Heavenly Dao Sword Emperor

C43 The First Round of the Martial Arts Competition Had Ended

C43 The First Round of the Martial Arts Competition Had Ended

0The next morning, Zheng Zinuo was sleeping soundly due to exhaustion last night. When Dongfang Shenyong woke him up, he was in a trance. It was only after he finished cultivating the Soul Exploring Eye and had breakfast that he felt a little better.    


After hugging Yin and Yang for a while, he followed Feng Qingyun and the others to the training ground. He vigilantly looked at the disciples of Fire Peak who were sitting beside him, and found Wang Qing and Lee Fei, who had been seriously injured by him, sitting among them. Finally, his hanging heart was relieved, and he subconsciously smiled at them.    


However, it made Wang Qing and Lee Fei's hair stand on end. They didn't dare to look at him directly, and they no longer had the arrogant attitude they had yesterday.    


"The eleventh match begins now!" Following the loud and clear voice of the referee, the noisy training ground immediately quieted down.    


"Number twenty-one, Qu Junlin from the Profound Nether Palace and number twenty-two, Zhao Enbo from the Vast Heaven Sect, please enter the arena."    


"It's not bad that the disciples of the Hidden Spirit Sect didn't participate in the first match." Zheng Zinuo hugged Yin and Yang while whispering to Feng Ziyan in a low voice.    


"Eh? Look at that Qu Junlin from the Profound Nether Palace." Feng Ziyan suddenly said.    


"What's wrong?" Zheng Zinuo asked. He followed Feng Ziyan's finger and saw a handsome young man in white, about eleven or twelve years old, walking towards the tall platform with an imposing manner.    


"Didn't you notice? The uniform of the Profound Nether Palace disciples are all yellow, but only he is white. He is really unique." Feng Ziyan said.    


" Oh, maybe he likes white, who cares. " Zheng Zinuo said. At this time, two people had already walked up.    


If one were to say that Qu Junlin was handsome and handsome at such a young age, the Zhao Enbo opposite him who was a few years older than him was much uglier. He was dressed in black. He was already black, but now he looked even darker. He had thick thighs, a tall and sturdy figure, and his not-so-proper facial features looked as ugly as they could be.    


The two of them stood together. Almost everyone's eyes were focused on Qu Junlin, especially those young girls who were in love with him. They didn't even blink, as if they were afraid that Qu Junlin would suddenly disappear from under their eyes.    


"The competition begins!" The referee gave the order, and the two of them immediately went into a state of alert.    


"The martial soul has appeared!" Both of them shouted almost at the same time, and a faint purple shadow appeared behind Qu Junlin.    


"Ah! purple martial soul, a top tier martial soul!" Almost all the spectators exclaimed in unison. Then, there was silence. The silence was so quiet that one could hear it, but soon after, there was a surprised exclamation. Qu Junlin, who was already very outstanding, was once again added to the icing on the cake. At this moment, he was like a moon surrounded by stars. He was so eye-catching.    


At the same time, Zhao Enbo's blue high grade martial soul, which was also shocking, was completely outclassed. It looked so dull and dull. However, none of the people present paid attention to this ugly looking youth.    


The leader of the Profound Nether Palace was smiling like a flower on the stage. He was introducing this proud student to the people around him.    


The purple martial soul was a peerless genius of cultivation that was rarely seen in a hundred years, especially when the two empires and the Divine Sect's Martial Cultivation Hall were crazily digging for talented cultivators. The purple martial soul was even rarer in the unofficial sects. It had been passed down for over a thousand years. There were less than five seniors who had the talent of the purple martial soul, including Gong Cheng, whose cultivation had gone berserk and his whereabouts were unknown. One could imagine how rare and precious the purple martial soul was.    


"The competition begins!" The judge on the platform was also stunned for a long time before he finally reacted. He looked at the two people in the arena who had yet to move and once again gave a signal.    


" Oh! Ah..." Zhao Enbo was slightly startled when he heard this and recovered from his shock. Although there was a gap between his martial soul talent and his opponent's, the true difference in soul force was not that big. He was fourteen years old this year, and was a level twenty Martial Master Cultivation. Looking at the Soul Testing Art, Qu Junlin should be at level twenty-one and two, and his opponent was a few years younger than him. No matter what, he had to give it his all. Therefore, while Qu Junlin was still enjoying the admiring and envious gazes of the crowd, He attacked first.    


