Heaven-made Ring



0In the early morning of the next day, the warm sunlight once again sprinkled across the land. However, this time, it also sprinkled into the hearts of every single person in the City Lord's Mansion. This was because their young miss, who the City Lord thought was more important than her own life, had finally awoken. From top to bottom, the City Lord's Mansion was no longer calm, solemn and uneasy like it was before.    


City Lord O'brice was currently sitting next to his daughter, feeding her spoonful after spoonful of porridge. The smile on his face never stopped since the moment Alsis woke up.    


"Darling, do you feel better?" Putting down the soup bowl in his hand, O'brice asked cordially.    


"Father! "I've already told you so many times, don't call me darling, I'm already this old!" Alsis scoffed.    


Hearing her sweet voice, O'brice's smile became even wider, and she anxiously apologized: "Sorry! Wasn't father forgetting in a moment of excitement? "You little rascal, you really scared father silly this time. If it wasn't for meeting my little brother, you would never be able to see father again in this lifetime." As he spoke, tears began to flash in his eyes.    


"Little brother?" Alsis asked curiously: "Father, who is this little brother you're talking about? Why haven't I heard of him before? And what was the matter with my illness? "Tell me quickly."    


"This time ?" O'brice told him everything that had happened. Halfway through his words, his voice suddenly stopped. He blankly looked towards the south side of the manor, precisely where the VIP room was.    


"Father! "Father!" Alsis pulled at the corner of O'brice's clothes and shouted.    


Ah!" He regained his senses and anxiously said to Alsis: "Child, take a rest first. Father has urgent matters to attend to, he will be back soon." As he spoke, he did not care about his daughter's angry attitude and hastily left the room, running towards the VIP lounge.    


In the VIP area, in a luxurious and luxurious VIP room. Tian Cheng was quietly sitting on the bed without a single emotion on his face. A layer of yellow mist was surrounding his body, if one looked carefully, they would realize that this mist was revolving extremely quickly around Tian Cheng. This was what happened the last time Tian Cheng had started cultivating the Beast Element Spell. The only difference was that this time the yellow mist was thicker and darker.    


Why did this happen all of a sudden? It turned out that yesterday, after Tian Cheng had cleaved that young lady's throat, he had cultivated the Beast Element Spell under the condition that the Spiritual Power had consumed too much energy. In just a night's time, not only had his Spiritual Power fully recovered, he had also cleared the last Death Acupuncture Point in one go. He had officially cultivated the first level of the Beast Element Spell! At this time, his body was being crazily transformed by the Source Power. Although the strength of Tian Cheng's body had previously almost reached the level of Ninth Level Element Scholar, such a condition was far from enough to fuse with the skills of Magical Beast. I believe that after this transformation, Tian Cheng's body's quality will at least meet the requirements to enter the first level of Element Master. However, in terms of combat strength, it was still a long way off. After all, the only combat skill he had ever practiced was the self-created blade technique that he had yet to try out.    


Outside the door to the VIP room that Tian Cheng was in.    


"Big brother, you felt it too." O'brice said to a man standing outside the door who looked extremely similar to him.    


This person was O'brice's blood related big brother, Obscure. He was only two years older than O'brice, and the two brothers' relationship was extremely good. However, the current him was already an expert of the second level of Element General Level. Because he had always been obsessed with martial arts, he had never been interested in being conferred by a noble. As such, he, as the younger brother of the ninth level Element Master, had always been happy and free.    


This time, as someone who had been cultivating in seclusion, he felt the huge energy fluctuation caused by Tian Cheng's training, and immediately came out. In Green City, to be able to cause such a huge energy fluctuation, he had never seen anyone before, and did not think that he would be at his home. As someone who was obsessed with martial arts, he was extremely interested in this kind of expert!    


"Second brother, when did you invite such an expert into your house? You didn't even greet your big brother, you did something wrong!" Although he was saying this to O'brice, he didn't seem to blame O'brice at all. He understood this little brother of his too well, there must be a reason for this.    


O'brice laughed bitterly: "Big brother, where is the great master! "The person who's staying here is one of my brothers from yesterday. He looks to be around seventeen or eighteen years old."    


"Oh!" Is there such a thing? "Brother, tell me quickly!" The smile on Obsidian's face was completely replaced by shock. After all, he had been cultivating for so many years, he would never have believed that a young man could emit such energy waves that even he could not fathom. She quickly asked O'brice.    


Speaking of his little brother, a look of admiration appeared on O'brice's face, and he slowly said: "Big brother, don't look at this little brother's age, his abilities are not ordinary!"    


