The First Son-in-law

C395 It's a Little Unusual Today

C395 It's a Little Unusual Today

0As he crept into the room, he suddenly felt something strange. The first thing he felt was that there was someone in the living room.    


He moved to the door and turned on the lights in the living room. When he saw who was sitting on the sofa, he felt a chill in his heart.    


"Mr. Lin." Qin Feng bowed.    


"Sit down." Lin Wanjiang pointed at the sofa.    


"Are you still awake?" Qin Feng quickly filled Lin Wanjiang's cup with water and sat down not far from Lin Wanjiang.    


"Did you report today?" Lin Wanjiang's hand gently knocked on the sofa.    


"Yes, I did." Qin Feng bowed. He was nervous. Luckily, he had drunk some water outside. At this moment, the alcohol was almost gone, or else... Although Lin Wanjiang might not say anything, But talking to the boss, reeking of alcohol, was an affront in itself.    


"How do you feel?" Lin Wanjiang's words were formal, but Qin Feng could tell that it did not sound like it. The tone of a boss and his men, It was more like a father and a son asking a question directly. It felt like a meal after a meal.    


"Feels..." Qin Feng did not know where to start. He thought for a while and said, "I feel a lot of pressure."    


"Yes, it's good that you know it's a lot of pressure." Lin Wanjiang nodded unexpectedly. "Being able to feel a lot of pressure means that you have realized the problem. However, you cannot look at the problem simply by looking at the surface. You should not rush to solve the problem. You have to think about it. There are so many people in the system, why can't they solve the problem that has existed for so many years? Did they not find the problem? Or did they find out that they didn't have the ability to solve it? Or did they not want to solve it at all? All of this, you have to consider it thoroughly. In the current system, you have to recognize it clearly. Perhaps it's not appropriate to say it from my mouth, but... There's no one else here today, I won't hide it from you. As for why, I believe you know it in your heart. In the current system, the first thing you need to think about is not to do things. But to be human, even to do things, You have to think about whether you can offend people because of this, and whether you can stand on the opposite side of most people because of this. Although the position of manager is nothing in such a big environment, but... Since you want to develop, you need to take every step well... "    


Lin Wanjiang's words made Qin Feng want to cry. These words should be taught by a father, not by a superior. Lin Wanjiang was able to do this to a certain extent because he was expressing something to Qin Feng. Qin Feng was not a fool, nor was he stupid. He naturally knew it very well in his heart.    


Lin Wanjiang's words made Qin Feng want to have a recorder at this moment so that he could record everything without missing a single word. Such words were no longer just a simple father or a simple old fox that had been floating in the sea of eunuchs for decades. It was the combination of the two, a perfect combination. It was only in this way that there would be such a conversation.    


"Xuemei also had good intentions. She felt that everything was best to pave the way for you. However, you also have to think about it. If you rely on others for everything, then you will not have your own thoughts. A person does not have his own thoughts, but has an empty body. Do you think there's any meaning in that? " Lin Wanjiang changed the topic and looked at Qin Feng like a torch.    


Qin Feng felt his heart skip a beat.    


"Yes, I will try my best." Qin Feng did not dare to say anything. He knew this very well.    


"Sigh, I know too. In such a big environment, it is really difficult for a person to achieve some results without relying on external forces. However, if you keep asking for help, That means your foundation isn't stable, a house. If the foundation isn't stable, it won't be able to build a skyscraper. A person, if his foundation isn't stable, "The upper level is directly proportional to the underground foundation." The more Lin Wanjiang spoke, the more excited he became. Qin Feng was in trouble here. He had the habit of wanting to sleep after drinking. Plus, he had drunk a little too much today. Although he had drunk quite a lot of wine just now, he still had the habit of sleeping after drinking wine. However, the aftershock had come again. He couldn't help but yawn, which made Lin Wanjiang very unhappy.    


"Uncle, I'm sorry. I have a problem with being sleepy after drinking." Qin Feng saw that Lin Wanjiang's expression was not good. He yawned again and hurriedly explained.    


