Beautiful Ex-wife's Contract Son-in-law

C177 At the Scene of the Murder

C177 At the Scene of the Murder

0"[Sticking] [Sticking] [Sticking] [Sticking], [Sticking], [Sticking], [Sticking], [Sticking], [Sticking], [Sticking], [Sticking]..."    


When Gu Xiaohui's mother woke up from the sofa, the 65-inch LCD TV in the living room was broadcasting a series of stickers.    


Due to the effects of the ads, Mrs Gu suddenly felt a little pain at the back of her head. She rubbed it with her hands reflexively.    


Suddenly, in her mind, the scene of her sitting on the sofa in the living room and watching a spy movie suddenly appeared. A masked man suddenly barged in and hit the back of her head with a palm, knocking her out.    


"What's wrong with Xiaohui? Is she in danger too?" Mrs Gu was shocked and quickly looked at Gu Xiaohui's bedroom on the second floor. She saw that the door was open and the lights were still on inside. She quickly stood up from the sofa and shouted, "Xiaohui, are you alright..."    


Seeing that no one answered, she hurriedly rushed upstairs.    


When she came to Gu Xiaohui's bedroom door, she suddenly saw a tall man standing beside her daughter. There was a man with a face full of blood lying on the floor. She cried out in shock.    


"Xiaohui, what happened?"    


Gu Xiaohui saw her mother standing at the door of the room and only then did she recover her senses. She ran to her mother and grabbed her hand and loudly asked.    


"Mom, are you okay?"    


"I'm fine. Just now, when I was sitting on the sofa in the living room and watching television, a person suddenly barged into our house and knocked me out with a palm. When I woke up, I saw that your door was open. Then I ran up..." After the old lady briefly explained what had happened in the living room to her daughter, she turned to Liu Chuang and asked, "Who is he?"    


"His name is Liu Chuang. He is my driver and bodyguard. Just now, when that masked man barged into our house, he rushed over in time and saved me!" Gu Xiaohui introduced him.    


Mrs Gu heard this and immediately looked at Wai Dayong, who was lying on the floor, and asked, "Who is he? Why is he like this?"    


"He is the person who knocked you out downstairs," Gu Xiaohui explained. "After he knocked you out downstairs, he ran to my room and prepared to kill me!"    


Mrs Gu took a closer look at Wai Dayong and immediately recognized him. She said in a hurry, "Isn't this the captain of the security team of Gu's Group? Why did he come to our house? Why did he want to kill you? "    


"At noon today, the vice chairman Hou Guangsheng and Wai Dayong brought all the members of the security team to Wangjiang Hotel to drink and eat. He secretly ordered people outside to cause trouble in the company and cause trouble for me. In a fit of anger, I revoked his position as the captain of the security team. He probably took revenge on me before he broke into our house. He wanted to kill me... " Gu Xiaohui briefly recounted what happened to her mother.    


"Ah, how could this guy be so bad?" Mrs Gu said in shock, "When your father brought Wai Dayong to our house, I warned him. Don't casually bring people to our house, but he doesn't believe it. He did not expect to encounter trouble now, right? This old man, even if he dies, he won't let me worry about him! "    


Seeing Wai Dayong lying on the floor without moving for a long time, he frowned and asked:    


"What's wrong with him?"    


Gu Xiaohui also looked at Wai Dayong and pretended to be calm as she said,    


"He is dead!"    


"Ah? He's dead?" Mrs Gu was shocked and asked, "How did he die?"    


Gu Xiaohui simply replied, "When Liu rushed over, Wai Dayong was trying to kill me. In a moment of desperation, Liu only punched him and he died..."    


In order to avoid unnecessary trouble, Gu Xiaohui did not talk about the conversation between Wai Dayong and Liu Chuang to her mother. She felt that it was not necessary, so she avoided talking about the cause of Wai Dayong's death.    


"He... He died. You... Did you call the police?" A person suddenly died at home. The old lady felt a little scared and her voice trembled.    


"Yes, we called the police," Liu Chuang recovered and answered for Gu Xiaohui. "Mrs Gu, don't worry. One person should take responsibility for what he did. I killed Wai Dayong. This matter will not involve the Director Gu..."    


"Young man, thank you. Thank you for saving our Xiaohui. " Mrs Gu said gratefully, "Wai Dayong broke into our house. After knocking me out, he tried to kill our Xiaohui. He deserved it. ... If you beat him to death, it should be self-defense. Don't worry, when the police come, we will testify for you. Explain the situation to them, they won't let you suffer for us... "    


"Thank you!" Liu Chuang said gratefully, "With your words, I am more confident!"    




Suddenly, a piercing siren broke the silence of the neighborhood.    


A few police cars approached from afar and drove into the neighborhood. They stopped in front of Gu Xiaohui's mother's villa.    


The deputy captain of the criminal investigation team, Hsiao Yue, jumped off the police car with a few policemen and arrived at the villa entrance together.    


"You guys wait here for a while. I'll bring the police up!" After Liu Chuang heard the sound coming from downstairs, he comforted Gu Xiaohui and her daughter and hurriedly ran downstairs. He went to the living room on the first floor and opened the door.    


Hsiao Yue looked at Liu Chuang from head to toe and asked, "Did you call the police?"    


"Yes!" Liu Chuang nodded and said bluntly, "When the original captain of the Gu's Group's security team, Wai Dayong, broke into the chairman's house and tried to take revenge on her, I punched him and he died..."    


"Who are you?" Hsiao Yue frowned and asked in a daze.    


"I am Liu Chuang, the driver and bodyguard of the chairman of Gu's Group," Liu Chuang answered honestly.    


This was the third consecutive murder in Gu's Group.    


The first case was the death of the chairman of Gu's Group, Gu Yuming, and his driver, Lei Ming in a car accident. The second case was Zhang Xuezhong being tied up and buried alive in the wasteland in the suburbs. This murder appeared in Gu Yuming's house. There was no clue about the first two murders. This gave Hsiao Yue a headache and made her go crazy.    


Now, Hsiao Yue was not in the mood to listen to Liu Chuang's nonsense. Furthermore, this person might be the suspect of this murder case. She was not in the mood to listen to his introduction, so she said impatiently.    


"Don't tell me this. Take us to take a look first!"    


"Okay, please follow me!" Liu Chuang bowed and made a gesture of invitation to Hsiao Yue and the others.    


Under Liu Chuang's lead, Hsiao Yue led a group of uniformed policemen into the living room and walked into Gu Xiaohui's bedroom on the second floor.    


After entering the room, the policemen picked up the camera equipment and surrounded Wai Dayong, who was lying on the ground with his face covered in blood. He was already out of breath, so he desperately took photos and protected the crime scene.    


Hsiao Yue saw Gu Xiaohui hugging her mother tearfully, so she pointed at Wai Dayong's corpse and asked them, What happened?    


"Tell me, what is going on? How did this person break into your house and how did he die?"    


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