Pretty CEO's Soldier Son-in-law

C29 Unforgettable First Love

C29 Unforgettable First Love

0Ka-cha! *    


Along with a flash of lightning, another bolt of lightning struck his ears. Gao Fei couldn't help but shiver and raise his head.    


Gao Fei raised his head and saw Yan Hong looking at him. Her charming eyes were almost dripping with tears.    


Then, both of them turned their gazes away at the same time.    


Yan Hong lifted her hand and combed her hair while Gao Fei put his left leg on his right leg to cover the bulge.    


Next, the two of them did not speak, but an inexplicable sense of romance slowly rose up within the car, causing the two of them to feel unnatural.    


Gao Fei clearly knew in his heart that when he stared at Yan Hong's beautiful legs, she saw the change in his lower body.    


However, why didn't she get angry from embarrassment? Could it be that she also wanted to go against me. Gao Fei's throat felt a little dry.    


Ever since he went to the Foreign Legion, Gao Fei had removed himself from the group of good people.    


The life stimulation of foreign mercenaries, aside from hugging Assault Rifle to reap lives, going to bed was also an important part of the life stimulation.    


Thus, in Gao Fei's opinion, this sort of thing was rather open to him.    


Gao Fei definitely wouldn't be able to obtain his true respect just because Yan Hong was Shen Yinbing's stepmother and Su Beishan's daughter-in-law. He wouldn't have any ill intentions towards her.    


In fact, in this world, besides Liang Ming, there seemed to be no one else worthy of Gao Fei's respect.    


Of course, Gao Fei wouldn't force himself on Yan Hong just because she was a little beauty. At the very least, he should emphasize mutual love when it came to matters between men and women.    


And now, Gao Fei could smell a hint of 'mutual love'. Through their four eyes, he keenly noticed the disturbance in Yan Hong's heart.    


Gao Fei didn't despise Yan Hong because of this.    


On the contrary, he sympathized with her: she was in an era where she was like a wolf or a tiger. Su Beishan, who was over sixty years old, obviously wouldn't be able to satisfy her.    


Primitive human emotions have nothing to do with love.    


That is to say: Yan Hong may be truly in love with Su Beishan, but this cannot be denied that she lost interest in that aspect, unless she was an indifferent person.    


This was also the reason why Yan Hong was always dressed so coquettishly. She was using this as a way to vent her dissatisfaction.    


But then again, even if Yan Hong had the thought of stepping out of the wall again, did she dare?    


Don't forget that she was the wife of Beishan Group's chairman, and was definitely a well-known person in the Jinnan. No matter what kind of scandal or rumors, it was something Su Beishan couldn't accept.    


Gao Fei looked out at the torrential rain. He was lost in his thoughts and suddenly felt that it was very funny. He felt that he was too arrogant. He had thought too much just because of a glance from Yan Hong.    


Thinking like this, the heat in Gao Fei's heart gradually subsided. When he looked at Yan Hong again, his gaze returned to its former unruly state.    


Yan Hong regained her composure and asked with a smile, "What song do you like to hear?"    


"Un, is there any with hidden bitterness or gentleness like the" Crossing Worlds "sung by the Love Orchestra?"    


Gao Fei thought for a while and said the name of the song.    


The song "Horizon" sung by the Love Orchestra could be said to be a fairly old song. Modern youngsters rarely listened to it.    


Gao Fei remembered the song because there was a girl who liked to listen to it.    


"Hur hur, I didn't expect that you guys would like to listen to this song. You're pretty lucky, I coincidentally have a CD of this song."    


Yan Hong's eyes lit up as she looked at Gao Fei. She took out a disc and inserted it into the CD.    


The infectious song of the band trickled out from the stereo, "When the wind blows here, it stops. When the rain falls here, it laughs at my sentimentality. Shadow accompanied by the side, count the past, how many years of happiness and sadness, who turn the moon short into a full moon? I have always used the future to exchange for fate between us, unchanging as wind and snow … … "    


After the singing started, the last bit of restlessness in Gao Fei's body also disappeared. He stared at the road in front of him in a daze.    


In the rain, a girl slowly appeared in front of him. She giggled and jumped around like a little deer, shouting at him, "Come, little idiot! Come and chase after your big sister! If you catch up with me, I'll let you kiss me!"    


The girl under him bit her lips and scratched his chest with her slender fingers. Her tears flowed down her cheeks onto the pillow as she gasped for breath and apologized, "Fei, I have let you down, I have let you down! I can only give my first time to you as compensation to Fei. Forget about me, you will find your own happiness! "    


Then, the girl pulled a long face and said sharply: "Gao Fei, I'm warning you, don't come looking for me anymore! I, and you, are not the same person! Yes, I admit I betrayed my love and myself for the sake of money, but I don't think there's anything wrong with that, because I need it now, I need the Chariot House! But what can you give me? Your salary of three thousand dollars a month? Give them all to me? Ha, Gao Fei, don't be so naive. Three thousand yuan isn't even enough to buy me makeup! "    


Gao Fei didn't understand why he couldn't forget that girl and every word she said even after such a long time had passed!    


