Heavenly Dao Sword Emperor

C154 The Fish That Took the Bait

C154 The Fish That Took the Bait

0Just as Chen Xiao thought she was up to something, the middle-aged woman took the glass from the bartender and sat down in their chairs without hesitation, as if she had known everyone for a long time.    


As if she had never had any conflict with Chen Xiao before, the middle-aged woman took off her veil hat. She revealed her face. Although she was in her thirties, she looked like a girl in her twenties. Her lips were red and her teeth were white. Her face was as white as snow, and her skin was so good that many women envied her. Not only was it smooth, but it was also very elastic.    


"Hello, nice to meet you. My name is Jiaang Weiwei." The middle-aged woman greeted them as if they were acquaintances. Everyone nodded slightly.    


"I finally see your true name, Lushan. It really wasn't easy." Chen Xiao took a sip and said calmly, "I wonder if Miss Jiang's subordinates will follow us?"    


"Haha, there's no need to probe further. I'm the only one here today." Jiaang Weiwei took a sip and revealed the mature charm unique to a thirty year old woman. The graceful curves and unique charm attracted the attention of the men nearby from time to time. Although Lee Jiajia and Fong Chensi were both first-class beauties, in a bar like this, Men preferred young women like Jiaang Weiwei.    


"Do you think we can trust you?" Chen Xiao looked outside the door from time to time. Once there was any movement, he would immediately get up and grab Jiaang Weiwei's neck as a hostage. With his current condition, it would not be difficult for him to do this.    


"If I wanted to do it, why would I let you see my true face?" After a pause, Jiaang Weiwei said sincerely, "Lee Jiajia, Chen Xiao. I may have been too ruthless before. But I only want one thing, as long as you give it to me. I will not kill you in secret."    


"Another share of the private power plant project?" Chen Xiao smiled.    


"That's right. Since you are so straightforward, I will be straightforward too. The force behind me must obtain more than 30% of the power plant's shares. This request isn't too much, right?" Jiaang Weiwei stated attractive conditions and slowly said, "As long as you agree to cooperate with us, you can use our force to eradicate your enemies in the future."    


"Unfortunately, I am just a worker and cannot make a decision." Chen Xiao continued to rub Fong Chensi's legs, but he found that Fong Chensi's face was not as flustered as before. She looked as if nothing had happened. Could it be that she liked this feeling?    


Seeing Jiaang Weiwei's silence, Chen Xiao rubbed Fong Chensi's legs from below. Unless you tell me why you must get the shares of the power plant project. After we understand the real reason, we might agree to cooperate. Otherwise, there's no need to talk about it"    


There must be another reason why so many companies wanted shares in the power plant project, besides money. This was also what Chen Xiao wanted to understand the most at the moment.    


" Forgive me for not being able to comply, and I really don't know. " Jiaang Weiwei refused immediately, and it seemed like she really did not know the reason behind it.    


"Then I will also say that I am sorry. There is no need to talk about cooperation." Chen Xiao smiled faintly.    


"Chen Xiao, don't forget that you were almost caught by me last time. You won't be so lucky next time." Jiaang Weiwei turned her head and stared at Lee Jiajia and said, "Lee Jiajia, you are also the same. Why should you sacrifice your life for a project? Better obediently agree to cooperate."    


"I am a person. I don't like other people's threats the most." Chen Xiao stared back at Jiaang Weiwei, grabbed Lee Jiajia's hand and firmly said, "If you dare to hurt her again, my woman. I will make you pay a painful price and use all kinds of means. Use all of your energy. "    


At this moment, Chen Xiao felt his calves ache. It turned out that Fong Chensi's legs had started to rub against his own feet. Interesting. Have you learned how to counterattack? Chen Xiao thought to himself.    


"Chen Xiao, do you really have nothing else you want? As long as you say it, I can satisfy you, including me." Jiaang Weiwei narrowed her eyes and revealed a charming look.    


"Forget it, I am not interested. I cannot afford to offend a woman like you." Chen Xiao put his hand on the table and said coldly, "Since your men are not here, I'm interested in catching you. Interrogate you, or let you taste the pain of being beaten up. Because you have repeatedly tried to take my woman's life. "    


Hearing Chen Xiao's words, Jiaang Weiwei did not have any fear. She leaned against the back of her seat and said faintly, "Oh, then you can give it a try."    


Since all her subordinates were not present, why did she still have the confidence to appear in front of her? Could it be that she had other trump cards? She did not care. She would capture them first. Just as Chen Xiao was about to capture Jiaang Weiwei, he suddenly heard a familiar voice, "Chen Xiao!"    


He looked up and saw Qian Ling, whom he had not seen for many days. She sat beside Jiaang Weiwei and asked proudly, "Chen Xiao, when did you have so many beautiful women by your side? You are really a playboy."    


"Yes, and from time to time you play hooligan with other women." Fong Chensi saw that Qian Ling was the same person as her and immediately agreed.    


"I told you to attack me together with others." Chen Xiao saw that Fong Chensi still dared to mock him and once again climbed up from under the table along her legs. She was so scared, but she did not expect that her opponent's leg did not retreat. He reached out a hand to touch his thigh.    


This lily-white hand kept pointing at Chen Xiao's thigh with her index finger and middle finger, drawing circles all the time. It made Chen Xiao itchy and numb, making him feel strange in his heart. He did not expect Fong Chensi to have this side to her. He did not expect that not only did he not bully her, but he had also been taken advantage of by her.    


"Chen Xiao, are you alright? Why do you have such a strange expression?" Lee Jiajia asked with concern.    


