Heaven-made Ring



0What is a dog?" This question was quite creative. If he were to insult the other party as being inferior to a dog, the other party would definitely not understand. If it weren't for the fact that Tian Cheng had continuously mentioned this word when she scolded him earlier, he wouldn't have been able to guess the general meaning of this "Pig Dog". He only knew that it was a very common and low level creature, but was there such a creature that he didn't know about? So he asked Tian Cheng.    


"Ugh ?" This dog? It was a relatively common animal in my former hometown, similar to some of the Magical Beast here. You don't have to understand the specifics, because you won't be able to see it in your entire life! " He didn't want to explain too much on this issue. He didn't want others to be interested in his identity, especially if he was one of them. The last few sentences Ah Di did not hear clearly, so he naturally would not ask anymore. Although the young master was easy to talk to, but wasn't there still a slave contract placed there? His main identity was still Tian Cheng's servant, he had been a servant for so many years already, he understood such a small rule.    


Without thinking too much, Ah Di began to try and circulate the Holy Element Power that did not seem to exist in his body. This luck gave him a huge shock, because he discovered that the Holy Element Power in his body seemed to be consuming something, and was rapidly growing stronger. The young master was truly a godly person! At this moment, he sighed.    


Holy Element Power was unlike a mage's magic that could be recovered directly through Magic Crystle. Holy Element Power could only recover through a bit of cultivation, of course, they could also use pill s to recover instantly, but the side effects were very big. And now it was very obvious that Tian Cheng did not give him any pill he could use, but could directly restore his Holy Element Power. Previously, he thought that the reason why he could recover to such a state in such a short amount of time was because of some kind of healing medicine that Tian Cheng had given him. He could clearly feel that all of the changes in him right now were due to the energy that Tian Cheng channeled into him. He was sure that this wave of energy was neither magic nor a Holy Element Power. Other than these two types of energy, he really did not know what other types of energy existed in this world.    


Of course, Tian Cheng also received such a title, because the Source Power that he cultivated was something that the so-called Ancient Gods had, it was just that he was still relatively weak right now. One day, he would definitely surpass everyone else and become a true God.    


"Hm!" "Not bad, it seems that this effect will be much better!" Sensing that the Source Power s that were sent out were acting on the Holy Element Power, Tian Cheng nodded and said to himself. If a Holy Element Power was a child, then it was a female. Of course, a child could be directly nurtured by a mother, so it was normal for Ah Di's Holy Element Power to recover immediately. The strength of a Holy Element Master was precisely the strength of the Holy Element Power in his body, so the recovery time for Ah Di would be shortened by a lot.    


Slowly, dawn arrived. The last day of this year's St. Bist Royal Academy entrance exam had finally arrived. For most of the examinees here, today was definitely the most nervous, excited, depressed, or expectant day of their lives. At the same time, it would also be the day where they would fight the most slaughter. Magic Crystle were not enough, or the number of Magic Crystle that the team had hunted down had not reached a certain number yet. They might have been friends for life a few days ago, but on this day, they might have immediately turned hostile. At this moment, Magic Crystle was more important than life itself, let alone becoming friends for life and death within the last five days, even their own brothers did not have time to discuss.    


However, this was only the majority of the situations. There were still a few who valued camaraderie, such as Jake. He was the one who contributed the most in the entire group, but he only took four Magic Crystle, not one more. It had to be known that even if there were four Magic Crystle, they might not necessarily be able to pass the examination. That person had only said that it was like the past, but who knew if there would be any changes this year? With his identity as a Fifth Level Element Master, there would definitely not be anyone who would stop him from taking a few more, but he just could not stand seeing the strange looks that the Life and Death Brothers had for the past few days. Because, even if their team did not have anyone splitting the four pills, there were still two people who would not be able to get a single pill, but who would be willing to be those two? That was how the battle erupted! This happened to most of the teams today.    


When they were forming the team, everyone thought of such a play, but no one expected it to be so intense and cruel, some people actually threw the rule of "can't kill" to the back of their minds, they could not control it for a moment, and then ended the other party's life. He did not know, that what he stole was the Magic Crystle, and what he lost was his own life. The people in the academy controlled every single move of theirs. Against those who violated the rules, they definitely wouldn't be lenient!    


