Heavenly Dao Sword Emperor

C27 New Ones Body Transformation

C27 New Ones Body Transformation

0Back in his room, Zheng Zinuo did not bathe and sleep as usual. Instead, he immediately went into meditation and transmitted his voice to Sword Spirit. Now, he discovered that Sword Spirit could feel anything in his mind. Because he still had a lot of questions that he had not figured out during the day, he was now somewhat impatient. Thus, he began to communicate with it.    


"Sword Spirit, are you there?" Zheng Zinuo asked.    


"Yes, Master. Is there anything I can help you with?" Sword Spirit replied.    


"Why don't you want me to tell Master about your existence?"    


"Because the time is not ripe yet. After all, in this world, there is no such thing as Master. If everyone knows about my existence, it would not be good to capture you and study you randomly."    


"Oh, so that's how it is." Zheng Zinuo suddenly understood and asked with anticipation, "When will you teach me the Ethereal Divine Sword Spell?"    


"Yes... If master wants to learn it, I can teach you right now. But the Divine Sword Technique is not as simple as Master imagined, it contains almost all of the essence of martial arts. It is divided into nine techniques and eighteen styles, and it also contains a set of profound inner Qi cultivation spell. It was similar to the Soul cultivation spell in this world, as well as a profound sword technique. There was also a set of powerful movement techniques and a set of immortal arts techniques. Without a certain level of talent and theoretical basis, as well as a strong foundation of the physical body, it's impossible to cultivate."    


" Oh, it's so complicated! There are still so many parts to it." Zheng Zinuo was a little disappointed. Suddenly, he had an idea and asked, "Then which part do you think is suitable for me to cultivate the Divine Sword Technique?"    


"En... Master, your cultivation base has already reached a certain level, but your physical body is still not strong enough. And because he had just come into contact with the world of cultivation, his understanding of the world of cultivation was still very weak. Right now, the only thing you can practice is the cultivation spell of the Godly Sword Technique. Master, when your cultivation base becomes stronger, you will be able to use the cultivation spell to practice the Godly Sword Technique. With a strong body, your theoretical knowledge of the world of cultivation would be rich, and your comprehension and comprehension would also increase. Only then can I teach you the remaining sword techniques, movement techniques, and immortal arts techniques. Otherwise, you can learn them rashly. It will only cause great damage to your body, master. The stronger the technique, the higher the requirements for your body. " Sword Spirit analyzed.    


"Alright, I will listen to you. First, learn the cultivation spell of the Ethereal Divine Sword Spell. Wait until my cultivation base becomes stronger and my body becomes stronger." Zheng Zinuo nodded and continued, "As for understanding and understanding of martial arts, let's look at the Martial Cultivation Virtue Scripture and Martial Cultivation World more. That should be correct. Let's begin. "    


" Alright, then I'll first tell master the cultivation spell of the Divine Sword Art. This technique is divided into ten realms, a total of 999 sentences of cultivation spell. Master, you have to remember it with all your heart. " Spirit Sword reminded him, and then said word by word. "Start the furnace with the Core Formation Stage in your heart, and your mind will transform into the void; think of the void, and move the sky. There will be a clear sky above the Morality. Hold on to the Yuan and rush to the ground, and the golden water will connect to the shore... "    


Zheng Zinuo almost did not sleep for the whole night. Under Sword Spirit's careful guidance, he memorized the internal cultivation spell of the Ethereal Divine Sword Spell, which was almost ten thousand words long. This was also Zheng Zinuo, who had photographic memory. If it were any other child, they would not be as good as him. In addition, he was very enthusiastic. In just one night, he forcefully memorized such a long skill of the Divine Sword Art.    


Overnight, he was excited. The next morning, Zheng Zinuo was still in high spirits. He followed his senior brothers to the roof to cultivate the Soul Exploring Eye. Ever since the battle yesterday... All his senior brothers, including Feng Ziyan, had different attitudes towards Zheng Zinuo. They were no longer the same as before. They only saw him as a useless child. Everyone was looking forward to seeing Zheng Zinuo now.    


