Heaven-made Ring



0Inside the gymnasium, there were a few sets of twenty kilograms, fifty kilograms, eighty kilograms, and a hundred kilograms of Heavy Armors. These were made by Luk very early on. Other than the set of armor's luster, there was not much difference on the outside. However, the materials used for each set of armor were all different, after all, Tian Cheng still needed normal training, and the armor was too bulky and cumbersome to use.    


Arriving in front of the twenty kilogram heavy armor, Tian Cheng took a deep breath and thought, "In the past, I only wanted to use you for training, but now, other than taking a bath and training, you'll always wear it on me. I hope you won't stay here for too long." After saying that, he used the fastest speed he could muster to wear it. After a while, all over his body, except for his head, was covered in black. He stretched his joints and ran out without any hesitation.    


"Scientific training is nothing more than quality training, psychological training and technical training, and what I really need right now is quality training. Mental and technical training, etc., I will strengthen my training after activating the Beast Element Spell. "    


"And the methods that can rapidly improve one's physical fitness are basic training, explosive training, resistance training, and combat training. "Then start your basic training right away ? running."    


"It's still the same 10-kilometer-long circle. I have to run 5 rounds for the first time." Gritting his teeth, Tian Cheng ran while saying to himself, "Anyways, as long as I don't die with the medicine, I can recover in one night."    


Five laps was already enough for the current him, he could only run six laps without the help of weight. However, with the mysterious potion as his trump card, Tian Cheng no longer had to hold back, and could release all of his courage to do it.    


"I can do it! I must persevere on! " He was constantly encouraging himself. By the third lap, Tian Cheng's legs were as heavy as lead, as if he was going to fall down. His face was filled with a painful and struggling expression, clearly showing that he had reached his limits during his usual training.    


Step after step. Finally, after Tian Cheng finished running five laps while maintaining his own speed, he returned to his original position. He tightly hugged onto a small tree that was as thick as his arms, and strove to not let himself sit down. I... True... "It's done!" Tian Cheng gasped for breath as he revealed an innocent smile on his pale face.    


After resting for a while and stretching his muscles, he felt an intense aching pain from his entire body. However, Tian Cheng did not show any expression of pain, and shouted towards the distance: "This is the real devil's training! This was really killing him! But I will definitely be able to persevere. "    


"Next, explosive force training ? hitting rocks in the water."    


In the same river as when Tian Cheng swam, Tian Cheng carried a huge boulder and jumped into the water. He placed it about half a meter away from the water surface and smashed it into the water surface with all his might. This is the key to training the explosive power: using certain resistance of the elastic or sudden movement to do repeated exercises. This training method was also something that Tian Cheng immediately thought of after seeing the "Important Points of Advanced Training Special Mercenaries". What could be more elastic, more resistant, than water in this world? The strength that humans exert in the water is far less than a tenth of what they exert on the land. Therefore, training in the water could achieve twice the results with half the effort.    


Water splashed in all directions as it flowed on top of every single hair on Tian Cheng's body. The further back he hit, the further away his fist from the rock. After fighting for two whole hours, until the water couldn't even reach his face, Tian Cheng finally stopped. When he walked up, both his arms seemed to be broken, and they naturally rested vertically on both sides. He could only rely on his shoulders to move his arms.    


"This method is indeed useful. In just two hours, I'll be able to break through my limit." Today, I have hit a position of at least 20 centimeters. Tomorrow, I will fight for at least 30 centimeters! " Tian Cheng muttered in his heart, giving himself an unimaginable goal, but he had a secret weapon.    


After eating lunch, Tian Cheng continued with his cruel training. When the day of the mission was over, the heavy armor was already in his hands, his mother's upper body was covered in countless bruises as thick as a thumb, and this was what he had asked Xiao Jin to hit her with a wooden stick during training. Right now, he could only stagger home with the support of his grandfather.    


"Child, you shouldn't have tortured yourself like that!" Seeing his grandson beaten up to such a state, the old man cried out, "And you, your big brother told you to hit him, but you really hit him, even using such a vicious method, I didn't eat anything for you tonight." Xiao Jin, who was at the side, was precisely the "murderer" of the injuries, so the old man naturally did not spare him.    


Xiao Jin looked innocently at the old man in charge of his rations, and said in his heart: "It really has nothing to do with me, it was Big Brother who told me to hit him myself, I also forgot for a moment, Big Brother is a human, he didn't hit us Devouring Gold Rat s * *, so please hit me harder, don't deduct my food!"    


The old man at home had been immersed in the mysteries of Taiji Fist all day, but he still hadn't forgotten his job. Dinner had been prepared and hot water was prepared. With quite a bit of effort, with grandfather's help, Tian Cheng finally took off the few pieces of cloth on his body and sat inside the bucket. "Hm!" The moment the hot water came in contact with his wounds, unavoidably, there was a sharp pain. And then, endless pleasure.    


The old man took out the mysterious medicine that Tian Cheng had given him a long time ago and said: "Child, are you ready? Grandfather is starting to put the medicine in."    


Tian Cheng nodded slightly. In his heart, he was looking forward to what kind of feeling he would have when he used the medicine he had worked hard to develop for more than a month. As the liquid was poured drop by drop, the clear water quickly turned turbid. When the last drop fell, Tian Cheng began to have a feeling, as if something was drilling into his body, tickling, numb, and what Xiao Jin had said to be refreshing. Smelling the rich fragrance, Tian Cheng slowly fell into a deep sleep.    


On the second day, still at that time, Tian Cheng habitually opened his eyes and jumped off the bed. "The clothes have been worn perfectly." It seems like nothing has happened! " Feeling the unusual comfort of his body, Tian Cheng lifted his clothes. He saw that the densely packed wounds from yesterday had all left a shallow mark, and when he pressed on it, he did not feel the slightest bit of pain.    


The recovery ability of the potion is so good, I wonder how much of an effect it will have on my body?" Tian Cheng donned his armor and started running. This time, when Tian Cheng ran to the fifth lap, he finally had the same feeling he had only felt yesterday on the third lap. After that, Tian Cheng went to test out the strength of his arms. "Haargh!" "With a loud shout, Tian Cheng easily lifted a huge boulder that weighed over two hundred kilograms. This signified that after yesterday's training and the modification of the medicine, he had successfully advanced to become a level two elementalist.    


"Not bad, if there is such an increase every day, I would soon be able to advance to the ninth level, and the Beast Element Spell will probably open by then!" His body had truly been strengthened a lot, and this was also because yesterday, Tian Cheng's amount of training had greatly surpassed his own abilities, causing his body to lack energy, hence he was able to fully absorb the effects of the medicine, just like how the old man was about to finish his training that time. Tian Cheng understood this point, so every time he trained, he would have to make himself extremely lacking before he could stop.    


This time, he ran seven full laps before stopping. The next few trainings were still going on. Each group had quite a bit of improvement.    


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