Heavenly Dao Sword Emperor

C146 Travelling Through Space and Time(3)

C146 Travelling Through Space and Time(3)

0After that, Zheng Zinuo brought a group of friends and family to tour the three thousand great worlds. In the Upper immortal realm and the Lower Ghost World, almost every corner of the world was filled with his footprints.    


In the blink of an eye, three hundred years had passed...    


In the Immortal Demon Forest at the border between the Immortal and Devil World, on the left was the tens of thousands of people from the Devil World led by Qingtian, and on the right was the tens of thousands of people from the immortal realm led by Zheng Zinuo. The two sides were facing off, and the battle between the peak of the world was about to begin.    


"Mighty Old Devil, I never thought that you would really dare to accept the challenge after three hundred years!" As usual, Zheng Zinuo was wearing a white robe and carrying the Ethereal Divine Sword on his back. He looked handsome and handsome.    


"Hahaha... Xuanqing, don't think that I'm afraid of you just because you let me go once. Back then, you didn't kill me when I was seriously injured. Today, I will make you regret what you did. Humph!" Tian Qingtian replied with great resentment.    


" Heh... If I can kill you once, I can kill you a second time, or a third time. I will kill you until you are convinced! " Zheng Zinuo said indifferently, "Don't call me Xuanqing anymore. He was in my past life. I am now called Zheng Zinuo. Remember this name! "    


"Zheng Zinuo?" Mighty Old Devil was stunned for a moment, then his facial expression changed dramatically. "Why does this name sound so familiar? Zheng Zinuo... Zheng Zinuo... Not good! Why didn't I remember? My master, the Dark Demon God, once told me some things about the innate gods that created the world. There seemed to be an expert who could be compared to Great God Pangu, who also seemed to be called Zheng Zinuo. No, it can't be him... "    


"Qingtian, let's cut the crap. Let's have a showdown!" Zheng Zinuo shouted when he saw Qingtian's uncertain expression.    


"Let's have a showdown! Today, I will kill all of you! Ah..." Tian Qingtian suddenly shook his body and got rid of the negative effects in his mind. He summoned the Tiger Soul Divine Saber and lunged at Zheng Zinuo.    


"Today, I will show you my true strength!" Zheng Zinuo shouted. With a flash, he appeared in front of Tian Qingtian. With his bare hands, he used the Vapour Phase Sword to meet Mighty Old Devil's Tiger Soul Divine Saber.    


"Sister Wan'er, can Brother Zinuo defeat Mighty Old Devil?" Lili asked nervously.    


"I don't know either..." Xiao Wan'er was also very nervous as she said with a face full of worry. " He only knows how to sightsee all day long. I have reminded him many times not to delay his cultivation. But he just doesn't listen. Now, even I don't know what realm he has reached. After asking him a few times, he said that his realm has already reached a bottleneck. If you want to break through, you need to find opportunities."    


"Reaching a bottleneck?" Xuanyuan frowned and said, "Three hundred years ago, Zinuo's cultivation base had already reached the late Golden Immortal realm, and I was on par with him at that time. A hundred years ago, I broke through to the Golden Immortal realm and attained the early Ninth Heaven Profound Immortal realm. But I still can't see through him. Now, he said that he has already reached a bottleneck. Could that be the bottleneck of the advanced-stage of the Nine Heavens Mysterious Immortal Realm? If that's the case, then he should only be a step away from the God Realm. "    


" I think so. We're all only at the Heavenly Immortal Realm. We can't see through people at your level at all. Xuanyuan, tell me, if Zinuo is really a late Nine Heavens Mysterious Immortal, can he defeat Mighty Old Devil? " Zheng Zizhou asked hastily.    


"If he is really a late stage Nine Heavens Mysterious Immortal, he has the help of my Xuanyuan Realm and Ethereal Divine Sword. It shouldn't be difficult to defeat Mighty Old Devil, but it won't be easy. Because Mighty Old Devil is at least a late stage Nine Heavens Mysterious Immortal. But if Zinuo was really at the late stage of the Nine Heavens Profound Immortal Realm, then look! Would he be able to deal with Mighty Old Devil with such ease? Bare-handed and one-handed combat, he's still suppressing Mighty Old Devil to the point where he can't even breathe?" Xuanyuan said in shock once again.    


