Security Guard’s Romance



0Zhao Xiaoran took out a silver white ring.    


To be exact, this ring was roughly made and had a simple design. It was the kind of silver ornament that was not too pure.    


Huang Xing was startled, he did not understand, what was Zhao Xiaoran trying to do.    


Zhao Xiaoran thoughtfully looked at the old looking ring, and said: "This ring was the first gift you had given me, at that time you spent several tens of dollars to buy this silver ring. Then, I married you in a daze.    


Of course Huang Xing had an impression of this ring, it was a witness to his and Zhao Xiaoran's love and marriage. At that time, his family was really poor, Huang Xing couldn't afford to buy those expensive gold jewelry. He could only buy a silver ring to pass off as a platinum jewelry. Zhao Xiaoran wasn't very specialized in jewelry, so he mistook this as a Platinum ring. Then, she happily agreed to Huang Xing's proposal and stepped into the palace of marriage. And the conflict between Zhao Xiaoran and Huang Xing after marriage, seemed to have something to do with this ring. After Zhao Xiaoran compared the rings with the ring, he discovered that the quality and style of the ring wasn't very good. One day, he took the gold and silver jewelry shop to paste in a processing fee to change the ring's style. Unexpectedly, the store owner's first sentence after receiving the ring was to tell her that the ring was silver, not gold.    


Zhao Xiaoran's words woke her up. Zhao Xiaoran was embarrassed and angry, she immediately brought back the ring to confront Huang Xing, the first time the battle between husband and wife began. In anger, Zhao Xiaoran threw the ring into the trash can, and angrily rebuked Huang Xing for lying, and using such a cheap ring to deceive love and marriage. Huang Xing promised her that he would buy the biggest and best gold diamond ring in the future if he earned enough money. But Zhao Xiaoran disagreed, in that moment he felt that Huang Xing would not be able to buy expensive jewelry anymore. After this incident, the conflict between the two continued to escalate until Huang Jinjiang appeared and they gradually walked onto a road of no return.    


Huang Xing said: "I remember, you threw it into the trash can."    


Zhao Xiaoran nodded his head slightly. But then I found it again. But my motive is not to cherish it, but to use it to increase my hatred of you. At that time, it was a kind of encouraging object in my heart. I would take it out every day to look at it, and the more I looked at it, the more I felt that you were stingy, and the more I looked at it, the more I felt that I was not living a good life with you.    


Huang Xing felt a little awkward. He really wanted to read through Zhao Xiaoran's thoughts back then, but he forced himself not to recall the memories that had passed away. Huang Xing said: I think you can return this ring to me. It's the first and last piece of jewelry that I have bought in my life.    


What? Zhao Xiaoran was stunned for a moment: I would believe it if you say it first, but the last thing is impossible.    


Huang Xing asked: Why is it impossible?    


Zhao Xiaoran asked: You never bought it for Fu Jie? Now that you have money, there are many beauties waiting for you to buy jewelry.    


Huang Xing stressed: I don't have that habit. A ring was a symbol of marriage. If he couldn't give her a title, giving her a ring would be the greatest insult to him. Maybe I'll buy one in the future, but I won't give her a ring until I'm sure I'm going to marry her.    


Zhao Xiaoran said: You are truly a strange person. But I can't give you the ring now.    


Huang Xing asked: Why?    


Zhao Xiaoran stared at the ring as if it were a low-key, luxurious work of art. Because it brought me not only a marriage, but also a reflection on myself. Yes, I didn't cherish it before, or even dislike it. But it wasn't until I lost you that I felt it was the most precious thing in the world. Love and marriage are priceless, and to measure them by price is a desecration of love and marriage. Now that I think about it, even if you gave me a plastic ring, I would still be happy and willing to marry you. Whether poor or rich, love itself is a kind of wealth.    


That's philosophical! Huang Xing could not imagine how the vain Zhao Xiaoran could say such righteous words.    


Huang Xing said: Can we talk about something else? You look strange today.    


Zhao Xiaoran replied: I'm curious. But what I said was true. I know I've made a terrible mistake and I can't come back to you. But I've learned a lot. Even though you cannot give me a material satisfaction of being able to do so, even though you aren't like other men who would try to make women happy, I understand one thing. In fact, the person who treats me the best in this world is you, Huang Xing. Only, I didn't treasure it.    


These words made Huang Xing's nose sour. He quickly turned his face to the side, not allowing Zhao Xiaoran to see his blurry expression.    


Her words immediately touched upon Huang Xing's weak heart. Recalling her infatuation and concern for Zhao Xiaoran after their marriage, Huang Xing always felt that his heart wasn't satisfied. Zhao Xiaoran had always been the pride of Huang Xing, the treasure in his hands. He loved her more than he loved himself. For her, he was willing to give up everything. However, this deep love in return for betrayal.    


Zhao Xiaoran sighed: It's a pity that there are no returns in my life. Regret and regret are the main theme of my life.    