Without any colorful moves or gorgeous figure, he simply jumped up and started to spin rapidly in the sky. His legs were like electric diamonds as he descended from the sky and attacked Qu Junlin.    


The Lightning Dragon Drill was a yellow martial artist's attacking leg technique. It relied on the momentum of the air. When the soul power was fully condensed on his legs, it could instantly release 130% of the attack power. It also had a certain chance to paralyze him, and it was very powerful.    


Seeing his opponent coming at him from the sky, Qu Junlin's pupils contracted. He did not retreat at all. Instead, he stepped forward. His body moved slightly, and his right hand pressed down on his knees. He shouted, "Wind Curtain Art!"    


With a loud shout, his body suddenly jumped up. His right fist went up from the ground and attacked the legs that were like lightning that fell from the sky.    


Wind Curtain Technique was also an attack from a yellow martial artist. It could instantly release 130% of the attack power, and it also had the wind attribute effect.    


A whirlwind swept up, making it difficult for Zhao Enbo, who was immersed in the battle, to open his eyes. He secretly cursed, and once again increased his soul power and injected it into the Single Electric Dragon Drill. With all of his strength, he threw everything he had towards Qu Junlin.    


Qu Junlin was also slightly surprised. If he wanted to dodge his opponent's attack at this moment, it would not be difficult, but it was destined that he could not and could not retreat in a high-profile fight.    


"Let's go all out!" Qu Junlin also fiercely gritted his teeth. He originally circulated his level twenty soul power, adding another level one soul power, and threw it into the air.    


"Boom..." A fist and a leg clashed, and a loud explosion was heard. Following that, a shocking scene appeared. Zhao Enbo's pants exploded in the air and his pants turned into shorts. He flew backwards, drew an arc in the air, and fell heavily on the edge of the fighting stage. He almost fell down.    


As for Qu Junlin's handsome white coat, half of it was torn. He slid along the ground and reached the edge of the field. His entire person was covered in dirt and dirt, and he no longer looked as handsome and handsome as when he had just come on stage. His hair was disheveled, and his clothes were ragged like a beggar's.    


"Yes!" The two of them groaned at the same time, and traces of blood seeped out from the corners of their mouths. This was especially the case for Zhao Enbo, who even spat out a large mouthful of blood. His entire body was extremely dispirited, and one of his legs was completely numb. He was unable to get up even after crawling for a long time.    


Although Qu Junlin was in a sorry state, he still stood up on the verge of collapse. He reached out his hand to wipe away the blood at the corner of his mouth, tidied up his black and messy long hair, and slowly walked towards Zhao Enbo.    


He was extremely angry in his heart. Originally, according to his calculations, The first time an opponent used a skill, it was usually a probing attack, and they would not use their full strength. But who would have thought that Zhao Enbo would actually use his full strength without even saying a word.    


By the time he realized what was going on, it was already too late for him to use his full strength. He only had enough time to use his level twenty-one soulforce. Even though he was a level higher than his opponent, the power he could unleash was a bit stronger. Zhao Enbo was in a desperate situation as he fell from the sky, but he was still able to severely injure himself. Zhao Enbo's image, which he was so proud of, was destroyed in an instant. He was burning with rage. However, the restless soul energy within his body made him feel very uncomfortable, and he barely managed to gather the remaining soul energy. He prayed that Zhao Enbo wouldn't admit defeat, so that he could vent his anger.    


However, it was clear that his wish did not succeed. Before he even got three meters away from Zhao Enbo, Zhao Enbo had already indicated to the referee that he had admitted defeat and admitted defeat just like that.    


"Hmph!" Qu Junlin let out a cold snort in anger. His handsome little face was distorted from anger. He looked at the referee and saw that he indicated that he could leave. He walked down the stage unwillingly. He wished he could find a hole to hide in.    


"Hahaha..." The crowd below burst into laughter.    


The originally solemn atmosphere had become joyful after Qu Junlin left the stage in a sorry state, and he entered the stage in an imposing manner. The outcome of the battle was like a beggar's, and these two scenes were completely different. It was as if Qu Junlin had become a completely different person. He was the leader of the Profound Nether Palace, who had been talking non-stop and feeling proud of himself on the chairman's stage. Although his disciple had won this match, he still felt ashamed of himself.    


"This guy called Qu Junlin is really funny. Haha..." Zheng Zinuo couldn't help but laugh. He glanced at Zheng Zizhou, who was not far away. He found that ___ was frowning and thinking of something. He immediately calmed down. The two brothers had been together all year round, although they couldn't reach the level of telepathy. He more or less knew what the other party was thinking.    