" Ah? Seems like it..." Everyone was overjoyed when they saw this.    


"Wayayaya... Zheng Zinuo, you brat, look at my seventh stage Heavenly Devil Great Art, the Heavenly Devil Swallowing the Sun and Moon! " The more Mighty Old Devil fought, the more shocked he became. No matter how he attacked, Zheng Zinuo could still easily neutralize it. Furthermore, he didn't use the divine sword and the Xuanyuan Realm magic treasure behind him. He just carried them with one hand behind his back and strolled leisurely. Mighty Old Devil couldn't help but feel angry.    


"Wah? He had finally used his ultimate move. Hehe..." Zheng Zinuo said indifferently and continued to wave his hand. With a simple word, "Extinguish," the huge black devil that seemed to be able to devour the sun and moon was torn into pieces just like that. It disappeared without a trace.    


"No... that's impossible, right?" Mighty Old Devil's face turned pale with shock. He retreated dozens of meters and widened his eyes, as if this was the first time he had met Zheng Zinuo.    


"I don't believe it, the eighth level of the Great Heavenly Devil Art - Devil Slaughter in All Directions..." Mighty Old Devil roared once more. Countless purple lightning bolts shot out from the Tiger Soul Divine Blade and gathered on Zheng Zinuo's body from all directions.    


When Zheng Zinuo saw Mighty Old Devil using this move, he remained calm. He put one hand behind his back and looked at the sky indifferently. He didn't make any movements even when all the purple lights were attacking him.    




"Big Bro Zinuo...!" The people who were watching the battle in the distance shouted with great concern. Their hearts almost jumped out of their chests.    


However, what made everyone feel incredulous was that the purple light didn't explode as they had expected when it hit Zheng Zinuo's body. Zheng Zinuo didn't show any signs of dying from serious injuries as they had imagined. Instead, he revealed a look of longing. He looked very satisfied.    


"En... The taste of this demon essence is indeed not bad, hahaha..." Zheng Zinuo seemed to be enjoying a delicious meal. His words instantly stunned all the people of the Immortal and Devil World. Each and every one of them. They looked at Zheng Zinuo as if they were looking at a monster.    


"Hey, Little Demon Tian, where's your ninth ultimate skill? Hurry up and use it, I'm still waiting here!" Zheng Zinuo reminded Tian Qingtian when he saw him stunned on the spot.    


"Impossible... There's no reason... Devil essence energy and immortal essence energy are things that counter each other. You... how can you absorb it so easily?!" Mighty Old Devil seemed to have gone mad as he shouted and shouted once more. “ You damned brat, look at the tenth stage of my Heavenly Devil Great Art - Demon God Descends to the World!"    


" Oh? In just three hundred years, you have actually created the tenth stage of the Great Heavenly Demon Art, not bad. Not bad!" Zheng Zinuo's expression became slightly serious, but he still said with a calm smile. " You will not be afraid even if you have comprehended the eleventh level, unless you have broken through to the realm of God. You have obtained the Laws of God that only God possesses! "    


"God Laws?" After Mighty Old Devil was cast into the world by the Demon God, he became exactly the same as the Dark Demon God. He had heard what Zheng Zinuo had said. What? ___'s expression changed slightly, but he did not hesitate. He shouted, "Dark devil god, destroy the heaven and earth..."    


As Mighty Old Devil casted his cultivation technique, the clear sky changed dramatically. Dark clouds covered the sky and a huge whirlpool descended from the sky. It was as if the sky was going to collapse and the earth was going to be destroyed.    


"Everyone, run!" Someone shouted. The immortals and devils all panicked and ran away.    


"What's there to run about? Look at my new God who created the Law of God..." Zheng Zinuo was calm and composed. He waved his hand and the giant whirlpool disappeared as if it had never appeared.    


