Carry-on Anti-virus System



0Speaking of Devil Wolf Gang, as long as one was not a fool, even a three year old child would know of their existence.    


This was a highly disciplined, powerful, and terrifying bandit group with numerous experts.    


They burn, kill, plunder, and commit all sorts of crimes.    


As long as it was a profitable transaction, they would interfere in everything. From the small amount of protection fees to the large amount of people being abducted and sold off. There was also the most detestable and also the most terrifying thing. It was a house robbery!    


Of all the prey they had targeted, no one had ever heard of anyone escaping calamity. It was like they were robbed of their finances, and they had to kill everyone.    


It would be fine if it was a man, but if it was a woman, especially a beautiful woman, she would end up in a miserable state. She would often end up suffering a fate worse than death.    


If it were the rest of the little thieves, even if Zhen Shanbian risked his life, he would still be able to defend against them and fight for a chance for the rest to escape. But the moment he heard it was Devil Wolf Gang, his expression immediately changed greatly, and uncontrollable fear and despair emerged in his heart.    


No wonder his caravan didn't have much strength to fight back against them. They were completely annihilated in the first round. It turned out that the person he was facing was such a terrifying existence!    


Everyone's faces were ashen, especially Chen Te. They were at a loss as to what to do.    


Escaping might not be an option, leaving Zhen Shanbian and the rest behind would only result in them dying in vain. But if they didn't run, then they would truly die. Everyone would survive.    


He was burning with anxiety. How he wished that someone could appear at this moment and help him out righteously!    


If he could help her survive this crisis, so what if Chen'er sold her life to him?!    


After their group of thirty odd people were ambushed by the Devil Wolf Gang, quite a few people died in battle. Over the course of time, more than ten people were killed one after another. Not even half of the people who were still alive, including the family members in the carriage, were alive.    


On the other hand, the enemy's numbers didn't decrease by much. Right now, there were still about a hundred of them. In order to reduce the number of casualties, they did not all rush forward. Instead, they planned to take turns fighting in order to slowly wear down their opponents' battle prowess.    


This was also one of the styles of Devil Wolf Gang. Whenever they moved, they would bring a large number of people with them. Almost all of them would surround and kill their prey with several times the number of people they had. That was why people's faces changed when they heard about it.    


Even if the two sides' individual combat strength were similar, under the suppression of absolute numbers, not many would be able to escape unscathed. All they could do was die with hatred.    


If not for the fact that Zhen Shanbian and the rest had resisted with all their might, allowing Devil Wolf Gang s to leave behind several lives, they would have realized that even though the prey in front of them was small and weak, if they wanted to successfully capture them, they would still have to pay a certain price.    


Seeing that the remaining prey not only did not give up on resisting, but instead became even more fierce, the head Devil Wolf Gang couldn't help but become angry.    


With a wave of his hand, he furiously shouted, "Don't dilly-dally, let's attack together and kill them all!"    


He finally realized that the other party wasn't someone who was afraid of death. The more he fought, the more valiant he would become. If this was delayed any longer, his men would suffer even more casualties.    


After recognizing the situation, he immediately issued an order for his subordinates to move all over the place and press forward with the intention of killing the remaining struggling prey in one fell swoop.    


"Brothers, let's fight it out with them!"    


"Kill!" "Killing one won't be a loss, killing two is enough. If I kill three, I'll f * cking earn it!"    


"Unless you step over my dead body, don't even think about taking a step forward ?"    


In this moment of life and death, everyone had gathered together. They had forgotten the fear in their hearts, and only had an endless nostalgia for survival and a hatred for their enemy that was as deep as the sea!    


Both sides charged each other, roaring and fighting.    


Sword lights and sword shadows filled the sky with the power of his palm and the power of his fist. Both sides fought with bloodshot eyes. After a short battle, the battle had reached its climax. It was incomparably bloody and tragic ?    


When Mo Beichen got closer, he saw that the figure was on the verge of collapsing. It was obvious that he couldn't even stand up, but he was still tenaciously fighting with the enemy.    


Behind them were their own family members. If they fell down, no one would be able to protect them from the rain or wind and protect them from powerful enemies. Therefore, they still could not fall down, much less die!    


