Heavenly Dao Sword Emperor

C47 The Tragic Luo Hao

C47 The Tragic Luo Hao

0Noon time passed very quickly. The last match of the third round of advancement had begun. The field was once again filled with people. After everyone was in position, Zheng Zizhou and Luo Hao from the Vast Heaven Sect entered the field one after another.    


After a afternoon's rest, Luo Hao's physical strength and soul power had recovered. Even some of the internal injuries he had suffered in the morning had almost recovered. After all, the injuries he had suffered were much lighter than Feng Ziyan's.    


"Junior Brother Zheng, please!" After the match began, Luo Hao did not immediately attack. He knew that his opponent was not simple, so he was much more polite.    


"Senior Brother Luo, I advise you to admit defeat. Otherwise, when I attack, it will be very difficult to hold back. When that happens, I might accidentally hurt you, so you can't blame me." Zheng Zizhou imitated Luo Hao's tone in the morning and said.    


"Hahaha..." Luo Hao laughed out loud when he heard what Luo Hao said. He looked at Zheng Zizhou, who was a head shorter than him, but he couldn't feel any threat from Zheng Zizhou. He knew that his opponent was a level 20 martial master, and his performance in the previous matches had been very eye-catching. But now, his opponent was still a child. Luo Hao was extremely furious when he was threatened by a child. He laughed instead and said, "If you have the ability, then use it. It's still unknown who will be the winner!"    


Compared to the confrontation between Luo Hao and Feng Ziyan in the morning, the roles of this match were completely reversed. Even the words spoken were reversed.    


"Ya!" With a loud shout, Luo Hao attacked first as soon as he finished speaking. Without holding back, the orange Martial Cultivation Method - Explosive Fist - instantly exploded. He unleashed all of his cultivation base, which was at the eighteenth level, and unleashed an attack that was close to the twenty-second level. He lunged at Zheng Zinuo.    


"Hmph! Compete with me in the Martial Cultivation Method! Alright!" Zheng Zizhou's face turned cold. He suddenly stomped his body and took a horse stance. His right hand quickly retracted to his abdomen as he faced the incoming fist. He was still calm. Suddenly, he let out a loud roar. His right hand, which was in his abdomen, struck out. He turned into a tiger claw and attacked Luo Hao's fist. It was the Yellow Martial Cultivation Method Tiger Roar Palm. It could instantly unleash 130% of the attack's strength. And... It was a very powerful attack.    


"Boom..." The fist and palm collided, and a muffled sound was heard. Immediately after that, Luo Hao's body suddenly jumped into the air, and he was sent flying backwards. When he was in the air, he spat out a mouthful of blood.    


However, before he landed on the ground, he felt that his right fist, which had just stretched out to attack his opponent, had been firmly grabbed by something. He opened his eyes subconsciously and was suddenly shocked. He saw that Zheng Zizhou's hand, which was like a tiger's claw, was still firmly holding his fist.    


"Ah..." Before he could recover from the shock, he let out a miserable scream. A heart-piercing pain came from his right arm, and then Zheng Zizhou's body swayed a few times. He let go of his right arm, but what came next was the intense pain from his left arm. Then came his two clavicles and spine. His two legs seemed to have been broken apart, and even his muscles were twisted. The pain caused his entire body to twitch. Without even making a sound, he fainted.    


"Yay! Good beating, that's how it should be!"    


"This is what it means to say that evil people have to be tormented by evil people!"    


The crowd below the stage cheered. Of course, the leader was naturally Zheng Zinuo. When he saw his brother avenging Feng Ziyan, he finally let out a sigh of relief.    


"Tendon Splitting Wrong Bone Hand!" When the leader of Vast Heaven Sect saw the scene on the stage, he could no longer sit still. With a swoosh, he jumped up from his seat. He looked at the leaders beside him with a frosty expression and said angrily, "Everyone, this disciple of Hidden Spirit Sect is really ruthless. I request that this match be abolished. That Zheng Zizhou can't advance!"    


"Sect Chief Zhang, what you said makes no sense." Wan Qianjun was also puzzled. Why was the usually gentle and refined Zheng Zizhou so ruthless today? But when he thought about how Luo Hao had attacked Feng Ziyan this morning, he remembered. He must have avenged her.    


"When two children fight, it is inevitable for them to be ruthless, just like in the morning. Didn't that disciple of yours also do the same to my Junior Brother Feng's beloved daughter? No matter how we sit, we don't say anything. Furthermore, we are just dividing our muscles and bones. With just a little superficial wound, it would naturally be fine after lying down for ten days or half a month. It's not like there were any internal injuries. " Wan Qianjun argued with all his might.    


"Ten days and half a month. Humph! Let your disciple lie down for ten days and half a month. Such a serious injury has completely exceeded the rules of the competition. That disciple of yours absolutely cannot advance!" Sect Chief Zhang still refused to give up. At this moment, the unconscious Luo Hao on the high platform had been carried down by his disciple. Zheng Zizhou was standing in the middle of the high platform, waiting for the judge to make a decision.    


