Pretty CEO's Soldier Son-in-law

C156 May God Bless You

C156 May God Bless You

0The plane continued to fly. There was no more bumps, even if they were small.    


However, the atmosphere was filled with fear. A gunshot rang out from the cabin and a timid passenger was scared to the point of peeing his pants. This caused the air in the cabin to become even worse.    


Seeing that all the potential dangers had been eliminated, the flight attendant retracted the knife from Shen Yinbing's neck, patted her cheek with the blade, and said with a smile, "Dear lady, I think you should know what to do. I sincerely wish you a pleasant journey.    


Shen Yinbing's lips trembled, unable to utter a single word.    


The air stewardess looked at her with disdain before pushing the dining car in front of Dula. She worked together to carry the dead air police onto the dining car and walked towards the rear cabin.    


Shen Yinbing's mind went blank. She looked behind her in a daze and saw a young man not too far away to her left. While the two of them were dealing with the corpse and Boo was still in the cockpit, he bent down and took out a handgun from his right ankle.    


After seeing Shen Yinbing looking at him, the young man in a white shirt put his left index finger on his lips and made a silencing gesture. Then, like a leopard cat, he crouched down close to the seat and quickly ran towards the front door.    


Shen Yinbing had never been a Enforcer and didn't understand such things as aircraft security. However, from the aerial accidents movies, she would often see people like the Enforcer in plainclothes appear after all the air traffic guards were harmed. It was normal for people like Shen Yinbing, who were arranged by an airline to turn the situation around by herself, to appear in disguise as passengers only when an accident occurred.    


Without a doubt, this young man should be the legendary 'hidden pillar'. Shen Yinbing's eyes immediately brightened, and she lightly nodded her head, wishing for him in her heart: I hope he has the skills like Li Lianjie and Zhen Zidan, and can kill all these damn hijackers!    


As if Shen Yinbing's blessing had worked, just as Dula and the stewardess emerged from the rear cabin, the young man slipped into the front.    


Shen Yinbing and many of the other passengers who were watching silently breathed a sigh of relief. Some of them were still drawing crosses on their hearts, praying for God to bless them.    


After the young man entered the front cabin, he immediately dodged the camera, and slowly moved toward the entrance of the cabin while sticking close to the bathroom. He wanted to find a way to enter the plane and get rid of the terrorist who was carrying the Assault Rifle, then immediately contact the ground.    


The young man had just passed the bathroom door when he heard a light door open behind him.    


He suddenly turned around, both hands holding the handgun horizontally as he aimed at the person who walked out of the washroom.    


The one who walked out of the washroom was a man in a suit. When he saw a gun pointed at him, he immediately raised his hands with great fear in his eyes.    


The young man with the gun asked in a low voice, "Who are you!?"    


"I-I'm a passenger. My name is Jiao Enzo."    


Jiao Enzo's teeth began to tremble, "Don't, don't kill me, I definitely won't destroy your plans, please trust me!"    


The young man slowly lowered his pistol. "Oh, so you're a passenger. It's okay, I won't kill you. Oh, by the way, you'd better go back to the bathroom. "    


Jiao Enzo asked nervously, "What's wrong?"    


The young man's expression was heavy as he looked at the bloodstains on the door of the flight attendant lounge and whispered, "Someone robbed the plane. The flight attendant and the air police were all killed and the terrorist kidnapped the captain. It's better if you hide in the washroom, don't come out for the time being. "    


With his pistol in one hand and his right elbow in his left hand, the young man walked slowly along the bulkhead toward the cabin door.    


He had just taken two steps when he suddenly felt a bad feeling coming from behind him. Before he could react, his mouth was already covered, and then he felt a pain in his neck, followed by a crisp 'ka ka' sound. Then, he saw his own back and Jiao Enzo, who released his head and smiled at him.    


After that, he sank into endless darkness.    


Like many of the other passengers, Shen Yinbing started praying for the young gunman to get into the front cabin in time.    


Dula and the flight attendant who were in complete control of the cabin had guns in their hands. One of them left the door to the rear cabin, while the other slowly walked towards the front cabin.    


Shen Yinbing lowered her head and watched as the flight attendant walked past her with her long legs in high heels. She closed her eyes and prayed in her heart: "Please don't let this woman go to the front cabin, please don't."    


Unfortunately, the prayers of Shen Yinbing and many people did not have the slightest effect. The flight attendant entered the forward cabin a few minutes later.    


Immediately, Shen Yinbing and the rest were ready to fire, and even the two of them were ready to fight to the death.    


However, things did not turn out as expected. The flight attendant had been in the forward cabin for more than five minutes. None of this happened.    


Could it be that the person had already killed the flight attendant without making a sound?    


Just as this thought surfaced in the minds of many people, a voice that made them feel despair came from the speakers surrounding the aircraft cabin.    