Now that Feng Qingyun had agreed to it, Zheng Zinuo could openly cultivate the Soul Exploring Eye with his senior brothers. Although he didn't feel that the Soul Exploring Eye was very powerful, he still cultivated it meticulously.    


The morning was always short. Whether it was for those who were cultivating or those who were sleeping, they felt that the morning passed too quickly.    


In the blink of an eye, everyone had breakfast and went to cultivate according to their respective courses. Only Zheng Zinuo came to the main hall alone and waited for Feng Qingyun's instructions.    


"Zinuo, how do you feel about undergoing body transformation during this period of time?" In the great hall, Feng Qingyun asked Zheng Zinuo as soon as he came out.    


"En, I feel that my body has become much stronger and stronger than before." Zheng Zinuo did not know what his master meant by this, so he answered honestly.    


"Very good!" Feng Qingyun nodded and continued to ask, "Then do you know what is the most important thing for a martial artist?"    


"The most important thing?" Zheng Zinuo thought for a moment and said, "It is a cultivation method."    


"Wrong!" Feng Qingyun answered firmly, and said, "The Martial Cultivation Method is important, but it is not the strongest Martial Cultivation Method that can cultivate the martial soul to the highest level. What do you think it is?"    


"Is that a person's talent?" Zheng Zinuo asked again.    


"Not exactly." Feng Qingyun shook his head again and said, "Although talent is also very important, there are still some martial cultivator with purple martial soul that haven't cultivated to the highest realm. On the contrary, some martial cultivator that aren't purple martial soul have been cultivated to the highest level of martial arts."    


"What exactly is that?" Zheng Zinuo asked, puzzled.    


"That is the body of a martial cultivator!" Feng Qingyun replied, "A martial cultivator doesn't have a good body, no matter how talented it is. No matter how good the Martial Cultivation Method is, he will not have a very strong future in martial arts. Usually, a very powerful Martial Cultivation Method requires a strong body to work together. It doesn't have a strong body. If you practice it recklessly, you might not be able to feel anything at the beginning. It would also give you twice the result with half the effort, but the more you cultivate, the slower your cultivation progress would become. It will also be more difficult to break through, and it is very likely that you will not be able to advance any further. It was even possible for you to go into deviatory psychosis. This was the reason why there were so many geniuses with purple martial soul in their possession. This is the reason why even after obtaining the peak Purple Martial Cultivation Method, one will still be unable to reach the Martial Saint realm for the rest of their life. "    


"Oh... Little brother Ziming has turned white." Zheng Zinuo nodded his head. He suddenly remembered that when he was cultivating the Ethereal Divine Sword Spell cultivation spell last night, Sword Spirit had also mentioned these things.    


"En, it's good that you understand." Feng Qingyun smiled with relief and said, "From today onwards, I will focus on training your physique. I will not teach you any Martial Cultivation Method for now, and don't cultivate your original Soul Upgrade Spell either. Besides, even if you cultivate it now, it won't have any effect because your soul force has already broken through to the tenth level. You are now a qualified warrior, and a warrior is the most crucial period for him to choose the Martial Cultivation Method. Your master wants to train your physique to the level of a general, so that you can cultivate the strongest Disdain Heaven Martial Saint Spell in our Hidden Spirit Sect. "    


Zheng Zinuo felt a sense of loss when he heard that Feng Qingyun wouldn't teach him any Martial Cultivation Method. But later on, he heard that ___ wanted to train his physique to the level of a general. After that, he was going to teach him the most powerful Disdain Heaven Martial Saint Spell. Zheng Zinuo was really excited. He nodded his head repeatedly.    


Although he didn't know how powerful the Disdain Heaven Martial Saint Spell was, he could feel that it was absolutely extraordinary from Feng Qingyun's words.    


However, Zheng Zinuo had a very big doubt, and that was... In the conversation between Sword Spirit and him last night, although there was a similar viewpoint as Feng Qingyun, If one's physique wasn't strong enough, one wouldn't be able to cultivate the profound Martial Cultivation Method. However, Sword Spirit still taught him the cultivation spell of the Ethereal Divine Sword Spell Inner Qi.    


