Rural Magic Doctor With Super Vision



0Chu Yingxuan stared dumbfoundedly at Chen Sanqiu who walked out like a black egg. She was completely shocked.    


Today, Chen Sanqiu was like a magic trick. At first, he was like a toad, but later he was like a lizard. Now, he was like a black egg.    


From her initial fear and disgust, Chu Yingxuan felt that Chen Sanqiu's appearance wasn't scary at all. Instead, it made her feel that he was more fun.    


"How ugly can you be?" Chu Yingxuan squinted her eyes and asked Chen Sanqiu in all seriousness.    


Chen Sanqiu …    


The corner of his mouth twitched as he gulped. He grinned. "You, you're still not sleeping?"    


Chu Yingxuan firmly shook her head and said to Chen Sanqiu, "I want to see how ugly you can be."    


Chen Sanqiu …    


Chen Sanqiu decided not to bother with Chu Yingxuan. Damn it, this girl didn't even have the slightest bit of compassion. Damn it, seeing how I am now, don't you have any thoughts of pity in your heart?    


Chen Sanqiu was a bit depressed, he let out a grunt and turned around to go to the restaurant to cook.    


After three bottles of super defensive medicine were consumed, Chen Sanqiu felt extremely hungry. He couldn't care less about Chu Yingxuan anymore and ran to the dining hall to continue cooking.    


Chu Yingxuan looked at Chen Sanqiu from the side and waited for Chen Sanqiu to start eating. She pouted her small mouth and muttered to Chen Sanqiu, "Chen Sanqiu, did you practice some kind of evil cultivation technique?"    


Chen Sanqiu grinned, wolfing down his food while firmly shaking his head.    


Did he f * cking cultivate this evil cultivation technique? [What the heck, didn't he just get tricked by the super system again?    


Damn, Chen Sanqiu finally understood now. Although the super system could give him a pleasant surprise, it could also bring him an unexpected pain.    


In the end, it was the super system that tricked him, wanting him to die.    


"Don't lie to me, are you telling me that the old master taught you an evil technique?" Chu Yingxuan pouted and said to Chen Sanqiu with an incomparably firm expression, "I taught you this, didn't I?"    


Chen Sanqiu …    




Chen Sanqiu had just eaten a piece of meat, and upon hearing Chu Yingxuan's words, he immediately spit it out.    


F * ck.    


"Did you go to bed with Old Shi and the video?" Was it taught to you by your old teacher on the bed? " Chu Yingxuan continued to ask.    




Chen Sanqiu almost choked to death after drinking a mouthful of water. He rolled his eyes, pounded his chest, grinned, and said to Chu Yingxuan, "You, you've seen Old Master's video?"    


"Yeah." Chu Yingxuan's little face immediately turned red.    


Then, he saw Chen Sanqiu staring at him with narrowed eyes. The look in his eyes had a hint of "hmm" that was hard to describe.    


Chu Yingxuan's body suddenly trembled, and she hurriedly said angrily at Chen Sanqiu, "Chen Sanqiu you bastard, old master's video is so disgusting, have you seen it before? And he's even enjoying it? "    


"Did you ever do the same thing as in the video with Old Master?" Chu Yingxuan straightened her neck and asked Chen Sanqiu.    


Chen Sanqiu …    


"How could I have that kind of luck?" Chen Sanqiu grinned and quickly shook his head. His mouth twitched as he said to Chu Yingxuan, "You saw the video of you old master. You should know how painful it is for a man to not be with a woman for half a year."    


"Are you begging for mercy for your two brothers again?" Chu Yingxuan pouted and said to Chen Sanqiu unhappily.    


Speaking up to here, Chu Yingxuan seemed to come to a realization. She pointed at Chen Sanqiu and asked, "So your two brothers are going to do those disgusting things with women."    


Chen Sanqiu grinned. Looking at Chu Yingxuan's innocent face, he felt that it would be best to not continue discussing this with her.    


He still had two bottles of super defensive potions to drink.    


After drinking the last two bottles of super defensive potions, he finally knew if he could recover to his original state.    


If he could only live like a monster in this life, Chen Sanqiu felt that he might as well die.    


Chen Sanqiu ignored Chu Yingxuan and continued to eat. After eating, Chen Sanqiu immediately returned to his room and drank the remaining two bottles of super defense medicine one by one.    


At noon, Chen Sanqiu walked out of the bathtub for the fifth time and checked his appearance in front of the mirror.    


Chen Sanqiu's eyes turned red as he looked at himself in the mirror. Tears started streaming down his face.    


In the mirror, Chen Sanqiu's skin was as white as a newborn baby's. Even Chen Sanqiu himself wanted to kiss this tender pink skin. This skin was so damn good.    


Chen Sanqiu shouted excitedly and rushed out of the room. He wanted to let Chu Yingxuan see his current appearance.    


However, after rushing out, he discovered that Chu Yingxuan, who had been watching cartoons on the sofa, was not there. Chen Sanqiu couldn't help but be stunned for a moment, grinned, and walked into the living room. He saw a small note on the tea table, which caused him to be stunned.    


"You ugly bastard, Chen Sanqiu, I'm leaving. You must take good care of yourself, don't go find your old teacher to practice those evil techniques. If fate wills it, we will meet again."    


Looking at the delicate handwriting on the paper, Chen Sanqiu couldn't help but feel empty inside.    


Even though Chu Yingxuan had this kind of bad luck and this kind of savagery.    


However, in the past few days, this pretty young miss who had been curled up on the sofa and liked to look at Xiong Da and Xiong Er had her cute side as well.    


Ye Zichen let out a sigh and looked at the ugly Chen Sanqiu.    


Chen Sanqiu's heart trembled.    


Damn, thinking of how ugly he had been in front of Chu Yingxuan these past few days, Chen Sanqiu's heart ached.    


What the hell, didn't that mean in Chu Yingxuan's mind, there was only her ugly side left?    


How sad.    



With a sigh, Chen Sanqiu went to the cafeteria and prepared a meal. After finishing the meal, Chen Sanqiu took a deep breath and opened up the Super System.    


"Congratulations on completing the universe power CC level Hero mission."    


"Young man, from now on, your life has only just begun."    


"An even more magnificent life is waiting for you not too far away."    


"Young man, work hard."    


"New Hero mission."    


"Become the leader of the ancient martial arts alliance."    


"Young man, fight."    


Chen Sanqiu …    


Nimrod …    


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