"Alright, Atlas. You have been arrogant for so long. It's time for me to play with you." Zheng Zinuo continued to speak with a condescending tone, "Take this god's attack - Splitting Heaven and Earth!"    


A huge golden sword shadow appeared in the void. The Ethereal Divine Sword had appeared at an unknown time, and it had become tens of thousands of meters long. It descended from the sky and slashed towards the stunned Qingtian with great force.    


"Ah..." With a miserable cry, the sky turned into ashes, and even the devil baby disappeared. Only a faint purple soul was summoned into Zheng Zinuo's hand.    


The immortals and devils around them were all shocked by what they saw. The people of immortal realm immediately cheered, and the people of the Devil World panicked.    


"Hahaha..." Just as everyone was at a loss of what to do, several rays of light flashed in the sky, and dozens of nameless old men and beautiful women appeared.    


"Congratulations, Fellow Daoist, you have finally reached the Divine Realm..." Several dozen nameless old men and beautiful women congratulated in unison.    


"Fellow Daoists, long time no see!" Zheng Zinuo smiled and cupped his hands, "Brother Demon God, how should your disciple deal with this?"    


"I'll listen to your orders, Elder God. This bastard actually dares to go against Elder Brother Supreme God. He should be punished." The Dark Demon God said without hesitation.    


"Good!" Zheng Zinuo nodded and said, "Then I will let him enter the reincarnation cycle of life and death. He will only be able to cultivate the Heavenly Dao after going through hundreds and thousands of years." Zheng Zinuo waved his hand and sent Mighty Old Devil's soul into the reincarnation cycle.    


"So these people are all innate Immortal Gods who have disappeared for tens of thousands of years. Wah... Today, I have finally gained some knowledge..."    


"That's right, that's right. Isn't that the legendary Mother of mankind, Lady Nuwa?"    


"That seems to be Lady Hou Tu..."    


"Wah... There are also four great Divine Beast..."    


The immortals and devils discussed animatedly.    


"Immortal Gods, listen up!" Zheng Zinuo stepped on the Ethereal Divine Sword, and the Xuanyuan Realm magic treasure hovered high in the sky as he shouted.    


"Receive the divine decree..." All the immortals and devils, including the newly arrived Xiantian Immortal Gods and the four great Divine Beast, fell to their knees.    


"Starting from today, a new rule will be established between the heavens and the earth, breaking all prejudices. From today onwards, there will only be good and evil, and cultivation techniques amongst Immortals and Fiendgods. There will be no difference between immortal and devil. The energy of the barrier of the three thousand worlds and the worlds of immortals and devils will be reduced to the Golden Immortal realm. Anyone above the Golden Immortal realm can descend to the lower realms to observe the suffering of the birth, aging, and death of humans. Anyone below the Golden Immortal realm can apply to enter the lower realms. Anyone in the Lower Realm who discovers that they don't abide by the Dao of Good and cause harm to the human realm... Their souls will be shattered and they will never be reincarnated... "    


"I will obey the decree of the Divine Sovereign..."    


Ten thousand years later...    



Zheng Zinuo, Xiao Wan'er, Zheng Zizhou, Feng Ziyan and Xuanyuan gathered together. Ling, Wenli, Shui Zhu'er, Hu Mei'er and Yin Yang. Qianxun, Zhang Jinyu, Su Xiaoxian, Dongfang Shenyong and the other two brothers, as well as Qin Xiaoyan and Jing Xiaotian, who had ascended later on.    


"Everyone, after ten thousand years of cultivation, we have all reached the Mysterious Immortal Realm of the Nine Heavens. Today, I have gathered all my friends and family together because I have a few things to announce..." Zheng Zinuo swept his eyes across the crowd and said with some reluctance.    


" Oh? What's the matter, Zinuo?" Feng Ziyan was still as lively and cute as before.    


" First of all, what I want to ask is, do you all still have any unfulfilled wishes? " Zheng Zinuo smiled and asked.    


"Wish?" Everyone looked at each other.    