Sword Spirit was like a worm in Zheng Zinuo's stomach. What was he thinking? It knew that at this moment, it could feel Zheng Zinuo's doubt. She directly replied, "Master, don't worry. Your master is right. The more profound the cultivation technique in this world is, the higher the requirement of the human body. There is no strong body as the foundation. Master, you can't cultivate it to the highest level, but your Ethereal Divine Sword Spell is different. Although its cultivation was built on the foundation of a strong human body, the cultivation of its internal Qi was beyond the understanding of the cultivators of the continent. It was not an exaggeration to say that this cultivation technique was a divine technique, so it could not be completely understood from the perspective of your world. Besides, the internal Qi of the Ethereal Divine Sword Spell was a gradual process that combined the Qi of heaven and earth. Slowly transforming a person's body, reaching the realm of being one with the world. Even a child without any talent or Martial Cultivation Method could cultivate it. Therefore, Master, don't worry, just cultivate well. Furthermore, based on my speculation, this Disdain Heaven Martial Saint Spell that your master mentioned... You should be able to cultivate it now. However, for the sake of safety... That's why I need to train your physique to a higher level before passing it on to you "    


"Oh, I see. Then what if my soul force continues to increase after I cultivate the cultivation spell of Ethereal Divine Sword Spell, and master finds out about it?" Zheng Zinuo asked again.    


"Master, don't worry about that. The Ethereal Divine Sword Spell is cultivating another kind of powerful soul force. We call it neixi. When cultivated to a certain level, the Genuine Qi will be produced in one's body. " Wait! " After reaching a certain level, a powerful Vital Spirit Strength will be produced. The source of this Vital Spirit Strength is the dantian three inches below your belly button. It is not the martial soul that you have summoned. There is a huge difference between the two. No one else could feel the enhancement of your Genuine Qi. At most, when you used it, there would be a strange energy fluctuation. Ordinary people wouldn't pay attention to it. But there were many connections between the two. When you use a martial arts technique, you can use the Genuine Qi to replace your soul power. When you truly started cultivating the Martial Cultivation Method, if you could merge the two together... That will be even more powerful. " Sword Spirit explained once again.    


"That is great." Zheng Zinuo was overjoyed when he heard that. Feng Qingyun, who was sitting across from him, saw that his little disciple was frowning for a while, and then looked happy for a while. He thought that Zheng Zinuo was thinking about something, so he asked, "How is it, Zinuo? Can you understand what Master said?"    


"Master, I understand." Zheng Zinuo was slightly startled when he heard that. He woke up from his conversation with Sword Spirit and replied in a fluster.    


"En, it's good that you know. Let's go. From today onwards, you will come to master's place every morning after you finish cultivating the Soul Exploring Eye. Master will bring you to a special place to undergo body transformation. You can only go back in the evening. During the night, you should spend more time on the Martial Cultivation Virtue Scripture and the Martial Cultivation World. This is your schedule for the next few years. " Feng Qingyun said.    


"A few... years." Zheng Zinuo was shocked, but he didn't say anything. He bowed and answered. Then, Feng Qingyun led Zheng Zinuo to the valley from another mountain path.    


Along the way, the two of them didn't talk much. Feng Qingyun knew that Zheng Zinuo had learned the Yu's Step, so he purposely quickened his pace, letting Zheng Zinuo use the Yu's Step to follow him.    


Zheng Zinuo couldn't help but feel an indescribable respect for this tall and mighty man in front of him. He also knew how powerful this man was. In front of him, Zheng Zinuo didn't even dare to breathe loudly. He fully circulated his tenth grade soul power and unleashed the Yu's Step to follow behind Feng Qingyun, even though it seemed like Feng Qingyun was walking very slowly. However, Zheng Zinuo found that no matter how hard he tried, he couldn't get within three meters of him. He thought that this should be a more profound movement technique.    


