The First Son-in-law

C201 It's Hard to Choose

C201 It's Hard to Choose

0Trying to keep his hands still, Qin Feng opened the file with trembling hands. When he saw the files, he felt like his heart was about to jump out of his throat. With this, he would be a university student. Moreover, it was something that could be found on the Internet. This made Qin Feng feel like he had been smashed by a pie that had fallen from the sky. With this thing, he would be able to travel freely in the battlefield. This was the same as knocking on the door in his circle. And it's a gold brick. I will be...    


Qin Feng seemed to have seen the scene where he was commanding the people in charge. With his driver's secretary, he had nothing to do but travel. He was a man of his word in the company. If he told them to go east, they would definitely not dare to go west. If he said that he was going to fight the dog now, they would definitely not dare to say that he was going to chase the chicken. When he thought of this, Qin Feng could not help but laugh out loud.    


"What's wrong? Master Li is doubting the authenticity of this set of files?" Lee Yang was a little annoyed. He was the one who did all these things. Qin Feng's laughter was an insult to him. At this moment, he had the urge to tear the file from Qin Feng's hands into pieces.    


"No, no, no, no! Qin Feng could sense the anger in Lee Yang's eyes. He quickly apologized. "No, no, no. I... I was just too excited. Thanks to you, Mr. Li, for this matter."    


"Oh." Lee Yang felt better. Qin Feng's words made sense. People who had never been to college suddenly got a set of fake university files. Also, the steel stamp on the card was a graduation certificate that could be found online. It would be a lie to say that he was not excited.    


"Boss Li, I'll go and prepare the photos now. I'll send them to you in a moment. After saying that, Qin Feng rushed out of the door excitedly. He did not hear Lee Yang shouting behind him at all.    


When he got to the parking lot, he started the car and ran outside. He found a photo studio and rushed in. "Boss, take a picture!"    


"Okay, what do you take pictures of?" The shop owners liked people who rushed in and shouted to take pictures. Needless to say, they were definitely waiting to be used urgently. How much does this thing cost? That means he has the final say. 50 or 100 is fine. Very few people will bargain.    


"The kind used for graduation certificates," Qin Feng said urgently. "How long will it take to wash it out?"    


"Fifty for tomorrow. "One hundred for emergencies." The boss said casually. At this time, he could not express his strong desire to earn money. He was very accurate in this point.    


A hundred?" Qin Feng did not believe his ears. He opened his mouth wide in shock. "Are you robbing me?"    


"How can you say that?" The boss had already recognized Qin Feng as a foreigner. He had seen this on the license plate. His temper was slightly worse than before. "I didn't ask you to come here if you wanted to take a picture."    


"You..." Qin Feng really wanted to go up and slap his face, but... Reason told him that it was more important to do things first. If he delayed the proper business, it would be a huge loss. It was true that he could release the anger in his heart in a short period of time, but... The consequences would be immeasurable, so... In the end, he restrained himself and took out a hundred-dollar bill from his pocket and took a picture in front of the boss. "I want to take the picture in ten minutes."    


"Okay, no problem." When the boss saw the money, his eyes immediately narrowed into slits. "Come here." He quickly put the money into his pocket. The boss smiled and led Qin Feng into the camera room.    


"Do you use it on your graduation certificate?" While fiddling with the things in his hands, the boss hit on him with a smile. "It's not the graduation season now. Did you get someone to do it?"    


"Yes," Qin Feng replied snappily.    


"How much did it cost?" The boss came up to him and asked with interest, "Which school did it go to? Did you give it to him?"    


"Who did you pay?" "Who did you pay?" Qin Feng asked. Did this person have any thoughts?    


"Young man, let me tell you this." The boss laughed and completely lost his previous anger. "I can handle it here. As long as you agree on the conditions, I guarantee that you will get the certificate within half an hour and the price will be discounted..."    


F * ck, I met someone who applied for a fake certificate. Qin Feng cursed in his heart. However, he was in a playful mood. Qin Feng still asked without batting an eyelid, "Are you able to get a graduation certificate from that school here?"    


"I have everything here." Upon hearing Qin Feng's intention, the boss's interest was piqued. "All the big schools in the province. " All the schools in the province and one or two schools. As long as you can bring them up, we can handle them all. "    


The boss's words were quite boastful. Qin Feng almost spat it out when he heard it. He couldn't help but tease him. "Are there any universities in Tsinghua University and Peking University? Can the University of Hong Kong do it? How much is Zhejiang University?"    


"Little brother, you must be joking. Since you want to get a certificate, don't tell me you don't understand our line of work!" Qin Feng's words were not pleasant to hear. "A particularly famous school can't be set up. People who need it in third-rate schools usually don't want to do it. So, what we can provide is the schools in each province, one or two types of schools. Also, we can guarantee that it will be exactly the same as the real school. "    


"It's just that we can't find it online, right?" Qin Feng couldn't help but interject.    


