The First Son-in-law

C94 Bad Luck Wife

C94 Bad Luck Wife

0In the police car, Wu Peng looked at Qin Feng and Su Huanghun chatting and was dumbfounded.    


He thought that Sun Dong and Wu Peng were trying to frame Qin Feng. Why does it look like I'm being framed now?    


"Ahem." Wu Peng could not help but ask, "Um, officer, let me ask you something. " If I were the one who put this poison in, how many years would it take? "    


When everyone heard this, they were speechless. What's the difference between asking this question and confessing without fighting?    


Qin Feng laughed out loud. Initially, he had some doubts. But now, it was all gone.    


That bag must have been left by Wu Peng.    


It was most likely because of Sun Dong's instructions.    


Su Huanghun did not give him a good look and said coldly, "I don't know. Let's wait until the truth of the case is revealed."    


"Besides, you are not a suspect. What are you afraid of?"    


Su Huanghun mercilessly hit Wu Peng's heart line of defense.    


Wu Peng nodded, but his face fell. His expression looked like he was about to collapse at any moment.    


At this moment, Qin Feng asked the policeman who was driving in front of them, "Ah Song, when will you be able to come out?"    


Qin Feng had gone to the police station a few times, and these policemen were all familiar with each other.    


Ah Song smiled. "Brother Qin, the Appraisal Department is closer than us. I think they will come out after ten or twenty minutes."    


"Yeah, that's good. It's very efficient. Sigh, we have to take notes again."    


"Haha, Brother Qin. He's a regular customer. I can write down your statement, "Wang Yao said. Ah Song said.    


The two of them chatted like brothers. Su Huanghun only stopped them with a light shout.    


Wu Peng listened. He felt even worse, as if he had gone into a den of thieves.    


The more he felt this way, the more anxious he became.    


He wondered when Sun Dong would come.    


Qin Feng looked at Wu Peng's anxious expression and said with a smile, "Wu Peng, don't be nervous. The clear is the clear, and the foul is the turbid, isn't it?"    


Wu Peng squeezed out a smile and pretended to be calm. "Of course. I didn't do anything. What am I afraid of? "But you, Qin Feng, I hope you didn't do it."    


Compared to the aggressive and disdainful tone at first, it sounded like he wanted to make friends with Qin Feng.    


Qin Feng smiled and said meaningfully, "Wu Peng, I heard that surrendering can reduce the sentence, right? Officer Su? "    


Su Huanghun looked at him and knew what Qin Feng wanted to do, but she still cooperated and said, "Yes, turning yourself in and confessing can reduce the sentence."    


Qin Feng sighed and put on an act, "Sigh, what a pity. I really didn't do this. I didn't even have the chance to reduce my sentence. I was wrong."    


Wu Peng's scalp went numb and he panicked.    


Su Huanghun said quietly, "When the results of the appraisal and the fingerprints are out, it will be too late for me to turn myself in."    


These words were clearly meant for Wu Peng to hear.    


Wu Peng was about to cry...    


As he spoke, the car arrived at the police station.    


As soon as they got out of the car, Qin Feng called out to his colleagues who had come back from afar. "Hey, Ah Qiang! Did the appraisal result come out? "That's great!"    


Wu Peng saw a policeman holding a brown bag in the distance. It looked like a file bag at first glance.    


Wu Peng finally broke down.    


"Wow!" He cried. "I confessed! I did it! I was forced to do it! Wuwuwu! "    


Qin Feng and Su Huanghun looked at each other and smiled. This mentality was too weak...    


Su Huanghun pushed him, "Go in and talk. Consider yourself early."    


A group of people entered the police station.    


Ah Qiang stood there in a daze. He took out the bread from the bag and took a bite. He said in a daze, "What appraisal result..."    


Wu Peng confessed. Everything became simple.    


After entering the police station, Qin Feng's handcuffs were removed. He even wanted to interrogate Wu Peng together with Su Huanghun.    


He was chased out by Su Huanghun.    


Su Huanghun scolded, "Do you really think you are a police officer?"    


Then she felt a little uncomfortable and softly said to herself, "She said that she will not contact you anymore. She meant her private life..."    


"That... Officer, how much of my sentence can I reduce?" Wu Peng said weakly.    


Seeing Su Huanghun's reaction, he thought to himself, this woman must have had an affair with Qin Feng!    


And this was not good news. He died even more miserably!    


After Wu Peng admitted his crime, the case was handled very quickly.    


After more than half an hour, Wu Peng had clearly explained the process of the crime, the motive, and so on.    


At the end, Su Huanghun sighed and scolded, "This Qin Feng guy likes to cause trouble everywhere!"    


Su Huanghun left the interrogation room and found that Qin Feng was actually smoking with the grandfather of the guards.    


