The First Son-in-law

C264 A Roundabout Tactic

C264 A Roundabout Tactic

0It's just, there's one thing they didn't think of, That was, the size of one's combat strength was definitely not determined by one's figure and number. It was determined by one's combat strength. Although Qin Feng was alone, But it was not something that a few ordinary people could compare to.    


There was no suspense in the outcome of the battle where there was a huge disparity in strength. Although he was in his prime, he was still in his prime. However, the three of them were all crops. They were not good at fighting. Although Qin Feng didn't have the superb skills of his cousin, Gao Wenhua, he could easily deal with these few people. Especially when he was still in a state of extreme anger, his performance was naturally extremely long. After a few moves, the three men fell to the ground and rolled on the ground. One should know that Qin Feng was attacking the most painful parts of their bodies. The pain in their bodies wouldn't disappear in less than three to five days.    


"Sister, let's go!" After Qin Feng finished cleaning up the three of them, Hanyu had already tidied up her clothes. When Qin Feng went over to help Hanyu and wanted to leave, something that surprised Qin Feng happened.    


He gently pushed Qin Feng away. Hanyu walked in front of the person who wanted to violate her and revealed a charming smile. Her red lips parted slightly. "Am I beautiful? Am I charming?"    


"Yes." Although he did not know the purpose of Hanyu's action, that person still endured the pain in his body and nodded. He had no choice but to nod. Hanyu was indeed very beautiful and he was really afraid of Qin Feng beating him up. He was afraid that he would accidentally provoke the other party and get beaten up again.    


"Then do you want to get on the bed with me?" Hanyu threw a handful of autumn spinach at the other party. The electric sparks that she released were probably thousands of volts.    


As a normal man, how could he withstand Hanyu's teasing? Unconsciously, something in his body woke up like bamboo shoots after a rain. In just a blink of an eye, he stood there proudly. He did not know if it was because his ability was too strong or Hanyu's attitude was too provocative. This brother's lower half was extraordinary. Its hardness even surpassed the first time he was in a room with his wife. In his heart, he thought that it was his own wealth that had moved the other party's heartstrings, but he did not expect it. What followed was a lifetime of regret.    


As a veteran who had experienced many battles, Hanyu was very sensitive to the other party's reaction. When she felt that the other party had reached the peak, Hanyu moved. To be exact, Hanyu's right foot moved. That speed was definitely comparable to the martial arts superstar Li Xiaolong back then. Her high-heeled shoes with three to five centimeters of heels ran between the legs of the man on the ground.    


"Don't..." Seeing Hanyu's intention clearly, Qin Feng shouted from the side. He wanted to rush over and stop her, but that pig like cry had already resounded through this spacious building.    


Women were indeed powerful animals. As a man, Qin Feng naturally knew what it meant to be attacked at that place. After a few months of rest, he might be able to solve the most basic problem of urinating. Perhaps, that thing in his life would be ruined. Forget about reproduction, he would probably even have to say goodbye to the most basic pee problem.    


After being kicked by Hanyu like this, the pain in the part where the man was hit by Qin Feng completely disappeared. What was left was only the inhumane torture between his legs. With a sound of "Ah," the man finally fainted. To him, he didn't know whether this was a relief or a sadness that meant the rest of his life.    


"Let's go." Hanyu held Qin Feng's arm and raised her head in a carefree manner. She left a beautiful figure for the two remaining people, leaving behind a deep shock at the same time. At this moment, the two of them had already forgotten the pain in their bodies. Instead, they tightly covered their lower bodies and opened their mouths wide as they watched Hanyu leave. They had never thought that a woman with such a sweet appearance would leave. At this moment, they seemed to have forgotten that their shameless actions had caused Hanyu's tragedy. If they hadn't violated her first, Hanyu would never have done such a thing.    


