Rural Magic Doctor With Super Vision



0"You prodigal son." When Chen Zuyin heard Chen Sanqiu say that he didn't know how to breed, he was so angry that he almost jumped up and hit Chen Sanqiu.    


She raised her head and angrily said to Chen Zuyin, "You dare hit my son? Beat me, beat me to death! He is my flesh and blood. If you hit him, hit me first."    


Chen Zuyin stared blankly at Tan Lian Xiang. After a while, he finally understood what was going on and whispered, "He's my son too."    


"Pui, you're still willing to beat up your son?" Tan Lianxiang spat. She angrily said, "Why can't I tell that he's your son?"    


Chen Zuyin was very depressed. He stared at Chen Sanqiu, who was standing behind the Tan Lian.    


Chen Sanqiu hurriedly put away his pride and reached out his hand to caress his mother's shoulders. "Mom, let's not lower ourselves to his level. Calm down, calm down."    


Chen Zuyin was almost angered to death by what Chen Sanqiu said just now. However, under the pressure of Tan Lianxiang, he could only bitterly sit on the teacher's chair and not say anything.    


Tan Liuxiang was massaged by Chen Sanqiu on the shoulder for half an hour. Then, she glared at Chen Sanqiu and said, "Alright, there's no need to knead anymore."    


Chen Sanqiu let out a hollow laugh. With an "oh", he helped Tan Lianxiang to sit on the teacher's chair.    


Only then did Tan Liuxiang's face darken. She angrily said to Chen Sanqiu, "You don't even know how to raise fish, what's the use of you contracting the Cloud Cleaving Lake? How good would it be to ask for money? "    


Chen Sanqiu helplessly explained, "Mom, why don't you think about it, how can the village committee have any money? Furthermore, it's obvious that Zhao Shaolin is causing trouble from the back. If you ask me, that apple tree of ours will fall into the hands of Zhao Shaolin and Zhao Baoliang in the end, who would believe that it's the village committee? "    


Upon hearing Chen Sanqiu's words, Tan Liuxiang's expression immediately changed. She shouted angrily, "No! Even if we don't want to land, we can't give the book to that bastard Zhao Shaolin. We can't give the tree to him even if we burn it!"    


Chen Zuyin rolled his eyes at the side.    


"What are you rolling your eyes for?" Seeing Chen Zuyin rolling his eyes, Tan Lianxiang immediately slammed the table and said angrily: "If it wasn't for Zhao Shaolin, how could our Sanqiu City have been captured and sent to the police station?"    


Chen Zuyin let out a hollow laugh, "How could I roll my eyes."    


Chen Sanqiu hurriedly said on the side, "Mom, give it to them, they wouldn't dare to monopolize it in the beginning. Chen Sanqiu quickly said on the side," Mom, give it to them, they wouldn't dare to monopolize it in the beginning.    


"What exactly are you thinking? "What are your plans?" Chen Zuyin frowned and asked.    


Although he had accused his son of being a prodigal son, he knew in his heart that his son was definitely not the kind of person to do nothing, as he had not spent a single cent of his money.    


That was why he asked.    


Chen Sanqiu let out a dry laugh and said, "I want to have some fun in the future. Plus, don't you think it's very nice to see a lake as soon as you open the door? When the time comes, I will repair the road and get a car at our house. It will also be convenient for us to travel. Furthermore, there will be no one around and it will be very quiet. "    


Hearing Chen Sanqiu's words, Chen Zuyin couldn't help but be shocked.    


Tan Lianxiang's eyes were filled with yearning as she said, "You want to build a road and buy a car? Something that I don't even dare to think about. "    


Chen Sanqiu chuckled and said to Tan Lianxiang, "Isn't it just a car? The cars are very cheap now. When the vegetables from the vegetable store grow up, I'll return the money to Qin Mingyue and go buy a car."    


Hearing Chen Sanqiu's words, Tan Lianxiang slapped her thigh and said in high spirits, "Okay, you will definitely buy a car in the future. As your mother, you will be able to ride in a car for the rest of your life."    


Chen Sanqiu nodded.    


After resolving the crisis at home, Chen Sanqiu went back to his room and laid on his bed. He called out the super system, and the reason why Chen Sanqiu dared to contract the Guanyun Lake that no one had dared to contract was because he had this super system.    


He found the Aquaculture Skill in the Super System and couldn't help but roll his eyes. This was actually more than the achievement points required for farming. It required ten achievement points.    


He could not use his Accomplishment Points yet. He still needed to buy super pesticides and herbs to get rid of the insect repellent. He could only clench his teeth and shut down the super system.    


He swore in his heart that in the future, he would have thousands of achievement points, so that he wouldn't have to use them every time.    


The next day, Zhao Qingfan and Zhao Baoliang convened a general meeting of the village committee. Everyone agreed to convert Chen Sanqiu's apple land into the village committee's common land, and also agreed to contract Guyun Lake over to Chen Sanqiu's family for sixty years. They also talked about giving ten acres of land to Chen Sanqiu's family as a residential base next to Guanyun Lake.    


Chen Sanqiu signed the contract and left the village committee smiling as if the villagers were looking at a fool. When he passed by Li Xiaolin's house, he saw her red-eyed and teary eyes, looking like she had let down Chen Sanqiu.    


Chen Sanqiu walked up to Li Xiaolin and said, "This has nothing to do with you. Why are you crying?"    


Tears rolled down Li Xiaolin's face. In Li Xiaolin's opinion, the reason why Chen Sanqiu transferred the land that could be called golden land to the village committee was because he was afraid that Zhao Shaolin would cause trouble for Li Xiaolin again.    


In fact, Chen Sanqiu also had this worry.    


However, the biggest reason was that he did not want to become the target of public criticism. Giving it away in exchange for sixty years' worth of contracting rights at Cloud's Locking Lake was a huge profit for Chen Sanqiu, not a loss.    


"Alright, stop crying. Let's go to the vegetable shed to see how the vegetables look. You'll be busy when they grow back." Chen Sanqiu said to Li Xiaolin, "Wait for us to buy a car, I'll give you some money during this time. Quickly learn your driving license, then you can drive to the city and run your own business."    


Hearing Chen Sanqiu's words, Li Xiaolin burst into tears. Because she, Chen Sanqiu, had lost such a good place, and now she had to learn the driver's license.    


Woo woo, he never thought that he would be able to learn to drive a car.    


"Why are you so good to me, wuwu." "Li Xiaolin, crying, looked up at Chen Sanqiu and said," "I'm a widow. I hate people. I'm not good enough for you. Sob, sob."     


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