Su Huanghun was so angry that she did not beat around the bush. Qin Feng was almost framed and wanted to go to jail!    


Su Huanghun rushed up and pulled Qin Feng's ear, sending him into the office.    


She closed the door.    


The policemen outside were whispering to each other.    


"Tsk tsk, look, this is my old wife!"    


"Sigh, if it wasn't for the fact that I couldn't beat Captain Su, I would have joined..."    


"Dream on during the day..."    


In the office.    


Qin Feng rubbed his ears and said speechlessly, "Officer Su, I don't have any face for you like this."    


"You heard what they said. They said that we are old wives. You are shameless, but I still have face!"    


Su Huanghun was furious when she heard this, "Who is shameless!? You are the one who is shameless! Your whole family is shameless!"    


Qin Feng smiled," Hahaha, I was just joking. I was wrong. What do you think? "    


Su Huanghun snorted, "It was Sun Dong who ordered it, but there is no evidence. It is a bit troublesome. Furthermore, Sun Dong did not give it to him. Sun Dong instigated him to buy it."    


"Just based on one side of the story, he can't catch Sun Dong."    


Qin Feng crossed his legs and nodded. "Alright, I understand."    


Su Huanghun looked at him. "What do you plan to do?"    


Qin Feng grinned. "What can I do? I don't have any evidence. I can still put a bag of poison in his cabinet."    


Su Huanghun nodded. "Anyway, don't be impulsive. Just don't do anything against the law! "    


Su Huanghun originally wanted to add, "If you do, then I'll catch you." These words. She held it in.    


"Hehe, alright. If there's nothing else, I'll be leaving first." Qin Feng stood up and stretched.    


Su Huanghun opened her mouth but did not say anything. In the end, she could not say anything.    


Qin Feng waved his hand. "Oh, right. Tomorrow morning, prepare to go to the police."    


"Tomorrow morning? Where are we going? "    


"Catch Sun Dong!" Qin Feng had already walked far away.    


Su Huanghun muttered to herself, "How strange..."    


After Qin Feng left the police station, he did not return to the company immediately. Instead, he went to the orphanage. He had not been there for a few days and the children missed him.    


He only returned to the company in the afternoon.    


Even so, everyone was still surprised. Everything was fine just like that?    


Qin Feng became an influential figure in the company for a moment.    


Once he arrived at the Sales Department, Qin Feng was pulled into the office by Zhang Fei.    


"How is it? What was the result?" Zhang Fei hurriedly asked.    


Qin Feng smiled and said, "The truth is out. Wu Peng has confessed everything. His fingerprints are all on the bag."    


Zhang Fei let out a long breath and said softly, "That's good."    


Qin Feng raised his eyebrows. "Manager Zhang cares so much about me? Does he like me?"    


Zhang Fei blushed and spat. "Don't talk nonsense. I'm worried about my employees. Is it strange?"    


Qin Feng coughed. "Ahem, that's good. That's right. Manager Zhang is so excellent. How could he fall in love with him? I'm such a loser!"    


Zhang Fei wanted to praise Qin Feng for not being so bad, but Qin Feng said, "I don't know how many lifetimes my wife has been unlucky to have someone like me."    


Zhang Fei said in surprise, "You have a wife?"    


"Yes, we have been married for a few months. Haha..." Qin Feng said naively.    


Zhang Fei's eyes dimmed slightly, but she smiled and said, "Humph, then why aren't you working hard? Take care of your wife!"    


"Yes, yes, Manager Zhang is right." Qin Feng nodded.    


"Go. Ask me if you don't know anything." Zhang Fei said.    


Qin Feng walked out of the office. The moment he closed the door, both of them sighed at the same time.    


Qin Feng must have learned from his mistakes. He could not afford to make the same mistake again.    


He did not know if Zhang Fei had fallen in love with him, but it was always a good thing to take preventive measures sooner or later.    


It was better to let this happen as soon as possible. It would make Zhang Fei lose her heart!    


Zhang Fei looked at the computer screen in a daze and muttered, "Qin Feng's wife... how outstanding is she..."    


Qin Feng returned to his seat. Many of his colleagues came over to ask him about the situation. Qin Feng did not hide anything and told them the truth.    


In order to prove his innocence.    


His colleagues all congratulated him.    


At this moment, Sun Dong suddenly came.    


Sun Dong did not come on his own initiative. He was pushed by another man.    


Someone whispered.    


"Isn't that the director of the Administration Department, Sun Binn?"    


"You didn't know Sun Binn was Sun Dong's brother until today, did you?"    


"What the hell?" Sun Dong asked. This is the first time I know. No wonder Sun Dong is so arrogant!"    


"You're courting death! Keep your voice down!"    


Sun Binn and Sun Dong had a similar look on their faces, but their temperament was completely different.    


