Deliveryman of the Heaven

C567 Door to Creation

C567 Door to Creation

0The Scion of Destiny only gave a light grunt in response.    


Weiqing's body trembled. On the surface, he looked the same, but he still felt that his body was missing something.    


This was the first time Weiqing felt that there was a weight on a person's luck, but this weight was something that was born to be born, just like a part of a person's body that didn't feel like it was a burden. But when his luck was taken away, Weiqing felt that he lacked something very important!    


The crowd burst into an uproar.    


No one understood why Weiqing did this. What did this have to do with conquering a child of destiny?    


Weiqing exhaled a long breath, and cupped his hands at the Child of Destiny: "Please enlighten me!"    


It was a black door that seemed to split open in the air. He gently extended his hand and grabbed, and a formless suction force naturally grabbed onto Weiqing, and threw him towards the black profound door. Then, the door slowly closed!    


Everyone was stunned!    


What kind of rhythm was this?    


But it was very obvious, Weiqing's current predicament was something that no one had encountered before!    


Either Weiqing would face a faster result, or he would face a better result!    


Could the current Weiqing, who had no luck at all, still be lucky this time around?    


"He really lives up to his reputation as the Son of Quest. He won!" Celestial Fairy let out a long exhale, and was the first to understand.    


Ninth Heaven Profound Woman also had a face of helplessness, "The root of cultivation, is not defying the heavens, but one's own. Many people have already forgotten the most basic of things in their cultivation, and don't even have the most basic of courtesies!"    


Jun Linchen snorted: "I know how to play tricks."    


Now that things had come to this point, everything was very clear.    


Weiqing treated others with respect and gave his opponents the most basic of manners.    


This was something that everyone present knew.    


However, these people's minds were filled with thoughts of how to become the Son of Heaven, and they had already forgotten the most basic of these things.    


Rites, this thing is very controversial in Taoism Realm.    


Some people said that this was unnecessary, and no matter how polite the fights were, they would not change the outcome. However, there were also people that said that this sort of courtesy should be retained.    


At least in this moment, Weiqing had won.    


To be honest, Weiqing was a very disrespectful person. He had fought with many people, but had never had such respect for his opponent before!    


But don't forget, this is the Black Mountain Underworld!    


This was the domain of the heavens!    


Who was the heavens? The ruler of Ancient Era!    


What was the biggest difference between Ancient Era and current generation's Taoism Realm? Was it the difference in strength?    


No, it was a loss of etiquette!    


Some of the simplest and simplest things, had long since been completely wiped clean in this area where the Taoism Realm was infested with benefits from the heart!    


Forget about others, if there was a person in this world whose cultivation reached the heaven's level like Shao Emperor, would he respect an ordinary person who mistakenly entered the battlefield, and send him back to a safe zone?    




Jun Linchen was a living example!    


Jun Linchen's arrogance was precisely the most realistic situation with his current Taoism Realm. He believed that once he had someone, he would be above others and did not place the lowliest person in his eyes!    


As the saying goes, even water energy boats can capsize a boat.    


This respect of Ancient Era, was actually not out of politeness, but was to abide by the bottom line of a cultivator at all times!    


If a person from this world did not have a bottom line, then this world would be finished.    


Therefore, Weiqing's manners had gained the good impressions of the Child of Destiny, and received the appreciation of the heavens. Thus, Weiqing entered the Gate of Destiny.    


Of course, etiquette was only a secondary aspect of conquering the child of destiny!    


The most important thing was that in order to obtain good fortune, Weiqing had given up his own destiny.    


This is similar to how you already have trillions of dollars, wanting you to give up these trillions of dollars and become nothing, but you have the possibility to obtain an even greater fortune!    


Nine out of ten people wouldn't be able to take such a suicidal risk!    


Weiqing did it!    


It wasn't because he was smart, but because this was the only solution he could think of!    


"Where is this place?"    


After Weiqing was swept into the profound door, he stood in a dusky world.    


Around him, could faintly see eight doors, each of them were ajar. Through the energy emitted from the gaps of the doors, Weiqing could feel a very mysterious kind of fluctuation inside.    


"Could this be the legendary Gate of Creation? How come there are eight of them?"    


