Rural Magic Doctor With Super Vision



0Chen Sanqiu's hands were trembling as he looked at the manual.    


Suddenly, he threw the manual down to the ground.    


F * ck you.    


F * ck.    


What a scam.    


However, what made Chen Sanqiu almost cry was that after Chen Sanqiu threw the manual on the universe onto the ground, it was like a floating car. Before it hit the ground, it immediately bounced back and smashed into Chen Sanqiu's head.    


It caused Chen Sanqiu to stumble and his head to sink. In an instant, he fell to the ground and fainted.    


The manual floated around Chen Sanqiu's head and with a whoosh, it turned into a ball of green light and entered Chen Sanqiu's head.    


When Chen Sanqiu woke up again, he heard someone banging on the door of the warehouse outside, causing him to feel annoyed.    


'F * ck, can anyone bully me now? Can't I have a good night's sleep? ' F * ck you!    


Chen Sanqiu grinned and walked towards the door of the warehouse with a gloomy face. He struggled to open the door with all his might. Suddenly, a burst of flashing lights hit him, causing Chen Sanqiu to be stunned.    


His mind was blank for a long time. His eyes were somewhat blinded by the flashing lights.    


"Mr. Chen, may I ask if this vegetable shed is your property? "May I ask why is the air in this vegetable shed so good and why there is not even the slightest bit of mist? What is the reason behind it?"    


"Mr. Chen Sanqiu, may I ask why you are holding your company's press conference here? Is it because you want to explain to us why this vegetable shed base hasn't been invaded by the smog?"    


"Mr. Chen Sanqiu, is your press conference related to the fact that this vegetable shed base did not receive the fog attack? Have you figured out a way to fight the smog? "    


"Mr. Chen, can you explain to us why this vegetable shed base was not attacked by the fog? I heard that the villa of the Queen Yue Ling'er wasn't attacked by the fog at all, just like here. Could it be because they were also smeared by you with this layer of white paint? "    


"Chen …"    


Chen Sanqiu was stunned as he looked at the reporters rushing towards him.    


Chen Sanqiu grinned and pointed at Fatty. Immediately, he smiled wryly at the reporters and said, "Everyone, I've just woken up. Sorry about that, I'll go back and wash my face first!"    


After saying that, Chen Sanqiu immediately turned around and returned to the warehouse under the dumbfounded stares of the reporters!    


The reporters were also dumbfounded. What the heck was going on?    


Just as the reporters wanted to rush in, afraid that Chen Sanqiu would run away, Fatty stood out and blocked their path!    


"Everyone, everyone. Last night, Chen Dong shut himself up in his room and studied for an entire night. Everyone, everyone saw that Chen Dong had just woken up. Please give him some time!" Fatty stopped the reporters, while the rest of the workers rushed over to form a human wall to fend off the frantic reporters.    


Only then did the fatty grab the opportunity and quickly ran into the warehouse. He saw Chen Sanqiu still standing in the warehouse in a daze, as if he had not recovered from the flashing lights just now.    


"B-big brother, did you recover from your shock?" The fatty grinned and walked to Chen Sanqiu's side. He asked Chen Sanqiu with a bitter face!    


Chen Sanqiu was stunned. After a while, he grinned and looked at his messy appearance. He angrily said to the fatty, "Damn it. Fatty, you are deliberately trying to harm me!"    


The fatty's mouth twitched and his face was full of pain. He said to Chen Sanqiu: "Big Brother, didn't you tell me yesterday that the faster we start a press conference, the better? "It's already noon on the second day. I came to call you early in the morning. I knocked on the door for a really long time, but you still didn't reply. If you didn't come out just now, those reporters would have gone crazy!"    


Hearing the fat guy's words, Chen Sanqiu grinned, patted his head with his hand, and bitterly smiled. He didn't expect that he was just hit on the head by the universe power manual, and that he lost consciousness for so long!    


"Brother Sanqiu, are you alright?" the fatty asked Chen Sanqiu with a worried expression.    


Chen Sanqiu quickly shook his head and asked the fatty, "What happened to the thing I told you to do? Have you found the floor tile factory? "    


The fatty said to Chen Sanqiu, "Brother, I'll ask my friend to help me find it when I get back. I was lucky enough to learn that a friend told me that he has a factory to sell and that the equipment is already ready. He asked for 5 million and I've already bought it!"    


Chen Sanqiu heard the fatty's words and nodded. He gave the fatty a thumbs up and said to him, "Sure, sure. Not bad. This is done quickly!"    


Fatty was stunned for a moment. He grinned and said to Chen Sanqiu: "Brother, how do we do this press conference? Still open? "    


"Open it, why aren't you opening it!?" "Open!" Chen Sanqiu immediately grinned and said to the fatty, "I'll go wash my face first. You go out and stabilize those reporters."    


"En!" Fatty hurriedly turned around and left to appease the reporters.    


Chen Sanqiu walked out of the warehouse after waiting for half an hour. His body was covered in white paint and he walked out confidently.    


The reporters immediately rushed forward. Luckily, the workers stopped them, so Chen Sanqiu might be trampled to death by these excited reporters right now!    


"Friends reporters, although our rich second-generation agricultural products sales company is headquartered in Hedong City, I have felt the danger of the smog during my stay here in Beijing these past few days. Therefore, I have risked my life to come up with a new product, a super Dust-absorbing paint!"    


As soon as Chen Sanqiu finished his sentence, the entire vegetable shed in the suburbs of Beijing was filled with excited screams!    


Some of the reporters were even crying in excitement!    


"We're finally saved, sob, no longer need to be human vacuum cleaners every day!    


"Wu wu, I'm so excited. Wu wu, I can finally breathe clean air. Wu wu, I'm so touched!"    


"I must burn the paper on my father's grave. Tell him, there's hope for us. We won't die because of the fog!"    


"Chen Sanqiu, I love you!" Chen Sanqiu, I love you! "Chen Sanqiu, I love you! A Beijing male reporter roared crazily at Chen Sanqiu!    


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