Security Guard’s Romance



0'You, you are a mad wolf! '    


After Fu Jie left these thought-provoking words, he turned and left.    


With her departure, Huang Xing immediately felt as if his body had collapsed and was sitting on his office chair.    


How much love, how much hate, how many buildings in the misty rain.    


Yesterday's love, today's resentment, tomorrow's flower know how much.    


Love and hate are entangled, the grudge is difficult. What a good pair of mandarin ducks, but landed, fire and water can not be allowed to continue.    


It was explosive, thrilling, and rebellious. All of these did not bring Huang Xing the slightest bit of comfort. No matter how tough his words and how sonorous his tone were, he still could not change the deep love he had for Fu Jie.    


But who could tell him how to salvage this relationship? He had tried, tried, but to no avail.    


Huang Xing smoked crazily, letting the nicotine swirl in his lungs. Without a lover, a good body would not have any use!    


After smoking seven or eight cigarettes consecutively, the office was already filled with smoke. He coughed a few times and then walked over to open the window, watching the wisps of smoke dissipate through the window. He felt that this smoke was like his love with Fu Jie. If he couldn't withstand the test, then he wouldn't be able to withstand the influence of the outside world. If there was even a tiniest loophole, it would be filled with holes and disappear into thin air.    


He sat back down at his desk, opened his laptop, created a new WORD document, and wrote the tearful word "resignation."    


The letter of resignation was divided into two, one for Fu Jie and one for Yu Mengqin.    


After gritting his teeth and writing down the final signature, Huang Xing hastily read it through, then took the two resignations and directly went to Fu Jie's office.    


The door to the office was closed. Huang Xing knocked on it, and the assistant, Yun Lu, slowly opened the door.    


Huang Xing walked in and saw Fu Jie lying on the desk. The way he arched his body was heartbreaking. This delicate body bore too much pressure. After Huang Xing witnessed this scene, he suddenly felt that the grievances in his heart had become much weaker. He really couldn't hate Fu Jie.    


Yun Lu said to Huang Xing: Director Huang, what do you need from Director Fu?    


Huang Xing replied: Of course I have matters to attend to. What am I here for?    


Yun Lu glanced at the thing in Huang Xing's hands, and said: Why don't I help you circulate it for a bit? When Director Fu wakes up, I'll give it to her.    


Huang Xing thought for a moment, then said: Forget it, it's better if I personally hand it to her. Don't worry, I'll just sit here and not disturb her. I waited for her to wake up.    


"This..." Yun Lu's face showed difficulty.    


Huang Xing countered: What, you can't do it either?    


Yun Lu quickly said, no, no, but - She seemed to have realized something and stopped herself in time, changing the topic: Then, sit down first, I'll help you pour a cup of water.    


Huang Xing sat on the sofa silently, the word "resignation" on the two items in his hands stung his eyes deeply. He was too lazy to look at it, to grieve. He decided to just put them aside and wait quietly.    


Yun Lu entered the room, as though he had gone to organize something. Huang Xing raised his head and looked at Fu Jie who was still sleeping on the table. He really wanted to take off his jacket and put it on Fu Jie. However, he was afraid that someone with ulterior motives would think that he was raising the white flag towards Fu Jie.    


Huang Xing could even hear her weak breathing. She slept so peacefully, her body moving up and down slightly, her hair was in a mess, a strand of black silk was pressed under her head. Her messy hair had stuck onto her cheek, covered her eyes, and touched her nose.    


If his departure could make Fu Jie happy, then Huang Xing would accept it.    


After an unknown period of time, Fu Jie's body suddenly moved. Huang Xing thought she had woken up, and was about to stand up when he noticed that she had changed her posture. Soon after, a small fist slapped on the table.    


"Huang Xing, why did you do this to me!?"    


she whispered, but did not wake.    


Could it be a dream?    


Huang Xing's heart suddenly thumped once.    


For some reason, in that moment, Huang Xing felt that he was a sinner! He had hurt her, deeply hurt her! She was only a woman, a weak woman. How could he use such a vicious tone to speak to her, scold her, criticize her, and even insult her!    


A strong sense of guilt and empathy arose involuntarily. The heart of this domineering woman was actually soft. She had given herself far too much in the past. Everything that she had possessed today could not be separated from Fu Jie's nurturing and promotion. But today, like a wild wolf, he had severely hurt her! Yes, in the meeting room, she did not show mercy to him, but how could he repay her kindness by publicly singing a different tune to her and angering her?    


I was wrong.    


Am I really wrong?    


Huang Xing asked himself again and again in his heart.    


At this moment, he really wanted to walk over and drape his clothes over her weak body. He wanted to gently comb her messy hair with his hands.    


However, he felt that he no longer had the qualifications to do so.    


After a while, Fu Jie suddenly let out a long sigh, slowly raised his head, and sat upright.    


However, her eyes remained closed and did not open for a long time. It was as if he was worried that if he opened his eyes and saw reality, he would cry bitterly.    


