Security Guard’s Romance



0Tao Fei was naturally aware of his own recklessness. He immediately straightened his body and bowed towards Huang Xing, repeatedly saying: "I'm sorry, Director Huang, I'm sorry."    


Huang Xing shook his head. Forget it.    


In order to give Tao Fei more space to clean up, Huang Xing walked out of the office and walked around.    


Actually, it wasn't the time for him to go to work yet. The staff from various departments had just arrived. Some of them were running to the changing room to change their clothes, while others were sitting in the office chatting. The merchants in the mall were a little more hardworking and were busy arranging the goods in secret. When they saw Huang Xing's request, they all greeted him. The Security officer s on the various floors had long since organized themselves and were patrolling the various areas.    


The Fourth floor was a sports area, so Huang Xing prepared to go to the fitness equipment store to stretch his muscles and bones. Unexpectedly, just as he was about to turn the corner, he was hit by a reckless staff member.    


Focusing down, it was actually the manager of the fourth floor, Fan Yuting.    


Fan Yuting, around 30 years old, with a cute appearance and a good temperament, walked quickly. She had done this before, when the Xin Meng Merchant House was still in business, Fu Jie dug her up at a high price. In fact, although the floor manager appeared to be the manager on the surface, he held the real power in his hands. It was even more effective than talking to the vice president who didn't have any real power at all.    


Huang Xing thought that he must have hit the devil today. Just now, he was hit by Tao Fei's butt in the office, causing him to want to dodge back.    


Was this luck, or something else?    


At first, Fan Yuting thought he bumped into a company's employee, or a shop assistant from a shop floor. He raised his head habitually and scolded, "Which one doesn't have eyes ?" Just as he was cursing halfway, he felt that something was amiss, he realised that the person whom he had bumped into, was actually the General Manager of the Merchant Shop, Huang Xing. Thus, he quickly scratched his head and smiled: "Huang, Director Huang is morning." This early in the morning, we were really fated to crash into each other.    


When Huang Xing saw that she always spoke with one hand on her stomach, he probed her with his question: "Does your stomach feel uncomfortable?"    


Fan Yuting frowned slightly, then laughed bitterly: That's right! When he went out in the morning, he was so thirsty that he hurriedly drank a bottle of cola. As soon as he stopped the car, he felt like he couldn't take it anymore and was in a hurry to go to the toilet.    


Huang Xing turned to the side, to make way.    


Huang Xing stopped midway. He had wanted to joke about 'don't put it in your pants', but considering his own prestige, he had forcefully restrained himself from maintaining his dignity at all times, and had tried to make as few jokes as possible with his subordinates.    


But when it came to talking about this, the intelligent Fan Yuting could obviously sense what was the latter part of the story that Huang Xing had omitted. Her face reddened slightly as she said coquettishly while blaming him, "Director Huang, how can you say that about me?"    


Then, she went close to Huang Xing's ears and softly added, "Director Huang, you're really bad." Then he hurried to the public bathroom.    


Huang Xing suddenly felt goosebumps all over his body.    


Looking at Fan Yuting's hurried back, Huang Xing shook his head and laughed bitterly, then walked over to the fitness apparatus counter.    


To be exact, after Huang Xing came to the merchant s building in the morning, he had frequently gone to the fitness equipment counter to take a look, and he especially liked to enjoy sitting on a massage chair. Therefore, he was quite familiar with the sales clerk of the fitness equipment counter. But this morning, Huang Xing discovered that the shop assistant at the fitness apparatus counter was an extremely unfamiliar girl. She was wearing a set of slightly large sports attire and was filling in something on the shelf.    


Huang Xing coughed lightly, intending to attract the clerk's attention.    


But just as he was about to enter the cabinet, he heard the girl reflexively straighten up, cross her hands at her waist, and shout a little awkwardly, Hello, sir, welcome to the chairsdon 'noulun.    


It seemed that the clerk saw him as a customer.    


Huang Xing laughed bitterly and said: "Xiamen has not opened yet, and it is not even the opening hours yet, do you think I would be a customer?    


The female shop assistant was stunned for a moment. The expression on her face relaxed a little: "Then you are a ? a staff member?" From the mall?    


Huang Xing nodded.    


The female shop assistant's eyes lit up. Which department?    


'Guess! ' With that thought in mind, Huang Xing walked to the side of a luxurious massage chair that was worth $120 thousand, removed his shoes and laid down.    


Who would have thought that the female shop assistant would suddenly walk over and cut off the power supply, then scold Huang Xing: "You get down, you get down. Who let you sit on it? Can you afford to break it?    


Huang Xing laughed bitterly: You can't even try?    


Seeing that Huang Xing was so young, the female shop assistant was sure that he was not some kind of big boss. You really know how to pick, this machine is our shop's treasure, 120 thousand! If you break it, you'll get a salary for years. Did you know, a few days ago, that great host from the Variety Channel, Wu Qianqian, had just booked one.    


When she mentioned Wu Qianqian, the female shop assistant's face was filled with excitement, as if the name had some kind of unique magic power.    


Huang Xing laughed: Oh. Wu Qianqian, right?    