The voice was still as sweet as before: "Respected guests, I announce a very regretful news. The flight from Jipo to the Jingdu City has been seized by us, and the final destination is the flight from the Jinnan. On behalf of the Wasteland Organization, I sincerely apologize to all of you. However, please do not panic. We hope that everyone will cooperate so that we will not kill any hostages. Next, I will show you a video recording, which I believe you will understand. "    


Shen Yinbing and the rest raised their heads and subconsciously looked at the LCD screen hanging on the side of the front cabin door.    


Very quickly, a clear video appeared on the screen.    


There were three men in camouflage clothes, both of them wearing black headgear. The two were tall, Dabiao Han and were tall, both of them wearing army boots. The one in the middle didn't have a weapon, but the two beside him held the 'high-quality' AK-47 Assault Rifle in their arms.    


The man in the middle raised his hand and spoke, but it was a melodious female voice. He said in a cold voice, "Everyone, when you see this video, it means that Flight MH456, which arrived at the Shen Dynasty from Jipo, has been captured by us. Here, allow me to introduce you to our identities. We are from the Wasteland Organization. Our motive for this hijacking is to hope that The Authority of the Dynasty can unconditionally release my organization's leader, Mai Maiti, who was secretly captured by the Special Agent of the Dynasty in September last year. "    


Everyone knew about the Wasteland Society. They liked to carry out terrorist attacks, but never in their wildest dreams would they have thought that they would seize this flight.    


Although this flight was not one of the Divine Dynasty's aircraft, more than seventy percent of the passengers on board were Divine Empire citizens. Using these people to threaten their The Authority of the Dynasty could be said to be extremely 'correct'.    


And most importantly, the plane was not part of the Divine Dynasty Airlines and it was not in the airspace of the Divine Dynasty. Therefore, even if The Authority of the Dynasty could react quickly, they could not use military power across borders.    


These terrorists had taken advantage of these two points, so they had been planning the hijacking since September last year, and had achieved a 'perfect' success.    


The video continued, and the woman inside was still talking, "This time's video will be broadcast live to the world through Al Jazeera in Qatar in half an hour. Esteemed gentlemen, ladies, I think from this moment onwards, all of you should pray that The Authority of the Dynasty will release Mai Maiti unconditionally."    


After pausing for a moment, the woman continued, "Finally, what I want to say is that our patience is limited. Every day that The Authority of the Dynasty is delayed, there will be hostages that will pay the price of their lives. On the first day, one person would die, on the second day, two people would die, and on the third day, three people would die. If The Authority of the Dynasty is still unrepentant, then I am sorry, but the 300 over hostages on this plane will all be buried by Mai Maiti. "    


As the woman spoke, she raised her right hand, and the two men standing behind her immediately raised their AK-47s. A deep voice-over sounded, "May you be blessed!"    


Then, the video disappeared and some snowflakes appeared on the screen.    


The video had been switched off for a long time, but the cabin was still deathly silent.    


The stifled cries and fears spread out like a plague.    


Shen Yinbing covered her mouth with her hands, tears streaming down her face. She thought of how she was only twenty-three years old, like a flower that had yet to bloom, yet was somehow wrapped up in this horrible act.    


She didn't know what to do. She felt scared and lonely at the same time. She subconsciously hugged her arms and looked out with teary eyes at the chair.    


At this moment, she suddenly remembered: Where's Jiao Enzo? He had been in the front cabin for a long time, so why hadn't he come back yet? Could it be that he had been shot by that Abu?    


Shen Yinbing felt guilty when she thought of the possibility that Jiao Enzo had been murdered. Originally, she didn't want to get involved in this terrifying storm. However, it was due to him chasing after her that she found it so coincidental …    



"Why didn't I listen to Sister Hong's words and find enough reasons to reject him? If he came with me, then he wouldn't have encountered such a thing!"    


Shen Yinbing was afraid and regretful at the same time, but she also had an inexplicable hatred. "If that Stinking Hooligan of Gao Fei had followed me, he wouldn't have come! This is great, we are all about to die, but he is still alive and well. Hmph, upon hearing this news, he will definitely rejoice in leaving me, as he will definitely do so! "    


"Hurry, go back to your seat obediently. If you dare to play any tricks, you will be the first one to die!"    


Just as Shen Yinbing was cursing Gao Fei in her heart, the stewardess' shout came from the front, "Do you think you can escape this disaster by hiding in the washroom? You must be dreaming! Hurry up!"    


Shen Yinbing looked up with a hint of joy in her eyes: Jiao Enzo isn't dead, he's still alive!    


Jiao Enzo, who was kicked hard by the flight attendant, staggered out of the front cabin with his hands held high in the air.    


Seeing that Jack was still alive, Lily immediately stood up in fright. "Enzo, this way! Come here!"    


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