At the same time, Ah Di was also cultivating it with his legs crossed. The increase in Holy Element Power s for a few hours had also almost restored his body to that of a normal person, so after training for two days on his own, he should be able to protect himself in the forest. Tian Cheng did not have any big problems with that. Jasper and Brody had been waiting outside Tian Cheng's tree cave since before dawn. Although they did not need to worry about the number of Magic Crystle, they could not hold back their excitement, just like an examinee. Although they knew that they had already done well, they still looked forward to the result. However, even though they were just inches away from Tian Cheng, they could only feel his aura. As for Ah Di's, he had already been completely covered by the Spiritual Sense, so with their strength, they naturally could not feel it. Ah Di was one of his trump cards. Even though the two of them were his subordinates, they were outsiders after all. The two of them didn't find it strange. After all, it was normal for a dying person to die.    


When the last great cycle of the Beast Essence Arts was complete, Tian Cheng exhaled a mouthful of impure Qi, and used the Spiritual Sense to wrap himself and Ah Di up. Then he said, "It's about time, you can wait until tomorrow to leave. I will quickly recover my strength after I leave this place, and there won't be any danger when I reach Lin Sen. I will contact you as soon as possible. First, use the Spiritual Sense to cover yourself! I have two brothers outside. " After saying that, Tian Cheng hurriedly got up, opened the tree door, and closed it immediately after he left. Of course the Spiritual Sense was still wrapped tightly around him, the two of his lackeys were both at the second level of Element Master, so he naturally could not be careless.    


"Big brother!" The two of them quickly walked up with a smile and shouted.    


"Let's go!" We still have a lot to do! " Tian Cheng did not waste any words, and quickly dragged the two of them and ran. In a blink of an eye, he had already travelled over twenty metres, and Ah Di was now truly safe. Tian Cheng released his Spiritual Sense and focused on rushing. Now was the time to find a client!    


There were many customers here, and everyone wanted the goods. However, how could they talk to others and prove that they had goods to sell? Selling Magic Crystle here was like selling drugs, he had to be careful. Right now, it was a time of crisis, when other people were on full alert, he probably warned them about it when they were ten meters away from him. He himself could not take out a bunch of Magic Crystle s to set up a stall or something, what would he do? Although the Dimensional Ring could guarantee that they would not steal it, would they just let it go like that? You will not end up losing an arm or a leg if you don't fight! Therefore, Tian Cheng had to think of a better way to deal with this matter.    


"Big brother, how do you think we should sell this Magic Crystle? It was a good thing that this guy was selling well, but if he didn't sell well, he would be in trouble. After all, there are only so many spots. If one of them goes up, that means the other one is going to come down. We can only sell them for a few pills at most. On the way, Jasper said.    


"Hm!" You're right, but I can't think of a good way to sell it. Who cares! At most, I will just not sell one. I will just cut off a little of the road to wealth, and in the future, there will still be plenty of opportunities to earn money! " Although Tian Cheng said that in his heart, his heart was a little sour. Oh my god! Was there anything easier to earn money in this world? If he couldn't even make money from this kind of opportunity, then how could he even think about making money in the future? However, he could only take one step at a time.    


Just like this, Tian Cheng and the other two headed towards their destination while looking for their own customers. Since there were many teams being disbanded, it was quite common to see groups of two or three people on the road, and Tian Cheng needed the customers that were fewer in number to be together. This was the chance for him to make a move!    


"Big brother, there are two people in front of us with Ninth Level Element Scholar. See if the talismans meet our requirements! " Seeing the two youths in front slow their steps, Brody said in a low voice.    


Tian Cheng nodded his head, with a wave of his hand, the three of them quickly chased after the two people in front.    


With their speed, catching up to the two Ninth Level Element Scholar was not a problem at all. After the two who had ran a short distance knew of the difference in strength, they stopped running and waited for them where they were.    


"Hello brothers!" Tian Cheng went forward and greeted them very politely. He might be weak, but I want to earn money from him! Tian Cheng always remembered the words' the customer is God '.    


"What's good? If you guys want to use a strong Magic Crystle, then come at me! There's no need to put on an act like that. Although our strength is not as good as yours, that does not mean that we are afraid of you! " One of them said aggressively. As he spoke, the two of them assumed a fighting stance, preparing to start at any moment.    


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