"Young man, you don't even have the energy to do so. What are you going to do?" Lin Wanjiang said unhappily.    


"Yes," Qin Feng said and yawned again. He didn't know what was going on. He used to be a little sleepy, but he wasn't like today. However, after what Lin Wanjiang said, he couldn't explain anything. He could only rub his eyes to keep himself awake.    


"Alright, I'm tired too. Get some rest early!" Seeing that Qin Feng was so tired that he couldn't take it anymore, Lin Wanjiang knew that he wouldn't care no matter what he said. Qin Feng wouldn't remember anything, so he might as well let him rest early. However, Lin Wanjiang was very unhappy in his heart. Firstly, he knew that Qin Feng would definitely go to Lin Xuemei's room tonight. Secondly, he thought that he was digging in the soil at his age. He was so tired during the day and had to read under the oil lamp at night, so he didn't say he was tired. He could not help but feel annoyed. Young people nowadays are really used to enjoying life. This bit of suffering and this bit of tiredness is unbearable.    


Seeing Lin Wanjiang's expression, he looked very unhappy. Qin Feng stood there obediently, not daring to leave. After all, this was his territory. Moreover, he was an official of a region.    


Forget it, forget it. Times have changed. He could no longer use his old eyes to ask them to leave. Seeing Qin Feng standing there and not daring to leave, Lin Wanjiang comforted himself in his heart.    


"Get up early tomorrow. Come out with me for a while." Lin Wanjiang looked at Qin Feng and got up to walk upstairs.    


Qin Feng did not dare to go to Lin Xuemei's room that night. Firstly, he was tired and uncomfortable. Secondly, he was afraid of Lin Wanjiang at the moment. Plus, he was a little rude just now. He carefully went to the bathroom to wash up. Then, he sneaked into the guest room that the nanny had prepared for him.    


The next day, Qin Feng was woken up by the ringtone of his phone. He opened his eyes and saw that it was already dawn outside. Without looking at the exact time, he got up and quickly washed up. After cleaning up, he sat on the sofa in the living room and waited for Lin Wanjiang. Around five o'clock. Lin Wanjiang came down the stairs and saw Qin Feng sitting there. He seemed to be stunned, but... Last night, that incident was at the bottom of the list. How could Qin Feng still dare to sleep? He would definitely wake up early and wait for him.    


"Have you been waiting for a while?" Lin Wanjiang walked out of the door while stretching his chest. Qin Feng quickly got up and followed him.    


"I just got up." Qin Feng didn't dare to say that he had been waiting for nearly an hour.    


"Come with me for a walk." At this moment, Qin Feng was really grateful to Lin Xuemei. She had actually prepared sports clothes and shoes for him. Otherwise, he would have to wear leather shoes to accompany Lin Wanjiang in his morning exercise. If that happened, he would be laughed at by those who woke up early in the morning exercise.    


While accompanying Lin Wanjiang in a small garden not far away, Qin Feng thought that Lin Wanjiang would continue the topic that he did not finish last night. Who would have thought that even if the two of them ran to the machine and did some simple activities, Lin Wanjiang didn't say anything. He just did everything seriously. This made Qin Feng feel surprised. He believed it. Lin Wanjiang would never ask him to be his sparring partner for no reason. There must be a reason behind it. It was also impossible for him to test whether he could get up early or not. Under such circumstances, everyone would set the alarm in advance. What exactly was going on?    


Qin Feng observed his surroundings while moving. When he saw the envious and jealous eyes not far away, Qin Feng seemed to have understood something. He felt an indescribable gratitude in his heart.    


The people around him could tell at a glance that they were part of the mixed system. The reason why they could come here so early to train was obvious. Qin Feng also firmly believed that there must be a lot of people who didn't live in this area. However, in order to get the chance to get in touch with the big boss, These people were supposed to be here by car or even by car in the morning.    


"Uncle, thank you!" He was very grateful to Lin Wanjiang.    