Weiqing stood in place without moving, and instead observed the surroundings as he thought to himself, "I let the Child of Destiny deprive me of my fate, so from that moment, he knew that he would not be able to defeat me anymore, because I no longer have any fate left for him to take sides, and so I became flawless! Now that he sent me here, it is most likely not to punish me, but to give me the right to choose once again! "    


Weiqing's current situation was similar to calling out for a hundred yuan, allowing him to draw with the round disk once!    


The good fortune of these eight gates were all different. Some could be found by chance, but there was also the possibility of them being empty!    


Of course, Weiqing didn't pay 100, but used his previous luck as the price!    


Using the collateral of a destiny transaction was the style of conduct that a child of good fortune should have!    


"Eight entrances. I remember Master Zuo Ci said that there are eight entrances to East China Sea, and that is the strange door's evasion technique …"    


Thinking of this, Weiqing couldn't help but look ashamed and regretful.    


Zuo Ci was a very knowledgeable teacher. He had never taught Weiqing any absolute arts, but instead taught him how to be a person, how to treat the world, and how to use a unique gaze to observe the people and the world around him. This kind of unique teaching had benefited Weiqing a lot, and for example, Weiqing once again used Zuo Ci's method to enter the Gate of Creation!    


Zuo Ci taught Weiqing some very ancient things, such as divination, feng shui, and sending troops into battle.    


However, just like many of the young people before, Weiqing felt that the things left behind by these ancestors were outdated, and that he should at least do things that were more meaningful when he was young. Therefore, Weiqing's understanding of the Mysterious Gate Escape Armor was only a vague memory.    


"I remember Master saying that the Secret Art is the first great Secret Art of Taoism. From ancient times until now, very few people have been able to fully master it. Once it has been mastered, one can look up to the heavens!"    


He said that the Mysterious Gate Armor Technique consists of three parts, 'Wonder', 'Gate' and 'Escape Armor'.    


tried his best to recall, many ideas were still uncertain in his mind, but if he was unable to comprehend some things right now, then this Gate of Destiny would be Weiqing's burial ground!    


Because right now, Weiqing's luck had already been taken away, and he no longer had such good luck to once again rely on luck to escape into the sky!    


This time, Weiqing could only rely on his true strength!    


"Master said that there are eight methods for the Secret Realm of the Wonder Gate. They are: Rest, Life, Injury, Du, Scene, Death, Shock, and Open." Escape "means to hide, and Escape means: Nine Escape. Nine Escape means: Heaven Escape; Earth Escape. "Man Escape, Wind Escape, Cloud Escape, Dragon Escape, Tiger Escape, Divine Escape, and Ghost Escape."    


Weiqing swept his eyes across the eight gates in the area and said: "There are eight gates here, and all you need to do is to find three of the eight gates of fortune, open the door, rest the door, and the gate of life?"    


If that was really the case, then the chances of Weiqing escaping by three eighths was not considered too low.    


But was that really the case?    


"That's not right, Master said that there aren't many people who can completely master the Secret Art of the Wonder Gate. It's the highest level of prediction in the Scriptures, known as the Monarch's Studies, and also the Art of Plundering the Heavens and the Earth!" As one of the Nine Sons of Heaven, the Child of Destiny must have played the Mirage Armor Technique to the extreme. If it was so easy to escape, then it would be child's play!    


Weiqing said as he placed the eight gates aside and started researching the Nine Escape Technique.    


"Nine Evasion, Heaven Escape, Earth Escape." Man Escape, Wind Escape, Cloud Escape, Dragon Escape, Tiger Escape, Divine Escape, and Ghost Escape. There are eight gates here. If you view yourself as a gate, then you can synthesize nine escape techniques! Master Zuo Ci, you are really too amazing! When we get back, I will have to give you a cup of tea! "    


When Weiqing understood the key point, the corner of his mouth curled into a smile.    


Between the eight gates and the nine escape techniques, Weiqing clearly believed that it was the Nine Escape Technique. Of course, he wasn't absolutely certain that he was right!    


But at least it was true!    


"Among the nine escapes, the first thing I need to do is determine which of the nine escapes I'm in."    


Weiqing thought bitterly. This was the most important thing, if he made a mistake in his position, then he would definitely die. To comprehend this point, it was obviously impossible to understand it in a short period of time. It would require continuous deduction and verification, but what Weiqing had learnt from Zuo Ci was just a little bit of information, it was naturally very slow.    




