Beautiful Ex-wife's Contract Son-in-law

C135 Driver and Bodyguard(2)

C135 Driver and Bodyguard(2)

0"Yeah, I know!" Sun Yan nodded and said, "The company is hiring security guards. I was there when Department Head Wei interviewed the applicants. I think this young man is not bad. There should be no problem."    


"Okay, it's settled then!" Gu Xiaohui immediately decided, "Captain Wei, go back and let Liu Chuang hand over the work in his hands. Come to work here this afternoon!"    


"Okay, I will arrange it now!" Wai Dayong said goodbye and left.    


After Wai Dayong left, Gu Xiaohui asked Sun Yan, "Is Liu Chuang reliable?"    


Sun Yan said without hiding anything, "Actually, before Wai Dayong came to the office, I was also looking for this person for you in my heart. I believe that Liu Chuang is a retired soldier who just came down from the army. His thoughts are relatively simple, and he can do the job of being your driver and bodyguard. Protect your safety... "    


" Since that's the case, I have nothing else to say, "Gu Xiaohui exhorted." When the time comes, arrange an office for him next door. You must follow the call... "    


"Yes, I know," Sun Yan replied. "The office of the old chairman's driver, Lei Ming, was empty. Let him go to that office to work. Also, you are now the chairman of Gu's Group. You must get a car that fits your status and status. In the future, use the company's Mercedes 500 car! "    


"Alright, you have full authority over everything!" Gu Xiaohui nodded.    


"Okay, Director Gu, you go ahead. I won't disturb you anymore!" Sun Yan said goodbye to Gu Xiaohui and turned to leave the chairman's office.    




Wai Dayong left Gu Xiaohui's chairman's office and took the elevator downstairs to return to his own security captain's office. After that, he sat down on his office chair.    


Before he went to Gu Xiaohui's office, he was still a little nervous. He was afraid that Gu Xiaohui would blame him for the safety of the company and remove him from his position as the head of the security team. He only relaxed after knowing that Gu Xiaohui wanted to find a driver and bodyguard for her in the security team.    


After calming himself down and trying to calm himself down, Wai Dayong picked up a walkie-talkie on the desk and shouted into the microphone.    


"Liu Chuang, it's me, Wai Dayong. Please come to the office of the security captain immediately!"    


After shouting twice, a man's loud voice came from the microphone, "Captain Wei, I've received it. I'll rush over now!"    


After a while, the door of the security captain's office was pushed open by a tall and handsome young man in a security uniform. He walked straight to the opposite side of Wai Dayong's office and asked,    


"Captain, do you have any instructions?"    


Wai Dayong's pair of triangular eyes rolled a few times on Liu Chuang's body and said, "Liu Chuang, you are stepping on dog shit. Your dog shit luck is here."    


"Captain, what do you mean?" Liu Chuang was embarrassed by Wai Dayong's look and felt confused.    


"I recommend you to drive the new beautiful chairman Gu Xiaohui. You will be a popular person next to the chairman in the future. If you are not lucky, what is it?" Wai Dayong said with a smile.    


Liu Chuang said with a blank face, "Captain Wei, thank you for your care, but I do not know anything. How can you let me work by the chairman's side?"    


"You can drive, right?" Wai Dayong asked with a frown.    


"Of course I can. I already have my driver's license." Liu Chuang replied.    


"Do you know how to fight?" Wai Dayong continued asking.    


"Of course," Liu Chuang said proudly. "When I was in the army, I participated in competitions and won the championship of individual fights."    


"With these two skills, wouldn't it be over?" Wai Dayong said seriously, "I recommended you to work next to Director Gu because I wanted you to be her driver. I also want you to be her bodyguard to protect her safety. If Director Gu is satisfied, not only will his salary be increased, there will also be chances for him to be promoted in the future. This kind of good job was not something that ordinary people could get. You had to cherish it. Take advantage of this opportunity, huh? "    


"Thank you for Captain Wei's guidance. I will grasp the opportunity and work even harder." Liu Chuang nodded his head heavily and said.    


"Do your best. I think you will do well," Wai Dayong said with anticipation. "If you can work for the beautiful chairman, your future will be limitless. When the time comes, don't forget me, Bo Le."    


"I know. Without your recommendation, you won't have the chance to work with the chairman. ” Liu Chuang said with gratitude, "Please rest assured, no matter what happens to me in the future. I will never forget your kindness..."    


"That's right. With your words, I am relieved. " Wai Dayong was satisfied with Liu Chuang's answer. He said, "You go and give your work to your colleagues first. In the afternoon, you go to the chairman's assistant office to find Sun Yan. Ask her to bring you to report to the chairman of Gu Xiaohui's office. "    


"Okay." Liu Chuang nodded.    


"Alright, you can go down and prepare!" Wai Dayong waved at Liu Chuang.    


Ring, ring, ring!    


Just as Liu Chuang left, the phone on the desk rang.    


Wai Dayong picked up the phone and asked, "This is the security captain's office. May I ask who you are looking for?"    


"I am Hou Guangsheng." "I heard you are going to arrange Liu Chuang from your security team to be the driver and bodyguard of the chairman, Gu Xiaohui. Is that true?" the deputy chairman said unhappily.    


"Yes, I have asked Liu Chuang to go through the handover procedure," the vice chairman said. Wai Dayong answered truthfully.    


"How did you become the captain of the security team? You have such a big transfer of personnel. Why didn't you greet me? Do you still take me, the vice chairman of the personnel department, seriously?" Hou Guangsheng asked in a reproachful tone.    


Wai Dayong knew that Hou Guangsheng and Gu Xiaohui did not have a good relationship and did not want Gu Xiaohui's safety to be guaranteed. He had an opinion on his decision and hurriedly explained.    


"Sorry, Director Hou. Sun Yan called me just now. She asked me to go to the chairman's office and let the chairman personally decide. I haven't had the time to report to you that I have decided to let Liu Chuang be her driver and bodyguard!"    


"Don't you think your decision was too hasty?" Hou Guangsheng continued to scold, "If something happens to the safety of the Director Gu, how do you want me to explain it to the dead old chairman Gu Yuming?"    


"Don't worry. Liu Chuang is a very capable young man. He can protect Director Gu's safety..." Wai Dayong knew that what Hou Guangsheng said was the opposite, so he deliberately pretended to be innocent.    


"I don't care if he has the ability to work or not. As long as he can protect Gu Xiaohui, it will be fine. " Hou Guangsheng said coldly, "You also know, without my promotion, can you be the captain of the security team? People should know how to repay favors. If you have any problems in the future, you have to call me and discuss it with me. Don't want me to be passive in front of Gu Xiaohui, do you understand? "    


"Oh, I understand," Wai Dayong said hurriedly. "If there is anything in the future, I will report it to you first."    


Hou Guangsheng replied, "There is nothing to report, and there is no need. I just need to know Gu Xiaohui's whereabouts at any time. Can you do it?"    


"It should not be a problem," Wai Dayong said uncertainly. "I am the one who recruited Liu Chuang into the company and I recommended him to Gu Xiaohui. I believe he can listen to me and tell me Gu Xiaohui's whereabouts..."    


"That's good. I hope you won't disappoint me again this time!" After Hou Guangsheng finished speaking, he immediately hung up the phone. There was a beeping sound from the phone.    


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