Looking at Qu Junlin who had left, Zheng Zinuo knew what his brother was thinking. He must have seen the talent of his purple martial soul, and his cultivation base had reached level twenty-two. He was somewhat worried.    


"It seems like my brother is determined to win this competition." Zheng Zinuo muttered to himself. He found out that Wang Qing was missing from the disciples of Fire Peak. Just as he was wondering where Wang Qing had gone to, the second round of the competition began.    


Because the beginning of the competition was too shocking, even though there was a bit of a joke in the end, However, he had already surpassed the level of a twenty Martial Master Cultivation at such a young age, and there were even two of them. Not to mention, one of the martial soul's innate talents was at the top of the purple grade, while the other was at the high blue grade. The fact that both of them were using the yellow colored attack at the same time during the fight had opened the eyes of everyone present.    


However, the following matches were much weaker than the previous ones. It was only until noon when the matches were about to end. They had never encountered an existence that had reached the level of a level 20 martial master. Even their blue martial soul had only encountered one. The process of the competition wasn't very exciting.    


After lunch, about two hours of rest time, the afternoon competition began. The only thing that made Zheng Zinuo feel strange was that Wang Qing, who was sitting not far away from him, would go out from time to time, and every time he came back, He had his hands on his abdomen, his face pale, and even his steps were a little floating.    


Zheng Zinuo secretly estimated that the medicine had taken effect last night. Judging from his performance, it seemed that he was fine. However, looking at his slightly weak appearance, Zheng Zinuo guessed that it should be some kind of laxative. After a slight deduction, he felt that his deduction should be correct.    


Although Wang Qing and the others were not righteous people, in their own sect, they did not dare to be impudent to the point of releasing poison to harm people. At most, they would only release some laxative or something like that. If they wanted to make their opponent collapse, they would not be able to fight back at that time.    


It was unlike other poisons, which could be removed immediately after taking the antidote. Once the laxative was consumed, it would cause the sky and earth to darken, even if it was discovered early. Eating the Understanding Medicine would take a long time before it could be alleviated. But when you find out, you will probably be on the verge of collapsing. In this confrontation between friend and foe, don't say that you are a little exhausted. Even if you didn't reach your peak state, you would still be defeated if you met a slightly stronger opponent. Therefore, it could be said that Wang Qing was trying to steal a chicken but failed to gain an advantage. Moreover, he couldn't even imagine why Zheng Zizhou, who was standing beside him, was fine as if nothing had happened. However, he was pulled to the point where he almost couldn't take it anymore.    


Although the matches in the afternoon were more exciting, it was almost the same as in the morning. Not a single person had reached the level of a level 20 martial master until the last match. Only when Lee Fei from the Hidden Spirit Sect fought Zhang Qiong from the Vast Heaven Sect did another blue martial soul appear. It was Lee Fei, a level 20 martial master.    


When they saw Lee Fei appear, the disciples of the Hidden Spirit Sect, especially those from the Fire Peak, shouted out loudly, raising the atmosphere of the battlefield to its peak.    


However, what puzzled the disciples of the Fire Peak was that Lee Fei didn't seem to be willing to fight. It wasn't until the referee called for the third time that he walked out of the crowd with some difficulty. He walked onto the high platform with a pale face. At this moment, Wang Qing, who also had a pale face, had a bitter expression on his face. He looked at Zheng Zinuo's back and wanted to say something but stopped. He turned his head and looked at Zheng Zinuo angrily without saying anything. He prayed and sat down again.    


When Liang Youming saw Lee Fei walk out from the platform, he was ready to show off his disciple to the people around him. He suddenly felt like he had been struck by lightning. He rubbed his eyes carefully, and still couldn't believe his own eyes. He found that although Lee Fei looked no different from usual, from his unstable Qi and blood and restless expression, He saw a very bad omen. His originally excited mood immediately sank to the bottom.    


"The competition begins!" As the contestant arrived, the referee gave the order.    


Zhang Qiong first summoned his martial soul, which was green in color. He used the Soul Testing Art to examine the level of his cultivation as a level eighteen warrior. Lee Fei's heart, which was filled with hope, sank completely.    


Originally, he thought that if he met an opponent below level fifteen, he would risk getting worse. He was still confident that he could win, but his opponent was a level eighteen expert. Not to mention being seriously injured, even at his peak, he had to use all his strength to win.    


