Beautiful Ex-wife's Contract Son-in-law

C77 Female Officer

C77 Female Officer

0At this moment, a tall, elegant female police officer in uniform walked in with two fat and thin police officers.    


Upon seeing the police officer, Hou Guangsheng felt somewhat flustered and his entire body began to tremble.    


Even though he was not the murderer who caused a traffic accident and murdered Gu Yuming and Lei Ming, he was the one who revealed Gu Yuming's whereabouts to Shen Ao. Furthermore... Because he was prepared to tell Shen Ao about the bidding price for the Gu's Group's participation in the renovation of the shanty area, he charged him 500,000 yuan for the convenience fee.    


He mistakenly thought that the police had found out about Gu Yuming's accident and death, and that they had come to arrest him. He was extremely nervous.    


So, when everyone's eyes were on the few policemen, he took a few steps back and hid behind the vice chairman, Zhao Jianbing, and the others, closely observing the movements of the few policemen.    


The young female police officer's name was Hsiao Yue, the deputy captain of the municipal police station's criminal investigation team.    


After the accident driver, the bald man, was killed in the detention center, it attracted the high attention of the municipal police. Everyone had always thought that this matter was related to Gu Yuming's car accident. It was because someone was afraid that the matter would be exposed. They ordered the gangsters to fight in the New Era Square and deliberately let the police arrest them in the detention center. He had silenced the bald driver who had caused the accident.    


Hsiao Yue was the person in charge of the temporary investigation of this serial murder case.    


When she interrogated the dozen gangsters who killed the driver one by one, everyone unanimously said that when they had a conflict with the bald man in the detention center, the bald man was accidentally injured and died without being ordered by anyone.    


As the surveillance equipment in the room had been destroyed by the gangsters in advance, they had no idea who killed the bald man. In desperation, they could only send all of them to the detention center to be detained.    


The fat policeman walked to Gu Xiaohui and pointed at Hsiao Yue, introducing, "Miss Gu, this is the Hsiao of our criminal investigation team. She wants to know some things about your father when he was alive..."    


"Wuwuwu..." When Gu Xiaohui heard that the police were here to solve the case, her nose twitched. She sobbed softly, "Hsiao, my father died so tragically. He must have been killed by someone. You must make the decision for us and catch the murderer?"    


"We came because of your father's car accident and death." Hsiao Yue looked at Gu Yuming's corpse in the coffin and then looked around the people around her. She said to Gu Xiaohui, "Miss Gu, please let us talk."    


Gu Xiaohui took out a tissue from her pocket and wiped her tears. She nodded knowingly and followed Hsiao Yue out of the morgue and stood in the alley outside.    


"I want to know who your father had a grudge with when he was alive." Hsiao Yue asked.    


Gu Xiaohui replied, "I did not find out who my father had a conflict with. My husband, Wu Xu, was hospitalized by the son of Shen Tianshun, the chairman of Shen's Group, in a private room in Blue Sky Club. My father wanted to ask Shen Ao for an explanation. I think... This car accident was related to Shen Ao... "    


"Ah, your husband was injured by Shen Ao and hospitalized?" Hsiao Yue frowned and asked in shock," When did this happen? "    


"The night before yesterday!" Gu Xiaohui said with melancholy.    


Although she wanted to divorce Wu Xu, she felt that the accident that happened to her father was caused by Wu Xu being beaten up, so she did not show her thoughts.    


"Where is your husband now?" Hsiao Yue asked urgently.    


"I am not sure." Gu Xiaohui remembered that when she went home, she saw Wu Xu bringing the female college student Zhang Mengmeng home. What happened in the bedroom, she said vaguely, "He might be in the hospital, or at home..."    


Hsiao Yue felt that Gu Xiaohui seemed to have something difficult to say and was embarrassed to ask, so she said, "Then you should contact your husband as soon as possible. Once you confirm where he is, call me and tell me."    


"Okay." Gu Xiaohui nodded.    


"Can you tell me how your husband was beaten up by Shen Ao in Blue Sky Club?" Hsiao Yue continued to ask.    


"I am not very clear about the specific situation." Gu Xiaohui looked at Ye Ping who was standing not far away and said, "How about this, I will call Shen Ao's lover over. She is the person involved in the matter of my husband being beaten up. Let her explain the situation to you in detail..."    


"Shen Ao's lover?" Hsiao Yue raised her eyebrows and asked in shock, "Does this mean that Shen Ao's lover was also involved in your father's murder?"    


"No." Gu Xiaohui shook her head and said, "It was only my husband, Wu Xu, who got beaten up by her, that had something to do with her. As for the specific situation, you can ask her and she will know."    


As she spoke, Gu Xiaohui waved at Ye Ping.    


Ye Ping hurriedly walked forward and asked, "Xiaohui, what do you want from me?"    


Gu Xiaohui truthfully replied, "Hsiao wants to know about the situation when Wu Xu was beaten up by your husband, Shen Ao, in the Blue Sky Club's private room that night!"    


"Oh," Ye Ping replied and looked at Hsiao Yue. She asked, "Hsiao, what do you want to know?"    


Hsiao Yue looked at Ye Ping with a scrutinizing look and asked, "You are Shen Ao's lover?"    


"Yes, yes." Ye Ping nodded.    


Hsiao Yue questioned, "That night, why did your husband beat up Wu Xu? "    


"The thing is like this," Ye Ping hesitated for a moment and said, "Gu Xiaohui and I were best friends when we were in college. That night, when I went to Blue Sky Club to play, I happened to see Wu Xu sitting alone in the hall drinking. She took the initiative to greet him, because the hall was quite noisy. I asked the waiter for a private room, then... We sat in the private room, drinking and chatting. I didn't expect my husband to suddenly barge in with someone. He beat Wu Xu half to death... "    


She didn't say that she had a good impression of Wu Xu. She used alcohol to calm her worries and pretended to be drunk on purpose. She took the opportunity to tell Wu Xu about the matter of her head resting on Wu Xu's thigh.    


After listening to Ye Ping's narration, Hsiao Yue asked, "Someone suspected that your husband, Shen Ao, caused a car accident and caused Gu Yuming and his driver's death. What do you think of this matter?"    


Ye Ping replied, "I think that Shen Ao has a motive, but I do not dare to make a conclusion. Everything should be based on evidence, right?"    


Hsiao Yue nodded and said, "What you said makes sense. I also want to ask a personal question. Can you answer me?"    


"Of course," Ye Ping replied. She said, "As long as it does not involve my personal privacy, I am willing to answer truthfully."    


"How long have you and Shen Ao been married?" Hsiao Yue stared straight at him.    


"We have been married for a few years. After I graduated from college, I married him." Ye Ping answered truthfully.    


"After marriage, how was the relationship between you two husband and wife?" Hsiao Yue continued to ask.    


"Not good," Ye Ping said without hesitation. "He often doesn't go home at night. When he gets drunk outside and comes home, he gets angry at me at every turn. He even resorted to domestic violence on me. I have long wanted to divorce him..."    


"Oh, so that's the case!" Hsiao Yue put on a look of sudden enlightenment and said to Gu Xiaohui and Ye Ping, "Our conversation today will end here for the sake of your safety. You better not tell anyone that we suspect Shen Ao and Gu Yuming were killed. Do you understand?"    


"I understand!" Gu Xiaohui and Ye Ping said at the same time.    


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