Heaven-made Ring



0Although Tian Cheng could not wait to understand what had just happened to him, he still had to put this matter aside. Saving a life was more important. In the beginning, he had done all of this for the sake of saving others. Even though things had changed now, his original intention could not be changed.    


"You didn't manage to kill me with just a lightning strike at such a close distance. You are an expert in Element General Level, so there shouldn't be any major issues, right? Brother, you can't just die like this! Otherwise, it would be a waste of my effort, alas! It's not easy! This is the first time I have done something so heroic! You should at least give me some face! "    


Tian Cheng muttered in his heart and quickly rushed towards that person. After confirming that he still had that little bit of heartbeat, Tian Cheng heaved a sigh of relief. Fine! You have really given me face. As long as I still have a breath, I will definitely revive you!    


"Xiao Jin, help me protect him. This is probably his territory, there won't be any Magical Beast coming over in the near future. I'll help him heal his wounds here!" After instructing Xiao Jin on his mission, Tian Cheng first poured half a bottle of Blue Element Liquid into the bloody hole on his back, and then crazily transferred the Source Power within his body to him.    


Under this combination of internal and external healing, the man was recovering at a rapid pace. The lightning magic below the Sixth Level couldn't be compared to any fire magic. Its damage was instantaneous, and wouldn't endlessly corrode the victim's body. In other words, the thunder element dissipated in a split-second after its effect on the body. Fire and other types of magic weren't the same. This was also the reason why lightning magic had such great power when attacking.    


While transporting the Source Power, Tian Cheng kept guessing and analyzed the feeling of being struck by lightning just now.    


I don't seem to have done anything! The lightning strike only felt a bit of numbness and numbness. Not only did it not feel any pain, it even felt as if it had been absorbed by him. That's right! It was the feeling of being filled with electricity! Why did this happen? Was it because of the Source Power, or was it because he was struck by a bolt of heavenly lightning, causing his body to produce something immune to thunder element?    


Hehe, no matter the reason, it is a huge benefit for me! Immunity to thunder magic, hmm! Sounds good! This didn't mean that in the future, no matter if he met a Lightning element mage or a Lightning element Magical Beast, he would be invincible!    


Tian Cheng was so excited that he almost cried out. Not only did he subdue a Stage Five Magical Beast King Lightning Black Panther, who could advance to Stage Eight, he also found out the secret of his body. In his hands, he held the life of this Element General expert! It was one move, three merits!    


After this person's injuries were completely stabilized, Tian Cheng took out the Lightning Black Panther and treated it. This place was filled with danger. It had recovered one day earlier and gained an extra helper a day earlier. Even if it wasn't allowed to fight, scaring its opponent wasn't a bad idea! He had even given it an extremely awe-inspiring name: Thouder Soul! He was formed from the fusion of a remnant soul that was struck here by lightning and another soul. It just so happened to be a thunder-attribute Magical Beast that had been subdued by him.    


Although this Lightning Black Panther was a Rank 5 Magical Beast, and was compatible with the Rank 5 Magical Beast used in the third level of the Beast Element Spell, Tian Cheng never thought of becoming friends with this guy to share this skill. His senses told him that this was not the most ideal Magical Beast of the fifth step. Hence, he gave it a Slave Contract!    


As for those bullshit words of Thouder Soul being cruel and bloodthirsty, and wanting to tame him to gather public morals, that was all for the sake of educating Xiao Jin. He had explained the great principles of justice to Xiao Jin before, but Xiao Jin had still become like this. He did not dare imagine what kind of situation he would become if he were to say it out loud.    


This was a nature, it only did this to adapt to the laws of nature. All the massacres it did only showed that it adapted better, no one could say that it was wrong! If it was in the human realm, there was no need to mention Magical Beast!    


On the morning of the second day, under the constant nourishment from Tian Cheng and the Blue Element Liquid, this patient began to wake up. His originally black charred body had also turned into its normal color, and at least he could see his face clearly. This person was precisely the Mo Yan who had a very high evaluation of him when Tian Cheng challenged him! He was ranked 86th on the academy's list of strength, and was now a third level Element General expert!    


"Why am I still alive? Did you save me? " Opening his eyes, he saw Tian Cheng cultivating, Mo Yan asked. In that situation, even if he was an expert at the third level of Element General, he still wouldn't think that he had any hope of survival. There could only be one possibility, and that was that the person in front of him had saved his life!    


