The Ancient Supreme

C157 lure the enemy

C157 lure the enemy

0"NO!" "No!" Wu Lin was unconscious. In his dreams, there had always been an assassin chasing him. The assassin's face was covered, so it was hard to see his face. However, that cold and gloomy expression made him shudder.    


Su Xiaoyu and Zhang Tianxuan who were watching Wu Lin at the side, could not help but be worried. "Zhang Tianxuan, why is he still not awake?"    


"The reason why he refused to wake up was not because of his injuries. It was because his inner demon was too strong and he was unable to free himself from it." Zhang Tianxuan looked at Wu Lin's immature face and could not help but let out a heavy sigh.    


"Sigh, he's so young, yet he's already suffered the cruelest betrayal in the world. Naturally, he cannot be forgiven." Su Xiaoyu also looked at Wu Lin with a face full of worry.    


"It's hard to cure a mental illness! Miss Su, I'll have to trouble you with this. " Zhang Tianxuan turned and said to Su Xiaoyu.    


After hearing what he said, Su Xiaoyu's face showed an expression of suspicion.    


"In the end, Wu Lin is still a child and needs motherly care and care. Only you can give this care to him now." Zhang Tianxuan said with a determined expression.    


Hearing Zhang Tianxuan's words, Su Xiaoyu was also surprised in her heart.    


"I... What do I deserve? " Su Xiaoyu said somewhat helpless.    


Seeing her nervous look, Zhang Tianxuan couldn't help but chuckle.    


"You don't need to do anything, you just need to stay by his side." As Zhang Tianxuan said that, he pulled Su Xiaoyu to the front of Wu Lin's bed and sat him down.    


"You look after him so much, I'll go boil some medicine for him." Zhang Tianxuan chuckled to Su Xiaoyu, and then walked to the side and started to boil the medicinal herbs for Wu Lin.    


Su Xiaoyu looked at the side of Zhang Tianxuan's face through the weak light of the fire, and a trace of warmth actually rose in his heart.    


For some reason, as she looked at Zhang Tianxuan's emaciated figure, Su Xiaoyu couldn't help but think of the little youth in her heart.    


But immediately after, she shook her head. Probably because she had been with Zhang Tianxuan for a long time, she felt a little more familiar with him.    


Su Xiaoyu comforted herself.    


Outside the run-down temple, night was falling. Su Xiaoyu could hear the faint chirping of cicadas, but her mind was floating very far away.    


I wonder how big brother Lin Yuan is doing now. He suddenly thought of Lin Yuan's determined face, and could not help but be worried.    


According to the sect disciples in the Mascot, the current Lin Yuan was already the main target of the various sects' pursuit.    


Thinking about it, Su Xiaoyu felt a burst of anger.    


That Chen Mei is really despicable and shameless, he actually framed Big Brother Lin Yuan!    


Thinking about that, Su Xiaoyu became extremely angry.    


No! She had to quickly find Big Brother Lin Yuan and tell him the truth about this matter. Su Xiaoyu secretly swore in her heart.    


"Cough, cough ?" Just as Su Xiaoyu was deep in thought, Wu Lin who was on the bed suddenly coughed violently.    


"Zhang Tianxuan, Zhang Tianxuan, come over here quickly! Look at how he's doing! " Su Xiaoyu shouted loudly.    


Seeing Wu Lin coughing violently, anxiety filled her heart.    


Right now, only Wu Lin knew the truth of the entire matter. If he made the slightest of mistakes, then even if Lin Yuan jumped into the Yellow River, he would not be able to wash away his sins.    


Zhang Tianxuan immediately dropped the pill in his hand and ran in front of Wu Lin.    


Then, he immediately held Wu Lin's hand and took his pulse.    


On the other hand, Wu Lin's pulse was very chaotic. There were several streams of energy constantly flowing within his body, appearing to be in danger.    


He couldn't help but secretly scream in his heart as he wore a serious expression on his face.    


"Quick, help him up." Zhang Tianxuan said to Su Xiaoyu.    


Hearing Zhang Tianxuan's instructions, Su Xiaoyu immediately rushed to Wu Lin's side and helped him up.    


At the moment, Zhang Tianxuan's face was gloomy, Su Xiaoyu could not help but be worried.    


Zhang Tianxuan immediately changed his hands into palms and struck towards Wu Lin.    


"Miss Su, you protect me while I send spiritual energy over to him."    


With that said, Zhang Tianxuan's Qi entered his Dantian, and then started to circulate the Qi from his Dantian into his palm.    


Following which, a light blue Spiritual Energy circulated around his body.    


"How is it?" Su Xiaoyu couldn't help but to ask worriedly from the side when she saw that fine beads of perspiration had actually seeped out of Zhang Tianxuan's forehead.    


Suddenly, the sound of horse hooves came from outside the temple.    


Hearing the hurried voice, Su Xiaoyu's face could not help but reveal a serious expression.    


She rushed to the fire and put it out.    


The entire temple descended into a deathly silence.    


After doing all of this, Su Xiaoyu returned to Zhang Tianxuan's side.    


"Hearing the sound of the hooves, it seems like Chen Mei's men are chasing after them. Let's hurry up and go." Su Xiaoyu said to Zhang Tianxuan.    


Zhang Tianxuan retracted his palm, and started to circulate the Spirit Qi in his body.    


"How do we leave now? Wu Lin is heavily injured so he can't even move." Zhang Tianxuan frowned, his face revealing a look of worry.    


