The First Son-in-law

C213 How Do We Solve This

C213 How Do We Solve This

0Seeing that Qin Feng was about to finish washing up, Sheng Nan quickly pulled the blanket over her and scrambled into the blanket. "I'll warm you up first. Hurry up and come in. Don't freeze."    


Speaking of which, Sheng Nan also had another meaning. When she saw Qin Feng's body, her heart had already been stirred. She urgently hoped that Qin Feng could carry out the siege plan as soon as possible.    


However, the final result was out of her expectations. She almost went mad because she saw Qin Feng quickly taking her clothes and putting them on. He stopped and said to Sheng Nan, who was waiting in bed, "I have to go. Think of a way to go out and eat. After working so hard for so long, you must be tired!"    


Sheng Nan did not say anything. She just watched Qin Feng disappear in neat clothes. When the door slammed shut, Sheng Nan finally could not control it. She picked up the pillow under her head and smashed it towards the door. With a bang, the pillow fell into the basin on the ground and was quickly soaked. She used the blanket to cover her head and Sheng Nan wailed.    


Listening to the things behind her and Sheng Nan's hysterical cries, Qin Feng's heart was like a knife twisting. However, he had no way to turn back. He could only drag his heavy steps down the steps and disappear into the rented house. This scene happened to be seen by the old lady who lived on the first floor. She could not help but shake her head. "Poor child!"    


When she drove back to Zhou Ningmeng's place, she happened to see Zhou Ningmeng hugging her knees and crying at the door.    


"Ningmeng, quickly get up." Qin Feng quickly went up and pulled Zhou Ningmeng's hand.    


"Wow..." Zhou Ningmeng cried and threw herself into Qin Feng's arms. "Rats, there are rats at home!"    


"It's okay. I'm here. It's okay." She patted Zhou Ningmeng's back gently. It was only at this moment that Qin Feng realized that what he could not let go of the deepest part of his heart was actually his true wife. As for Hanyu and the others, perhaps they only existed for desire.    


"Where is the mouse? I will go and take a look." When Zhou Ningmeng's sobs gradually died down, Qin Feng leaned close to her earlobe and asked softly.    


The unique fragrance of Zhou Ningmeng's body entered Qin Feng's nostrils. At this moment, Qin Feng was intoxicated. He forgot that the two of them were still standing in the corridor. He could not help but put his lips close to Zhou Ningmeng's earlobe and gently licked it. Then, at his neck...    


Zhou Ningmeng's body trembled. She hid in Qin Feng's embrace and softly said, "Open the door and go in..."    


As if he was suddenly injected with stimulants, Qin Feng picked Zhou Ningmeng up. He used one of his hands to twist the key that was inserted into the lock and the two of them entered the door at lightning speed. Qin Feng's first goal was to carry Zhou Ningmeng into the bedroom. Although he had already run around Sheng Nan many times, However, when facing Zhou Ningmeng, Qin Feng still couldn't stop his courage. At this moment, Zhou Ningmeng was also drunk. After all, he had already tasted the joyful love between men and women. When Qin Feng's bewitchment that was filled with the scent of a male infected her, Zhou Ningmeng discovered that the anger in her heart seemed to have disappeared. However, the girl's unique temper told her. She definitely couldn't let it go like this. She had to punish the other party a little. Thinking of this, she suddenly pushed Qin Feng away from her. "What are you doing? Are you trying to help me catch a mouse or are you trying to vent your anger on me?"    


"Catch the mouse first." Qin Feng did not know Zhou Ningmeng's real intention. He did not dare to act rashly. He laughed and got up on the bed. "Where is the mouse?"    


"I don't know where it is now. Anyway, when it just entered the living room, it was so scared that it threw the bag and jumped out." Zhou Ningmeng still had a straight face. Qin Feng could clearly see that there was no anger in her eyes.    


"How can a rat come in from above?" Qin Feng stood up quietly. "How about this? I'll look for this bedroom first. If not, you stay in this room for now. You can go out after I catch the rat."    


"Okay." Zhou Ningmeng felt that this was a good idea. She immediately threw herself onto the bed and covered herself with the blanket.    


Although the bedroom was not small, there were many things on the floor. For example, the bed wardrobe was directly to the floor. It was very convenient to check. After confirming that the bedroom wasn't there, Qin Feng closed the door and went to the other rooms to do some rat-beating. While looking for the mouse, Qin Feng was thinking about how to use this opportunity to build a good relationship between the two of them. With Zhou Ningmeng willing to go home with him for the Mid-Autumn Festival a while ago, she should not hate him to the bone. In this way, there should still be room for her to recover.    


At this moment, Qin Feng saw a shadow pass through the living room floor and then go straight to the bathroom. He was overjoyed. Kid, you're dead this time.    


He dashed into the bathroom and closed the door tightly.    


Maybe it was the sound of Qin Feng closing the door that alerted that little thing. The little guy just happened to stare at Qin Feng. A man and a mouse were confronting each other. Qin Feng didn't have the guts to look directly at him without fear.    


Enraged, Qin Feng casually picked up the broom behind the door and slapped it. However, Qin Feng seemed to have overestimated his strength this time. He waved the broom and hit it many times, but not a single hair of the mouse was hit.    


F * ck!    


Qin Feng threw the guy in his hand down in exasperation, but the mouse continued running on the ground as if it was mocking him.    


I don't believe I can't kill you!    