To a certain extent, to be able to hear Zhao Xiaoran repent in such a way in front of him, Huang Xing did indeed feel an indescribable excitement. At the time when Zhao Xiaoran betrayed him, Huang Xing had always been thinking, if one day I prosper, will Zhao Xiaoran regret the choice he made, and even want to reconcile with me? This thought lingered in his heart and lingered on for a long time.    


At this moment, it became a reality.    


Huang Xing had always been enveloped by a special kind of emotion.    


Zhao Xiaoran said: You have succeeded, and become rich. Perhaps in your eyes, I have changed from the treasure in the palm of your hand, into a worthless small role. I brought this upon myself.    


Huang Xing coughed twice as he covered his mouth: "How can you not say this?"    


However, Zhao Xiaoran had always been immersed in some kind of emotion, unable to extricate herself. She moved her lips a little, and said: No. The person I, Zhao Xiaoran, am most sorry to you for in this lifetime, is you. But one thing worth remembering is the happy days with you.    


Huang Xing couldn't help but say these words to her. If I wasn't General Manager of Xinmeng Commercial Building right now, would you still say those words?    


Zhao Xiaoran nodded his head fiercely. Yes, of course. Actually, I figured it out a long time ago. I just never had the chance to tell you what I was thinking. Now that he said it, he didn't feel so flustered anymore.    


Huang Xing said: Alright, I won't comment on that. So, now, what else do you have to say?    


Zhao Xiaoran said: No more. I've said what I have to say.    


Huang Xing felt that this atmosphere was like a police interrogating a prisoner. Zhao Xiaoran's eyes were also the same as the eyes of a prisoner staring at a police officer after finishing his statement. It was as if he was waiting for the outcome of this interrogation.    


Huang Xing lit another cigarette, stood up and said: It's getting late, I have to go back now.    


Zhao Xiaoran quickly shouted: Don't be in such a hurry to leave. Will you accompany me and finish all the food on the table?    


Huang Xing touched his stomach: I don't have anywhere else to eat, you eat it slowly.    


Zhao Xiaoran sized up Huang Xing, and asked probingly: Could it be, that at this time, you don't have anything to say to me?    


Huang Xing asked back: What do you want to hear?    


Zhao Xiaoran emphasized: The words in your heart.    


Huang Xing shook his head: There's really no need. Since that's the case, let's all reposition ourselves. You're still young, you still have capital.    


Zhao Xiaoran reflexively touched his own face, his heart filled with desolation and regret. Once, she had indeed treated this beautiful face as her greatest asset. But now she understood, this kind of capital was like a mirage, very short, very easy to disappear. For a woman, the greatest asset was not beauty, but the heart. Only when one's heart was strong would one have the true ability.    


Zhao Xiaoran laughed self-deprecatingly: "I don't have any capital anymore." The only thing I can do is to do something.    


Huang Xing nodded his head slightly: "It's good that you can think like this." Good luck.    


Zhao Xiaoran wanted to speak more, but Huang Xing already turned his body and rushed out the door.    


To be exact, at this very moment, Huang Xing's heart was very complicated.    


But he didn't care.    


Zhao Xiaoran's hurried confession was not only unexpected, but it was also unexpected. Love itself may be a balance, think back to I love the life and death, you did not cherish it; now, you turn back to think I am your favorite, I can only smile.    


After experiencing so many emotional entanglements, Huang Xing had become strong. After walking out of the shadow of Zhao Xiaoran, he had begun to believe that, in his entire life, other than Zhao Xiaoran, there were many women that he could cherish. Zhao Xiaoran was merely a passerby in his life. After giving him an interesting and heavy lesson on marriage and love, he hurriedly left.    


Just as he went downstairs, Huang Xing's mobile phone rang.    


When he answered, Zhao Xiaoran's voice came over: Why are you in such a hurry to leave?    


Huang Xing said: I'm not leaving, why am I hanging around? Maybe I shouldn't have come today.    



Zhao Xiaoran said: Thank you for your trust in me, for giving me this chance, and allowing me to not burden my heart to finish speaking.    


Huang Xing emphasized: But that's no longer important.    


Zhao Xiaoran replied: To you, it's not important. But it's important to me.    


Huang Xing did not speak anymore, but slowly looked at the screen, as though he could see Zhao Xiaoran's complicated and serious expression.    


That night, Huang Xing was unable to sleep for a long time.    


The next day was the same as before, drinking wonton and going to work.    


Considering that Yu Mengqin would send his Supervisor over today, the first thing Huang Xing did when he came to the Merchant Shop was to arrange for all the departments to do some cleaning. For a moment, both the inside and outside of the store were immersed in a special kind of bustling.    


Around eight-thirty, Fu Jie suddenly sent his assistant Yun Lu to the office to inform Huang Xing that the management staff were at 8: 40 and above, to meet them in the conference room.    


Huang Xing felt that Fu Jie had made the arrangements in order to receive the fact that the Supervisor had taken over. But unexpectedly, at the meeting, Fu Jie made a decision that shocked everyone.    


Of course, the one who was even more shocked was Huang Xing.    


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