Sun Dong was like a Liuzi. Sun Binn really had the temperament of a mature man. It was no wonder Yang Yuan was so fascinated by Sun Binn.    


"Haha, Mr. Qin, it's our first meeting. Nice to meet you." Sun Binn took the initiative to express his goodwill and revealed a smile.    


As the saying goes, one does not hit a smiling person. Since the other party was so polite, Qin Feng naturally would not hit a face.    


He also stood up and shook his hand. "Hello, may I ask who you are?"    


"Oh, I'm Sun Dong's brother, Sun Binn. I work in the Administration Department." Sun Binn said.    


"Oh, you are Minister Sun's brother." Qin Feng said exaggeratedly.    


Sun Binn frowned, but his smile did not diminish. "Mr. Qin must be joking. I asked this kid to apologize to you."    


Qin Feng raised his eyebrows slightly. "Apologize? Apologize for what?"    


Everyone ate quietly.    


"This brat, isn't he petty? Seeing that you have some grudges with Wu Peng, I wanted to seize this opportunity to scheme against you!"    


"Tell me about him! He clearly has nothing to do with him, yet he wants to go inside. I'm really angered to death!"    


Qin Feng smiled. He was indeed someone from the management level, and his words were very good.    


In just two sentences, he had turned the blame to Wu Peng and himself.    


What kind of grudge did he have with Wu Peng?    


Qin Feng said with a smile, "No, no. Wu Peng and I don't have any grudges either."    


Sun Binn did not refute him. Instead, he said, "That's right. Mr. Qin is judging people based on reason. It must be that kid Wu Peng who is narrow-minded."    


The corner of Qin Feng's mouth twitched. Qin Feng really wanted to praise him. This time, it was not true. He wanted to tell him the truth.    


His colleagues were whispering among themselves, "Sure enough, this stinky Wu Peng is really petty!"    


"I don't know where Qin Feng offended him. You should know how to deal with Qin Feng!"    


"Who knows? He looks like a villain!"    


Sun Binn had a smug smile on his face. He had rehearsed these words many times before he came. There was no way he would make a mistake.    


Thinking of this, Sun Binn really wanted to blow Sun Dong's head off. This brother of his was really a brother!    


Sun Binn did not give Qin Feng any chance to speak. He said directly, "Mr. Qin is back. He should have gotten rid of the suspicion, right? Where's Wu Peng? "    


"Wu Peng, of course he was arrested. He confessed, and his fingerprints were all on the bag! " He can't deny it. "    


Sun Binn nodded. "Is that so? That guy deserved it. "    


Then he slapped Sun Dong on the back of his head. "Apologize! Look at how much trouble Mr. Qin has caused. "    


Sun Dong quickly lowered his head. "I'm sorry. Qin Feng, I'm sorry, it's my fault. Don't take offense."    


Qin Feng smacked his lips. "It's nothing. It's nothing. Let's not beat around the bush. This is nothing!"    


Sun Dong nodded. "Yes, yes," he said. Everyone knows what to say. From now on, we are brothers!"    


Qin Feng immediately changed his role." Yes, brothers! I'm not the one who said that, Brother Sun. It's fine if Wu Peng is guilty, but he still wants to frame you!"    


Everyone's expression changed when they heard this, especially Brother Sun Binn.    


Sun Binn quickly asked, "What did Wu Peng say?"    


Qin Feng said, "It's nothing. He just said that your brother ordered him to do so."    


When Sun Dong heard that, he exclaimed, "Ah? I didn't! He framed me!"    


Qin Feng smiled. "Of course I know it wasn't you. That's why I said he framed you. "    


"What else do you want to say? I regret not having a recording to testify against you!"    


Sun Dong heaved a sigh of relief when he heard that. "That's good. That's good."    


Sun Binn also heaved a sigh of relief. "Then you guys can talk. I still have something to do. I'll go first."    


Sun Dong really treated Qin Feng as a brother now. Brothers call each other brothers.    


Qin Feng did not mind at all. Seeing Sun Dong being called away by the walkie-talkie, if he continued to talk, people who did not know would think that the two of them were biological brothers.    


However, everyone looked at Qin Feng with pity.    


What Wu Peng said... was most likely true, right?    



Looking at Sun Dong's back, Qin Feng's face was still full of smiles.    


He sat down and sent a text message to the GTR.    


At this time, Zhou Ningmeng's phone suddenly rang.    


"Take my car home tonight. Don't talk about business anymore. Your hands are not ready yet." Zhou Ningmeng's voice was unquestionable.    


"Okay. Then I..."    


"Dudu Dudu."    


Qin Feng smiled bitterly.    


However, he had to equip the villa tonight.    


He went to Zhang Fei's house last night and was delayed.    


This kind of matter could not be delayed!    


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