Looking at those valiant and fearless figures who had perished together with their enemies, even Mo Beichen, who was used to seeing life and death, was greatly shocked. He felt sincere admiration for their sacrificial spirit.    


"Blue Fire!"    


Sensing the strong killing intent in Mo Beichen's heart, the Blue Fire turned into a streak of black lightning the instant it heard the voice. It streaked across the sky and suddenly descended among the enemies.    


With it joining the fray, the battle situation had taken an astonishing turn!    


He had been gritting his teeth and enduring with all his strength, and even without the enemy's attacks, he was afraid that he would not be able to last much longer. In his despair, he suddenly realized that his enemies were all gone.    


Like him, Zhen Shanbian who was drenched in blood and on the verge of collapse also noticed this strange change.    


There were fewer and fewer enemies around him, and very few people were attacking him. On the other hand, sounds of fighting could be heard continuously from the outskirts of the battlefield, as well as the enemies' screams of fear. It was as if they had discovered something that they were extremely afraid of.    


"What the hell!"    


"Save me ?"    


"Run! Monster!"    


"Ghost, there's a ghost!"    


As the figures continued to fall to the ground, these voices were filled with panic and fear. The despair and fear made everyone's hair stand on end. It was as if evil spirits had really appeared in broad daylight.    


Some of the mournful screams could only be heard half-way through. It was as if someone had suddenly covered their mouth or strangled their neck. The screams came to an abrupt stop. No one knew why, but the fear in their hearts grew even more intense.    


In next to no time, a black figure flashed through the crowd like lightning. Everywhere he went, a corpse would fall to the ground. What shocked everyone the most was that those companions that were still alive a moment ago were not completely unscathed after dying.    


If it wasn't for his head being torn off or his arms being torn off, he would be bitten off to the side along with his entire leg.    


That horrifying scene instantly disrupted everyone's footsteps, causing them to be endlessly terrified. They gathered together, and with their backs facing each other, they formed a circle to block the ghost-like figure.    


But their actions were destined to be in vain!    


The black bolt of lightning came and went without a trace. Suddenly, he stomped on the ground and leaped high into the air without attracting anyone's attention. Like a ghost, he quietly landed in the circle.    


With all of his attention focused on the surroundings, no one noticed that the terrifying god of death had already arrived behind them. When they found out, what they saw was the last thing they saw in this world, two jade-green flames!    


Seeing the enemy fall to the ground like a stack of straw, and in such a miserable state, Chen Te Jin and the others were dumbstruck. Their mouths were wide open as they gasped in disbelief at the strange scene before them.    


"What ? What is going on?" The wrist of someone who was holding a knife trembled. It was unknown whether it was from excitement or fear.    


"Oh god, could it be that the heavens have heard my prayers and really sent down a miracle to help us escape?"    



If not for the fact that the form was unclear, Chen Tidjin would have immediately kneeled down and kowtowed to thank the gods for allowing them to escape this perilous situation.    


"Then, could it be that powerful Demonic Beast are hunting? When he finishes killing the people from Devil Wolf Gang, will he let us go? "    


A voice suddenly sounded from within the quiet crowd, causing everyone's expressions to stiffen. Immediately, their expressions became incomparably unsightly.    


They were too preoccupied with their happiness and thought that someone was unjustly drawing their swords to help them. However, they had forgotten about this frightening possibility! If that was the case, then they had just left the den of tigers and had entered the den of wolves.    


When the Demonic Beast kills the people from Devil Wolf Gang, it will be their time of death!    


The beads of sweat on his forehead dripped down. Zhen Shanbian's heart beat like a beating drum, he forced himself to stay calm, and said in a deep voice, "Everyone listen, do not yell or act rashly. Everyone stay where you are!"    


He knew very well that whether it was fortune or misfortune was not something that could be avoided.    


If the Demonic Beast really wanted to kill them, even if they were to spread their legs and run wildly, they would definitely not be able to escape from its claws, and instead, would cause him to lose his life earlier. If his goal was only the people from Devil Wolf Gang, they would only need to wait a little longer and the answer would naturally come to light!    


He would know whether he was alive or not when the time came.    


Right now, they had no choice but to allow themselves to be slaughtered. They were just fish on a chopping board ?    


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