Seeing Lee Fei staring blankly at the martial soul behind him, Zhang Qiong was slightly pleased with himself. He thought to himself, It must be because the level of this brat's martial soul or his cultivation is too low. He must have been scared silly by me.    


"Hey! Junior brother Li, it's starting!" Zhang Qiong kindly reminded him that victory was already in his grasp.    


Hearing this, Lee Fei woke up from his deep thoughts and shook his head. He gritted his teeth and thought to himself, I'll give it my all. I can't give up like this. Otherwise, Master will skin me alive.    


The blue martial soul quietly appeared, but it was slightly floating. The experts on the platform were puzzled at the same time. Liang Youming was even more shocked. He stood up and muttered to himself, "How could I be injured?"    


What kind of worldview did they have? Just looking at a person's body was enough to tell that it was about eighty to ninety percent accurate. Moreover, the martial soul could reflect all the conditions of a person's body. It was like a different form of existence of a person's body. Therefore, these experts could easily tell the condition of a person's body just by looking at it.    


"Junior Brother Liang, don't you know whether your beloved disciple is injured or not?" Wan Qianjun said with a mocking tone, "But junior brother Liang, you really hid it well. When did you find such a talented disciple? We don't even know."    


"I..." Liang Youming was annoyed when he heard that. He sat down angrily and looked at the battlefield with a worried expression.    


"Blue... Blue martial soul!" His opponent Zhang Qiong did not notice any flaws. He suddenly saw Lee Fei's blue high level martial soul. It was as if his heart had skipped a beat. Furthermore, he could feel that ___ was at least a level twenty Martial Master Cultivation from the blue martial soul. His heart also sank.    


"So Junior Brother Li is an expert, hiding his true strength. I thought he was scared silly by my martial soul, sigh..." Zhang Qiong thought in a depressed manner.    


At this moment, the referee signaled the two of them to start the fight for the second time. Both of them looked at the referee at the same time, hesitating whether to admit defeat or not.    


"Hey! Forget it, let's fight!" At this moment, the two of them seemed to be connected mentally. They looked at each other again, and their eyes had already turned from a little depressed to determined.    


"Ah!" Both of them shouted at the same time and rushed forward. There was no Martial Cultivation Method, it was just a simple probing attack. Zhang Qiong threw out a right punch, but what surprised him was that Lee Fei threw out a left punch.    


"Dong..." The two fists collided. Originally, Zhang Qiong was prepared to be pushed back. However, nothing happened. Instead, it was his opponent who groaned. He took three steps back and his face became even paler. He put away his left hand and covered his right arm. He grimaced in pain. It seemed that he had been injured.    


Zhang Qiong was overjoyed. Could it be that he had made another breakthrough in his cultivation? At that moment... Without showing any mercy, Zhang Qiong used his orange cultivation technique - Tornado Kick at full force. In an instant, it unleashed 120% of its attack power, reaching the strength of a level 22 attack towards Lee Fei.    


"Not good!" Lee Fei was shocked when he saw that his opponent was using his orange martial art with all his strength. He hurriedly took three steps back and used all of his soul power to use the yellow colored martial art - Thick Earth Art. He knew that as long as he could withstand this attack, he might be the one to win.    


But just as he was about to use all of his strength to use this ultimate defensive technique, regardless of the consequences, A heart-piercing pain shot through his right shoulder, and the few sealed acupoints were instantly broken through by him. His shoulder, which had stopped bleeding, began to bleed once more. His soulforce was slightly sluggish. His mind was in a state of turmoil and he could only use Soul Points that were not even at level 18. However, the basic soul power used to cast the Thick Earth Art was level 20. He fiercely gritted his teeth. Regardless of the consequences, he was finally able to forcefully use it at the final moment.    


"Dong..." A dull sound was heard. Without a doubt, the severely injured Lee Fei... Even though he had used all of his soul power and successfully used the Thick Earth Art to defend himself... However, the true defensive power he could achieve was not as great as it actually was. Moreover, he had only lasted for a very short period of time. After being kicked by Zhang Qiong's Whirlwind Kick, he disappeared in the blink of an eye. His body also leapt high into the air. He fell out of the arena and lost.    


The scene fell into silence. It was unbelievable and unbelievable. Except for the people from the Vast Heaven Sect who were cheering in excitement. The rest of the disciples thought that they had seen wrongly, especially the people from the Fire Peak of the Hidden Spirit Sect. They rubbed their eyes hard. Some of them even thought to themselves. This isn't a dream, is it?    