"Alright, let's start with Yin and Yang." Zheng Zinuo called out one by one, "Yin and Yang, you have already completed five evolutions, reaching the highest point of your cultivation base. What other wishes do you have now?"    


"Big brother, I..." Yin Yang hesitated. He looked at the people around him and said with some embarrassment, "Big brother, I want to reincarnate as a human, and I want to try out the love and hate in your world."    


"En, I already know what you mean. Big brother will satisfy you right now. Let you reincarnate as a human, and have a truly magnificent love with the girl that you have always been attached to..." Zheng Zinuo said.    


"Thank you, big brother..." When Yin Yang heard this, his face turned red, and he felt extremely grateful in his heart. He never thought that Zheng Zinuo would still remember the unforgettable love he had with the girl when he had used the Soul Shifting Technique to enter a scholar's body.    


"There's no need to be so polite between brothers." Zheng Zinuo smiled and continued to ask, "Xuanyuan, what about you and Ling? What wishes do you have?"    


"Xuanyuan, how about we descend to the lower realm together and reincarnate as humans and try out the sweetness and spiciness of humans?" Ling's beautiful eyes moved and pulled Xuanyuan's hand.    


"Uh... Since you have said so, then I will have to trouble Zinuo to let us reincarnate as well." Xuanyuan said shyly.    


"Hahaha..." Zheng Zinuo laughed heartily and said, "Alright. Xuanyuan, Ling, I will let you reincarnate on Earth. The Ethereal Divine Sword transformed into the Xuan-Yuan Sword and descended with you, while you and I named each other Emperor Huang Xuanyuan. Ling. I will give you the name Leizu and you will descend to the Lower Realm and start a new era for the humans on Earth. "    


After saying that, he paused for a moment and said in a playful tone," But there is no good opponent in life. That is loneliness and sorrow. At this time, Qingtian will be reincarnated into Earth. An alias. Chi You, I will let him be your opponent. Enjoy your lives... "    


"Hehe... What he said seems to be quite fun. Let's reincarnate and play with Mr Xuanyuan and the others. How about that?" Wenli's playful personality did not change at all.    


"Alright. Anyway, staying here for ten thousand years is boring. Let's reincarnate then. But boss, you must arrange a good role for me." She was still as crafty as ever.    


"Okay! I'll satisfy all of you." Zheng Zinuo nodded and said to Shui Zhu'er and Zhang Jinyu, "Zhu'er, Jinyu, do you want to experience reincarnation together?"    


"I..." Shui Zhu'er looked at Zhang Jinyu, whose face was red, and could not give an answer for a moment.    


"Master, we are willing!" Zhang Jinyu hurriedly bowed and answered, even though his relationship with Shui Zhu'er had improved a lot after ten thousand years. However, Shui Zhu'er's love for Zheng Zinuo was deeply rooted in her heart. Now, only by reincarnating and recultivating could she change all of this.    


"Alright, what about the others? Do you have any other wishes?" Zheng Zinuo continued asking.    


"Big brother, why don't I reincarnate and gain some experience as well? If I continue to sit here, I will be the one with the weakest cultivation base. I hope that I can cultivate once more, allowing my cultivation base to advance by another level." Jing Xiaotian thought for a moment and said.    


"En..." Zheng Zinuo nodded and said with a smile, "Xiaotian, you still have a strange encounter. Don't be in a hurry to reincarnate. " Wait. " After we leave, you will report to the Heavenly Emperor. I bestow upon you the name of Divine General Fei Peng, to look after the Well of Gods and Demons. Protecting the peace of immortal realm, there will naturally be a meeting of fate that you deserve from now on... "    


"Thank you for your guidance, big brother. I will definitely obey big brother's divine decree!" Jing Xiaotian said with slight joy.    


"You are welcome. What about you?" Zheng Zinuo asked again.    


The others looked at each other, but did not answer. After a while, Zheng Zizhou asked, "Zinuo, do you have any wishes?"    