"Nonsense!" With such a high level of energy, how could I underestimate him? Can he be an ordinary person? " Obutsi almost cursed out loud. Ever since he became the City Lord, his younger brother had been talking slowly.    


"Just last night, he healed my Alsis. Big Brother, you should know that even if you manage to reach the level of Primary Magical Instructor of light Great Master, it would have no effect on Alsis's sickness. Also, his main purpose for coming to me this time is actually to ask me for the recommendation letter to take the St. Bist Royal Academy examination. Two brothers who were with him when he was ten are not simple people. " As he spoke till here, O'brice's face revealed an extremely appreciative expression.    


When the younger brother finished, Obsidian took a deep breath. After roaming the continent for so many years, he knew that he had seen many freakish geniuses. However, this was the only one that had reached such a level. Putting aside the astonishing amount of energy that he had released, just his ability to treat illnesses and save people was something that many people looked up to.    


After being stunned for a moment, Obscure spoke to his second brother in an extremely low voice: "Second brother, they saved our lives, so we can't not pay them back!" "And I suspect that he might be ?" Obscure did not say the last few words out loud, but made a very strange gesture with his hands.    


Seeing Big Brother so nervous about this youth, O'brice fiercely nodded, and said softly: "Big Brother, don't worry! This little brother of mine is a straightforward person and really likes my taste. Even if you didn't say so, I would have done it anyway. And if he really is the Clan of God's Legacy from the legends, then he will definitely be of great benefit to us. " Clan of God's Legacy, the legendary descendant of the ancient gods all had extraordinary abilities, but that was only in the legends. On the continent, there were many people with extraordinary abilities, but no one had personally admitted that they were Clan of God's Legacy. There was a reason why they were so suspicious of Tian Cheng.'s actions and everyone else's were different after all!    


Just like this, the two of them conversed while waiting for Tian Cheng. The servants who saw the two old masters waiting outside felt that it was a bit inconceivable. There was no need to act this way to express his respect for his guests! Did the world really change?    


Three hours later. The yellow aura around Tian Cheng slowly disappeared from the surface of his body, and the two people outside could clearly feel that the energy had disappeared. Sitting on the bed, he opened his eyes and smiled to himself, "Cultivation still needs to be reborn. It's only been one night and I've finally gotten rid of the knots I've had in my heart for the past ten days." Hehe! The first stage of Beast Element Spell has been mastered. Xiao Jin and I have waited for this day for too long. "    


Pushing the door open, the two of them quickly walked to Tian Cheng's side with a smile. O'brice was the first to greet him: "Brother Tian Cheng, congratulations! "His martial arts improved so much in one night, it's really like a young hero coming out!" Although he did not know what that strange energy was, he could clearly feel that it was much more dense than the energy on Tian Cheng's body yesterday. It only took one night!    


Tian Cheng smiled humbly: "It's just a coincidence. When it comes to heroes, how can they be compared with you? "I'm just a country kid. I still have a lot of things to learn from you, big brother."    


When it comes to modesty, no one could compare to Tian Cheng. In the past, when he was with his classmates and colleagues, he had done a lot of training in this area. When he spoke humbly, not only would it not make others feel false, it would also strengthen their vanity and goodwill. This way, hearing Tian Cheng's words, O'brice's laughter never stopped.    


After laughing for a while, O'brice continued, "Brother Tian Cheng, this is my brother, Obsius. You can just call him Big Brother."    


Tian Cheng smiled at Obsidian in a friendly manner and calmly called him Big Brother. Obscure didn't think that this youth would be so open-minded and straightforward. On the spot, he patted Tian Cheng's shoulders and began to call him brother.    


"Brother Tian Cheng, we brothers came here today especially to thank you for saving the girl. If you don't mind, how about we have dinner together when Alsis recovers?" O'brice asked.    


Tian Cheng laughed bitterly. He hated being treated like this the most. He did not refuse and asked, "Big brother, where are my brothers? I want to see them first. "    


"Of course! It was only right! However, it seemed like they were being led around by servants? Why don't we walk together? Look for them, too, by the way. Although my City Lord's Mansion is not too good compared to some of the other residences in the Empire, it can still be ranked amongst the top. In Green City, there are no other buildings that can match up to me. " O'brice smiled and introduced. He had spent a lot of money to build this mansion, and he had invited a famous architect to build it.    


Tian Cheng happily agreed. He also wanted to see the style of the large-scale buildings here. If he wanted to develop on the construction team, he needed to thoroughly understand the situation.    


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