Lin Wanjiang didn't say anything. He was still moving slowly. Seeing the beads of sweat on Lin Wanjiang's forehead, Qin Feng quickly took out a clean handkerchief from his pocket and gently wiped the sweat off his forehead. When the handkerchief touched Lin Wanjiang's forehead, Qin Feng clearly felt Lin Wanjiang's body shake slightly. However, Qin Feng did not refuse. Qin Feng gently wiped off the sweat on his forehead.    


"Good morning, Mr. Lin." Seeing that Qin Feng did not seem to have any intention of leaving, these people began to take the initiative to surround him. Because the machines were all placed together, this created a good opportunity for them.    


Of course, through Qin Feng's actions just now, They could guess that this young man had a very special relationship with Mr. Lin. Because... Even if it was a secretary, there were very few who could be so meticulous. Especially in front of so many people, it was even more suspicious to show off. Therefore, the secretary would not do that. Most importantly, these people knew who Lin Wanjiang's secretary was. Therefore, they had a better understanding of Qin Feng's identity.    


"Good, good, good," Lin Wanjiang greeted with a smile. At the moment, he didn't put on the airs of a big boss. When he saw someone nodding at Qin Feng, he felt like he was a big boss. For those who greeted him, Lin Wanjiang didn't introduce the people who greeted him, which made Qin Feng very depressed. He wanted to know what kind of power these people had so that he could remember them so that he could use them in the future.    


However, it was precisely Lin Wanjiang's lack of introduction. Under normal circumstances, Under normal circumstances, even if the other party was a big boss, he should still introduce himself. However, Mr. Lin didn't introduce him. This made them feel that this young man had a close relationship with Lin Wanjiang. Therefore, those who didn't know what to say to Lin Wanjiang... They said a few words at a time. Then, he casually stuffed a business card into Qin Feng's hand.    


Qin Feng was amused when he received this. At the same time, he admired these people. They had come out for morning exercises and brought business cards with them. As expected of someone who had a heart of his own.    


Because these people knew very well that if they met a high-level boss... It would be very difficult for them to leave some paper things if they wanted to make them remember them all at once. Even if the other party were to throw it away after that, at least there would be a chance. However, it would not work if he were to rely on his face alone. So, even if it's sportswear, These people are also concerned with the interests of the circle, which is the new value of the real-life circle.    


Qin Feng had gained a lot from a simple 'sparring partner'. He had a stack of business cards in his pocket. On them were the bosses of a certain department, Deputy Director. Some of them are managers or deputy managers or something, of course. Of course, some of them looked like they didn't have any real power. Obviously, they belonged to the kind of people who normally wouldn't be able to meet Lin Wanjiang. Otherwise, they wouldn't have come here so early to meet the boss. However, Qin Feng also knew about it. Although these people didn't seem to have any real power, they might be able to use them someday. It's like the Forestry Department of the Agriculture Department. Only the chiefs know. In fact, compared to other projects, agriculture was very important. Firstly, agriculture is more important. This thing can make money, although it can't be casually spent. But after all, it's better to keep it on your own account. Of course, it's also risky. As far as Qin Feng knew, a lot of bosses in the field of agriculture had fallen due to the financial problems of their superiors. Therefore, agriculture was not as simple as they thought. It was not as easy as they thought, especially in a place like the Edge Company. Under such circumstances, all units were needed, especially in the area of agriculture. If they could apply for a large amount of funds from the higher-ups, it would definitely be a good thing. Therefore, Qin Feng left these business cards alone when he got home. As for the rest, he just wanted to organize them in the future.    


Thinking about how poor the Edge Company was, Qin Feng didn't have the mood to stay here any longer. He reluctantly bid Lin Xuemei farewell and kissed the little fellow's face again. At this moment, the little guy could already wave his hands and express his feelings. He was probably not satisfied with this bearded man kissing him. He shook his little hands to stop it. However, how could a weak man like him resist the invasion of Qin Feng? Helplessly, he could only cry loudly to express his dissatisfaction.    


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