Even during his years abroad, no matter what he was doing, he would always think of her.    




Was this her first love?    


He would never be forgotten in his life?    


Gao Fei looked forward with a blank expression. He was completely immersed in the period of time eight years ago. The corners of his mouth kept moving …    


He didn't know how much time had passed, but he didn't notice that the heavy rain had turned into drizzling rain. The singing of "Horizon" was long over, and the car had arrived in front of the production area of Yanshan Cement Factory.    


As if he had just woken up from a dream, Gao Fei suddenly turned around and saw Yan Hong looking at him strangely.    


"Ah, we're here?"    


Gao Fei immediately turned his head, but he felt a chill on his face. He raised his hand to wipe it and realized that there was actually water stains.    


"Yes, we're here."    


Yan Hong held the steering wheel with both hands and asked softly, "Did you think of your former lover just now?"    


Gao Fei was stunned: "Why do you say that?"    


Yan Hong replied faintly, "If you were thinking about someone else, you wouldn't be crying, laughing and feeling sweet at the same time."    


"You observed very carefully. Yes, I was thinking of my first love. But it is already over, so there is nothing much to think about."    



Gao Fei opened the car door and casually said, "Alright, Deputy Director Yan, thank you for sending me back. Are you still going to stay at my house?"    


Gao Fei was sure that he had only asked Yan Hong to come home with him with a word of courtesy. After all, she had sent him all the way home, so no matter what, he had to be polite, right?    


However, he didn't expect Yan Hong to say, "Okay, wait for me. I'll park the car."    


"Ah, you really went."    


Gao Fei was confused.    


Yan Hong ignored him and parked her car next to the entrance of Yanshan Cement Plant.    


The place Gao Fei lived in, even though it was called the factory district, it was actually a small residential district.    


After the move of the cement factory in the past, because the place had not been developed in time, the nearby villagers built some simple rooms and rented them out.    


The conditions here were quite harsh. The passageway was narrow, barely enough to accommodate a tricycle. Yan Hong naturally had to park the car in front of the door.    


After Yan Hong parked the car, she didn't get off immediately. It was unknown what she was doing inside.    


Gao Fei could only light up a cigarette and wait patiently by the side.    


After waiting for a full five minutes, Ferrari's car door opened and a beautiful young lady wearing a black suit, a bit of lipstick, a White Shirt, and black high-heeled shoes walked out.    


Yan Hong was a slut that was deep in her bones, but now, she had turned into a white-collar lady with a dignified and charming air. It was as if she was a completely different person from before.    


Looking at the stupefied Gao Fei, Yan Hong smiled. She lifted her hand to straighten the hair on the back of her head. "What? You don't recognize me anymore?"    


"I don't know you. If I didn't see you get out of the car, I would have thought you were someone else."    


Gao Fei shook his head lightly. He was full of praise, but his eyes were also pure and full of appreciation.    


"Hehe, if I still wear the same makeup as before, I'm afraid your neighbor will mistake me for someone who brought a joke from another place."    


The satchel in Yan Hong's hand was actually a little naive and silly.    


"I don't have any neighbors here. At most, I know the elder sister-in-law of the canteen."    


Gao Fei smiled bitterly and took the lead to walk into the alley, "Be careful when you land, don't step in the mud."    


Every meter or so, there was a brick in the middle of the narrow passageway, and beneath it was mud water that was almost as tall as a brick.    


Looking at her high heels, Yan Hong said, "No problem."    


The two of them, one in front and one behind, walked towards the depths of the alleyway.    


After walking a few steps, Gao Fei heard a soft cry from Yan Hong behind him. He immediately turned around and saw her raising her arms with her right leg in the air. Her body was crooked and she was about to fall into the mud.    


Although high heels looked good, they were not suitable for such a road.    


Gao Fei turned around and put his arm around Yan Hong's small waist. He then took the opportunity and hugged her tightly.    


Yan Hong acted as if she didn't realize that she was being held by a man. She patted her heart lightly with her small hand. With a frightened expression, she said, "Luckily, you reached out your hand in time. Otherwise, I would have fallen down."    


"Be careful."    


Gao Fei let go of her waist and grabbed her right hand.    


Yan Hong didn't refuse, allowing him to grab onto her little hand as she staggered forward behind him.    


Standing at the door of Gao Fei's house, Yan Hong was surprised. "You live here?"    


"Ang, come in. Although the house is a little simple, at least it is clean."    


As Gao Fei said this, he quickly walked in front of the bed, lifted up the bedsheets, and wrapped those dirty socks up.    


"That's right, it is indeed clean. Other than the bed and table, there seems to be nothing else."    


Yan Hong slowly walked in.    


"Hehe, sit, just sit on the edge of the bed."    


Gao Fei patted the edge of the bed with a smile.    


Yan Hong did not sit down. Instead, she slowly said, "Gao Fei, come with me."    


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