Heaven-made Ring



0Two black figures, no, they should be three. Xiao Jin was also following behind them at a leisurely pace, waiting for Tian Cheng's orders at any time. Three black shadows were moving slowly in the tunnel. Other than Dao Ba's coughing and heavy footsteps, no other sound could be heard in the darkness.    


"This is at least 20 meters underground. This Dao Ba is really cautious."    


"However, the deeper they go, the more precious their treasures are. If they can really make a fortune here, then the lives of the villagers will be guaranteed."    


They didn't go far after they got off the ladder. The darkness gradually disappeared. Tian Cheng supported Dao Ba and walked into an underground stone room that was around 50 square metres in area. This was also the end of the secret passage. There were many objects hanging on the walls of the house that were used for lighting purposes. He could see all around the room. There were four wooden boxes about a meter long, half a meter wide, and half a meter tall on the ground.    


Haha!" No matter how powerful their Spiritual Sense was, they wouldn't be able to detect it. Humph! It doesn't matter, as long as these things exist, a new mad wolf will quickly rise up! "" No, no. "When Dao Ba saw these boxes, he was immediately enlivened. He did not look like someone who was about to die from a serious injury at all.    


"Quick!" "Brat, help me enter." Perhaps it was because he was used to this type of life, but Dao Ba still spoke to him like a dog towards this young man who could be considered to be his savior.    


Of course, Tian Cheng did not care about his tone. When he was helping him in the room, he had had many opportunities to kill Dao Ba, the movements of him pulling out his blade had been practice in his mind many times.    


But now that the answer to this question was clearly in front of him, Tian Cheng had nothing else to worry about, he pushed him forward, using his fastest speed to pull out the bayonet hidden in his waist, and forcefully thrusted it towards his back.    


In fact, Dao Ba had been on guard against the youth ever since he had brought him into the secret chamber. He had done this kind of thing many times when he was young. Naturally, others would not be like him. However, he was confident that if his opponent attacked or ambushed him head-on, even with his current condition, killing him wouldn't be a difficult task. He did not think that there was a youth in the Thieves Group who knew any martial skills. Before he had fully recovered from his injuries, the youth was still of some use to him. He had never thought that he would end the life of this "subordinate" right now.    


But in the instant he was thrown out, he realized that he was wrong, and terribly wrong. The youth's strength was far beyond what he had expected, and the way he had tried to assassinate him was beyond his expectations.    


"Chi!" The blade had already completely submerged into the ground. After the first strike, Tian Cheng immediately retreated a few steps back, just in case Dao Ba struggled in death.    


"Pfft!" The moment he was hit by the bayonet, Dao Ba ruthlessly spat out a few mouthfuls of blood.    


"You are not one of my Mad Wolf's men! Who exactly are you? " At this moment, Dao Ba's face was filled with fear as he looked at the young man in front of him. It seemed as if the god of death had arrived.    


"Isn't it a little too late to know now? Just think of me as someone you've hurt! Now I'm here to avenge the people you killed. " Tian Cheng looked at Dao Ba who was lying on the ground, and said with ridicule and anger.    


"Young Hero, Young Hero, I beg of you, please let me go!" This is the wealth that has been gathered since the creation of the Mad Wolf's Thieves Group. You don't have to worry about it for a few more lifetimes just to get your hands on it, I beg you, as long as you let me go, I can guarantee that I won't do anything bad and will definitely be a good person. " Dao Ba wailed as he crawled towards Tian Cheng to plead for mercy. At this time, how could he still have the power and imposing manner to shout at Red-clothed Guy? He was simply inferior to a dog.    


Hearing these words, the kind heart that had always been hidden deep within the heart of Tian Cheng, who had yet to mature, was suddenly triggered.    


"Isn't there a saying, 'let others go, let them go'? "Perhaps I should give him a chance to start anew." However, he did not consider whether the person who pleaded with him was truly mistaken.    


Looking at Dao Ba, who was still kowtowing and begging for forgiveness, Tian Cheng's killing intent immediately decreased. Naturally, he relaxed his guard. Without saying anything, Tian Cheng ignored Dao Ba and directly walked towards the box. He was very interested in the treasures that were gathered here with the Thieves Group.    


But at this moment, a sudden change occurred! Dao Ba, who was on the ground, used a bit of strength in his legs and kicked himself up, flying towards Tian Cheng and striking him with a heavy palm on his back.    


