The First Son-in-law

C390 Handsome Is too Attractive

C390 Handsome Is too Attractive

0"No problem, no problem. I'll be right there." The boss agreed readily.    


"It's okay to go back later, but you have to slow down on the road. There was also the barrel of gasoline that the boss had brought for Qin Feng to tie to the back seat of the motorcycle. Qin Feng asked again and again, "When we get back, Don't lend it to anyone. Even Xu Fenglei doesn't have my permission. No matter who asked, Just say I said it. If you have nothing to do these few days, you can contact him more often. When I come back, I have an important task for you. "    


"I promise to complete the task." Holding the motorcycle handle, the young man was very excited! He would be the first person in the village to ride the motorcycle back. Although it was not his, but... You can go out and show off when you're free these days, 'cause the manager said, Let's practice hard these few days and think about how he could ride a motorcycle around the village. When he thought about the looks in the eyes of the villagers when they saw the motorcycle, and the possibility that they would come into contact with the girl he had always wanted to say a few words but had never had the chance to do so. Thinking about...    


The young man couldn't help but grin. Although he didn't know how to express the excitement in his heart, his excited expression was written all over his face.    


"The most important thing is to be careful. There are many children in the village, and this is the first time I've seen such an iron guy. " You must be running around or running around. At this time, you... "You must not run into those children." Although it felt like a mother and a mother, Qin Feng still couldn't help but say. Because he still remembered the scene when he saw the first car in the village when he was young. All the children had surrounded the car from three floors to three floors away. Even some old people were pointing at the scene. It was like seeing an alien, so... He could predict that this motorcycle would cause such a sensation as well. If he didn't say a few words, it wouldn't be good if he scratched someone's child. At that time, it wouldn't be a problem that could be solved with money. And the impact would definitely be terrible.    


"Okay, I will be slower." The young man nodded seriously. He admired Qin Feng even more. A capable man had a different opinion than him. He just wanted to show off. However, what he thought of was more. This made the young man worship Qin Feng even more.    


"Alright, you can go back now. After you go back..." Qin Feng wanted to say that he would contact him when he went back, but he thought that the young man did not have any communication tools at home. He wanted to get everything ready, but... At this time, He couldn't blindly trust a person. He had to do it step by step.    


"When you go back to train, you must be careful." Qin Feng waved his hand, indicating that the young man could go.    


"Are you really the manager of Edge Company?" When the young man left, the boss asked again in disbelief.    


"How can this be fake? Do you think it's necessary to pretend to be the manager of the Edge Company?" Qin Feng said jokingly.    


"That is true." The boss nodded.    


If it was a wealthy place, it was possible to pretend to be a boss. In a place like the Edge Company, even if one pretended to be the leader of the company, it would be useless. He would never pretend to be a boss of a place like some reports. He would be received by the local yamen with high standards. Then, he would be paid and given power. In a place like the Edge Company, such a thing would never happen. At the very least, the current Edge Company couldn't do it. As for whether it could do it in the future or not, Then I don't know.    


After bidding farewell to the owner of the motorcycle, Qin Feng quickly took a taxi to the station and got on the long-distance bus to the provincial capital.    


Although Lanshan County was a poor county, it had a large sum of money to help the poor. For some units, it's not poor. Therefore, the county was relatively better. Looking at the desolation outside, enjoying the bumpy roads, After an hour of bumpy ride, Qin Feng finally left the Lanshan County. Walking onto the provincial road, Qin Feng suddenly felt something different. The outside world was really beautiful.    


"I think we can reach the provincial city tonight. Are you free today? There are a few things I want to discuss with you." In the car, Qin Feng took out his phone and sent a text message to Lin Xuemei.    


"Come on. Dad might have time tonight." When he received Qin Feng's text message, Lin Xuemei was typing on the keyboard in front of the computer. She looked at the string of words on the screen. Lin Xuemei revealed a knowing smile. Stinking brat, I knew you would come to find me. I have prepared almost everything you need. The rest will depend on your luck. As the saying goes, it's better to give people fish than to give people fish. Rather than giving you a way to deal with things, it is better to give you a way to deal with things.    


"Ningmeng, help me pack some clothes to change my clothes. It would be best if I had more underwear, "Ningmeng said." As for the jacket, it would be best to wear it. " Buy a few more pairs of sneakers. "After sending Lin Xuemei a text message, Qin Feng sent a text message to Zhou Ningmeng. Right now, he had to prepare for a long-term war of attrition. In a place like the Edge Company, it would be best if he could prepare some daily necessities. If possible, it would be best if he could bring along those who were cooking. It would be difficult to find a restaurant in a place like the Edge Company.    


Sigh, I thought it would be very difficult. Thinking about his lofty aspirations back then, Although a few days had passed, it was still a long time ago. At that time, he was really stupid and naive. He thought that he could achieve great things just by being impulsive. He did not know that he wanted to achieve great things. It was not enough to just be hot-blooded, he had to rely on all kinds of connections. He also had to have the ability and determination to solve his problems. All of this... All of this is indispensable. Of course. Another important thing is that the people in the area must have the conviction to get out of poverty and make a fortune.    


Faith was the power to support life. People's actions were controlled by faith. And the results that people created were often produced by actions. So it could be said that whatever belief there was, it would lead to what kind of result it would lead to.    


If the people of Edge Company were willing to sink into this state, It won't work even if you break your leg and scream your throat. The best solution would be to raise their belief of getting rid of poverty in their hearts. Then, they would use this belief as a support to complete the transformation of the Edge Company.    


However, the people of the Edge Company... This could be seen from Xu Fenglei and the others. A person who was supposed to be able to get rid of poverty was willing to spend his life in such a place. This was really intriguing. It seemed like... It seemed that if he wanted to solve the problem of Edge Company, he had to find a way to solve it first.    