On the platform. Liang Youming jumped up in an exaggerated manner. When Lee Fei was sent flying by Zhang Qiong's kick, He had already landed on the side of the field and reached out to catch Lee Fei's falling body. He tapped a few points on his wound, and his face became cold. Just as he was about to question, he discovered that the disciple in his arms had already fainted from the pain.    


He looked at Zhang Qiong angrily, causing Zhang Qiong to shiver. Then, Liang Youming brought Lee Fei and walked towards the courtyard without looking back.    


"What's going on? A level 18 warrior was able to defeat a level 20 martial master without even being able to fight back? " Below the stage, Feng Ziyan also asked in confusion.    


"Oh, he was only injured in advance." Zheng Zinuo answered casually.    


"Hmm? How did you know he was injured?" Yurong asked in surprise when she heard that. With her cultivation, she was able to sense that Lee Fei was injured from the martial soul. How did Zheng Zinuo, an eight year old child, know about it?    


"Cough cough... I... I guessed it. Didn't you see that Senior Brother Li's chest was bleeding when he flew down from the stage?" Zheng Zinuo cursed himself for being too careless, and nearly spilled the beans.    


It was obvious that no one doubted him. At this moment, the last match had ended. All the major sects gradually left. Zheng Zinuo looked at Wang Qing and the others apologetically. He thought to himself that his attack yesterday was too heavy. After that, he carried Yin Yang and left with Yurong and the others.    




"Speak! How did you get injured!? " About an hour later... Liang Youming and the others treated him with great care. Lee Fei's injuries gradually stabilized and he woke up. Liang Youming had always stayed close to him, his face as cold as ice. When he saw him wake up, the first thing he did was to ask how he got his injuries.    


"I... I..." Lee Fei looked at Wang Qing, who was standing behind Liang Youming with his head lowered. He did not know what to say. He was not afraid that Zheng Zinuo would take revenge on him, just like what Zheng Zinuo had said. He was concerned about his reputation, a level twenty Martial Master Cultivation. Under the full defense of an eight-year-old child, who didn't even use any soul power, No one would believe that he was seriously injured by a single strike.    


"I... I'll tell you... master" Wang Qing hesitated for a while, then fell to his knees and said to Liang Youming, "Master, it was Zheng Zinuo who injured junior brother."    


"What did you say?" Hearing this, Liang Youming stood up from the bed and shouted, "Was it Zheng Zinuo or Zheng Zizhou?"    


"It was... It was Zheng Zinuo, the eight-year-old disciple of Martial Uncle Feng." Wang Qing explained again, but his heart was extremely nervous. He lowered his head and did not dare to look at Liang Youming.    


"Humph..." Liang Youming was extremely angry. He sneered a few times, then sat down and continued. " Alright, it was Zheng Zinuo who injured Fei'er. Tell me, how did he injure Fei'er? Also, tell me how you were injured during your last fight with him."    


"Yes, Master." Wang Qing bowed and answered. He knelt on the ground and told Liang Youming everything in detail.    


After about one hourglass, Liang Youming's face turned red with anger. Then it turned red and then white. When he finished listening, his face turned completely white. An eight-year-old child did not use any soul power. A single bamboo arrow had severely injured a level twenty martial master using a green defensive technique. This was no different from a legend.    


"Let's go! Let's go find Feng Qingyun and settle the score!" However, Liang Youming's rationality had been completely replaced by his anger. He was a genius disciple that he had carefully nurtured for many years. He had yet to earn any face for himself, yet he had been taken down by someone just like that. This was a psychological blow to his heart. It was heavier than his physical body.    


Although the eight branches of Hidden Spirit Sect had gotten rid of the main peak, Gan Tianfeng, the other seven branches were still peaceful on the surface. However, there was a lot of internal strife in the mainland, and everyone wanted to stay in Sect Master's territory. They wanted to stand out in front of the entire world, especially in the Martial Meeting of the four great sects. This was a rare opportunity to show off, but it had been ruined by Zheng Zinuo. Anyone with a bit of self-restraint couldn't help but fly into a rage.    


"Feng Qingyun! Come out now! If you don't give me an explanation this time, don't say that I won't give you face as your senior brother!" When they arrived at the Xun Wind Peak courtyard, Liang Youming brought Wang Qing and the other disciples of the Fire Peak and started shouting.    


"En? What's going on?" Feng Qingyun and the others who were eating were shocked when they heard that. Zheng Zinuo suddenly felt bad and shrank back.    


