Rural Magic Doctor With Super Vision



0Those ruffians couldn't hear what Chen Sanqiu said to Li Xiaoyu, but they could hear what Li Xiaoyu said to Chen Sanqiu and they could hear, 'Should they be turned into eunuchs?' As he said that, the few ruffians' faces turned green with fright.    


Li Xiaohong hugged Li Xiaolin tightly, her face pale from fright. She had not expected such a big incident to occur because of her.    


Li Xiaoyu was going to kill someone even with her sword. This was too scary.    


Li Xiaolin was also frightened.    


On the other hand, the weak and pitiful looking Yue Ling'er seemed so calm. Even when Yue Ling'er saw the two little ruffians lying in a pool of blood, her eyes flashed with excitement.    


However, no one noticed it, not even Chen Sanqiu.    


"Witch, Witch, please don't turn us into eunuchs."    


"If you want to turn us into eunuchs, you might as well kill us."    


"Bullshit! Die if you want to die! Witch, we know we were wrong. Please let us go, if you really want to teach us a lesson." A little scoundrel gritted his teeth and said, "Why not look at my right hand?"    


Li Xiaoyu coldly looked at the group of begging ruffians and coldly snorted. She ignored them and then said to Chen Sanqiu, "You're smart, so let's do as you say."    


Chen Sanqiu heard Li Xiaoyu nod her head in agreement and was finally relieved. These ruffians were indeed trash, and they were definitely scum. However, they really weren't at the point of dying yet.    


However, he couldn't not give them a little training, so he carved the words' scum 'on their backs. It was absolutely amazing.    


Li Xiaoyu thought for a moment and pouted. She tilted her head and said to Chen Sanqiu: "I'm not that old, so the words I write are ugly. Go and carve them."    


Chen Sanqiu's face turned green after hearing what Li Xiaoyu said.    


He hastily waved his hand and said to Li Xiaoyu, "I can't carve it. I have never used a treasured sword, so it's meaningless if it's shallow. If my hand slips and f * cking pierces the treasured sword, that would be considered stupid, don't you think so?"    


When Li Xiaoyu heard Chen Sanqiu say that, she thought for a moment. What Chen Sanqiu said made quite a lot of sense, but when she saw Chen Sanqiu was so scared that his face turned green, she couldn't help but roll her eyes from the bottom of her heart.    


Chen Sanqiu's mouth twitched. He wanted to say a few harsh words, but then he looked at the treasured sword in Li Xiaoyu's hand.    


Forget it, good men don't fight women.    


Li Xiaoyu harrumphed and dragged her sword to a stone bench in the yard. She waved at the delinquents and said, "All of you, take off your clothes and come over here. Kneel in front of me."    


When the hooligans heard this, they all walked to Li Xiaoyu's side with bitter expressions, took off their clothes, and knelt beside Li Xiaoyu.    


"Close your eyes. Who would dare to open their eyes? The first time, cut off one ear, the second time, cut off the other ear, and the third time, cut off the nose. Do you understand me like this?" Li Xiaoyu lazily said. Her voice was rather pleasant to the ears. Coupled with her seductive body and her charming and intelligent big eyes, she looked very cute no matter how she looked at it.    


However, in the eyes of these ruffians, Li Xiaoyu was simply a devil. She was simply a Satan from hell, a Black White Impermanence from the Palace of the Underworld.    


All of them hurriedly shut their eyes.    


Li Xiaoyu stood up in satisfaction and came to their backs. She held her treasured sword and stood far away, starting from the back of a little scoundrel to carve words.    


"Aiyo, it hurts like hell! Ancestor, Aunt, I beg you, please don't kill me!"    


Li Xiaoyu frowned, "Why are you crying? This female hero only carved a word on your back. If you move recklessly, the sword will not have eyes. My hand trembled and I stabbed you. It's none of my business."    


The little hoodlum was so angry that he almost vomited blood. What did he mean by 'I don't care'?    


You used a treasured sword to carve a word on my back. You pierced me, but you still say that it's none of your business? Is there any reason? Is there no justice left in the world?    


Li Xiaoyu crookedly wrote the words' I'm a scum 'on the head of the first little scoundrel and gave a dissatisfied snort: "It's too ugly. No, let's do it again."    




That little scoundrel almost rolled his eyes and died from anger.    


Chen Sanqiu grinned: "Forget it, write the next one well. I'll teach you from the side."    


Li Xiaoyu harrumphed. Although she was unhappy, she still walked behind the back of the second little scoundrel. She picked up the treasured sword and started carving. From time to time, she turned her head to look at Chen Sanqiu.    


"This point, you have to bring a hook with you. Raise it a bit and it'll look good."    


"Yes, that's it."    


"Aiya, you're talking too fast. Right, slow down a bit." Chen Sanqiu could only remind her repeatedly.    


The second little scoundrel cursed Chen Sanqiu's ancestors in his heart. Fuck you, what are you talking about on the side? I'm going to die from the pain.    


You even f * cking want to wear a hook, you f * cker.    


My back.    


After he finished carving the third little scoundrel, Li Xiaoyu came to carve on the back of the third person. Under Chen Sanqiu's constant guidance, plus the fact that Li Xiaoyu was extremely intelligent, the carving became better and better.    


Finally, he engraved the words on Tao Kun's back. Finally, on a whim, he drew a perfect drawing of a little bastard. It was extremely beautiful, and it was unknown just how many times better it was than writing words.    


Chen Sanqiu's mouth twitched. He thought about that night when Li Xiaoyu drew a bastard on his face. He thought, with this level of skill, I wonder how many bastard bastards Li Xiaoyu drew to be able to draw such a level.    


"Alright." Li Xiaoyu finally heaved a sigh of relief and said to Chen Sanqiu with a complacent expression.    


Chen Sanqiu nodded. He glanced outside the yard at the two little ruffians who had fainted due to the pain. He sighed helplessly and walked over to bring one of them back to the office. He then carried the other ruffian back.    


Ye Zichen also took back their hands.    


"What do you want?" Li Xiaoyu frowned and said unhappily to Chen Sanqiu, "They deserved it."    


Chen Sanqiu nodded with certainty. He said to Li Xiaoyu with a smile, "Don't worry. In a while, I will let you carve ten bastards on each of their backs. It will definitely make you happy and satisfied."    


Hearing Chen Sanqiu's words, Li Xiaoyu finally chuckled and happily nodded her head.    


When they saw those ruffians and Tao Kun, their bodies began to tremble. Some of them were even more timid, and were so scared that they started to piss their pants.    


[Where the hell am I?    


This was the residence of a doctor from a small village? Was this really just the residence of a village doctor?    



Damn it, who told me why did a woman with a 1.5 meter long sword appear here?    


Who the hell can tell me why that little village doctor called Chen Sanqiu carried those two little ruffians into the office? F * ck me.    


It's scary, Mom, I want to go home.    


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