"Search every inch of the area, don't let a single spot escape!" There was a shout from outside.    


Hearing the words from the outside, Zhang Tianxuan only had a smile on his face.    


"What if they come in?" Hearing the shouts not far away, Su Xiaoyu asked worriedly.    


Zhang Tianxuan heard Su Xiaoyu's urgent words, and under the clear and quiet moonlight, he looked around at the old and dilapidated temple, and realized that there was an empty area under the broken temple that the Buddha could hide in.    



Zhang Tianxuan pointed to the hidden space beneath the Great Buddha, and said to Su Xiaoyu.    


When Su Xiaoyu heard him say that, she anxiously asked: "Then ? What will you do? "    


"I'll lure them away." Zhang Tianxuan said to Su Xiaoyu.    


After he finished speaking, he hurriedly ran out without waiting for Su Xiaoyu to speak.    


As Su Xiaoyu watched Zhang Tianxuan's frail and frail figure disappear outside the run-down temple, she couldn't help but worry for him.    


Zhang Tianxuan, you must be alright! Su Xiaoyu secretly prayed for him in her heart.    


After that, Su Xiaoyu struggled to help Wu Lin up from the bed, and dragged his body to the bottom of the large Buddha.    


Su Xiaoyu hid under the giant Buddha, and after a while, he realized that the sound outside the run-down temple had gradually disappeared.    


It seemed that the Zhang Tianxuan Court had successfully lured them away.    


Thinking of this, Su Xiaoyu could not help but secretly sigh a breath of relief.    


"Elder sister ?" At this time, Wu Lin who was beside Su Xiaoyu seemed to have woken up.    


Hearing her weak voice, Su Xiaoyu could not help but feel joy in her heart.    


"Wu Lin, are you awake!" Su Xiaoyu said excitedly.    


Wu Lin slowly got up from the ground. "Where's Dr. Zhang?"    


Wu Lin looked around with a trace of anxiety in his eyes.    


It seemed like he already knew that Zhang Tian had gone out to divert the attention of those people.    


Su Xiaoyu supported Wu Lin, "He went out to lure them away, don't worry, with Doctor Zhang's intelligence, she won't be caught that easily."    


A trace of loneliness appeared on Wu Lin's face, "It must be that bastard Chen Mei, he wants to kill me!" Wu Lin said while gnashing his teeth.    


Hearing his words, Su Xiaoyu's heart was also filled with grief.    


"Don't be like this, you're still wounded, it would be bad if the wound was torn open." Su Xiaoyu supported Wu Lin, looking at him with concern.    


However, Wu Lin had a self-deprecating smile on his face. "A foolish person like me, I'll be done for after I died!"    


After Su Xiaoyu heard his words, she could not help but frown and said sternly: "Doctor Zhang had great difficulty saving you from death's door, how can you say such depressing words?"    


Wu Lin's eyes flashed with tears. "I ? I've let big brother down, I've let Senior Brother Lin Yuan down, I've also let you down ?" Wu Lin said while choking on his sobs.    


"Foolish brat, don't say that. It was Chen Mei who was too cunning, that's why you fell for his trick."    


Su Xiaoyu remembered Zhang Tianxuan's words and tried her best to advise Wu Lin.    


"Moreover, if Lin Yuan knew the truth, he wouldn't blame you."    


When I heard Su Xiaoyu's words, I immediately burst into tears.    


"Big sister Xiao Yu, my heart hurts!" Wu Lin hugged Su Xiaoyu tightly and cried bitterly.    


Su Xiaoyu could not help but let out a heavy sigh in her heart, then patted Wu Lin's shoulder and said: "Cry, just cry out."    


When Wu Lin heard Su Xiaoyu's comforting words, he immediately let go of all his heart and fell onto Su Xiaoyu's shoulder.    


After an unknown amount of time, he finally sobbed until he became tired and fell onto Su Xiaoyu's shoulders, falling into a deep sleep.    


When Zhang Tianxuan returned, he discovered that Wu Lin was sleeping on Su Xiaoyu's shoulder.    


Looking at Wu Lin's exhausted face, Zhang Tianxuan couldn't help but feel a sense of pity.    


"He's only 17 years old, and yet he has to go through such a bloody battle. This is too unfair for him!" Zhang Tianxuan sighed and said.    


Su Xiaoyu also let out a sigh, "That's right, this silly kid even took all the blame herself, her personality is just too simple!"    


Thinking about that, Su Xiaoyu couldn't help but clench her fists, "Chen Mei is too despicable! Even her own fellow sect members can be harmed! "    


"Now that he alone stirred up the struggles of the various great sects, it can be imagined how deep this person's shrewdness is."    


"I wonder where Big Brother Lin Yuan is right now. Is there anyone from the sect chasing after them?" Hearing Zhang Tianxuan's words, Su Xiaoyu could not help but sigh in her heart.    


Once the Demonic Pursuing Token was issued, the various sects would send it out to track down the tokens.    


Only when the devil fell into the trap did the Demon Chaser completely lose its effect.    


Thinking about it, Su Xiaoyu was extremely worried.    


Currently, Lin Yuan was severely injured, and he was even carrying Ah Yin.    


Su Xiaoyu didn't understand in his heart, would she really be willing to not care about her own life for Ah Yin? Su Xiaoyu secretly thought in his heart.    


"It's already deep into the night, let's rest early." Zhang Tianxuan looked at Su Xiaoyu's preoccupied look, and did not ask much as he spoke softly.    


He then walked to a pile of straw and dozed off while leaning on it.    


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