Everlasting Conceited Supreme



0"Li Renhen, you are too excessive. You killed one of my Seven Ultimate Martial House's disciples.    


The strongest disciple of the Seven Ultimate Martial House shouted with a cold tone.    


"I'm sorry, I didn't just kill one person. Li Renhen's face revealed a look of regret, he opened his storage ring and a corpse immediately fell out.    


"Xu Fan!" Seeing this corpse, Qin Yao and the other two immediately cried out in alarm, because this person was the other disciple Xu Fan that they had been looking for. Unexpectedly, he had already been killed by Li Renhen.    


"Li Renhen! The strongest disciple of the Seven Ultimate Martial House gritted his teeth as he stared at Li Renhen with anger mixed in his eyes.    


"I advise you all to not move recklessly. Otherwise, only death awaits you." said coldly. At the same time, the other five disciples moved quickly and trapped the three of them.    


This action immediately caused the expressions of the three of them to change.    


"You want to kill us?" His cultivation was the highest, and he was only at the fourth stage of the Astral Reaching Realm. Even if he joined hands with Qin Yao and Shen Jing, he would still not be a match for Li Renhen, let alone the other five disciples.    


"If you guys are obedient, I won't kill you. If you're not, then don't blame me for being rude." Li Renhen's tone was eerie as his gaze swept across the three of them, carrying a strong sense of threat.    


"What do you want us to do?" The strongest disciple of the Seven Ultimate Martial House asked.    


"I have no right to know about the prisoner. If you want to live, just listen to me." Li Renhen spat out in disdain, completely looking down on them, as though they were his servants.    


With their strength, they were indeed incapable of resisting. Since Li Renhen dared to kill Xu Fan and the other disciple, it meant that he was not afraid of the Seven Ultimate Martial House, and if he kept his promise, he would really kill them.    


"Let's go!" Li Renhen roared coldly, as though he was driving away an animal, he brought the three of them and the two corpses along, and advanced towards the depths of the Ancient Demon Mountain.    


"Elder Brother Fang Chi, why did they take the corpse with them?" Qin Yao secretly transmitted with a surprised face, the strongest disciple of the Seven Ultimate Martial House.    


Fang Chi also revealed a puzzled expression.    


"I don't know why Li Renhen is doing this either, but he must have some plan. Be careful."    


The current Jiang Feng was bringing along the beasts in front of him, sweeping through everything before him, madly rushing towards the depths of the Ancient Demon Mountain. Two hours later, he had reached the deepest part of the Ancient Demon Mountain.    


And at this time, Li Renhen and the others, bringing Fang Chi, Qin Yao, and Shen Jing, arrived at an incomparably quiet place. In front of them was a valley.    


"The Blood Phoenix Fruit is within the valley." A hint of greed appeared in Li Renhen's eyes, but he did not act rashly, because he could feel a dense demonic aura surging out from the valley. The place where the Blood Phoenix Fruit was growing would definitely be protected by the Nine Heavens Flying Phoenix, a Mysterious Demons.    


"Blood Phoenix Fruit?" Hearing this, Fang Chi, Qin Yao, and Shen Jing all revealed a shocked expression. There was a Blood Phoenix Fruit in the valley ahead? This was an extremely rare treasure and was much more valuable than immortal ginseng.    


But, why would they want to threaten us when we're separated?    


Fang Chi was still considering this question. However, at this moment, he seemed to have thought of something, and a cold light shot out of his eyes.    


The place where the Blood Phoenix Fruits grew would definitely be protected by a strong demonic beast. Li Renhen might be trying to take our bait!    


Thinking up to here, Fang Chi's heart immediately sank. He immediately sent a sound transmission to Qin Yao, and upon hearing it, Shen Jing and the rest's expressions also changed!    


"Listen up, the three of you. There is a Blood Phoenix Fruit in the valley, but there is a Nine Heavens Flying Phoenix protecting it, its strength should be at the Mysterious Demons level. After the nine heavens Flying Phoenix is alarmed, I want you to use these two corpses to lure it away."    


Li Renhen coldly said as his gaze swept towards the three people of Fang Chi's group.    


Hearing these words, the gazes of Fang Chi, Qin Yao, and Shen Jing all immediately froze. It was as expected, Li Renhen wanted to use them to lure away the demonic beasts that were protecting the Blood Phoenix Fruit.    


Even though they were not going to kill the three of them, bringing the corpses of two of their own sect's disciples with them to attract the Nine Heavens Flying Phoenix.    


This was a dead end. Whether it was them carrying the corpses or him being killed as bait, the result was the same. Death!    


I know that you will not be easily willing, but I want to tell you this, if you are not, I will directly take action, kill you, and use a total of five of your corpses as bait to feed the Nine Heavens Flying Phoenix. However, if the three of you agree to take these two corpses as bait, and perhaps there is still a chance of survival, I will give you ten seconds to choose!    


After Li Renhen finished speaking, he quietly waited.    


Ten seconds ? It was just a moment. Their lives would be taken within ten seconds.    


This was a great humiliation!    


He was initially a genius of the Seven Ultimate Martial House, but now, he was threatened by Li Renhen, and his life was not on his side. This kind of feeling of powerlessness, of having his life in the hands of another, ignited a boundless rage in the three of them.    


"Blood Phoenix Fruit, everyone can have a share!"    


At this moment, a cold voice came from the forest in the distance.    


Hearing this voice, Li Renhen's face changed, while Fang Chi, Qin Yao, and Shen Jing all revealed looks of joy. Someone coming also meant that there was a possibility of being saved, and that it would all depend on who the other party was.    


A few figures flickered within the forest. Soon after, a total of six people appeared in front of everyone.    


Li Renhen and the others, as well as Fang Chi and the rest, all had different expressions when they saw the person who appeared.    


Dao Seeking Academy!    


These six people were the disciples of Dao Seeking Academy, led by the fourth ranked Tu Tianxiao. At this moment, they were sizing up the others who had come along, Fang Chi and the others, with cold expressions on their faces.    


"Brother Tu, their Nine Heavens Martial Palace wants us to lure the Nine Heavens Flying Phoenix away and seize the Blood Phoenix Fruit. We are willing to ally with your Dao Seeking Academy to take the Blood Phoenix Fruit together." This was an opportunity. As long as they succeeded in forming an alliance, they would be able to deal with Li Renhen. Even if he didn't kill them, he would be able to resolve his own danger.    


"I'm not your brother." Tu Tianxiao swept his eyes across Fang Chi and coldly spat out.    


Fang Chi's expression froze, then he revealed an incomparably embarrassed expression.    


Qin Yao and Shen Jing both had a bad feeling about this. When Tu Tianxiao said this, he did not put them in his eyes at all.    


Brother Tu, since you've come, I'm afraid that we can't keep this Blood Phoenix Fruit for ourselves. If this is the case, then our strengths are about the same, so we'll work together. After all, it's not easy to deal with the Nine Heavens Flying Phoenix. Li Renhen said while beaming.    


When these words came out, the expressions of Fang Chi, Qin Yao, and Shen Jing became even uglier.    


If there were no Nine Heavens Flying Phoenix present, with Tu Tianxiao's strength, he could have forcefully seized the Blood Phoenix Fruit without giving Li Renhen face.    


But exactly because he had the Flying Phoenix from the Ninth Heaven, even if he was lured away, it was hard to guarantee that a fight wouldn't erupt. As a result, Tu Tianxiao might even consider cooperating with Li Renhen.    


As for the Fang Chi trio, they did not even have the qualifications to cooperate. At this moment, they were all looking at Tu Tianxiao, waiting for his response.    


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