Turning his head, Tian Cheng smiled slightly: "You're finally awake! That's right, I saved you. That Lightning Black Panther was already severely injured, and I only used a single hand to drive it away, so you don't have to be grateful to me. "    


Tian Cheng said casually, he knew that the more he said it, the more it showed how strong he was, and the more he would win this person's gratitude. This was a society where strength was respected. The stronger you were, the more others would respect you.    


Seeing Tian Cheng's face, Mo Yan's eyes lit up, "You are Tian Cheng!" The words came out of his mouth. He could only laugh helplessly. Even until now, he still enjoyed the match between Tian Cheng and Tian Cheng, and the heroic image of Tian Cheng was deeply branded in his heart.    


This kind of person might have a slight chance of winning against that Lightning Black Panther, but it was definitely not as easy as he said it was! Even if he could withstand the attacks of two rank 2 or 3 fire magic, would he be able to withstand lightning magic of the fifth level?    


Without taking into consideration the serious injuries on his body, Mo Yan stood up while enduring the enormous pain, and performed a standard noble etiquette towards Tian Cheng: "I, Mo Yan, am here to thank Brother Tian Cheng for saving my life, there's no need to speak anymore. In the future, if brother has a place where I, Mo Yan, can use, even if it's on top of the mountain of blades and under the sea of flames, he would definitely refuse to do anything even if it's death!"    


This Mo Yan was a bold and open-minded person, but he did not call him brother Tian Cheng casually. Just because he saved his life, was not worth it for him to do so. In their understanding, life was not worth as much as brothers.    


He had just felt his body. He was sure that even if a Light Mage came to try hard for an entire night, they wouldn't be able to recover that much! Tian Cheng must have given him some miracle medicine! Not to mention his strength, he actually dared to fight Stage Five Magical Beast s for someone he did not know, and even took out expensive pill s for himself to consume. Such a person is not qualified to be your brother?    


Tian Cheng was not very curious about him since he was acquainted with him. Right now, he could be considered an influential person in the academy, so there were not many people who didn't know him. However, Mo Yan's actions had truly made him laugh. This person was right. Not only was his strength tyrannical, his straightforward character was also good for his taste.    


Tian Cheng did not argue and walked over and returned the greeting. "Since we're called brothers, then there's no need to be so polite. Oh right, brother Mo Yan, how did you meet such a strong opponent? And from the looks of the scars on the Black Panther, you aren't the only one! "What about the others?" As Thouder Soul was still in a severe coma, he had retained all of these questions until now.    


"Among our team of five, the other four have all been killed by the Lightning Black Panther. It was fortunate that the martial skills I cultivate were biased towards speed, so I had the chance to escape to here! Don't be so shocked Brother Tian Cheng, this is nothing. You are still a freshman, maybe you do not know, but it is normal for people to die in the training, even the strongest warrior here has the possibility of death. Only in this kind of Life and Death Waves can it have the effect of tempering one's body, in exchange for the greatest progress, isn't it? "    


Mo Yan said indifferently, as if everything that happened yesterday was taken for granted. Maybe it was because he had been through so much that he was numb, no! Perhaps it would be better to say that he could adapt! This world is always like this, now you are only facing a slightly stronger Magical Beast, and in the next moment you are facing an enemy that is a hundred times more cunning than Magical Beast. If you can't even adapt to such a simple forest, then what is the point of getting used to this complicated society?    


Brother Mo Yan, your injuries can't be considered as serious. You should be able to recover quite a bit after recuperating for a few days. What I need to do in this forest is more or less done. Since I still have a few days, it would be good for me to take a look at that Nether Island!     


Tian Cheng really wanted to see those undead from Nether Island. There was no helping it, this kid from the countryside really hadn't seen anything new. He had almost finished reading all the books on the first floor of Hidden Scriptures Pavilion. However, reading ten thousand books was not as good as walking ten thousand miles, and he had also mastered a lot of knowledge regarding undead.    


Nodding, Tian Cheng found a place for him to hide and waited for him to enter a state of cultivation, then went out to hunt Magical Beast s. He was not afraid that Mo Yan would run into any danger again, for this matter, he specifically asked Thouder Soul, it was its territory, under normal circumstances no other Magical Beast would enter. Plus, his ability to restrain his aura is pretty good, if he were to be killed, then there's no other way around it. Bro, you only have this life.    


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