Pretty CEO's Soldier Son-in-law

C344 A Mysterious Cave

C344 A Mysterious Cave

0It was a cave.    


A karst cave is a cavity formed by the dissolution and erosion of limestone layer by rain or groundwater, also known as a stalactite cave or limestone cave.    


The most abundant karst cave in the dynasty was in the southwest border area, which was known as the piece of land with mountains and rivers.    


The karst cave was formed about a hundred thousand years ago. At present, the karst cave that was the most well-known was the big cave of Wu Family in Shuicheng, Guizhou. The depth of the karst cave was about 430 meters.    


Because the cave was winding all the way down, Gao Fei and the others had no idea how deep this cave was. However, based on the temperature below, it should be at least one to two hundred meters below the ground.    


This karst cave was not very big and was only about a thousand square meters at most (the largest karst cave was at least hundreds of thousands of square meters), but it was also filled with strange stones. All kinds of stalactites hung down, and under the light reflecting off the stones, they emitted all kinds of colors.    


This pool was right in the middle of the cave. There were a lot of black stones on the side of the pool, which looked very smooth and had no edges.    


However, Gao Fei and the rest did not notice these stones. Each of them carried a backpack, and with their hands tightly gripping their Type 05 submachine guns, they formed a triangular formation with their backs facing to each other. They slowly walked to the highest part of the karst cave: a very flat black stone, rectangular in shape.    


When they jumped down from the black hole, the three of them discovered the iron plate at the entrance that dragged along the yellow sand.    


From that piece of metal, it was not hard to guess that it was man who had installed nature on it. No matter how magical it was, it was impossible for one to cast a metal plate to seal the entrance to the cave.    


And the most important thing was that the black hole was the navel of the dragon vein that Tieh Tu talked about. It was also the ventilation hole of the underground ancient city.    


However, what puzzled the three of them was that since this place was the navel of the dragon vein, why was it not an ancient city, or an ancient tomb, but a karst cave?    


Just when Gao Fei thought about this question, he heard Wu Tie say in a deep voice, "This karst cave must have a cave that leads to the ancient city. We should look carefully..."    


Before Tieh Tu could finish his sentence, Ye Xinshang, who was in charge of searching in the southeast direction, suddenly shouted, "Is it Teacher Qin!?"    


Gao Fei and Tieh Tu quickly turned their heads in that direction and saw that in the midst of the Southeast Angle falling, a black shadow had appeared out of nowhere.    


The shadow seemed to be standing against the wall, but it remained silent.    


"City, is that you?"    


Because they were worried that the Intense Light's flashlight would hurt Qin Chengcheng's eyes, the three of them did not dare to turn on the flashlight. Therefore, Gao Fei quickly turned on the flashlight on the barrel of the gun (The light on the barrel had a very domineering name, Wolf's Eye) and shone it in that direction.    


But then he realized that the shadow was definitely not Qin Chengcheng: it had a pair of blue eyes!    


"Spiritual Lizard!"    


Tieh Tu growled and pulled the trigger!    


The submachine gun made a nice "tat tat tat" sound. Under the fluorescent light, the bullet moved out a dark blue trajectory, whizzing across the sky while shooting out like a bolt of lightning.    




After a sinister laugh, the bullets that Tieh Tu shot out all hit the cave wall, causing a streak of dark red sparks and black stone fragments to fly everywhere. However, the black shadow suddenly disappeared.    


Gao Fei and the other two people were bold and experienced life and death situations. Of course, they were not scared by the shadow's sneer and its sudden disappearance. At almost the same time, the three of them jumped off the rock and rushed towards the place where the shadow stood.    


The place where the black shadow had been standing was a hole.    


The hole was irregular, about one and a half meters wide and two meters tall. The inside of the hole was pitch black and the bottom couldn't be seen.    


It seemed that before Tieh Tu shot, the black shadow was already prepared to escape and hid in this cave.    


Tieh Tu was about to rush into the cave, but Gao Fei stopped him. "Don't be rash. Let's check if there are any other holes!"    


What if all three of them rushed into the cave to kill the black shadow? What if there was something else that came out of the other hole and took the equipment that they had placed under the rock?    


What's more, they still didn't know what was going on inside the cave. If they were to rush in and get lost, it would not be good.    


Tieh Tu immediately stopped, forming a triangular defensive formation with Gao Fei and the other two, and slowly retreated towards the boulder with a high vigilance.    


Arriving at the big rock, the three of them did not hesitate anymore this time. They took out their Intense Light s and started to carefully search the cave to see if there were any other caves.    


After a careful search, Gao Fei and the other two confirmed that there was only one opening leading to the depths of the karst cave. Then, there was the dragon's navel more than a dozen meters above their heads.    


It was easy to come from that curved navel, as if he was riding a slide. He arrived at the karst cave without stopping.    


But it would be hard to get out of here.    


Of course, Gao Fei and the rest had no intention to go out since they had already entered the room. After all, they had been looking for her for so long, and there was no news of her at all.    


Other than this pond in the cave, it was this cave. Gao Fei was right behind Qin Chengcheng. It was impossible for her to have the time to enter the cave and not fall into the pond. So where did she go?    


He raised his head and looked up. Just as Gao Fei was about to rush towards the cave entrance, he heard Ye Xinshang say, "Eh, there's a word on it!"    


Gao Fei turned around and saw Ye Xinshang shining his flashlight on the rectangular rock.    