Zheng Zinuo followed Feng Qingyun closely. After about one hourglass, The two of them arrived at a beautiful valley. From afar, they could hear the sound of water falling into the valley. When they got closer, they immediately felt enlightened.    


On the high mountain peak in the distance, there was a waterfall that seemed to fall from the Milky Way to the Nine Heavens. All of them gathered in a long stream, and the waterfall that fell from the sky hit the rock of the stream. Water splashed out, and a beautiful rainbow appeared on the surface of the water under the sunlight. The rainbow was surrounded by mist and was very charming.    


"Such a familiar scene. This seems to be the place where I often dream. It's just that there seems to be a big difference, but it's also very beautiful. " Zheng Zinuo was stunned by the beautiful scene in front of him until Feng Qingyun called out to him. Only then did he react. He followed Feng Qingyun to the stream near the waterfall and waited for the task of body transformation.    


"Seal!" When Zheng Zinuo stood still, Feng Qingyun suddenly shouted and tapped Zheng Zinuo's body a few times through the air. Then Zheng Zinuo felt his body suddenly tighten. The martial soul in his body seemed to be trapped by something. He could not use it anymore.    


"From today onwards." Just as Zheng Zinuo was confused, Feng Qingyun's voice sounded again. " You are not allowed to use any more of your soul power. You can only rely on your own instincts to train yourself. And the place you train is this stream in front of you and the waterfall in the sky. "    


Zheng Zinuo nodded his head in confusion. He thought to himself, 'How do I train the small stream and the waterfall? Do you want me to swim?'    


As if he had seen through his little disciple's doubts, Feng Qingyun continued, " From today onwards, your task is to stay in that stream. Go to the great hall and find me after you can swing your sword a hundred times. " After saying that, he took out a silver-white, three-feet-long, four-finger wide sword from somewhere and handed it to Zheng Zinuo.    


Zheng Zinuo reached out and took the sword. Suddenly, his shoulders sank and he almost fell to the ground. His face changed and he said in surprise, "What a heavy sword!"    


"That's right. This is a Heavy Metal Ancient Sword. It's three feet long and four fingers wide. It weighs five kilograms and six taels. This sword is the only sword that is suitable for you to use right now. Although it is a bit precious, it is still a bit extravagant for body transformation. However, it can also bring about the effect of training. Go, boy. Use it carefully. If you break it, only you can ask. " Feng Qingyun felt a little heartache, as if he had touched some memories. His face turned slightly ugly, and he said with a sigh.    


"Oh, thank you, master." Even for a child who did not know how to use a sword, he could tell that the Flowing Light Longsword in his hand was a rare treasure sword. It was many times better than his other Coal Short Sword. Thus, he was very touched. He held the Heavy Metal Ancient Sword tightly with both hands and placed it on his shoulders. With great difficulty, he walked towards the stream that fell from the waterfall. A ten pound thing was indeed not light for an eight year old child.    


Putting down the Heavy Metal Ancient Sword, Zheng Zinuo took off his clothes and picked up the Heavy Metal Ancient Sword again with his bare body. Although the weather in April was still very cold, he gritted his teeth. Enduring the bone-piercing cold, he walked to the small rock near the waterfall.    


Fortunately, the depth of the water in the stream was different. Zheng Zinuo waded through the shallow water and slowly approached the rock. The waterfall that kept falling from the sky smashed into the stream. It created waves, and the impact was huge. Luckily, Zheng Zinuo had a heavy sword that weighed more than ten kilograms in his hand. It was like a needle that stabilized the sea, helping him stabilize his body in the water.    



He gradually crossed the riverbed and arrived at the center of the river. He stood on the rock. The rock was not big, only about a meter in diameter, which was just enough for Zheng Zinuo to stand in a horse stance. The stream reached his waist, but the rock was very slippery. In addition, the waterfall that kept falling from the sky hit the stream less than two meters in front of him, setting off huge waves. It made him lose his balance several times and fall from the rock into the water.    