Being held by Hanyu, Qin Feng felt a chill on his back. After seeing Hanyu and Lin Xuemei's ferocity, Qin Feng felt more and more like he was walking on a steel wire. If one day he really provoked these two, perhaps today would be his tomorrow. At that time, Lin Xuemei and Hanyu would definitely be able to find an even more powerful move. Perhaps they would directly demonstrate themselves to arouse his anger before moving. At that time, Women, ah, I'm not going to let you get away with it, I'm not going to let you get away with it, I'm not going to let you get away with it. He really couldn't afford to offend them!    


"Sister Hanyu, it's so cold. You should call me to pick you up. Why are you still working as a bus?" With the lesson from last time, Qin Feng no longer asked Hanyu why she came at this time. He knew she was here. As long as Hanyu wanted to say it, she would definitely tell him the reason she came. If she did not want to say it, she would not say it even if she asked.    


"It's nothing. I usually drive a car. I also want to live the life of an ordinary person. Look at what it feels like to ride a bus." The life of a rich person was not something ordinary people could compare with. People even ride a bus is a kind of experience. Think about that poor commoner. Taking a bus was sometimes a luxury. People usually used two wheels or even their own feet to replace it.    


"I'm impressed!" If it was a man, Qin Feng would roll his eyes at him. Because Hanyu was a woman and a beautiful woman, Qin Feng could only look down on her in his heart. You are a rich man who does not care about the feelings of the poor.    


"Hehehe, in front of you, I can say whatever I want. You can't laugh at me." Hanyu leaned on Qin Feng and acted like a little bird. "I've exhausted myself these few days. You have to make it up to me."    


"Er..." Qin Feng felt very helpless. He thought to himself, "Why do you need me to make it up to you when you're so tired? If it was for me, it would be fine, but... " The higher-ups have only been here for two hours. They wouldn't be able to tire you out in such a short time, would they? If you are tired because of something else, why should I make it up to you? Qin Feng only dared to say this in his heart. Even if he was given a thousand guts, he wouldn't dare to bring it up to the table.    


"It looks like you don't look very tired."    


"It's mainly because you are mentally tired." Hanyu's voice became softer when she said this. The smile on her face also became somewhat deadlocked.    


Sensing Hanyu's reaction, Qin Feng did not dare to say anything. He could only pull back Hanyu's arm, hoping to give her some warmth. The two of them walked towards the car that Qin Feng parked on the side of the road.    


"He came to your provincial capital." Hanyu got into the car and leaned against the middle seat of the business car. Her eyes looked out the window.    


"Who is it?" Qin Feng did not know who she was talking about when he saw Hanyu's expression. "He came to our provincial capital. Didn't you say he was in the army?"    


"Yes, he came to be the deputy commander of one of your legion corps!" Hanyu said indifferently, "I came with him this time. I've been here for a few days."    


Qin Feng felt very upset when he remembered Hanyu was the wife of another man. Men are like this. They like to protect large groups of hens like roosters, although they can't give each hen a title. But thinking about that guy's lower part, it's no longer useful. Qin Feng was relieved. So what if you are her husband?    


Thinking of this, Qin Feng felt a little smug again. However, when he thought about how she was now the deputy commander, Qin Feng felt a stabbing pain in his heart.    


Damn it, he was not much older than him. Why was he a deputy commander now? Although he was still a senior colonel, But they might be able to hang up on Venus next year. Otherwise, why would he come here after leaving the higher-ups? Wasn't it so that he could exchange four generals for one general?    


Qin Feng's guess was right. The reason Hanyu's husband went around the upper management was because the relationship between the upper management and the upper management was complicated. There were too many connections, and it was not as fast as the General Star here.    


"Qin Feng." Qin Feng started the car and was about to leave when Hanyu suddenly grabbed Qin Feng's arm that wanted to block.    


"Sister Hanyu, this..." Qin Feng was in a difficult position. If Lin Xuemei found out, Qin Feng would think that it was the end of the world.    


The world was going to end.    


