Carry-on Anti-virus System



0Receiving the identity badge, Mo Beichen scanned it with his consciousness and found that there were indeed an additional 8000 points inside. Mo Beichen nodded in satisfaction and turned to leave the Mission Hall.    


He thought that the old man would find an excuse to make things difficult for him, but unexpectedly, he acted in a sensible manner and did not take the chance to cause trouble, reducing Mo Beichen's dissatisfaction towards him.    


This was how he was, he would not take advantage of the situation. As long as they didn't go against him, anything was fine.    


In the eyes of the outer sect disciples, eight thousand points was a huge sum of money. However, in the eyes of the inner disciples who were strong enough to easily complete the Black Iron Quest, it could only be considered a small fortune.    


After exiting the Mission Hall, Mo Beichen did not delay any further, and headed straight for the Medicinal Hall.    


Along the way, those who saw him didn't even dare to breathe loudly, hiding far away to the side. It was only when he was far away that they finally gathered together and whispered to each other.    


"Have you all heard? This Head Saint Mo is now very powerful. In front of the Sect Leader, he killed several of his guards in a row."    


One of them looked at Mo Beichen's back with lingering fear, secretly glad that Mo Beichen didn't seem to have any intention of settling the old scores, if not, based on his previous bad words, he would probably end up in a miserable state.    


"I've heard about it. Such an explosive matter, how many people don't know about it?" In the entire Cold Martial Sect, there are very few people who would dare to tug on the tiger's whiskers. "    


"Tell me, do you know that you don't have much time left in the sect? That's why he gave up on himself and looked down on everyone else?"    


"It's hard to say. Some people are alone and have no one to rely on at home. There is nothing to be nostalgic for. They would rather die than leave the sect. "    


His words caused everyone's eyelids to jump, they did not know if Mo Beichen truly belonged to this group or not. If he were to really break down and disregard his own life, then how could he still have any scruples when killing someone?    


Otherwise, with his insignificant strength, if the Sect Leader could crush him to death with a single finger, how would he dare to go on a rampage and kill in front of the Sect Leader?    


Considering this possibility, everyone saw Mo Beichen as a fugitive. A poor man on the brink of death, ignoring life and death, a madman who did not care.    


He didn't even know that there were already people labelling him as a fugitive and a madman. The moment Mo Beichen stepped into the Medicine Hall, the clamoring voices inside immediately stopped.    


The last time he caused quite a commotion here, it was still fresh in everyone's memory. Now he was here again, making the people who knew his name shudder like cicadas.    


Even the Sect Leader tacitly approved of his position as the Sect Leader and did not pursue the matter of him killing others in front of them. He gave the others a heavy blow so that they would not dare to offend him.    


If they angered him, no one would stand up and say a word even if they were killed. It would be too unfair for them to die.    


According to the judgements of the people present from the two events, they were already certain that Mo Beichen possessed a battle power that far exceeded those of the same level, and was enough to contend against those of a level higher than him. In other words, even the elite disciples of the inner sect might not be able to deal with him once they met him.    


Unless it was a core disciple, Mo Beichen was not afraid of anyone else other than the elders and the leader!    


Seeing the figure approaching step by step caused the new disciple in charge of exchanging pills to be extremely nervous. He hadn't forgotten what had happened to the last guy.    


"Exchange for 10 Spirit Wood Pills, the rest are Qi Gathering Pill s. The first pill requires only half the points to exchange for. If you don't believe me, you can look at the sect rules. "    


The Spirit Wood Pill was a healing pill, it was much cheaper than the Qi Gathering Pill, it only cost 50 points per pill.    


Although the healing function of the system could treat the injuries on the body, it could only be used once every three days. If he were to be injured within three days, he would have to rely on medicinal pills. Just in case, Mo Beichen had to exchange more of them, he believed that once they turned into top grade Spirit Wood Pills, the effects of their treatment would definitely increase, and would be enough to deal with most of the situations.    


"No, there's no need to check. Since the leader said yes, then it must be. All of them are half price, this disciple will exchange for you right now! "    


His back was drenched in cold sweat. Even if it was a fake, he didn't dare say anything more and could only follow Mo Beichen's instructions. He'd seen Zheng Lin's fate with his own two eyes, it could even be said that he wished for death. If he didn't want to end up in the same situation, he could only obediently do it.    


Even if there was someone after the matter who wanted to pursue the matter, he would at most push everything over to Mo Beichen.    


Just as Mo Beichen was quietly waiting, someone from Floating Cloud Peak started a dispute over him.    


"Lu Xingyun, I advise you to give up, I will not tell you!" Meng Junyan was furious, she looked at the man who was trying to advise her.    


"You think I won't know if you don't tell me? It's not like this is a secret, you'll find out after asking a bit. I know that those top-grade Qi Gathering Pill were given to you by Mo Beichen. Many people saw it then, so even if you did not admit it, it would be useless. "    


Lu Xingyun knew everything, he just wanted to test Meng Junyan, wanted to see what she really thought of Mo Beichen. He didn't expect that after this test, he would be greatly disappointed and extremely furious.    


Originally, he was not sure of the relationship between the two of them, but Meng Junyan never told him the origin of the highest quality Qi Gathering Pill, which allowed him to obtain the answer he wanted.    


"So what if I know? I warn you, don't try to harm him! Let's not talk about how delicate his current situation is, even I will not allow you to do as you please! "    


After all, there were a lot of people present that day, but Meng Junyan did not want to personally tell Lu Xingyun that delaying things by even a day was still a day. Afraid that he would cause trouble for Mo Beichen, Meng Junyan couldn't help but to warn him.    


Even though this kind of threat was insignificant in Lu Xingyun's eyes.    


"Why? What could I not compare to him?    


In terms of strength, I'm stronger than him. In terms of identity, as a core disciple, I'm also better than that bullshit chief. In terms of position, in the entire Floating Cloud Peak, at least half of the people listen to my orders!    


What about him? There was only one Junior Sister in the entire Lei Mingfeng! I don't understand why a good-for-nothing would treat him differently and reject me so many times. "    


The more he said, the more excited he became. Lu Xingyun just couldn't understand why Meng Junyan was so interested in that worthless fellow instead of looking down on him.    


"Even if I did, you wouldn't understand. Why waste our time?" With an extremely impatient appearance, he had been pestered by Meng Junyan time and time again, causing Meng Junyan to be extremely annoyed.    


"Hmph, you won't be able to protect him!" Do you think I'm the only one who wants to cause trouble for him? "I'll tell you the truth, he's barely able to protect himself right now. Don't underestimate him, in a few days, it's hard to say whether or not he can even keep his life!"    


The angry Lu Xingyun opened her mouth and said something that made Meng Junyan very nervous.    


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