"Brother, you are right." The boss laughed. "Don't believe what those people said. If you sell it at a high price, you can check it online. Those are all lies. It's absolutely impossible. You should know that those people are all in the Ministry of Education. "    


"What do you guys do about school accounts and whatnot? How can you guarantee that it will be the same as real?" At that moment, Qin Feng seemed to have forgotten his purpose of coming here. Instead, he was more interested in what the boss had said.    


"Hehe." The boss chuckled as he finished taking Qin Feng's picture. "Don't think that the graduation certificate is mysterious. Actually, there's no high school student's graduation certificate number that the school compiled according to the coding rules set by the Ministry of Education. There are a total of 18 people, and the arrangement has a certain pattern. The first 5 are the school's number. The sixth place is the education type, and the seventh to tenth place is the year of graduation. The 11th and 12th were the education level, and the last 6 were the Flowing Water. According to this rule, As long as we have a proper grasp of the number of graduation certificates in certain schools, we can follow the name of the school. The time of graduation is roughly to create a grading number that belongs to you...    


Qin Feng was shocked by the boss's words. No wonder there were such plasters everywhere on the road. It turned out that the boss had done a lot of research on this. They all said that they loved doing things. In that case, the boss was really doing his job well. However, they didn't know that this kind of work was so passionate. To the people of China, should they be proud or should they be sad? But now it's an age of certificates. With a certificate to travel the world, without a certificate, it is hard to move. The variety of certificates and names was truly breathtaking. Moreover, the certificates seemed to have already been integrated into people's daily lives. With a single voice from everyone, it was as indispensable as air. Every life came to this world with the certificate. Even before birth, You have to ask your parents to help you apply for a Certificate of Certificate of Certificate of Certificate of Certificate of Certificate of Certificate of Certificate of Certificate of Life. You can't legally come to this world until you're born. Then you'll have to have a birth certificate and a vaccination certificate. And then you'll have an ID card. Because of age, you might have to have an ID number until you go to school. A series of exam papers started. Simple graduation certificate, beginner certificate, advanced certificate. When he started his career, he would need a property certificate, marriage certificates, and so on. When we want children, we'll need to apply for our next generation's Certificate of Property and Certificate of Property. This is a cycle...    


"Brother, which school in the Truth Department did you graduate from?" The boss handed the finished photo to Qin Feng.    


"It's from the school in front." Qin Feng took it and stuffed it into his pocket.    


"What?" The boss opened his eyes wide in disbelief. "Are you crazy? What's the use of the graduation certificate from that lousy school?"    


"I don't know the exact use. Anyway, I know that they applied for the kind of certificate that can be found on the Internet." Qin Feng gave the boss a weird smile and left the photo studio like the wind.    


"Dumbass, I just told you that it's impossible to get a graduation certificate that can be found on the Internet now." The boss spat at Qin Feng's back and said fiercely, "Go and be deceived!"    


"Hello, is it Master Li of Baodong County? When Qin Feng ran back to Lee Yang's office, he found that the door was locked. There was a young man in glasses standing at the door.    


"It's me. May I ask who you are?" Qin Feng asked in surprise.    


"Hello, I am Xiao Guo. Boss Li went to the meeting. He said you would bring the photos over later. Give them to me. I'll get those things for you." Little Guo was very polite. After all, this was Boss Li's guest. Although he was quite young, he still had to use honorifics.    


"Thank you for your trouble." When Qin Feng heard this, he quickly took out the picture with the heat of the machine and handed it to the other party.    


"Why don't you go to my office and sit for a while?" Guo said politely as he took the picture of Qin Feng.    


What was Qin Feng doing? He sounded like he was asking a question. It was not a confirmation. In other words, he wasn't really going to let him go to his office. Instead, he was just being polite. Thinking of this, he quickly said... No need. I just happened to have some matters to attend to when I go down. I'll come back later!"    


"That's fine. You can just look for Boss Li when the time comes. I think the meeting will be over in an hour." Guo couldn't help but give Qin Feng a thumbs up. Speaking of which, he was a special receptionist in the school, and he had seen quite a lot of people. It was rare to see such a young and well-mannered person. He couldn't help but look at Qin Feng in a different light. Initially, he thought that he was already outstanding enough, but he didn't expect that there would always be someone better than him in this world.    


He slowly went downstairs and returned to the car. Qin Feng put down the seat and set the alarm clock, preparing to take a small nap. He had just laid down for a short while. Feels like someone's getting close to the car. Immediately, a hand unconsciously touched the Baseball Bat that he was about to touch on the car. When he felt the person walking into the car, he suddenly stood up and shouted, "Who is it?"    


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