The female shop assistant nodded furiously. Of course. You must know her. My sister sold it to her, but to encourage me, she gave me this list.    


Huang Xing asked: Who's your sister?    


The female shop assistant looked at Huang Xing up and down: "Does my sister have anything to do with you?" Come down, hurry up and get down. It's almost time for me to get up. If I'm late, the manager on the floor will scold me!    


Seeing that Huang Xing still had no intention to come down, the female shop assistant walked over and pulled on Huang Xing's arm with all her might.    


Huang Xing laughed bitterly.    


How embarrassing!    


A dignified General Manager of Commercial Building like him, couldn't even massage his body twice when he came out.    


However, he did not tell her who he was. Instead, he suggested to her, "You have to get on good terms with the staff." They might even be able to sell something for you.    


'Stop bragging, you still don't know what you're scheming! ' The clerk mumbled something, then said, The people in the mall are all office workers. How could they get to know those rich people? Do you know that those who come here to consume are all rich people? Who would be willing to spend tens of thousands of dollars on a broken chair?    


Huang Xing was startled: Broken chair?    


The girl quickly corrected him. A metaphor is a metaphor. Think about it, spending 120 thousand on a chair might as well be a car. Wuu, how awe-inspiring to be on duty.    


"Oh." Huang Xing raised his butt.    


The female shop assistant's expression changed. She immediately urged again, "Put on your shoes and get off!" Let me tell you, my sister has instructed me that the general manager of your mall comes here every morning. Be careful not to let him see you slacking off. Hmph, criticizing you is a small matter, even expelling you is possible!    


Huang Xing couldn't help but laugh. But he didn't tell the woman who he really was.    


The female shop assistant used her arms to help him up again. Helpless, Huang Xing could only put on her shoes and stand up.    


'Let's go, let's go! ' The female shop assistant urged, looking a little impatient.    


At this time, the manager of the second floor, Fan Yuting, who had just finished going to the toilet, walked over while pulling on his work clothes. As she was walking hurriedly, she did not notice that Huang Xing was at the fitness apparatus cabinets.    


The female shop assistant reflexively stood up straight, waiting for Fan Yuting to leave. She then sighed in relief and explained to Huang Xing: "Did you see that female in black work clothes just now, my sister said that the ones wearing this kind of clothes are either floor managers or Business management department s, they have a lot of power." You have to be careful when you meet them, or you'll get your points deducted.    


Huang Xing joked: Are you not afraid of me deducting your points?    



'You? ' The female shop assistant shook her head: "I don't believe it!" You, more like a security guard from the Security Department? Well, it should be. The security guards trained every morning, and when they were tired, they wanted to come over and massage and relax. It was human nature. So, you are the security guard of the mall!    


Huang Xing gave her a thumbs up: You really have the potential to be a detective. But I'm not a security guard.    


The female shop assistant twitched her mouth and said, "Stop lying!"    


Right at that moment, a crisp female voice came from the speaker above her head: Origin, assemble.    


At this moment, he saw the staff on the various cabinets on the floor immediately drop all their work, as if they had been injected with chicken blood, and move towards the center.    


The two hundred or so shop assistants quickly gathered at the small plaza in the middle of the fourth floor. Fan Yuting put his hands behind his back and used his legs to lightly pat the ground, releasing waves of crisp melody. Her assistant was holding a list and starting to call it out.    


Huang Xing stood at the back of the convoy and joined in the fun.    


After counting the names, the manager, Fan Yuting, walked to the center of the line and stretched out a finger. The people of Business management department will come down at random to check. You all must pay attention to posture and manners, especially not to chat or play around with each other. The points deductions in this area were quite terrible.    


After Fan Yuting finished speaking, the assistant manager turned towards the crowd and asked: Is there anything else that everyone wants to report?    


The guides below all said the same thing: No!    


Clapping his hands, the meeting ended.    


The crowd dispersed one by one, Fan Yuting stretched her sexy body and was about to return to her office, when she suddenly realised Huang Xing was standing at the side.    


After being stunned for a moment, Fan Yuting immediately jogged over, and laughed: Director Huang, are you secretly interviewing me?    


Huang Xing said: It's alright, just look around and learn.    


Fan Yuting said: Don't mock me, Director Huang. If I had known that you would come and visit me privately, I would have prepared the contents of the name earlier. This time, it was bad, the order was bad.    


"Not bad," Huang Xing said perfunctorily, and turned to leave.    


Seeing that Huang Xing was still wandering around, she ran over and patted his shoulder. She mocked: You're still wandering around the fourth floor, what the hell are you doing? Why aren't you working properly, are you running over to the market? Could it be, could it be that the sales clerk on the fourth floor was pretty and had come out to look at beauties?    


Huang Xing thought, this girl really did not know her place. In this short period of time, she dared to joke around with him like that.    


Of course, when Fan Yuting heard the female shop assistant's joke, he could not help but frown and walked between the two of them.    




Fan Yuting extended her jade arm, pointed at Huang Xing and asked her: Do you know who he is?    


The new clerk glanced at Huang Xing doubtfully, and asked innocently: Who, who is he?    


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