Heaven-made Ring



0"I'm willing to follow you, Young Master!" A voice that didn't match up to his frail body sounded in his throat, clear enough for thousands of people to hear.    


Immediately after, he turned towards the group of people behind him and shouted angrily, "I know what everyone is thinking, I advise everyone to stop thinking. There is nothing much to think about! We have seen the strength of this young master. If he wants to do something to us, it will be a matter of waving our hands. We have no strength to fight back at all, so there is no need to waste words with us. Besides, do you have a home to go back to? Your family is dead, and the country has abandoned you. It would be better to follow this young master. With his abilities, how can following him be bad? "    


The old geezer's words instantly infected everyone. A majority of them knelt down and swore their allegiance, and those who were still hesitating, including the dwarf and the Elves, joined their ranks under the current circumstances. In just a few minutes, this old man had raised the price of such a difficult task.    


Seeing the group of people below him, Tian Cheng forced out a smile and said to the Saint Ruler and the Demon King, "I'll leave them to you guys, make sure to bring them safely to Green City! This should be possible! "    


"I guarantee that I will complete the mission!" The Saint Ruler and the mage bowed and replied, "Although we are a long way from Green City, the transport is still here. Furthermore, they have already pledged their allegiance to you, Young Master. As long as no major accidents occur, reaching Green City within a month will not be a problem!"    


"Alright, let's set off as soon as we're done!"    


After giving the order, everyone immediately began to move. During the bridge's destruction, Cremit had purposely destroyed it, so it didn't take much effort to rebuild it. The two thousand slaves began to leave the island in an organized and disciplined manner.    


"Old mister, please stay!" Tian Cheng called out to the slovenly, skinny and energetic old man. Thank you for just now. Otherwise, I really wouldn't know what to do. "    


Laughing, the old man said: "Young Master, how can you say that? I just saw that you were seriously injured and did you a small favor. You saved our lives! We should thank you! Moreover, even if I do not say that, you should be confident enough to convince them! "    


Haha!" Old mister has the skills to judge people! " Tian Cheng laughed out loud, "I will not continue with the formalities, please introduce yourself! "From what I see, you seem to be a mage. How did you end up in such a world?" The moment the old man appeared, Tian Cheng could tell that he was a Mage, but his level didn't seem to be that high. Normally speaking, no matter how weak a Mage was, it was impossible for him to become a slave, and this old man didn't seem to be as simple as a low level Mage.    


Tian Cheng's question seemed to have unravelled the scar Chen Fang left behind. After a moment of silence, the old man let out a heavy breath and said: "My name is Raphael, a Five Star Elementary Wind Mage. However, my other identity is an Intermediate Alchemist!"    


Alchemists and alchemists were divided into six categories, namely apprentice alchemist, beginner alchemist, intermediate alchemist, advanced alchemist, great alchemist, and alchemist saint. Because no alchemist had been able to refine a Divine Instrument for the past ten thousand years, he directly deleted the Alchemy God item. Only a mage could hold the position of an alchemist; naturally, his status was much higher than a mage. This Raphael was already considered amazing for him to be able to become an intermediate alchemist with the strength of a beginner 6-star mage. He should be considered a very talented alchemist!    


Raphael continued, "In the Sith Empire, I can be considered a person of status. I have a good relationship with the people, so it is reasonable to say that I should lead a good life. However, one day, I found an alchemy notebook left behind by a certain alchemist god from ten thousand years ago in a secret location. Even though there were many words in it that I couldn't understand, just by looking at the pictures, I was able to reap a lot of benefits. Just when I have been focusing on studying it every day, this news has reached the ears of an extremely influential alchemist family. "    


Raphael looked into the distance and clenched his fists. With a fierce look on his face, he said, "They forced me to hand over my alchemy notes, plunder my house, and destroy my clan. I endured it all, but I did not hand it over! In the end, due to helplessness, they sold me off as an ordinary slave through the underworld forces. "    


"If I'm not wrong, this alchemy notebook is still with you!" Tian Cheng smiled faintly.    


Raphael's frail body shook for a moment, and then he laughed out loud. "Yes, it is indeed on me! They never dreamed that I would hide it here! " Raphael opened his mouth, revealing a mouthful of yellowed and blackened teeth. He ran his hand through them a few times, then pulled out a tooth that looked normal to him.    