"Da Yong, let's go out and see what you, Liang Martial Uncle, are calling." Feng Qingyun said.    


"Yes, master." Dongfang Shenyong put down the bowls and chopsticks, opened the door and asked, "Have you eaten, Liang Martial Uncle? My master is eating. If you have something to say, come in and tell me."    


"Humph! He still has the mood to eat!" Liang Youming was burning with anger, then he rushed in and shouted, "Feng Qingyun, what your little disciple did!"    


"Hmm? Junior brother Liang, what do you mean by this?" Feng Qingyun frowned when he heard this and got up to ask. If others bully you and don't act up, then you're not a man anymore.    


"What do you mean? Why don't you ask that little bastard of yours!" Liang Youming pointed at Zheng Zinuo who was sitting beside Yurong and shouted.    


"He is an eight-year-old child. What can I ask him? If you have something to say, just say it. I still want to eat!" Feng Qingyun said coldly.    


"Okay! Good! Feng Qingyun, if you don't tell me what happened today, I will sue you at Sect Master and Martial Uncle's place!" Liang Youming was so angry that his whole body was trembling.    


Looking at Liang Youming's attitude, Feng Qingyun knew that something big must have happened. Ignoring Liang Youming's threat, he turned around and asked Zheng Zinuo. "Zinuo, what did you do? Making you, Liang Martial Uncle, so angry?"    


"I... I didn't do anything." Zheng Zinuo looked up at Feng Qingyun and said with some grievance, "Last night, when I went to find my brother Zheng Zizhou, I happened to hear them plotting against my brother when I passed by senior disciple Wang's house. They wanted to poison my brother's tea, so I was very angry and planned to report this matter to my master. In the end, they found out about it, so he and senior disciple Li threatened me. They want to fight me! "    



"What?! You dare to poison me!" Feng Qingyun shouted coldly when he heard what Liang Youming said. He looked at Wang Qing, who was standing behind Liang Youming like a cicada in winter.    


"No... No, we just want to give him some laxative." Wang Qing was so scared that his whole body trembled. He fell to his knees and kowtowed to Liang Youming, begging for mercy.    


"You... you!" Liang Youming was so angry that he almost spat out blood.    


"Junior brother, if you report this to Sect Master and Martial Uncle, it will be difficult for you!" Feng Qingyun followed the clues and made a false accusation.    


"Senior brother Feng, let's not talk about this first. When we go back, I will definitely teach these ignorant children a lesson." Hearing this, Liang Youming's attitude changed a lot and he said again. " But... ___'s expression changed a lot, and he said, But, your capable little disciple has injured both of my disciples twice... This time, not only did he heavily injure Fei'er, but he also lost the chance to win the competition. The most hateful thing was that he almost lost his life. You have to give me an explanation, right? "    


" Oh? Is there such a thing? Why didn't I know?" Feng Qingyun looked at Zheng Zinuo in puzzlement and said," When did my little disciple become so powerful? He was able to injure your level 20 martial master without any injuries. Junior brother, are you mistaken? "    


"This... this..." Liang Youming was at a loss for words after hearing Feng Qingyun's words. In a moment of desperation, he shouted coldly: " Ask this kid to summon the martial soul. I want to check if he has the ability to hurt my two disciples!"    


"I really don't have good intentions. Zinuo's martial soul has been sealed by me for almost half a year, and I plan to keep sealing it until his physique meets my requirements." Feng Qingyun said.    


"The martial soul has been sealed?" Liang Youming was shocked.    


"Yes, the martial soul has been sealed. He is no different from an ordinary eight year old child. How do you think he injured that disciple of yours?" Yurong could not stand it and said.    


"I... this... I heard from my disciple that he was injured by a bamboo arrow. Bamboo... bamboo arrow... " After saying that, even Liang Youming himself did not have the confidence to continue. He was too embarrassed to continue. Who would believe that an eight year old child had injured a level twenty martial master with a bamboo arrow while his soul power was sealed? Even a Martial Immortal expert like him wouldn't use any soul power. It wasn't easy to injure a level twenty martial master with a bamboo arrow, but no matter how Zheng Zinuo looked at it, it was impossible for him to reach the Martial Immortal.    


"Hehe... Junior brother Liang, you're not joking, are you?" Yurong retorted, "Even if you give me a bamboo arrow, I don't have the confidence to seriously injure a level twenty martial master without using my soul power."    


