Carry-on Anti-virus System



0As usual, Lin Xiaoxiao sat here, and watched the passersby quietly.    


She liked to observe the colorful expressions on people's faces and sometimes secretly guess their thoughts based on their expressions.    


Today, however, she noticed a strange person.    


That person possessed a pair of the most peculiar eyes that she had ever seen. More accurately, it should be a pair of eyes.    


In those eyes, the first thing she saw was indifference and vigilance that was like ice. When one looked again, they would notice that calmness that was like the lakewater and was also as steady as a boulder.    


If one were to be more careful, one would be able to see the faint anger and grief in his eyes. If one looked carefully, they would find a trace of blankness and anticipation. Not to mention the deep loneliness, pain and helplessness that was hidden within.    


If not for Lin Xiaoxiao who observed everyone's expressions carefully every day, he believed that he would have missed out on such a pair of eyes.    


However, what shocked her the most was the cloud-like vicissitudes of life in her eyes, the deepest darkness, and the boundless aura of death!    


His hair was still standing, but his heart had already died.    


The so-called death here did not mean that he had lost his will to live, but rather, it was a desolate and desolate atmosphere of desolation and desolation. It was his disgust and disappointment towards the people of the world, as well as his deep defense against them. He had already given up on them.    


She couldn't imagine why the owner of those eyes, who didn't look to be in his twenties at the most, would be someone who had experienced the vicissitudes of life, who had experienced the coldness and warmth of human nature, who had witnessed countless joys and sorrows?    


Those black eyes were filled with misty sorrow. Like a misty mist, they unintentionally broke into his heart, causing Lin Xiaoxiao to feel desolation, despair, endless pain, and melancholy ?    


She tried to shout, but no sound came out.    


She tried to struggle, but there was nothing she could do.    


It was like a vortex filled with magic, constantly pulling at her and binding her. It was as if a voice were whispering to itself, crying to her...    


When he saw that the owner of those eyes had also stopped in his tracks and was carefully sizing himself up, Lin Xiaoxiao's heart was in his throat, thumping continuously.    


When she saw him walking towards her, she almost exclaimed out loud!    


She didn't expect him to want her to follow him when he had just arrived in front of her, causing Lin Xiaoxiao to be startled. Only when he arrived at his side did Lin Xiaoxiao realize that there was an indescribable attraction from his body. Even though he had never met this person before, it was as if they had already known each other for a long time.    


That kind of strange and familiar feeling made her feel exceptionally warm and comfortable, as if she had met someone she was close to. It even made her feel infatuated with him.    


He did not know why this happened, but the moment he asked, he almost blurted out, "Alright!"    


"But, but I can't leave my sister alone! "Even though I really want to go with this big brother of mine ?"    


The wondrous feeling in his heart made Lin Xiaoxiao bite her lips, and her expression was tangled, as if she was struggling in her heart.    


Seeing the panic in her eyes, Mo Beichen smiled apologetically.    


In that moment, Lin Xiaoxiao felt that the person in front of him had changed!    


In the instant he laughed, there was no longer any coldness or vigilance, it was like an ice mountain that had been melted for ten thousand years. That slightly apologetic and concerned gaze was like the sunlight breaking through the clouds in winter, causing her heart to feel warm and her body to feel incomparably comfortable.    


Ah!" "No, it's alright!" In panic, Lin Xiaoxiao quickly replied.    


"But, I, I can't go with you ?"    


Noticing the reluctance and regret in her eyes, Mo Beichen did not say anything and only quietly stared at her.    


The two of them stared at each other quietly, each thinking about their own matters. After hesitating for a bit, Mo Beichen finally took out the bone flute from his bosom and handed it over to the girl.    


"It's very important to me, so I'll give it to you as a souvenir!"    


In these few years, the bone flute had been studied in Mo Beichen's hands countless times, but no one could find anything special about it, and no abnormalities had arisen from it.    


No matter how he asked, Black Lord did not tell him anything. As a result, the bone flute that almost took Mo Beichen's life was lying quietly in the item safe, as though it was about to be forgotten.    