It was a black stone, like a small bed, with curving words engraved on it.    


The three of them looked at the words on the stone for a while with their eyes wide open. Other than recognizing the simple words' 1st, 3rd, and 10th ', they could not recognize anything else.    


However, Gao Fei was familiar with these words because they were similar to the words in his [Anggui Scripture]. They should be the most popular charms of the Qin and Han Dynasties.    


Unfortunately, Qin Chengcheng, the only one among the four who could recognize Xiao Chen, had mysteriously disappeared again.    


Gao Fei and the other two discovered that there were small charms (ancient charms) carved on the big stone. Only then did they realize that the stone fragments on the walls of the cave had the same characters engraved on them, but they were incomplete.    


On some of the black stones, there were simple human, beast, and other symbols. It seemed like it was an oracle bone rune.    


As for those glowing stones above their heads, Gao Fei and the other two were not in the mood to care. They once again looked at the dark cave entrance.    


Staring at the hole, Tieh Tu said slowly: "When that black shadow appeared, it must have been to lure us into the hole. "If I'm not wrong, there must be a trap set up inside the tunnel that we went through to 'intercept' Teacher Qin, who was about to slip out of the exit."    


Gao Fei said coldly, "No matter what, we have to go in and take a look."    


With that, Gao Fei walked to the entrance of the cave and entered it.    


Ye Xinshang followed and Tieh Tu followed.    



Due to the limited resources, only Gao Fei, who was standing in front of them, had his flashlight on. Tieh Tu and Gao Fei were holding guns and prepared to deal with any accidents.    


The passageway within the cave was slightly wider than the entrance. It allowed the two of them to turn around with ease. Moreover, their feet were very light. However, the humidity was very high and they could occasionally hear the sound of water dripping on the ground.    


Gao Fei and the other two walked very slowly. He stuck close to the right side of the cave wall, while Tieh Tu and the other two stayed close to the left side, moving horizontally with their bodies half twisted.    


The three of them could feel that the path within the cave was smooth and winding. However, there were no forks in the cave for people to continue walking down.    


The three of them walked for about seven to eight minutes with rapt attention. They had probably passed through several hundred meters of the cave, but the dark figure with a pair of blue, watery, and ghost-like eyes still hadn't appeared.    


It seemed like Tieh Tu was right. The reason he appeared was to lure the three of them into the cave.    


At the same time, it also showed that the enemies in the depths of the cave had made some preparations, waiting for the three of them to take the bait.    


It was because everything went smoothly after they entered the cave that Gao Fei and the other two felt something was not right and they walked even slower. At the same time, they noticed that there seemed to be some calligraphy and paintings carved on the walls of the cave.    


The words were still inscriptions that the three of them did not recognize, or small talismans.    


From this, it could be seen that this cave was excavated during the time of the Oracle era. In order to translate the Oracle Bone Text on the cave wall, the later generations carved a small seal on the ground.    


However, whether it was the small charms or the Oracle Bone Text, the three of them did not recognize them. They could only look at the sculptures.    


The carving on the wall was very abstract and simple.    


For example, a circle with several thick lines would represent a person or an animal.    


The picture was simple, but it was clear at a glance. Anyone who saw it would be able to guess exactly what it was.    


The most common of these sculptures is a man who is visibly taller than the others and has a crown on his head. His chest is also a little taller. It seems that he is a woman, or a queen.    


The Queen was currently leading her people to hunt down some of the black lines (wild beasts) on the ground. In their hands, they were holding something similar to furry hair. It seemed like they were hunting.    


Apart from the Queen's Hunt, there were meetings, meals, resting, and even marching and fighting. It seemed that their lives were very colorful.    


The three of them tried to figure out what was meant by the carving, and after walking another few hundred meters, they saw a painting of the Queen leading her people to worship.    


The queen was not offering sacrifices to the heavens or to her ancestors, but to a snake that seemed to be coiling high in the sky.    


The snake, Snake God, the head and two arms.    


It seemed that this was the totem of Snake God, or the Queen's tribe.    


Like a comic book, the carvings on the cave wall unfurled as the three of them moved slowly forward: while the queen was paying her respects to Snake God, her soldiers were escorting a few small men (some with bulging chests, some with a thick line, which seemed to represent children) to the top of the mountain.    


The soldiers brought the children to the top of the mountain and placed the spears in their hands horizontally on the ground, as if they were prostrating themselves.    


After that, Snake God used her tail to wrap up one of the boys and girls before opening her mouth …    


When Gao Fei saw this, he suddenly felt his vision become blurry. He subconsciously wiped his eyes and continued to look, only to find that the engraving became even more blurry and his mind was starting to get dizzy.    


At this moment, Tieh Tu suddenly shouted in a low voice, "Not good, this cave is filled with poisonous gas. These sculptures are to attract our attention. When we carefully ponder the meaning of the painting, we were unconsciously poisoned!"    


After listening to Tieh Tu's reminder, Gao Fei and his companion jumped in fright. They immediately raised their hands to cover their noses and mouth.    


Their backpacks were equipped with the most advanced gas masks (gas masks, which were one of the necessary tools for tomb robbers, mainly for the poison gas and corpse gas), but when they entered the cave, they forgot about this.    


Ye Xinshang was about to take out his gas mask when he heard a sinister laugh coming from the depths of the cave: "Lo, cluck cluck!"    


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