Qin Feng took off his coat and hung it on the shelf on the wall. He pulled off the shower nozzle on the wall and removed the nozzle. Only the water pipe was left. Qin Feng suddenly turned on the switch and turned it on to cold water. The water pipe, which had been lying on the ground, suddenly became straight. The water that came out of the pipe shot straight at the wall.    


He didn't care if he was aiming or not. Qin Feng adjusted the water pipe and hit the ground violently.    


He did not know how much water he had used, nor did he know how long it took for the rat to lose its temper. In the process of turning its head and running away, it unfortunately bumped into the radiator. Although it did not die, it fainted by accident.    


Seizing this opportunity, Qin Feng pulled the mouse into the toilet and threw it into the toilet. He then pressed the water switch. Fortunately, the toilet in Zhou Ningmeng's house was a high-pressure type. It disappeared in Qin Feng's sight along with the whirlpool of water.    


Qin Feng took the broom and cleaned up the remaining water on the ground. Only then did he realize that the ground was leaking. He guessed that the mouse must have climbed up from the ground. They liked to try anything that was challenging.    


"Ningmeng, Ningmeng" replied in the living room. Qin Feng found Zhou Ningmeng was still hiding in the bedroom and did not come out.    


"It's okay. I've already killed the rat." Sweat was dripping down his forehead. Qin Feng stood at the door of the bedroom like a victor and showed Zhou Ningmeng his strong muscles. He had completely forgotten how he looked like when he was in the bathroom.    


"Really? Are you sure?" Zhou Ningmeng asked with a lingering fear as she revealed her head under the blanket.    


"Of course. I took her down immediately." Qin Feng said disapprovingly, "I got it into the toilet and washed it away. It turned out that the floor was broken. I think the mouse climbed up along the pipe. I have temporarily found a towel to cover it up. It will be fine when I buy a new floor leak and replace it."    


"Great." Zhou Ningmeng quickly got up and rushed into the living room.    


"What are you doing?" Qin Feng followed her in surprise. He saw Zhou Ningmeng tidying up the cushions on the sofa and then carrying them into the bathroom and putting them into the washing machine.    


"I have to clean all of these things. Maybe the rats have run over them." Zhou Ningmeng explained to Qin Feng as she cleaned up. "I have a mission for you. Take a broom and sweep the floor. Then wash the mop and drag the floor."    


"There's no need to be so troublesome. It's just a mouse. Is it worth making such a fuss over?" Qin Feng didn't know whether to laugh or cry as he said, "It's necessary to sweep the floor, but it doesn't matter if these things are washed or not. You should know that rats like to run along the walls. They don't like to fly over the walls. In that case, don't you also need to wash the things on your bed? "    


"Aiya, if you didn't say it, I would have forgotten." Zhou Ningmeng fiercely patted her head and quickly rushed into the bedroom. She took off all the bedsheets and whatnot, making the food in the room chaotic.    


Seeing Zhou Ningmeng carrying that pile of things onto the balcony, Qin Feng shook his head helplessly. "Fortunately, Kong Yuan had everything when he was buying things back then. He bought two washing machines and one was in the bathroom to wash the clothes. The other one was larger on the balcony to wash the large sheets and bedsheets. Otherwise, who knows when Zhou Ningmeng's torment would end!    


"Aiya, I just got into the blanket!" Just when Qin Feng was about to stop, Zhou Ningmeng suddenly remembered that she had just gotten into the unwashed blanket and stayed in it for a long time.    


"No, I have to go take a bath," she said as she spoke. Zhou Ningmeng quickly took off her clothes and did not hesitate to stand not far away from Qin Feng. As her clothes fell to the ground one by one, Zhou Ningmeng's graceful figure appeared in front of Qin Feng.    


No one knew who said this before. It was said that a woman wearing clothes revealed 90% of her skin in front of a man. But men are still very loyal and honest to see 10% of their skin covered. Qin Feng was no exception. The current him... He wished he could see through the snow-white clothes into Zhou Ningmeng's inner world.    


"What are you looking at?" Zhou Ningmeng scolded in a low voice shyly. Zhou Ningmeng quickly went into the bathroom. As the door of the room was closed, Qin Feng had no choice but to retract his wolf light. He was just imagining the scene of Zhou Ningmeng naked in the water.    


"Qin Feng, help me get the new towel in the closet." Zhou Ningmeng washed her body in the bathroom. She asked herself over and over again. The first person she thought of when she saw Mouse was Qin Feng. Could it be that she had not forgotten about him deep in her heart? Could it be that there were two people at night?    


After washing up, Zhou Ningmeng remembered that she had decided to throw away all the things in the bathroom. However, she could not go out wet. She was not afraid of being seen by Qin Feng. The key was that she could not be frozen!    


"Okay, I will wash my hands first." Qin Feng had already prepared himself outside. He had even simulated this scene many times.    


"En." Zhou Ningmeng knew that Qin Feng was just mopping the floor. It was not too much to ask Qin Feng to wash his hands first. The key was, if you wash your hands then wash your hands. Why did you come in naked?    


The girl's unique shyness made her hug her tightly after Qin Feng came in.    


"I'm hugging my upper body. Where are my legs?" Qin Feng said with a smile.    


Zhou Ningmeng quickly moved her hands to her lower body.    



"Her upper body is exposed again." Zhou Ningmeng could only move her hands back to the upper part.    


After going through so much trouble for a while, Zhou Ningmeng could only shout, "You are so bad." She threw herself into Qin Feng's arms.    


Sensing Zhou Ningmeng's passionate response, Qin Feng was about to move when he suddenly felt a heart-wrenching pain.    


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