Heaven-made Ring



0Instinctively throwing away his bicycle, he ran to them and looked at them with wide, red eyes.    


"Tell me, why?" This simple sentence was filled with the anger and pain in his heart. It was as if he had already given up all hope for the entire world.    


Shu Ting slowly turned her head, looking at this somewhat crazy man in front of her, not only did he not show the loss that he should have, instead, he strangely looked calm and collected. The current her, no one would have thought that the young, tender, pure and cute girl from three months ago was actually this calm, indifferent, and mature cold woman in front of him.    


"Why? "There's no reason. He's my fianc? and we're going to be married next month. Besides, other than work, I don't know you very well, right?" There was no emotion in his words, no hesitation.    


"No ?" No, you must be lying to me. Weren't we having a good time together these past few months? You know I like you, and I believe you love me. " At this moment, tears silently flowed down his face. His hoarse voice gave off a heart-wrenching feeling.    


"Don't be naive, I've never loved you before, maybe I even had a little fantasy, after working with you for three months, that little thought had long been shattered. You said you loved me, but could you give me happiness? Yes, you are very talented, but can you exchange it for a luxury car and an inexhaustible amount of money? Even if you had the money, wouldn't you have invested it in your damned research? What do you think you could give me? "    


"No, I remember that you weren't like that before. You weren't a person who only had eyes for money. I also clearly remember that smile on your face for the first time. It was so innocent and cute." Tian Cheng tried his best to defend the woman he loved.    


Ha ha!" She continued with a sneer: "People can change, back then I was just a little girl who didn't know anything. Luckily I met Brother Wang, or else I really might have lived a life with a pauper like you. I was just pursuing my own happiness." With that, she turned her head and put on a warm smile, embracing her fat fianc?. She walked into the luxurious car without looking back, and immediately disappeared from Tian Cheng's sight.     


"Brother Wang?" "Could it be the Wang Fa who came to the research institute last time and has over 10 billion yuan in value, donating to the research institute free of charge?" In an instant, all of the problems were easily solved. Why did Shu Ting undergo such a huge change in these past few months, and why did she only have money in her eyes? Brother Wang was the answer.    


The bloody light shone onto Tian Cheng's stooped back, the soundless sobs did not break the happy melody of the entertainment city, but instead, everyone became even more crazy because of his pain. None of the passers-by stopped for him, because no one would sympathize with a "fool," or laugh at his ignorance. In this era, throwing people away and being dumped was a part of life at every moment. If everyone was as desperate as him, then wouldn't they die from exhaustion?    


However, what they didn't know was that when true love was torn apart like this, the pain was far more than thousands of times greater. Looking at the pitch black sky, Tian Cheng still could not understand, was money really that important?    


After staying in that place for a few hours, Tian Cheng slowly recovered from his pain. He dragged his almost stiff body back home with unsteady steps. The entire city had quietened down, and only his lonely figure was left. Along the way, tears continued to fall from the corners of his eyes.    


When he got home, he sat down in a corner, opened his long-cherished bottle, and gulped it down. This was the first time he drank, but he didn't feel the slightest discomfort, because his heart was already filled with hatred. She hated the girl's infidelity, hated his attachment, hated everything about her, even himself. An evil thought crept into his mind.    


When a person was in extreme pain, it was very easy for them to lose their reason, and Tian Cheng was one of them.    


Soon the alcohol drugged him out of his pain. The night passed, and he drank up the two bottles of wine. The few strands of white hair that were faintly discernible in his messy hair fluttered in the wind, and there were some moisture in the wrinkles at the corners of his eyes.    


"Beep, beep, beep!" A bell woke him from his sleep. It was already past seven in the evening.    


Ye Zichen patted his head, then picked up his phone to answer the call. "Who are you?" Tian Cheng asked very impolitely.    


The other party did not get angry, and gently replied, "Hello, Doctor Tian Cheng. I think I will be your friend because I can provide you with everything you need." There was confidence in his tone, making it hard not to believe him.    


Tian Cheng instantly woke up from his half sleeping state. Subconsciously, he already believed this man's words as he asked with a face full of shock, "Who exactly are you?"    


"To tell you the truth, what I represent is not a person, but an organization. As for what this organization is, you don't need to know. We can give you enough money, and all you have to do is provide some information, you know what it is, and it's easy for you. " The man said calmly.    


Speaking of that research, Tian Cheng had just entered university and stumbled upon a topic that was mentioned in a magazine: Research and produce plants that could produce combustible gases to solve the global energy problems. Tian Cheng was immediately captivated by this topic. From then on, he had started researching on this subject, although he had done many other topics during this period of time, he had never stopped on this subject, not long ago, he finally raised a similar plant, although it could only produce a tiny amount of flammable gas, Tian Cheng believed that as long as he had enough time, he would definitely be able to make a breakthrough in this area.    


At this time, Tian Cheng had a face full of shock, "Why would they know that he needs money? "Why would they know about my research?" Tian Cheng felt that everything happened so quickly, giving him no time to react. Then the man spoke again. "I'll give you some time to think about it, Doctor, and I'll call again at this time tomorrow. Oh, and by the way, I'll tell you not to refuse. "Hahaha ?" With a sinister laugh, the man hung up the phone.    


Tian Cheng who was on the other side of the phone, sat on the ground in a daze as his mind worked extremely quickly. He thought to himself, "If I sell it to them and get the money, then I can proceed with my next plan. But after all, that is the work of more than ten years!" Give it to them like this? Sigh! Forget it, when that time comes, this thing will sooner or later belong to someone else, but since you dare to threaten me, then don't blame me, I, Tian Cheng will not be someone that anyone can bully. " A somewhat cold smile appeared on his face.    


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