"Master is watching. Don't let him down." Zheng Zinuo looked back at Feng Qingyun, who was looking at him. He carried his sword and climbed up the rock again. He used the sword to stabilize his body first, then slowly stood up. It was a success. After more than a dozen experiments, he was almost exhausted. ... Zheng Zinuo finally stabilized his body.    


However, before he could recover from his excitement, his lower body slipped. He was once again thrown down by the waves. He staggered and took a few sips of cold water before standing up from the stream. But now that his soul power was sealed, he really did not have any strength to continue struggling.    


Feng Qingyun shook his head. He clearly saw Zheng Zinuo's physical condition and said, "Come up and rest for a while. I'll demonstrate it once for you."    


Zheng Zinuo nodded. He wiped away the stream on his face, picked up the Heavy Metal Ancient Sword, and climbed onto the shore to rest with his legs crossed.    


Feng Qingyun waved his hand and the Heavy Metal Ancient Sword beside Zheng Zinuo fell into his hand like a feather. Then he jumped and landed on the small rock in the middle. He held the sword with both hands and swung it at the falling waterfall. "Whoosh..." A white sword Qi erupted and cut the falling waterfall in half.    


"Wah... So powerful!" Zheng Zinuo was very shocked. He looked at Feng Qingyun in disbelief, and his admiration for him became even stronger.    


"Look carefully. Put your shoulder down and bend your elbow. Your waist and horse become one. You look calm and composed. Your center of gravity is on your two calves. Use your calves to push your waist and practice your steps first. Don't rush to swing the heavy sword, do you understand? " Feng Qingyun said as he demonstrated. He saw Zheng Zinuo nod. Then he jumped next to ___ and landed next to him. A white mist rose from his feet, and his wet clothes instantly became dry and soft. It was as if Feng Qingyun had not been submerged in water at all.    


Zheng Zinuo was not surprised by his master's amazing skills. He picked up the Heavy Metal Ancient Sword again and walked towards the rock. With Feng Qingyun's guidance, he walked towards the rock. This time, Zheng Zinuo climbed up the rock smoothly and did not rush to swing the heavy sword in his hand. He just stood on the slippery rock and kept using his calves to spin his body. Whenever he was about to lose control, he would quickly withdraw his body and put his center of gravity back on his calves. Just like that, for the entire morning, Zheng Zinuo only came down to rest a few times. He no longer looked like he was in a sorry state after falling down.    


Seeing that his disciple had such a high comprehension ability, Feng Qingyun was very pleased. He said, "You practice here every day from now on until you go back for dinner before sunset. I will personally bring you lunch today later. You can settle your lunch yourself in the future. "    


After saying that, he disappeared.    


Zheng Zinuo did not have much of a reaction. It was good that he knew to obey his master's orders. After practicing for a while more, he had used up too much of his energy. Moreover, his mind was always tense. At this moment, he could really be described as mentally and physically exhausted. For a child who was only eight years old and had been hiding in his mother's arms all day to act spoiled, it was indeed not easy.    


After climbing back to the shore, Zheng Zinuo hurriedly crossed his legs and followed Sword Spirit's instructions while cultivating the cultivation spell of Ethereal Divine Sword Spell. At the same time, he began to adjust his breathing. After sealing his soul power, he couldn't even circulate the most basic Soul Upgrade Spell. If he wanted to comfortably and quickly recover his strength, he could only rely on the cultivation spell of the Ethereal Divine Sword Spell.    


The Ethereal Divine Sword Spell was divided into ten levels: Foundation Establishment, Light Opening, Fusion, Golden Core and Nascent Soul, Aperture Expelling, Divine Clone, Combination, Crossing Tribulation and Ascending.    


One: Foundation Establishment to build the foundation of the body, can be used to use simple talismans, cultivation techniques (including inner and outer force skills) and so on. Praying for blessings to overcome disaster, exorcising diseases to save lives, strengthening the body.    


Second: Absorbing Genuine Qi to enter the beginning stage of the cultivation of enlightenment, you can see the various signs of cultivators. Talismans, cultivation techniques, and so on can display different appearances. For example: superb Light-body Technique, Fire, Explosion, and so on. Chaotic gases were produced in the dantian area of the body.    