"I..." Zheng Zinuo smiled and replied, "I have been trying to prove my Dao and cultivate the laws of virtue for the past ten thousand years. Finally, I broke through the last shackle during this period of time. After reaching the new realm that Brother Pan Gu told me about, I will bring Wan'er to find Brother Pan Gu after fulfilling your wish. "    


"Ah? Is there another realm above the Supreme God Realm?" Everyone asked in disbelief when they heard this.    


"Of course." Zheng Zinuo nodded affirmatively and said, "There is no end to learning... and the next Supreme God will be born among you. After I enter a new space, One of you will replace my current position... " After saying that, Zheng Zinuo glanced at Xuanyuan and nodded meaningfully.    


"Then do we still have a chance to meet again?" Hu Mei'er, Qin Xiaoyan, and Su Xiaoxian asked anxiously.    


"En! I suggest that Xiao Xian, Xiaoyan, and Mei'er reincarnate and train for a bit. Perhaps there will be a new encounter..." Zheng Zinuo said. This sentence had double meanings. In fact, he wanted Hu Mei'er and the other two girls to completely forget about him.    


"Instead of waiting foolishly, it is better to choose to forget..." Feng Ziyan said with some sympathy.    


Xiao Wan'er also seemed to have a lot of reluctant feelings. She wanted to say something but stopped herself. However, she finally kept silent...    


"Okay..." Su Xiaoxian, Qin Xiaoyan and Hu Mei'er looked at each other and their eyes dimmed. They also knew that even if they could always follow Zheng Zinuo, he would always only have Xiao Wan'er in his heart. Instead of feeling so sad and painful, it would be better to reincarnate and cultivate again and choose to forget...    


"Alright! Big Brother, you and sister-in-law, as well as Eldest Senior Brother, Second Senior Brother, Third Senior Brother, Fourth Senior Brother, Fifth Senior Brother, Liu'er, Senior Sister Ru, Qianxun and the rest, what about you?" Zheng Zinuo nodded and continued asking.    


"We don't have any wishes, so let's roam the Four Realms and become a pair of divine lovers..." Everyone was in pairs and answered without any worries.    


"Hahaha... Good! Then we shall meet again! The rest of you, return to your positions..." Zheng Zinuo waved his hand and the group disappeared.    


Finishing Heart's Word.    


Divine Sword Immortal Destiny began to be composed on December 16th, 2010 until today, April 27th, 2011. The long Xianxia cultivation novel, which took nearly four and a half months, finally came to an end. The book was close to 1.1 million. It was the longest and most satisfying Xianxia cultivation novel that Tao Li had ever written since she started writing.    


At the end of the story, Tao Li sincerely thanked every reader who supported Tao Li and the readers who had been pursuing the novel with her. She thanked the website editor and all the staff members, and thanked all the friends and readers for their support. She thanked her family and friends for their suggestions, especially those friends who did not hesitate to spend money to send flowers, red packets, and various props to Tao Li. Thank you, everyone. Without your support, Peach Blossom's book wouldn't have come to this day.    


Peach Blossom didn't disappoint everyone. This novel lasted for more than four months. Tao Li had never stopped for a single day, and had persistently walked through the whole process. It could also be said that it didn't have a bad ending. From the beginning to the end, Tao Li had been thinking hard. It had been trying its best not to be a tiger's head and snake's tail. Peach Blossom had done all she could to complete it. If she did not do it well, she hoped that the readers would criticize and correct her.    


The completion of a book was like the completion of a major task. Tao Li felt very comfortable from the beginning to the end, but at the same time, she felt as if she had been relieved of a burden. This feeling was really beautiful.    


However, the completion of a book didn't mean the end of Tao Li's writing career. The next novel was in the midst of being drafted, and he believed that he would meet everyone again soon. At that time, he would still need everyone's support. Thank you, everyone! We will meet again in the future...    


The butterfly was drunk for the flower, but the flower flew with the wind, the flower danced and the flower shed tears, the flower cried and the flower petals flew, the flower bloomed for who to thank, and the flower thanked for who to mourn.    


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