Beautiful Ex-wife's Contract Son-in-law

C519 Fire

C519 Fire

0The Audi to pick up Lin Xiaoman carried them forward.    


Not long after, the Audi turned into a quiet path and drove into a forest along this path.    


The forest was dark and dead silent. The tall trees on both sides of the path swayed in the wind, making rustling sounds. It seemed a little eerie and scary.    


Lin Xiaoman felt that something was wrong and asked in shock, "Where are you taking us?"    


The man in black sitting in the passenger seat replied, "Boss said that you have been exposed. He asked us to send you to a safe place."    


Lin Xiaoman used her hand to pull Soong Zhe's clothes, who was sitting beside her.    


Soong Zhe understood what she was thinking. He knew that these guys wanted to bring them to the forest to kill them. He hurriedly took out a dagger from his waist, grabbed the driver's neck, and scolded loudly.    


"Stop the car. Otherwise, I will cut your throat!"    




The driver stopped the car in an instant.    


Just as the driver stopped the car, Soong Zhe exerted his strength and stabbed the knife into the driver's throat like he was killing a chicken.    


The man in black sitting in the passenger seat saw that the situation was not good and hurriedly opened the car door and rolled out of the car. Soong Zhe mistakenly thought that the guy was about to run away, so he quickly opened the car door in the back and jumped out of the car.    


Unexpectedly, after the man in black got out of the car, he immediately opened the door in the back seat and used a gun to hold Lin Xiaoman's head in the back seat. He then grabbed Lin Xiaoman who was still in shock and pulled her out of the car like he was grabbing a chicken.    


Only then did Soong Zhe realize that he had been fooled. He pointed the bloody dagger at the man in black and shouted loudly.    


"Let her go!"    


"Let her go," the man in black said coldly. "But you have to put down the dagger in your hand and follow this woman with me!"    


As soon as he said that, Soong Zhe borrowed the car's headlights and saw a few black shadows flashing. His heart sank.    


"Don't move!" A few men in black rushed out of the forest and surrounded Soong Zhe together. They pointed their guns at his head.    


Soong Zhe knew that he had fallen tonight and secretly hated himself for listening to Lin Xiaoman's words and kidnapping Zhang Mengmeng with her. Now that he was in danger, he acted like a trapped beast and prepared to attack these men in black.    


The men in black pulled the triggers at the same time.    


Bang, bang, bang!    


After a few gunshots, Soong Zhe fell into a pool of blood.    


"Ah!" Lin Xiaoman saw this and cried out in shock. She faced the man in black who was holding the gun to her head and asked loudly, "You... Why did you do this..."    


"It's very simple. You should not have betrayed our boss. Anyone who betrays our boss must die!" The man in black had just finished speaking when he pulled the trigger without hesitation.    




A gunshot rang out.    


Lin Xiaoman's head exploded like a watermelon. She fell straight to the ground and died with everlasting regret.    


Then, the man in black ignited the Audi and quickly jumped onto the van parked not far away to escape from the scene.    


The Audi was burning.    




A loud explosion resounded.    


The Audi exploded, triggering a huge forest fire.    


For a moment, thick smoke billowed, and the fire soared into the sky. The fire quickly spread, illuminating half of the sky.    


The firefighters rushed over upon hearing the news.    




Firefighters rushed to the scene one after another with ear-piercing sirens.    




After Hsiao Yue finished dealing with Zhou's corpse, she immediately returned to the police station and arrested the dozen or so men in black who kidnapped Zhang Mengmeng in Northern Automaton Repair Factory for interrogation.    


These guys insisted that Lin Xiaoman spent money to let Scarface lead them to Northern Automaton Repair Factory to participate in the kidnapping of Zhang Mengmeng.    


Since Scarface was already dead and no one could testify against him, Hsiao Yue could not get the truth out of these people's mouths, so she could only lock them all up in the detention center.    


Suddenly, she received a call from the firefighters at the fire extinguishing scene, saying that they found a blown up car and three burnt corpses at the scene. She hurriedly led the team to the scene.    




"Damn, these guys are too arrogant, aren't they?"    


Just as Zhou went to Zhang Zixuan's Mercedes-Benz 600 and opened the door of the car, the car exploded, and Zhou bravely sacrificed himself, Wu Xu completely overturned his understanding of those vicious criminals.    


After bidding farewell to the deputy captain of the criminal investigation team and leaving the scene of the car explosion, Wu Xu thought to himself as he drove towards Fairview Harbor eighbourhoods.    


"Since those guys have bombs, they must have guns. I just learned some martial arts from Ma Zhong. If I don't know how to use Flying Dagger and guns, won't I become their living target in the future?"    


Ring, ring, ring!    


At this time, Ma Zhong's mobile number appeared on the screen of the Mercedes-Benz 350 off-road vehicle.    


Ma Zhong's voice came from the car's speaker. "Mr Wu, where are you now?"    


"I'm on my way home." Wu Xu asked, "Did you catch Bald Qiang?"    


"When I chased Bald Qiang to a cliff, that guy saw that there was no way to escape. So he acted like a trapped beast and prepared to fight me to the death. When I fought him, I used a dagger to cut off one of his wrists. Then he fell into a bottomless abyss... " Ma Zhong told Wu Xu what had happened and asked, "How's the situation over there? Did Zhang Mengmeng get rescued?"    



"Yes." Wu Xu nodded and replied, "When you went to chase after Bald Qiang, the deputy captain of the criminal investigation team, Hsiao Yue, rushed over with a group of policemen. After Hsiao Yue killed Scarface on the spot, the dozen or so criminals under his command were also arrested by the police. After Zhang Mengmeng was rescued, her father took her home. "    


"Who kidnapped her?" Ma Zhong asked.    


Wu Xu answered truthfully, "It was Zhang Mengmeng's stepmother, Lin Xiaoman, and her father's driver, Soong Zhe. After they kidnapped her, they handed her to Bald Qiang and Scarface. They prepared to use her as bait to lure me to Northern Automaton Repair Factory. They prepared to kill us together! "    


"Ah? There's actually such a thing?" Ma Zhong frowned and asked, "What about Lin Xiaoman and Soong Zhe?"    


"The police found them driving the Mercedes-Benz 600 in an empty area in the east outskirts. I followed Hsiao Yue there. I didn't expect someone to install a bomb in the car. When a police officer went to pull the car open, the car exploded. We didn't find any traces of them... " Wu Xu recounted what happened to the car in one breath.    


After listening to Wu Xu's narration, Ma Zhong said in shock, "It seems that these guys are not ordinary kidnappers. We have to be careful in the future."    


"Yes." Wu Xu agreed. He said, "In the future, not only do I have to learn martial arts from you, you also have to teach me how to use the Flying Dagger and the spear..."    


"I think so too," Ma Zhong responded. "How about this, I will rush home as soon as possible. When the time comes, I will formulate a training plan for you!"    


"Okay, thank you!" Wu Xu thanked him and drove the car towards Fairview Harbor eighbourhoods.    


Ring, ring, ring!    


After the call with Ma Zhong, Zhang Mengmeng's phone number appeared on the screen of the car.    


As soon as the call connected, Zhang Mengmeng's voice came from the car's speaker.    


"Xu, are you home?"    


Wu Xu asked, "Mengmeng, what happened?"    


Zhang Mengmeng answered truthfully, "Xu, my father just received a call from Hsiao Yue saying that there was a forest fire in the outskirts. When the firefighters put out the fire, they found three corpses. Two of the corpses might have belonged to Lin Xiaoman and Soong Zhe. After my father finished the call with Hsiao Yue, he hurriedly led a few bodyguards to the fire site... "    


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