Three: The fusion of the Foundation Establishment body and the cultivation base began to merge together. It was a stage where one's ability could be improved, also known as the Innate Realm. In this stage, the meridians in the entire body had already been opened, and they could basically carry out fetus breathing. You can stop eating, and can freely use the Genuine Qi in your body.    


Four: As the Genuine Qi in his body continued to absorb, his dantian gradually became saturated. The Genuine Qi's compression gradually changed from an invisible gas to a tangible pill body, and it was called the Golden Core stage. The Genuine Qi gradually turned into a Vital Spirit Strength. It became more condensed and powerful. At this time, he could already produce a powerful True Samadhi Fire to refine weapons, equipment, and pill.    


Five: As the Golden Core in his Dantian continued to expand, he broke through the Golden Core and became a Nascent Soul. He developed into an infant in his original form. At this time, the powerful spiritual sense had already transformed into Divine Sense. He had truly stepped into the Cultivation Hall. He could drive objects across space and fly on his sword. The magical technique had entered a brand new stage. Talismans, cultivation techniques, and other things already possessed certain properties.    


Six: Divine Sense that is similar to a Nascent Soul can fly out of the body and observe, control objects, and affect the activity of other low cultivation bases. The ability to control objects will be further strengthened.    


Seven: Divine Clone can control clones and can do more than two things at the same time. It can affect different locations at the same time, but most cultivators... This part of cultivation is incomplete, without a good clone technique or extreme magic treasure. It's very hard to create a real clone.    


8: Combine the Nascent Soul and Nascent Soul cultivation base together.    


Nine: When the tribulation transcendence cultivation base neared the great circle, the body already possessed the All Creations of the Universe. It is a perfect combination of energy and spirit. On the opposite side, energy of the opposite nature will gather, and the two forces will attract each other. The direction and mutual annihilation, this was how the heavenly tribulation was created. Therefore, no matter where you were, you could not avoid it. The process of transcending the tribulation was a process that violated the laws of the universe.    


Ten: After successfully transcending the tribulation, you will ascend, which means you will not be in the five elements, beyond life and death.    


And each level had a very systematic mantra to cultivate.    


According to Sword Spirit's careful explanation, along with the cultivation of the mantra, A faintly discernible warm current slowly rose from Zheng Zinuo's lower abdomen and passed through his eight extraordinary meridians. Slowly covering his entire body, his originally exhausted body actually quickly recovered his strength in this weak warm current. Although it was much slower than cultivating the Soul Upgrade Spell before, he felt a more comfortable and unusual feeling.    


In the past, cultivating the Soul Upgrade Spell had filled his soul energy with satisfaction, but now, the cultivation spell of the Ethereal Divine Sword Spell had filled his entire body with an indescribable feeling of strength. It was an incomparably vast feeling that was born along with this feeling. It was as if every part of his body had been nourished, causing him to feel indescribably comfortable.    


After an unknown period of time, Zheng Zinuo slowly opened his eyes. The water stains on his body had dried up, and his originally cold body had become warm. Even if he took off all his clothes, he wouldn't feel a trace of coldness.    


"Ah? Master..." After opening his eyes, Zheng Zinuo was startled by Feng Qingyun, who was standing in front of him. He quickly bowed and stood up.    


"En, this is your lunch. After lunch and rest, continue your body transformation. Don't let me find out that you are slacking off." Feng Qingyun saw Zheng Zinuo resting with his legs crossed and said seriously.    


"Understood, master." Zheng Zinuo felt relieved when he heard this. He had just woken up from his meditation. He was worried that Feng Qingyun would find out that he was cultivating the cultivation spell of the Divine Sword Technique, but he didn't know... After Feng Qingyun sealed his soul power, he wasn't worried about what kind of cultivation technique he could cultivate. What he didn't know was that what Zheng Zinuo was cultivating wasn't a cultivation technique of this world. This was also out of his expectations.    


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