable shed standards."    


Fang Menglong immediately gave Chen Sanqiu a thumbs up. This competition was indeed timely.    


Chen Sanqiu led Fang Menglong and the others around the vegetable shed, and then took them to the reservoir. At this time, the farm music beside the reservoir was all ready and waiting for Chen Sanqiu to come back to open the store.    


This time, Chen Sanqiu just happened to bring Fang Menglong and co. back, so he directly brought Fang Menglong and co. to stay at the farmhouse beside the reservoir.    


He called for Li Zhenghua, his father Chen Zuying, his mother Lian Xiang, Black Dog, Zhang Chunyan, Zhou Qingfu, and Zhou Chuanzong.    


Vegetables were grown by one's own family, meat was raised by one's own black pork, and fish were the big white silver carp that had just come out of the library.    


The bright moon, the water, the mountains, the bonfires, the delicious food, everything was displayed in harmony. Fang Menglong, Fatty, Yan Hu, and the other top rich second generations from the capital were all envious.    


Witnessing this scene, seeing everyone eating happily together, it was as though they were all having fun together.    


Fang Meng Long was filled with envy.    


This had always been a dream in Fang Menglong's heart. A family together, friends, relatives, friends, a place with mountains and rivers. This was a place that only existed in his dreams.    


"Big Brother, I want to stay here. I'm not going back to the capital." Fang Meng Long suddenly slammed the table and said to Chen Sanqiu with tears streaming down his face, "I want to stay."    


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