Rural Magic Doctor With Super Vision



0Fang Menglong was at the farmhouse by the lake. Looking at the bright sky and the green mountains behind him and the surrounding bonfires, he was in a leisurely mood. His relatives were gathered together and he looked so happy that he was moved to tears.    


Wasn't this what he had always dreamed of? Wasn't this the life he wanted to live?    


F * ck, I never expected this to happen. Fang Meng Long excitedly slammed the table and said to Chen Sanqiu with tears streaming down his face, "Brother, I'm staying. Wuu, I'm not going back to the capital anymore."    


Chen Sanqiu's mouth twitched. F * ck, what the hell happened to Fang Meng Long? Can't I change it?    


"This Golden Dragon won't be able to stay here." Chen Sanqiu said to Fang Menglong with a grin, "You should go back to Beijing."    


Fang Menglong pleaded a few times, but Chen Sanqiu refused. He turned around and looked at Chen Zuyin, and immediately ran over to him while crying: "Uncle, you are my blood uncle, the moment I see you, I feel that warmth in my heart, as if we have known each other for many lifetimes. Uncle, please tell my brother that he wants me to stay, I can't eat much, I can't drink much, so please let me stay."    


Chen Zuyin …    


He could tell that Fang Meng Long's identity was different just by looking at his attire, aura, and driving a car. Chen Sanqiu had mentioned that Fang Meng Long's father seemed to be a high-ranking official in the capital, but now that he saw Fang Meng Long's appearance, he immediately grinned and pulled Fang Meng Long up, saying: "Nephew."    


Chen Sanqiu …    


"Nephew, I'm just a small mountain village with no roads sealed. If you want to stay, you can stay, right? "However, I heard that you are going to be a vegetable marquee in the capital during the third autumn and you even have to develop some new products. You don't want to be a business person in the capital and you are willing to come here. I also welcome you." Chen Zuyin looked at Fang Menglong happily and said, "Come then. When the time comes, I'll have the village's Lee Gou Dan go to the capital and contact those influential people."    


Fang Meng Long …    


The corner of his mouth twitched. He thought that it was still Jiang or the older who got the better of him. He thought that Chen Zuyin was wearing a serious face with glasses and looked like an old scholar. He thought that Chen Zuoyu was very deceptive and should be one of those village farmers who had never left the village.    


He didn't expect that after hearing Chen Zuyin's words, Fang Menglong had a 180 degree turn in his heart and his body trembled. He thought, "If Chen Sanqiu wants to make a vegetable shed in the capital, he has to develop some new products."    


He twitched his mouth and glanced at Lee Gou Dan who was giggling at the side. He was even more certain that he had to do this himself. He shouldn't let Lee Gou Dan do this.    


"Haha, Uncle, you're right. I should be the one who does the things in the capital." Fang Meng Long pretended to be in a daze as he said to Chen Zuyin, "Uncle, you don't have to worry about this. With me here, I'm sure there won't be any problems with Brother Three Autumn's situation in the capital."    


Chen Zuyin laughed and nodded, but did not say anything.    


Behind his back, Chen Sanqiu gave Chen Zuyin a thumbs up and said, "Good, dad is indeed father, just awesome."    


With just a few words, Fang Meng Long didn't even fart.    


After everyone had finished eating, Chen Zuyin brought Fang Menglong, Fatty, and Yan Hu, the two wealthiest people in the capital, along the banks of the Guanyun Lake. As they walked, they arrived at the aquaculture area of the Yangtze River.    


Arriving at the water area where the river shad was being reared, Chen Zuyin casually pointed at the two inch long shad in the water and said to Fang Menglong, Fatty, Yan Hu and the other rich second-generation in the capital, "Aiya, Sanqiu, you guys like to mess around. Tell me, is there anything wrong with raising the river shad?" "Sigh."    


At the beginning, Fang Menglong and his gang didn't think that there was anything wrong with his words.    


After hearing Chen Zuyin say that the one growing in the Guanyun Lake was the Yangtze River sow, he hurriedly took out his mobile phone to find out the picture of the Yangtze River sow, and then compared it with the ones raised in the Guanyun Lake.    


In the end, the fatty was stunned for quite a while before he suddenly let out a loud shout.    


"Yangtze river shad? This, this, this is a f * cking river sow?" The fatty screamed at Chen Zuyin, "Uncle, this really is the Yangtze River Sanpang."    


Chen Zuying nodded, sighed and said, "Yeah, sigh, or else I would just be fooling around."    


When the fatty heard Chen Zuyin's words, he burst into tears.    


In terms of acting like a genius, previously, Fatty felt that Chen Sanqiu was already a formidable existence. However, now that he had walked around with Chen Zuyin and noticed that Chen Zuyin's personality was quite normal, just a few casual words were enough to make him look like an awesome person.    


The fatty was truly in awe of Chen Zuyin.    


Since Chen Zuyin knew that this was where the Yangtze River Sanpang was raised, he naturally knew the commercial value of the Yangtze River Sanpang and even sighed casually.    


I didn't know that I thought the river shad was just a pile of shit.    


Seeing the fatty's surprised look, Fang Meng Long grinned at him and said: "Fatty, what are you crazy about? Isn't it just a river sage fish? "What's the big deal?"    


"Young Master Long, you've eaten before?" The fatty asked Fang Meng Long.    


Fang Meng Long's face turned red as he grinned. He glared at the fatty and said, "I've never tried it before."    


"It's good that you haven't eaten yet. Young Master Long, do you know how much the market price of the Yangtze River Sangang is right now?" Fatty said to Fang Meng Long.    


Fang Meng Long …    


Why did he suddenly feel so displeased with Fatty the more he saw him today?    


After this conversation with Fatty, why did he feel like an idiot?    


He grinned. "I don't know."    


"One Jin for three thousand, there's a price but no market." The fatty's eyes lit up as he said to Fang Menglong, "The Yangtze River Fish is almost extinct. There are no more wild Yangtze River Fish to be found, but there is no artificial breeding. So, there is no market, there is no market."    


Fang Menglong pursed his lips: "Why can't we raise it by hand?"    


"Because it's a migratory fish, it's impossible to breed it by hand." The fatty shook his head and said.    


Fang Menglong wanted to ask what a migratory fish was, but he felt that he had shamed himself enough today. He could only grin and shut his mouth.    


"One catty, three thousand. Indeed, there is no supply. I, the Yangtze River Sober, don't need to pay a high price, one catty, five thousand is enough. I don't have many, only two thousand tail. I'll sell them all after they lay their eggs next year." Chen Zu said with a smile.    


Young Master Long quickly calculated, one catty, three thousand, one Yangtze River, two and a half catties. That meant twelve thousand five hundred and two thousand …    


Young Master Long looked at Chen Zuyin in a daze, almost falling to his knees. "Uncle, you're the one who is truly rich."    


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