Sovereign’s Great Path

C17 line of life and death

C17 line of life and death



This was the only thing that Teng Yan could do at the moment. Facing Liu Zhen's group, he simply did not have the slightest ability to retaliate, even if he revealed his peak of Stage Nine physical state, it would be useless. As for revenge? The current him was simply using an egg to hit a rock when facing Liu Zhen ? Courting death. Teng Yan wasn't stupid to this extent. All of his hatred and anger were suppressed at the bottom of his heart and buried deep within his heart. All of these would become the motivation for Teng Yan to become strong, and only by becoming strong would he have the chance to take revenge. As for the Old Man Teng s? It was all made up by Teng Yan, just to deter Liu Zhen and the rest, just to give himself the chance to escape, even if it was just for a second, wasn't it?    


Only by living could there be hope!    




Teng Yan rushed forward without hesitation, his speed reaching the limits of his body.    






At that moment, speed was hope to Teng Yan. Speed was life. Gritting his teeth, he ran as fast as he could. He wished he could grow a few more legs at this moment, at least to make him run faster. He was like a mad beast, madly running for his life.    


Shua ?    


And when Teng Yan had ran more than a hundred meters, Liu Zhen and the rest finally turned around, those terrified eyes looked ahead, the Old Man Teng's prestige was truly too deep-rooted. Even for an existence like Liu Zhen, who didn't put the celestial realm emperor in his eyes, they could only feel a deep sense of fear when facing the Old Man Teng. However, when their frightened gazes turned to the front, all of them couldn't help but be stunned. A trace of confusion flashed through their eyes.    


Old Man Teng?    


At this moment, there was nothing in their line of sight other than the imperial city and the vast open plains. Where was the Old Man Teng? Let alone the Old Man Teng, the evil star, there was not even a shadow of him.    


He was cheated!    


At the first moment, Liu Zhen realized this problem.    


BOOM *    


In an instant, the fear in Liu Zhen's eyes disappeared without a trace, and what replaced it was a trace of uncontrollable rage that burned fiercely in her eyes. Her expression became even more unsightly. She was tricked, tricked by a piece of trash? This was simply preposterous. In an instant, Liu Zhen's body was filled with a thick layer of anger and a cold killing intent.    


"You actually dare to mess with me." Liu Zhen roared, he instantly turned around.    


"Want to run?" "Hmph ?" Looking at the madly dashing Teng Yan, Liu Zhen revealed a smile of disdain and ridicule. In her opinion, Teng Yan's actions were way too ignorant. How could an ordinary person possibly escape from a Stage Nine Spirit Focus expert? For example, the Teng Yan in front of them, from the moment Liu Zhen and his group were scared to their senses, all of this seemed like it only lasted for a few breaths of time, what could they do within that few breaths of time? However, Teng Yan was only at the peak of the ninth level of physical state and had not truly stepped into the martial way. Even if he had used all of his strength, he had only run a little more than a hundred meters.    


"Can you even run away!?" Immediately after, Liu Zhen snorted coldly without the slightest hesitation, his body shooting out, chasing after Teng Yan.    


Sou ?    


With a stride of ten meters.    


Sou sou sou...    


Teng Yan sprinted all the way but unfortunately, with just a few leaps, Liu Zhen had already appeared behind him. This was the difference between physical state and experts of the same realm, one being the sky and the other being the earth. There was an insurmountable gulf between the two. And at the same time, Liu Zhen caught up with them, the more than ten people beside her also caught up, all of them, without exception, were experts at the fifth stage of pulse state or above, and there were even a few acupoint stage experts. It had to be said that in order to kill Teng Yan this time, Liu Zhen had spent a lot of effort.    




Liu Zhen instantly chased in front of Teng Yan, and before Teng Yan could react, she directly struck out with his palm, landing on Teng Yan's chest without any suspense. Although he did not use his full strength in this attack, it was still not something that the peak of the ninth stage of Teng Yan's physical state could endure. Immediately, Teng Yan's body was sent flying backwards. He then heavily fell on the ground and rolled over until he was more than ten meters away.    


Puchi ?    


He spat out a mouthful of blood essence and a heart-wrenching pain came from his chest. This was the second time Liu Zhen had injured him today, but it was obvious that the second time was much more ruthless than the first. In Teng Family, Liu Zhen did not dare to kill him, but in this place, she was fearless.    


Damn it, he failed.    


Ignoring the situation, Teng Yan stood up with difficulty while clutching the chest that had been attacked by Liu Zhen. Unreconciled voices sounded in his heart and his face was deathly pale. He had already missed his only chance. It was already impossible for him to leave this place alive today. All that awaited him was death.    


Was he going to accept his fate?    