Until now, Mo Beichen suddenly wanted to leave something for the little girl. However, after searching his entire body, he realized that other than this, he could not find any other decent gift.    


Lin Xiaoxiao curiously received the bone flute, and carefully examined the lines left on it after innumerable years. His face was filled with amazement and love.    


"Thank you! "But, but I have nothing to give you." She suddenly lowered her head and whispered.    


"NO!" You've already given me your best gift! "    


As he gently caressed the girl's hair, Mo Beichen's heart was filled with mixed emotions. Feeling the warmth from the palm of Mo Beichen's hand, the girl felt an abnormal enjoyment. She couldn't figure out what he meant.    


"Stop! What do you want? "    


Suddenly, a shadow rushed out from the alleyway and pushed Mo Beichen away.    


"I... "No harm done!"    


Mo Beichen knew that his actions just now could easily cause people to misunderstand him, so he did not explain his actions too well. He only hoped that the other party did not misunderstand him.    


Protecting Lin Xiaoxiao behind her, the lady suddenly shouted: "You are not allowed to touch her, stay away from us!"    


"Elder sister, she's not a bad person!" Seeing her sister acting as if she was facing a great enemy, Lin Xiaoxiao immediately tried to defend Mo Beichen.    


"I already told you not to talk to strangers, but you still want to speak up for him?" Seeing her younger sister speaking up for an outsider made the woman angry.    


"No, but he really isn't a bad person!" And look, sister, he even gave me a present! " Lifting the bone flute to her face, the girl's eyes were filled with innocence.    


She looked at Mo Beichen suspiciously, and her sister said vigilantly: "To offer emotions for nothing, is either adultery or theft! You should hurry up and leave! "    


With a slight frown, Mo Beichen did not explain any further.    


The two sisters' clothes were a little shabby. They must have been washed many times and had already faded. Moreover, there were many patches scattered across the place.    


The woman had messy hair, and her face was pitch black. She looked like a beggar. However, she had washed her little sister very cleanly. If it wasn't for the fact that her clothes were worn out, she looked more like an exquisite porcelain doll.    


Seeing the two sisters, he knew that their lives must be extremely difficult and couldn't help but pause in his heart.    


He really wanted to do something for them. Mo Beichen took out a piece of high-grade Spirit Stone s from his bosom and stuffed them into the girl's hands. He said to her elder sister solemnly, "You have a good little sister.    



With that, she ignored her surprised gaze and disappeared from their line of sight.    


Just as he turned around, Mo Beichen suddenly felt very sad, as if he had lost something extremely important to him.    


"Ai, I don't even know her surname ?"    


He left in such a hurry that he even forgot to ask for her name. Mo Beichen secretly shook his head and felt very depressed in his heart.    


He didn't know why, but he had a nagging feeling that once they parted ways today, he would regret it for the rest of his life!    


"Don't go!"    


Looking at the back of Mo Beichen who suddenly disappeared, Lin Xiaoxiao's face was full of tears, feeling heartbroken.    


Being startled by her sister's sudden action, Lin Xiaoqian immediately hugged her tightly, his heart was filled with anger.    


She couldn't understand what that guy had done to her sister. Not only did he gain her trust in such a short period of time, but after he left, he even made her unable to forget him.    


Staring blankly at the direction that Mo Beichen left in, the tears in Lin Xiaoxiao's eyes were like pearls that had been cut, falling onto his clothes.    


"Will we meet again?" Gripping the bone flute tightly, Lin Xiaoqian soullessly muttered.    


With a pained heart, Lin Xiaoqian helped his sister wipe the tears from the corner of her eyes. Looking at the shiny object in her hand, he quickly kept it in shock.    


She nervously looked around, and seeing that no one seemed to have noticed them, she pulled Lin Xiaoxiao's hand and quickly left the place.    


"Strange. Why do I feel like I've seen that person somewhere before?"    


As he thought about this familiar person who was good to him, Lin Xiaoqian's eyes filled with mist and his heart was filled with gratitude. That was the Spirit Stone that could change the lives of this sister and he was holding her tightly in his arms.    


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