"I really did not expect that without luck, Weiqing could still obtain the favor of the Child of Destiny!"    


"Hehe, actually, it's just that we're too blind and have already forgotten the original intention. If anyone can think of this, then anyone can become the child of destiny! "    


"In the past, I had always thought that it was just luck that Weiqing was able to be like this. But now, it seems that he was indeed a very smart person, worthy of the title of number one in the young! "Sigh, this child of destiny has already been taken by him. Then, can the other four sons do the same?"    


The more than one hundred people on the scene appeared to be deeply moved and helpless.    


Weiqing had once again snatched the place in front of them, obtained what he wanted, and with over a hundred of them, they could only fight for the remaining four spots for the Son of Heaven.    


"Child of Space and Time, I'll come meet you again!"    


Xiang Wudi rushed out with his spear in hand, rejecting the help of the other experts.    


At this moment, everyone understood that Martial power wasn't the most important thing. They had to find a suitable method in order to be able to obtain the favor of the Four Great Sons of the heavens. Xiang Wudi had already grasped the laws of space. His goal was clearer than anyone else, and that was to seize the consciousness of the time and space's child, and become the second generation space and time's child!    


The others didn't fight with Xiang Wudi, because Xiang Wudi had already controlled the Space Heaven so if he wasn't able to conquer the Time Child, the others would have an even lower chance of winning.    


This time, the others were smarter. They did the same as Weiqing.    


One by one, they were no longer in a hurry to make a move. Instead, they wanted the others to go up and test the waters before figuring out some tricks from them.    


The Child of Time and Time, he was the only human form, but he did not speak. Maybe he couldn't speak, or maybe he disdained people like Xiang Wudi.    


"Sky Breaking Slash!"    


Compared to Weiqing's method of moving his brain, Xiang Wudi's method was much simpler and more crude!    


It was to continuously probe and pry at the spacetime child's truth, trying to find flaws. In addition, Xiang Wudi needed to strengthen his comprehension of Space Heaven during actual combat. Time and Space on the other hand, neither was stronger. It was better to suppress the other with a stronger grasp!    


Xiang Wudi's spear pierced towards the Time Child. The Space Child's body emitted a burst of radiance, instantly slowing the speed of the spear like a snail!    


"Take another shot of mine!"    


Xiang Wudi had already expected this outcome, he once again thrusted out his spear, slowing down his own speed!    


But as the Time Child's body shot out a ray of light, Xiang Wudi's spear shot forward like a meteor, even the spear was sent flying by the power of the attack!    


Xiang Wudi was flung out, but he was not discouraged, instead, he held onto his spear and shouted: "Again!"    


"Although this Xiang Wudi is not very intelligent, but he does not have much fighting spirit!"    


"That's right, if he could freely switch between extremely fast and extremely slow, then even if he didn't conquer the son of time in the end, his fighting strength would at least be much higher than before! I have heard before that in order to challenge an expert, he was defeated by him twenty times in a row. In the end, he was able to defeat his opponent in twenty-one times.    


"Although Xiang Wudi has the spirit of an Overlord, I'm afraid he doesn't have the life of an Emperor!"    


"Oh, this kind of speech, I have also heard many people say before. Did someone say that since the ancient times, Jiangdong has always been the domain of overlords?"    


The spectators muttered as they watched the people on the field continuously test the four sons of heaven.    


The Son of Time was entangled by Xiang Wudi, who ran over to fight the Son of Death, while the Son of Life was entangled by an old man who used a sword. Only the Battle Son, no one went up.    



Just as everyone was discussing, the sound of a silver spear tearing through space suddenly came from afar!    


"Old Xia, be careful!" Someone exclaimed.    


The old Xia's face changed, he stepped out and dodged to the side, but unexpectedly, Xiang Wudi was flying over, his spear striking the air and he shouted: "Forbidden!"    


Old Xia's body suddenly paused!    


This kind of blink of an eye was completely enough for Xiang Wudi!    


"Pu ci!"    


"Didn't anyone tell you that speaking ill of others is an uncultured act!" The silver spear in Xiang Wudi's hand pierced through Old Xia's armpit, and with a single spear strike, he lifted Old Xia up. As he coldly swept his gaze across his surroundings, and shouted, "The heavens have not judged whether or not I have the life of an emperor, what qualifications do you have to scold me!"    


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