However, it seemed that this belief was so easy to develop. If there was no great temptation,    


Could it cause them to be swayed by their current 'comfortable life'?    


Everything was still an unknown!    


"That time when Jean didn't bring the car with him, it was inconvenient for you to know that there was no car this time, right?" When she picked up Qin Feng, Lin Xuemei complained.    


"I have to bring the car with me this time. Otherwise, I don't even have a place to stay." Qin Feng smiled bitterly and said, "I thought that Edge Company would also have a base. I didn't expect that there would be nothing there, not even a place to work, let alone a lodging and canteen."    


"Is it that hard?" Lin Xuemei opened her mouth in disbelief. She really couldn't believe it. As a level one yamen, there was not even an office. For example, the Township Government of Baodong County. Which of them wasn't living in a small building? They also had their own dorms and dining halls, and they were also free of charge. Even if it wasn't free, the yamen would still give them some subsidies. Lin Xuemei really couldn't believe what Qin Feng said about the Township Government, which didn't even have an office. However, when she thought about the information she had gathered about the Edge Company, Lin Xuemei felt that this was not strange.    


"I don't think this kind of car is suitable. Why don't we get a RV? This way, it will be convenient for us to travel and stay in the house." When a woman was worried about her man, she would spare no effort. Of course, there were exceptions. However, there weren't many women who would cut off the other party's body because their husbands didn't live with them.    


"RV?" Qin Feng reached out and touched Lin Xuemei's forehead. "You don't have a fever, do you? Let me get a RV to the Edge Company. What do you think? Although that place is relatively remote, who can guarantee that no busybodies will enter? If they find out that I, a manager, actually brought a RV to work, What would they do? They would not consider whether you had no office or accommodation in your dormitory. They would only think that you were the best manager. It's not like you don't know the scariness of the Internet. It would be easy and enjoyable to have human flesh. I don't want to be famous so early!    


"Yeah, I didn't think of that. But we have a way. If we really can't, we can buy a big bus. " Or maybe we can buy a big bus like that and modify it! " Lin Xuemei thought about it and said," We can just buy those ordinary domestic ones. Anyway, we still have to get rid of them in the future. Buy those cheap cars and borrow their shells. We'll find a place to store the inner chambers ourselves. I think it'll be about done in three to five days. Also, we'll store it safely. Don't worry about the smell or anything. "    


"Let's think about this later. What I'm thinking now is to discuss with you how to proceed with my next step of work. At first, I thought it was a little too simple, but now I realize that... "It's not as difficult as I thought," Qin Feng said with a worried face.    


"What is it? Do you want to back out?" Lin Xuemei said unhappily.    


"That's not it. The key is that I overestimated my own strength." Qin Feng shook his head. "It's impossible to give up. After witnessing the true poverty of Edge Company, I want to change it even more. I want to turn this sh * tty place into a heaven on earth."    


Qin Feng gritted his teeth and said the last sentence.    


"I support you." Lin Xuemei tilted her head and looked at Qin Feng. "But you have to be clear about one thing. Don't rush things. The Edge Company's poverty has existed for a long time. It's not something that can be solved overnight. They had to specify a long-term plan, and they had to find as many resources as possible. They had to solve the needs of development from the most basic of their bodies. This was an ecological place. First of all, you have to ensure that you don't bring in any polluting enterprises. Not high pollution, but pollution. In other words, no pollution companies are allowed to move in. Otherwise, it will lose the basic meaning of your change. Secondly, you must follow sustainable development. In this lifetime, things about being an official might grow a little. However, being a proper person doesn't last long. Being an official brings benefit to one side. I hope that you can understand the true meaning of this sentence correctly. The so-called good for the good of the good is definitely not simply to make the people of a certain place rich. But at the same time rich and healthy, like those highly polluted places, So what if they were rich? Either men and women were infertile, or the fetus was deformed. Now, there were more and more so-called cancer villages. That was caused by these highly polluted industries, so... I don't want you to create one village after another while developing the economy of Edge Company. The common people haven't realized this yet. They'll think that money is the most important thing, and that's why some counties shout the absurd slogan 'Better die than poor'. As a person, you should properly guide the ideas of the people. The road to wealth can be a little slower, but there must not be any actions that are detrimental to the development of future generations... "    


Lin Xuemei had said a lot, which made Qin Feng think of many things. To be honest, he had thought of introducing some companies from the beginning. He wanted to use them to develop the basic economy of Edge Company, but now that he thought about it, His ideas were too urgent and didn't meet the basic needs of long-term development. Especially after listening to Lin Xuemei's words, his original thoughts were completely rejected. Because from the moment he decided to come to the Edge Company, he had already made up his mind. He had to do something for the common people of the Edge Company. He didn't want everything to start from his achievements.    


"I will definitely do it, but what confused me now is that I don't know where to start... Qin Feng had a headache when he thought of this. "The Edge Company is poor to the bones, and it needs a lot of change. I don't know what to change first."    


"First, change the attitude of the Township Government's Staff Member and establish a healthy mechanism. We can't let them take the position without doing anything." Lin Xuemei said without hesitation, "If you want to change, you must first ensure that there will be a group of people who can be used by you. After all, you cannot do everything by yourself. If you want your ideas to be carried out smoothly, there must be a group of people. Or at least, there must be a few people in important positions who support you and can firmly follow your orders. Only then can your thoughts truly come true. Otherwise, all your efforts will be in vain. Even if you break your mouth and run your heels... You can't do anything either.    


"Mm, I've thought about this before, and I have an idea that I need to discuss with you. I'm prepared..." Qin Feng told Lin Xuemei his idea.    


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