Tian Cheng spat out a mouthful of fresh blood and was sent flying, coming into close contact with the wall.    


Dao Ba, who had fallen to the ground, laughed out loud: "Brat, you are underestimating the strength of a level eight Element Master, even if I get heavily injured by that guy, even if you stab me, it will definitely not take my life. "Also, you are too kind. I can trick you with a few casual words. Even if I don't kill you now, you will die sooner or later by someone else's hand. You can only blame yourself!" As he said that, he pulled out the bayonet from his back and laughed out loud, walking towards Tian Cheng who was bleeding from the corner of his mouth, and prepared to make his final attack.    


Just at the moment he raised the blade, a black shadow flashed past his eyes. The movement of lifting the blade froze for a few seconds, then the blade fell back with a bang.    


Tian Cheng supported himself against the wall, walking unsteadily to Dao Ba who was still breathing heavily, and said: "Do you know? Your weakness is that you talk too much nonsense. "    


Hearing these words, Dao Ba, who was still struggling, stopped moving. However, a teardrop quietly flowed down from his single eye. This time, he really regretted it. He regretted it not because he did something evil, but because at this crucial moment, he really spoke too much nonsense.    


Without a doubt, the black shadow was hiding in the shadows, and as Xiao Jin looked at the cute little fellow, he gave a thumbs up again and said, "Xiao Jin, this should be the third time you have saved big brother's life, and there will probably be more in the future. Big brother will not say anything, we will forever be good brothers!"    


"Big Brother, even without you, I would have starved to death. Didn't you say that you would repay me with a drop of water? Even though you gave me a metal, it's the same if I give you my gold! "    


Hearing how the little fellow was being so 'careful', Tian Cheng had the urge to faint, "Not bad, remembering words is already pretty good, but I still need to train more in terms of meaning."    


Hearing this, Xiao Jin felt dizzy.    


After the joke, Tian Cheng casually walked in front of a box, opened the lid, and a box of golden gold coins imprinted Tian Cheng and Xiao Jin's golden yellow. Tian Cheng quickly closed the chest to calm his excitement. He had never seen so much money and would have never thought that he would actually get so much money.    


"Now that the villagers' lives are settled, they can be considered as the compensation given by the mad wolves!"    


Tian Cheng opened a few boxes in a row, all of them containing jewelry, etc. With a quick glance, he closed the boxes. Tian Cheng stopped looking at them and placed all of them into the Heaven-made Ring. After searching for a lot of valuable things on Dao Ba's body, the man and the rat quickly left the secret room.    


Right now, the stronghold was empty. Aside from the corpses on the ground, there were no signs of human life.    


Tian Cheng had already secretly investigated the place where the villagers were imprisoned. Everyone was imprisoned in a separate cell at the back of the village. This was the place where the mad wolves usually imprisoned the captured humans. Without exception, all the people that walked out from this place had become slaves.    


Picking up the blade Scar had used, Tian Cheng easily cut off the iron lock on the door. The cells were very large, and were divided into five separate small cells. Each cell had at least a hundred people inside. Tian Cheng immediately recognized the cells where three of the villagers were. As he used all his strength to slash at the lock, he shouted, "Everyone, don't be afraid. I'm here to save everyone. The thieves outside have been killed. We can go back now."    


The silent prison was suddenly filled with the sounds of crying, screaming, and gratitude. After hearing all these voices, Tian Cheng was so moved that she almost cried. Their lives in the village were very bitter, but compared to 'death', those hardships were very sweet.    


"It feels good to have hope! It's even better to help others find hope! "    


Aren't you the grandson of the old man Ryan? A middle-aged villager who was still in the cell shouted in surprise.    


Towards this uncle, Tian Cheng was not unfamiliar, when running, he had seen his simple smile many times, so he replied: "That's right! Uncle, I am Grandfather Ryan's grandson, Tian Cheng. "    


Hearing Tian Cheng's affirmative answer, most of the villagers present immediately thought of the frail old man and his slightly malnourished grandson who lived in a remote corner of the village. They stared at Tian Cheng in disbelief.    


In a short moment, everyone, including the other two cells, was released. They did not rush to charge out, but instead consciously stood around Tian Cheng, waiting for the arrangement of the youth.    


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