She stretched her arms and ran her hands back through her hair, then slowly opened her eyes. At first, her eyes were lost and desolate. Until he finally saw Huang Xing's existence.    


She paused, wondering if she was still dreaming. He rubbed his eyes and was sure that he was awake.    


Fu Jie's body shook violently, to the point that he had no expression. She looked at Huang Xing, as though her brain was no longer working, and her heart was no longer beating.    


Because she could no longer find any way to speak to him.    


Without missing an opportunity, Huang Xing stood up, walked over, and stood in front of Fu Jie, and handed over the two resignation letters in his hands to the desk.    


Fu Jie said lightly: "What is this?"    


Huang Xing said: My resignation letter.    


Fu Jie turned his head to the side and said softly: "I was just casually saying, that's just an angry speech." Take it away. Before I change my mind.    


To be exact, her actions were giving Huang Xing a way out. But Huang Xing did not have that kind of personality. No matter how ordinary his birth was, he still had a few bones within him.    


Huang Xing emphasized: Two. Leave one for you and pass the other one to Director Yu. It's not convenient for me to appear, please, Director Fu.    


Fu Jie's head moved, he used his hand to support his forehead and said: "If you don't anger me to death, then you won't give up?    



Huang Xing replied: I'm not mad at you. Isn't that what you want to see?    


Fu Jie replied: I did not. Think about it when you go back. I, too, think about it.    


Huang Xing said firmly: There's no need to think about it! There was no turning back. I had no choice.    


Fu Jie picked up the two resignations, waved them in front of Huang Xing, and slapped them heavily on the table: Do you know, what it means for me to accept this?    


Huang Xing replied: I know. I've decided to face it.    


"Huang Xing, you ?" Fu Jie shook his head helplessly. First of all, I can't approve your resignation. In other words, you can get your stuff back and go back to your office.    


Huang Xing pointed to the resignation letter on the table.    


Fu Jie said: No need to look. There was no need to look at it.    


Huang Xing said: But I have already written it down, and I have spent a lot of time doing it.    


Is that so? Fu Jie looked at Huang Xing in resentment, and then, he took these two resignation letters and tore it into pieces in front of Huang Xing.    


Fu Jie said, now, it was gone.    


Huang Xing shook his head, saying, "It's still here. I have a backup on my computer.    


Fu Jie was so anxious that he shook his head and said with a frown: "Huang Xing, do you really want to fight with me? Is it really that fun to play opposite me?    


Huang Xing shrugged: I didn't. You forget that I only did what you told me to do.    


Fu Jie stressed once again: That's, that's words out of anger!    


Huang Xing said.    


"You-" Fu Jie stood up and said: "Huang Xing, tell me, what do you want to do?    


Huang Xing said innocently: I didn't think of anything. I just want to follow Director Fu's plan. But I'm not flattering, I'm floundering. It was better to hide in peace than to be submerged in a torrential storm. Maybe I will open a fast food restaurant, when that time comes, Director Fu will definitely give you a free ticket.    


"I-" Fu Jie almost became impulsive again, but she stopped herself in the end and asked: "Is it with that beauty who sells wontons?    


What does it have to do with her! Do your own thing and don't talk about it. "But don't worry Boss Fu, I, Huang Xing, will never die from hunger.    


Fu Jie waved her hand, her eyebrows slightly knitted, and said: Alright, you go back first, I want to be alone for a while.    


Huang Xing pointed to Fu Jie's computer, and said: Then I'll wait for your information. I'll send you a copy of the letter later. Take a look at it and I'll print it out soon. I hope you will show mercy this time. I'm using the company's office paper.    


Fu Jie did not speak anymore, he only used his hands to cover his face, and suddenly felt like he wanted to cry, but had no tears.    


Huang Xing left Fu Jie's office.    


Go back, sit down, send the email, and print out two more resignations.    


He can be very stubborn at times, he can't get eight donkeys back. Since he had already made his choice, there was no turning back.    


A burst of rapid ringing of the mobile phone startled Huang Xing.    


Opening it, he saw that the caller was Li Rong.    


Huang Xing was not in the mood to talk to anyone, so he pressed the reject button.    


But immediately after, his phone rang again. Huang Xing thought that it would still be Li Rong, so he simply pressed the reject button.    


In this moment of leisure, a figure flashed by. Huang Xing chased over to take a look and discovered that it was actually Bao Shijie. With his hands behind his back, he walked down the stairs, and even had a little song in his mouth.    


Huang Xing really wanted to run over and ruthlessly kick his butt like Zhuang Shuwen did!    


To a certain extent, this proud and aloof man was one of the main triggers for the conflict between him and Fu Jie!    


Huang Xing impatiently turned on the phone. This time, he pressed the answer button, without waiting for the other party to speak, he started to curse: Are you done yet?    


A calm and mature female voice came over the phone: Oh, who is it that angered our Director Huang so much?    


Hearing that, Huang Xing was immediately stunned!    


The other party was not Li Rong at all, but ?    


It was none other than Director Yu Yu Mengqin!    


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