" I... " Liang Youming did not refute. He shouted at Wang Qing who was kneeling on the ground, "Tell me, how did he hurt Lee Fei?"    


"I... he... he did hurt ___ with a bamboo arrow." Wang Qing stuttered and said without confidence.    


"Children, don't lie." Feng Qingyun smiled bitterly and said, "Could it be that you and that Lee Fei drank too much last night and came back to see the wrong person? You were injured by other children, but now you blame it on my disciple. If you want to blame someone, you should at least make it sound more like it. Who would believe you if you say it like this? "    


"I... I didn't lie. Master, I didn't lie, wuwu..." Wang Qing was so frightened and aggrieved that he could only shed tears.    


Zheng Zinuo, who was watching from the side, could not bear to watch. He was hesitating. Should he admit that he had hurt him with the bamboo arrow, Liang Youming once again became furious and shouted, "Senior Brother Feng, please forgive me for being impudent, even if you can't unseal it? I can at least use the Soul Exploring Eye to check his soul power. " Before Feng Qingyun could react, a red light flashed in his eyes. He looked at Zheng Zinuo.    


"No!" Feng Qingyun shouted out loudly. His body flashed and appeared in front of Zheng Zinuo. He had already prepared for Liang Youming's attack. If others found out that Zheng Zinuo was a black martial soul, it would surely set off a huge storm.    


"What do you mean by this? Could it be that you have a guilty conscience?" Feng Qingyun suddenly blocked his line of sight. Liang Youming could no longer bear it and said angrily.    


" I... What kind of ghost is in my heart? It's just that my disciple's aptitude is poor. I'm afraid that if I were to be seen by you all, it would dampen his enthusiasm for martial cultivation. " Feng Qingyun said with a guilty conscience.    


"You're really joking!" Liang Youming said indifferently. Suddenly, a blue martial soul burst out from his back. With a flash, he dodged Feng Qingyun and continued casting the Soul Exploring Eye to look at Zheng Zinuo.    


"You!" Feng Qingyun didn't expect Liang Youming to be so persistent. He wanted to see Zheng Zinuo's martial soul and Soul Power Cultivation. * Hong Long...... * No matter how hard he tried, he wouldn't be able to help Zheng Zinuo block the attack.    


But just as Feng Qingyun was about to get angry, he suddenly saw Liang Youming take back the martial soul. He became dispirited all of a sudden, as if he had aged a lot. His eyes were also filled with a scarlet red color as he muttered, "yellow martial soul, soul force level 10!" He angrily stomped his feet and pulled Wang Qing out without even saying a word.    


If a martial artist's talent was only yellow martial soul, then their soul power had just reached the level of a warrior. Moreover, the eight-year-old child who had been sealed had injured his disciple, who was a level twenty Martial Master Cultivation, twice in a row. Then Liang Youming also admitted it, what else could he say?    


Initially, he thought that Feng Qingyun must be hiding something from him. Zheng Zinuo's talent wasn't that low. His soul power would definitely not be that weak either, because anything strange could happen in the martial arts world. After all, they didn't personally check Zheng Zinuo's talent. No one knew how low his talent was. They only heard what Sect Master and Tao Wuyang said.    


Liang Youming thought that there would be some changes later on, but after checking today, his talent was still so low. Although his soul power was a bit high, it was only level ten. There was no reason for him to hurt his disciple, so he left angrily.    


"Kneel down!" After Liang Youming left, Feng Qingyun stretched out his hand and beckoned. He closed the door, even though he did not know why Liang Youming said Zheng Zinuo was a yellow martial soul in the end. He quickly checked and found that it was indeed a black martial soul. He was a little confused. He thought that Liang Youming must have seen the wrong color out of anger. Although he did not expose Zheng Zinuo's black martial soul, the battle just now had still made Feng Qingyun very angry.    


"Plop..." Zheng Zinuo didn't resist. He pursed his lips and kneeled on the ground with his head lowered.    


"Father..." Feng Ziyan begged.    


"Shut up!" Feng Qingyun shouted in a low voice. Feng Ziyan was so scared that her whole body trembled. She looked at the poor Little Junior Brother and tears kept rolling in her eyes.    


"Qingyun..." Yurong also begged, "Children are all very naughty."    


"That's right, Master, please forgive Little Junior Brother this time." Dongfang Shenyong and the others also begged.    