"I think you are thinking about other women again." Qian Ling said in a gloomy tone and Fong Chensi also agreed, "That's right, that's right."    


Without waiting for Chen Xiao to speak, Jiaang Weiwei said first, "His expression is strange because he kept rubbing against my leg, making me feel sore and numb. Chen Xiao, if you want to say it directly, I am willing to give it to you."    


"Jiajia, look, I told you that he is not a good person, quickly dump him." Fong Chensi seized the opportunity and quickly fanned the flames to take revenge for Chen Xiao taking advantage of her a few times.    


"I didn't see that you had such a beastly side to you. I have already said that you are not a good person. And you still refuse to admit it." Qian Ling also ridiculed and even though Lee Jiajia could not see the angry expression on her face, That was because Jiaang Weiwei and Qian Ling were present, but she secretly pinched the embarrassed Chen Xiao.    


She thought that Fong Chensi would not be so bold to actually dare to come back. She even touched his leg. It turned out that it was Jiaang Weiwei's hand. Perhaps it was a mistake from earlier, or perhaps Jiaang Weiwei deliberately let him take advantage of her like this. It seemed that this woman was really scheming, so he had to be more careful. Chen Xiao stared at Jiaang Weiwei, but she did not care at all.    


At this time, a young man of twenty-seven or twenty-eight years old walked over. He wore a pair of sunglasses and had a thick gold chain hanging on his chest. It was as if he was afraid that others would not know that he had a strong background and was very powerful.    


Walking to the front of Chen Xiao's table, the young man raised his head and said, "Chensi, I did not expect to meet you here. It seems that the two of us are really fated. Why don't you come and have a drink with me?"    


"No need, Young Master Lun. My friend is here. Next time." Fong Chensi was obviously impatient and could not directly refuse, so she could only find an excuse.    


"What bullsh * t friend." Only then did Young Master Lun notice the other people and suck in a breath of cold air. He didn't expect that this table would be filled with top beauties, as well as a mature young woman who was about to fall to the ground. He said, "Why don't you bring these friends to my booth and order whatever wine you want?"    


After a pause, Young Master Lun patted his chest and said, "My dad knows the boss here. He can drink any expensive wine he wants, as long as you have so many beautiful women happy."    


"Forget it, let's just sit here. We'll chat next time if we have the chance." Fong Chensi still refused in one go.    


She saw that there was only Chen Xiao at this table, but there were so many beautiful women. She could not help but wonder if Fong Chensi was unwilling to leave because of that stinky brat. Young Master Lun straightened his chest, shaking the gold chain so much that it shook. He arrogantly pointed at Chen Xiao's nose and said, "Get up, I want to sit here, or I will break your legs."    


Everyone's expressions changed. There were different expressions. Some were gloating over the misfortune of others, waiting to see how he would deal with this kind of situation, while others were worried about the conflict between the two. After all, young master Lun's father wasn't someone to be trifled with.    


"Chen Xiao, don't argue with this kind of person. His name is Huang Guolun. His father is the second in command of a gang in this district. There are also several real estate companies. They are rich and have status. Don't mess with him..."    


Seeing Fong Chensi approach Chen Xiao and whispering to him, Huang Guolun thought that the two of them had an unfair relationship. Or, just like him, they were pursuing Fong Chensi. He flew into a rage and said, "What right do you have to sit there? Get out here and lie on the ground for your father."    


Before Fong Chensi could finish, Chen Xiao stood up and smiled, "Okay, I will listen to Young Master Lun."    


Everyone thought they had misheard him. When did Chen Xiao become so gentle? Was this still the person they knew? Qian Ling was even more stunned. She did not believe that these words came out of Chen Xiao's mouth, but she quickly understood.    


Walking to the edge of the seat, Chen Xiao pretended to slip under his feet and pounced on Huang Guolun who was standing there. While he was blocking in front of him with his hand, ___ pushed him away with his hand. He hit ___'s chest with his elbow and was sent flying two or three meters away. He howled and fell to the ground.    


"You dare to grab me? I think you want to die!" Huang Guolun shouted angrily. He had lost so much face, he had to kill him.    


"No, no, no. Young Master Lun, you misunderstood me. How could I dare? It was all a mistake, blame me." Chen Xiao sincerely apologized as he stretched out his hand, indicating that he was willing to pull him up. Huang Guolun thought to himself. This person was so timid. He must not have done it on purpose. He would just give him a few slaps later.    


The pure Huang Guolun thought that Chen Xiao really wanted to pull him, so he stretched out his hand and pulled him back. However, just as he stood up, he was forcefully pulled by Chen Xiao. He couldn't stand straight and crashed into the counter next to him. His face fell onto the wooden board. Not only was his face swollen, but he also had a lot of nosebleeds.    


"Aiya, Young Master Lun, it's all my fault. Why am I so careless? Come, come, come, let me help you back up." Chen Xiao pretended to apologize and once again forcefully grabbed Huang Guolun's hand. He pulled ___ and walked out. After taking only two steps, Chen Xiao crossed his right leg. Huang Guolun's hand was pulled again, and his face hit the floor again.    


The people nearby were laughing so hard that they were bending over. No matter how stupid they were, they could see that Chen Xiao was deliberately teasing Huang Guolun. Except for some people who knew Young Master Lun, everyone else was laughing out loud.    


"Chen Xiao, how dare you do this to me? I want you to die!" Huang Guolun pushed Chen Xiao's hand away and took a few steps back. He stood up and said in a blurry voice.    


"Poor thing. Young Master Lun has turned into a pig head all of a sudden. It seems that you should speak less in the future. Otherwise, your face will become even more swollen." Chen Xiao looked at him with a smile that was not a smile.    



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