"Humph! The competition had stipulated that the opponent could not be seriously injured, but it did not stipulate what kind of injury could be considered serious. Speaking of serious injuries, I think that in the morning match, your disciple attacked my daughter with all his might. My daughter is still lying unconscious on the bed. Does this count as serious injuries?" Feng Qingyun retorted.    


"But your daughter won. What's there to say if she won?" Sect Chief Zhang said.    


"Alright, alright." Tao Wuyang said at the right time, "It's true that there is no rule whether you are seriously injured or not. Now that such a situation has occurred... It is also out of our expectation. How about we vote and vote? Whether Zheng Zizhou can advance or not will depend on the result of our vote. "    


Tao Wuyang was highly respected. Even the leaders of the other three major sects admired him. His words showed that he was not biased at all. He was standing on the public's side. Everyone nodded in agreement.    


"Alright, the vote is okay." Wan Qianjun said, "But if we vote with the four leaders, it will be unfair. If we want to vote, we will let all the people present vote. What do you think?"    


"You are talking nonsense!" Sect Leader Zhang said angrily, "There are more than a hundred disciples from the Hidden Spirit Sect, even more than the total number of disciples from the three major sects. Is this fair?"    


"You are right. There are a lot of disciples in our Hidden Spirit Sect. But our Hidden Spirit Sect will withdraw from the vote, and your Vast Heaven Sect will withdraw as well. Let the disciples of the other two major sects vote. They are all bystanders. They can see it clearly. What do Sect Chief Zhang think? " Feng Qingyun said.    


" That's more like it. Humph!" Sect Leader Zhang harrumphed coldly and pondered for a moment before sitting down.    


" Alright, if that's the case, then this Sect Leader shall give the order. " Tao Wuyang nodded, then stood up and said to the crowd. "All disciples of the four major sects, listen up! Besides the Hidden Spirit Sect and Vast Heaven Sect, the disciples of Profound Nether Palace and Yangliu Sect thought that Zheng Zizhou had seriously injured Luo Hao in this competition. Those who can't advance to the next match, please raise your hands!" Although Tao Wuyang's voice wasn't loud, it clearly spread to every corner of the training ground.    


Everyone looked at each other when they heard this, and the scene immediately began to discuss animatedly. Not long after, only a few people from the Profound Nether Palace and the Yang Liu Sect raised their hands. However, when they saw that none of the people around them raised their hands, they quickly put them down.    


"How is it? Sect Leader Zhang, this is fair." Wan Qianjun said with a sneer.    


" Hmph! " Sect Leader Zhang suddenly stood up, waved his long sleeve, and left the platform.    


"Alright, since that's the case, I hereby announce that Zheng Zizhou has successfully advanced in this competition." Tao Wuyang smiled to himself, even though he didn't seem to be biased towards his own disciples. In fact, he had still used some tricks. He had used some tricks when he spoke. If he said, "If you think that Zheng Zizhou will be able to advance to the next match after severely injuring Luo Hao, please raise your hand!" The situation might be the opposite. After all, many people were afraid of fighting. If they raised their hands, they would definitely expose themselves and be hated by others, so no one raised their hands.    


However, there was still a very important point, which was the match between Feng Ziyan and Luo Hao in the morning. Luo Hao's performance was really too bad. He was able to deal with such a cute little girl so ruthlessly. Therefore, everyone's impression of him was extremely bad. Almost everyone who had some courage would not stand on his side. This was also the reason why Feng Qingyun and Wan Qianjun had taken a liking to him.    


Otherwise, if only the leaders of the four major sects voted for him, Tao Wuyang and Sect Chief Zhang would each vote against him. It would be a tie, but would the leaders of the other two major sects let Zheng Zizhou advance? Would they let their disciples face an expert like Zheng Zizhou in the final match? No one wanted to, so the result could be imagined.    


There was only one match in the afternoon, and the meeting was adjourned. As the opponent's strength was getting closer and closer, the battle was getting more and more interesting. But at the same time, the consumption of energy between the opponent was also getting bigger and bigger, so the time needed to rest was relatively longer.    


"Mistress, is Senior Sister awake?" After the meeting ended, Zheng Zinuo followed everyone to Feng Ziyan's place to see her.    


"She has been unconscious until now and has not woken up yet." Yurong shook her head and said, "But her breathing has become much more stable. There should not be any major problems."    


"Oh, that's good." Zheng Zinuo nodded his head worriedly. He thought to himself that the side effects of the acupuncture technique were indeed powerful. However, her revenge was finally avenged by her brother.    


There was nothing much to do in the afternoon. Everyone went back to their rooms to rest. Feng Ziyan only woke up once at dinner time, but she fainted again after a short while, which made Feng Qingyun and the others extremely worried.    


After dinner, Tao Wuyang Sect Master brought the other six Peak Lord to visit Feng Ziyan. When he felt that she was fine, he felt relieved. After all, it was not easy for a sect to nurture such a talented child.    


The night passed uneventfully. The next morning, Feng Ziyan finally woke up before heading to the training ground. However, she was still very weak. She could only barely eat something before she fell asleep again.    


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