"None of you are allowed to bring him along to plead for mercy!" Feng Qingyun said with a cold expression, "How many times have I taught you? I want you to keep a low profile. Don't be too flamboyant. First, you hurt your Senior Brother Wang. And now, you seriously injured his junior brother, Lee Fei. You've grown more capable, haven't you? Speak! How did you do it? "    


" I... " Zheng Zinuo held back his tears and choked, "They were the ones who bullied me first and poisoned my brother. I... I couldn't stand it, that's why I attacked."    


"I know all of this. Otherwise, you would have hurt your fellow disciples. I would have chased you out of the sect long ago!" Feng Qingyun shouted, "I am asking you how did you hurt Lee Fei? Don't tell me that you can injure a level twenty martial master with that marvelous sword technique with a bamboo arrow! "    


"I... I..." Zheng Zinuo really didn't know what to say. He lowered his head and stammered.    


"Zinuo, hurry up and say it. Your master won't blame you if you say it out loud. Moreover, we are also very curious. With your sealed soul power, how could you possibly injure a level twenty martial master with a bamboo arrow?" Yurong persuaded.    


"I..." Zheng Zinuo tried to think of a good way to explain, but he could not find it. At this moment, Ling's voice sounded in his mind.    


"Big brother, just tell us honestly, but save the time by using a powerful defensive technique. Also, don't tell us about your Genuine Qi, just make up some random stuff. Your master and the others definitely won't know about it."    


"En, that's the only way." Zheng Zinuo secretly nodded and said, "When Lee Fei caught me, he used words to provoke me. He said that when I defeated his senior brother, Wang Qing, it was a sneak attack. It was a fluke. He insisted on fighting me and even said that he would let me attack him three times. If he didn't want to fight, he wouldn't leave. So I agreed. But last time, I used the Coal Short Sword to use that sword technique to severely injure Wang Qing. I was a little scared, worried that if I used the Coal Short Sword again, I would hurt Lee Fei. After all, his age was not much different from Wang Qing's. I think their cultivation base should be about the same. Thus, I chopped off a thin bamboo branch and quietly cut off the tip of the branch and hid it in my sleeves. He said that he would let me attack him three times, so I pretended to punch him in the chest. Actually, I had already found the weak acupuncture point on his right shoulder. With my current explosive power, it is comparable to the strength of an ordinary warrior. Furthermore, purely relying on physical strength, there is no soul power fluctuation at all, so Lee Fei was careless. I pierced through his right shoulder with my bamboo arrow. "    


"Oh, so that's how it is!" Everyone came to a realization when they heard this. Yurong quickly helped Zheng Zinuo escape. " In that case, she could not blame Zinuo at all. She could only blame Lee Fei for being too arrogant and conceited. It's already a good thing that we didn't find him to poison our Zinuo, but he still came to find us. Qingyun, we might need to talk to Sect Master and Martial Uncle about this matter. Tell him about Liang Youming. "    


" Forget it. Sect Master and Martial Uncle have already had enough of this matter. Let's not add to the chaos. Besides, the other three sects are still here. It's better to not talk about such ugly things. " Although Feng Qingyun felt that the matter wasn't as simple as what Zheng Zinuo had said, he couldn't find any flaws in it. He could only let it go like this and exhorted Zheng Zinuo a few more times. He told Dongfang Shenyong to go back to sleep. He even told Dongfang Shenyong to look after him after he left.    


"Rong'er, I have a feeling. I don't know if it's an illusion or not." After everyone left, Feng Qingyun frowned and said, "I found that Zinuo is becoming more and more unpredictable. Do you have such a feeling?"    


"What are you talking about? He is just an eight year old child. What is there to be unable to understand? You think too much. " Yurong smiled, but after thinking about it carefully, it was true. She found that Zheng Zinuo was indeed different from ordinary children, but there was no difference. She could not say for sure.    


"Father, mother, junior brother is truly unfathomable to me. When I secretly taught him the Soul Upgrade Spell and Yu's Step Movement Technique at the beginning, his powerful comprehension ability really surprised me." Feng Ziyan also echoed.    


"Hehe... When adults talk, why are you kids interrupting? Quickly go to sleep. There is still a competition tomorrow." Yurong shook her head and said.    


After today's battle, Zheng Zinuo was also frightened and frightened. He was physically and mentally exhausted. If it wasn't for Gong Cheng teaching him the ultimate move of the color-changing martial soul, He would have been thrown into chaos by Liang Youming even if he wasn't scolded to death by his master.    


After slightly washing himself, Zheng Zinuo didn't go out and run around. He hugged Yin and Yang and went into the blanket to sleep.    


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