Unreconciled ?.    


At this moment, unwillingness filled Teng Yan's heart, but there was nothing he could do.    


Strength, in the end, was still strength.    


If he was stronger than Liu Zhen, would he have been forced out of the imperial city after being framed by her?    


If she was stronger than Liu Zhen, would she still need to secretly leave the imperial city to avoid?    


If his strength was stronger than Liu Zhen's, would he not even have the chance to fight back or escape?    


Unfortunately, there weren't that many ifs.    


Teng Yan stood up with difficulty, while clutching his wounded chest, he clenched his teeth. There was even a trace of sinister blood at the corner of his mouth, and his eyes shone with a cold light. Teng Yan realized that he had never had such a thirst for power. Those ice-cold eyes stared at Liu Zhen who was approaching step by step.    


"Why aren't you running? Continue running? " After a while, Liu Zhen arrived in front of Teng Yan and ridiculed him.    


"If you want to kill me, then kill me." Teng Yan coldly snorted.    


"You think I won't kill you?"    


"You better take action immediately. You must not give me any chance. If I don't die today, then in the future ? I will cut you into a thousand pieces. " Gritting his teeth, a resolute voice came out of Teng Yan's mouth. His expression was extremely solemn and solemn.    


"I'd really like to see if that day ever comes. What a pity ? You know too much. If I let you leave now, if you tell that old fogey Teng Family what I just said, hehe ? I'm afraid the one who will die will be me. " Liu Zhen said in a bland voice.    


"Hahaha ?" Hearing that, Teng Yan suddenly laughed.    


"What are you laughing at?"    


"I'm laughing at your idiocy. It doesn't matter if you kill me or not today, you're dead for sure. Do you know why?" Teng Yan stared at Liu Zhen coldly, as his voice sounded out.    


"Why?" Liu Zhen asked instinctively.    


"Because... I left a letter for Grandfather before I left and told him to kill you. Otherwise, I wouldn't recognize him as my grandfather and would never return to the imperial city. When are you going to die? What do you think Grandpa will do if he comes out of seclusion? The first thing I'll do is go to the palace and kill you. Don't doubt that he won't do that. As long as I say that my grandfather will definitely satisfy me, you should know this better than me. You want to live? "Then hurry up and run. If you stay in the capital, you'll definitely die." Teng Yan paused again as he said this.    


"Oh, yes... Even if you run away, it's useless. Your grandfather will definitely chase you to the ends of the earth to tell you a secret. Aren't you part of the Celestial Sect of Wonders? Do you want to know grandpa's current cultivation? Then, let me tell your grandfather that he was previously at Stage Eight of Heaven, and that this time he is going into closed-door training to reach the peak of nine parts of the human body. "You're dead for sure ?" Teng Yan clenched his teeth and laughed, as he said. Of course, all of these were said by Teng Yan to fool Liu Zhen, he did not leave any message to Old Man Teng, he did not know of his cultivation level, and only wanted to scare Liu Zhen.    


"Attack the peak of the nine parts of the human body?" In front of their eyes, other than Liu Zhen, everyone else sucked in a cold breath as their expressions became lifeless.    


"You..." Liu Zhen's expression was also extremely ugly. He did not think that this evil young master would actually hold back such a move, but after thinking about the character of this evil young master, it was also natural for him to do this. After all, he was the one who forced him out of the imperial city. However ? When he thought that the Old Man Teng would chase him to the ends of the earth, Liu Zhen was scared, she didn't want to die yet. If the Old Man Teng had truly reached the level of nine parts of the human body, even the Celestial Sect of Wonders wouldn't be able to protect his. Then ? The more he thought about it, the angrier Liu Zhen became, and that cold gaze of his was filled with anger and killing intent.    



"Do you still want to fight?" Teng Yan looked at Liu Zhen and spoke coldly.    


"You want me to die, but I won't let you live." Following which, Liu Zhen bellowed. In her opinion, she no longer had a chance to retreat.    


"Whatever." Teng Yan said with disdain, but there was a trace of seriousness between his brows.    


"Courting death ?" In the next second, Liu Zhen no longer hesitated, Ling Huang's killing move instantly flew towards Teng Yan, and at that moment, she was truly enraged, and also had killing intent, she would definitely not be courteous with Teng Yan anymore, and just kill him.    




This evil young master must die!    


Shua ?    


Feeling Liu Zhen rushing towards him like a ferocious beast, Teng Yan immediately closed his eyes, and at that moment, he no longer had any chance to fight back.    


Unwilling to accept this outcome ?    


Teng Yan's heart was filled with unwillingness.    


Could it be that her life had come to an end ?    


A new, tender book. Data are very important.    


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