The car stopped at a relatively remote place. Qin Feng turned on the warm wind and stepped on the brake. He turned around to face Hanyu's storm, but when he turned around, Hanyu's tears fell like rain.    


"Sister, what's wrong with you?" Qin Feng hurriedly pulled the tissue from his hand to wipe the tears on Hanyu's face.    


"Qin Feng, I'm sorry." Hanyu hugged Qin Feng and cried.    


"Sister, sister, what's wrong with you?" Qin Feng was most afraid of women crying. Therefore, in Jin Yong's novel, women's tears were the most lethal weapon in the world. That was what he agreed with. No matter how cold-blooded or heartless a man was, he could not help but soften his heart when he saw a woman cry.    


"Qin Feng, I'm sorry. I was insulted." Hanyu cried and threw herself into Qin Feng's arms. Because it was inconvenient to twist her body, Qin Feng simply went to the row of seats in the middle.    


"It's okay, sister. Didn't I get there in time? Besides, you've made him suffer!" Hearing what Hanyu said, Qin Feng felt relieved.    


"That's not what big sister said." He did not expect Hanyu to continue. A single sentence brought Qin Feng's heart back to its normal state. F * ck! So that's not what she was talking about!    


"What's going on, sister?" Qin Feng asked anxiously.    


"Big sister, big sister was insulted by him." Leaning into Qin Feng's arms, Hanyu could not help but think of those nights that made her wish she was dead.    


Having a wife but not being able to be humane was very cruel to a man. Hanyu's husband was respected by everyone in the army. At home. At home, he could not raise his head in the face of Hanyu's flirting. Back then, he was also the one who fought 300 rounds without losing his golden spear. Now, he was fine. Such a huge difference made his heart twist. Looking at his wife who was like a flower on the brick bed, he finally could not bear it anymore. He did not know where he got a military rope to tie Hanyu up from head to toe. Then he took the items that he had bought beforehand and started to show them on Hanyu's body. It was not easy to wait for his beastly nature to pass. Hanyu's lower part had already lost its original appearance. She wrapped herself up tightly and ran to the hospital to find a doctor to clean up her lower part. Hanyu lost two days' worth of fluid with tears in her eyes.    


When she said this, Hanyu's body trembled. On the one hand, it was fear and on the other hand, it was anger. She really did not expect her husband to do this, but... Thinking about how he was no longer human, Hanyu felt a little sympathy for him. As a man, there was nothing more painful than this. Thinking about this, Hanyu no longer had any hatred towards her husband's madness. On the contrary, she felt a little pity for him.    


"Bastard!" Qin Feng punched heavily on the chair and swore. However, he could not do anything for Hanyu. Strictly speaking, he was the third male. That was a couple's matter. Even if there was some sort of estrangement between them. It was also Hanyu who used the weapons of law to protect her legal rights and interests. She definitely wouldn't be able to do anything to an outsider like Qin Feng.    


"Qin Feng, you... do you still like elder sister?" Hanyu asked timidly.    


"Big sister, I will always love you." Qin Feng said emotionally.    


"Okay." He put his head into Qin Feng's arms. Hanyu stroked Qin Feng and took a big breath of the unique male aura from Qin Feng's body. It made her infatuated and intoxicated.    


"I want..." Just as Hanyu said the word "I want..." Qin Feng's phone started to sing. Seeing the flash of understanding on it, Qin Feng's palms were full of cold sweat. He secretly cried out that things were not good, but he still braced himself and picked up the phone, "Sister Lin."    


"Have you two kissed enough?" A cold voice came through the phone, scaring the two of them until they shivered all over.    


"Sister Lin, that me, we just, we are not what you think we are." Qin Feng himself did not know why, but every time Lin Xuemei questioned him, he could not help but stutter until he could not complete his sentence.    


"No matter what you are doing, I will give you five minutes. If you do not appear in front of me within five minutes, then you will wait to see your child now!" After saying this, Lin Xuemei immediately shut the phone.    


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