"This is a spatial equipment, the space inside can only fit that alchemy notebook." After that, Raphael waved his hand and a huge book, which was bound with an unknown beast skin, appeared in his hand. Without thinking, Raphael respectfully handed it over to Tian Cheng.    


Taking the beast skin big book, Tian Cheng flipped through it. The characters inside had evolved from ancient words, so it wouldn't be hard to read it after a while. With a faint smile, Tian Cheng passed it back, and said: "The first time you met me, you told me a secret that is even more important than your own life. or do you think I'm not an alchemist? "    


After putting the alchemy notes back into his' teeth ', Raphael smiled and said, "I have a rough idea of the young master's character. I believe that you won't do anything foolish. Furthermore, the benefits of taking away this alchemy notes would be much less than me using it to serve you."    


"With my current status, I'm simply unable to do any research. The financial and material costs of refining this metal are enormous!" If I don't come up with something, no one will give me a lot of money to study. Rather than looking for someone else, I might as well look for you. I knew that you were a straightforward person when I saw you, so I just went straight to the point. I hope I'm right! "    


Raphael spoke slowly. The confident smile on his face did not fade, but he was nervous. This was a gamble, he had bet all his bets on Tian Cheng! He only had one chance, and if this master's thoughts were different from his, then he would be finished;    


In the face of talented people sending themselves to their doorstep, Tian Cheng naturally would not reject them, especially this kind of extremely special high level talent. Disregarding the injuries on his body, Tian Cheng laughed out loud. "The stakes of this bet are simply too high, but I have the honor to tell you, you bet correctly! From now on, you can do your alchemy experiments without worry! I can provide everything! Also, I have to tell you that I can understand the words on your alchemy notes. And I can be considered half an expert in experiments and research. "    


"Alright, let's slowly discuss these matters in the future!" "Relax, I'll send you to a good place!" With a wave of his hand, Tian Cheng kept him into the storage ring. Since he was going to do something for him in the future, he would have to focus on nurturing him.    


Just then, Cremit stepped forward and said: "Young Master, what are you going to do with these thousand thieves? "If you find it troublesome, why don't we just ?" Cremit made a gesture of killing the head.    


"No!" Tian Cheng shook his hand: "Even dead people can have such great uses, how about living people? I am too soft-hearted to let people become slaves, so I don't have to be soft-hearted to them. Let them become my eternal slaves! However, I'll have to put them in my ring first. This is the only way to transport them away! "    


Riding on Thouder Soul, he walked in front of them and coldly said: "Now, I will give you two choices, the first is to die immediately! The second is to let go of your defenses and let you go. There's only three seconds. "    


"One ?" Two... Three! " With a wave of his hand, Tian Cheng sealed the thousand people who had released their defensive awareness into the storage ring, but there were still more than a hundred people standing on the scorched ground.    


"Thouder Soul, get rid of them!" With a command, a few bolts of lightning struck over, turning them all into charcoal. He was not joking, other than his own people, he would not allow anyone else to know about the Heaven-made Ring! The people who chose death themselves couldn't be blamed on him.    


"Teacher, hurry up and do something!" Tian Cheng said excitedly as he took out the few big boxes of Magic Crystle he had gotten from the secret room. By doing this, it meant that the Spiritual Concentration Array would completely turn this small island into a useless island. At the same time, it would also help to recover from its injuries and help its brothers to improve their strength.    


"I've been waiting for you to say that. I have prepared all those corpses of Element Master and Element General, let's all refine them into zombies, although their strength is still a little lacking, but at least we can use them! Right now, there were still over four thousand souls. Although the time wasn't too good, it was still of great use. Young Master, take out those three Element King's corpses! " It was his first time refining a zombie. Cremit had tasted the sweetness, so he was naturally very interested in this.    


"Alright!" After taking their Dimensional Ring s, Tian Cheng threw them out. But he quickly asked again: "Sir, this Austin's head wants to exchange for a title, but with his Element King Stage, giving it up just like that is too much of a pity. You should be able to make a head exactly the same as him! "    


"It's just a small matter! Although it couldn't hide it from the eyes of some experts, this' Moon Howling Wolf 'was truly gone. The meaning of a head wasn't big, they probably wouldn't send any super experts to inspect it. Let's get to work! "    


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