Beautiful Ex-wife's Contract Son-in-law

C160 Mother-in-law

C160 Mother-in-law

0Zhang Mengmeng was willing to invest in the construction of the Rongcheng Industrial Company in Rongcheng. After bringing back the good news about the trip to Wanghai City, she said that she had something to take care of and left Wu Xu's ward.    


While this little girl was not in the ward, Wu Xu could ask Ma Zhong for some knowledge about fighting and wrestling.    


Ma Zhong was very enthusiastic. He explained to Wu Xu while doing some demonstration movements, which ignited his enthusiasm and aroused his strong interest in martial arts.    


Wu Xu knew in his heart the purpose of learning martial arts. On the one hand... On the other hand, he could better protect the women around him. He wanted them to have a sense of security when they were with him. He didn't need them to protect him.    


Thus, he listened more seriously. When he was immersed in listening, he even sat on the bed and started to gesticulate, completely ignoring the waves of pain coming from his injured body.    


Du! Du! Du!    


Just as the two of them were in a heated discussion, someone knocked on the door of the living room three times.    




Ma Zhong went to open the door.    


A middle-aged woman with an elegant temperament stood at the door of the room with a fruit basket in her hand and asked:    


"May I ask if this is Wu Xu's ward?"    


Ma Zhong saw that the woman looked unfamiliar, so he asked her.    


"Yes, you are?"    


The woman introduced herself, "I am Wu Xu's mother-in-law. I specially came to the ward to see him..."    


"Oh, so it is Auntie. Please come in!" Ma Zhong took the fruit basket from Mrs Gu's hand and invited her into the room. He led her to the ward inside.    


"Mom, why are you here?" Wu Xu saw Mrs Gu and hurriedly lifted the blanket. He made a posture as if he was ready to get off the bed to welcome her.    


"You are injured. Don't come down!" Mrs Gu hurriedly stepped forward to stop him and covered him with the blanket. She asked, "How is your injury?"    


"It's nothing. I am already much better!" Wu Xu saw that Yue's mother came to the ward to visit him and felt warm in his heart. He pointed to a stool in front of the bed and said, "Please take a seat!"    


"Okay!" Mrs Gu nodded and sat down on the stool.    


Ma Zhong knew they had something to talk about, so he put the fruit basket he took from Mrs Gu on Wu Xu's bedside table and said,    


"Mr Wu, you guys chat. I will go to the living room outside."    


"Okay, you can go." Wu Xu nodded and looked at the fruit basket for a while. He looked at Mrs Gu and said, "Mom, you can come. Why did you come to see me when you bought something?"    


"We are all family. You don't have to be polite." Mrs Gu replied, "I should have come to see you earlier. It was mainly because Xiaohui's father was unfortunately killed. I felt a little sad and did not come over..."    


As she spoke, sadness came from her heart and started to choke.    


Wu Xu comforted, "Mom, don't be angry. When my injuries are healed, I will definitely find the group of killers who caused the car accident and caused father and Master Lei to die. I will avenge them!"    


Mrs Gu took a tissue from the handbag she carried with her and wiped her tears. She thought, "You can't even protect yourself. You were injured and hospitalized, let alone looking for the killers."    


However, she thought that Wu Xu's starting point was good. It was just that she wanted to, but lacked the strength. She said, "It's better to let the police do the search for the murderer. You should take good care of your injuries. When your injuries are healed, you can go and help Xiaohui manage the company. I don't want the company to be destroyed in her hands. "    


Wu Xu suddenly remembered that when Gu Xiaohui went to the shed last night, she was followed by Zhang Xuezhong and held hostage by him. He asked tentatively:    


"Last night, Gu Xiaohui did not go to your place, right?"    


"No." Mrs Gu shook her head and said, "Last night, Xiaohui called me and said that the company was busy, so she did not go to my place. What's wrong? Didn't she come to the ward to see you?"    


It seemed that Mrs Gu did not know what happened to Gu Xiaohui last night at all.    


Afraid that his mother-in-law would be suspicious and worried, Wu Xu hurriedly said half-heartedly," Oh, she came... She came. She probably went back to our house to stay..."    


Although he said so, he was thinking in his heart, Last night, if I hadn't sent someone to protect her, she would have been forced to do so.    


Mrs Gu saw Wu Xu stuttering and asked, "Wu Xu, is there something you guys are hiding from me?"    


"No... No..." Wu Xu continued to be perfunctory.    


" You still said no. Your expression already told me. "Mrs Gu looked at Wu Xu and said," Did Xiaohui not come to the ward to see you after she finished dealing with her father's funeral? "    


"Yes, that's right." Wu Xu saw that this matter could not be hidden from his mother-in-law's eyes, so he explained, "I think Gu Xiaohui just took over the position of the chairman of the Gu's Group and was busy with work, so she did not have time to take care of it... Yes, Wu Xu saw that this matter could not be hidden from his mother-in-law's eyes, so he explained, I think Gu Xiaohui just took over the position of chairman of the Gu's Group and was not able to take care of it..."    


"No matter how busy you are, you cannot forget that you are staying in the hospital." Mrs Gu complained and questioned, "Is there a conflict between the two of you?"    


"Yes." Wu Xu nodded and said with a melancholy face, "She is going to divorce me and tell me not to go back to work..."    


"Why?" Mrs Gu asked.    


"When his father was killed and Gu Xiaohui handled his funeral for him, I have something to take care of here and I realized that I did not have my ID card with me. So I asked Zhang Mengmeng, who was taking care of me, to send me home to get my identity card. Gu Xiaohui happened to bump into me. Say that I brought a woman home to fool around..." Wu Xu told Mrs Gu everything that happened in one breath.    


"Just because of this matter, there is no other reason?" Mrs Gu asked.    


In fact, she already knew that her daughter did not get along with Wu Xu because she had a private relationship with Ma Junhao and insisted on divorce with him. This was just an excuse.    


The reason she asked Wu Xu this was to test him. Did she know about the relationship between Gu Xiaohui and Ma Junhao?    


"I am not sure about that." Wu Xu shook his head and said against his heart, "I know Gu Xiaohui has always looked down on me. We have known each other until we got married. We rarely communicate. As for whether there are other reasons, I am not sure. You have to ask Gu Xiaohui..."    


" Okay, I will go back and ask her. "Mrs Gu understood Wu Xu's thoughts. He should know about the matter between his daughter and Ma Junhao. He was afraid of hurting everyone's relationship, so he did not want to mention this matter. She said sadly, "Since you are husband and wife, there is no knot that cannot be solved. As long as you explain things clearly, understand and trust each other, I don't want you to get divorced... Dissemble a perfectly good family..."    


Wu Xu said helplessly, "I think so too. But Gu Xiaohui did not give me a chance to explain. What can I do?"    


Mrs Gu knew her daughter's stubborn temper. Once she decided on something, even eight horses would not be able to pull her back. She was afraid that if she spoke too much, it would hurt Wu Xu's heart, so she did not continue.    


"Don't think so much. Rest well. I will go back and persuade her!" Mrs Gu comforted Wu Xu and stood up from the stool. She said, "You rest. I will come to see you when I have time."    


"Okay, thank you!" Wu Xu smiled gratefully at his mother-in-law.    


"You are welcome!" Mrs Gu replied and turned around to walk out of the ward.    



"Mom, take care!"    


Watching his mother-in-law's back disappear at the door, Wu Xu felt upset. He really did not know how long this "mother" could be called.    




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