Almighty System

C286 He Was Deeply in Love with His Disciple

C286 He Was Deeply in Love with His Disciple



Right at this moment, a cold snort was heard. A huge bronze cauldron suddenly appeared above Wu Mingzi's head. It was emitting a green light that turned Wu Mingzi into human form, and it wanted to suck Wu Mingzi into the cauldron!    


Currently, Wu Mingzi was already at the end of his rope. How could he resist this sudden attack?    


This made him panic. The people from Reborn Pavilion were even more furious!    


That bronze cauldron with three legs and two ears, who in the world didn't know who he belonged to?    


"Roar! Roar!"    


Right at this moment, Azure Flood Dragon King suddenly let out a furious roar and turned into a huge green dragon. It swung its tail and was about to throw it at the huge cauldron!    


On the other side, there was also a huge golden hand blocking Azure Flood Dragon King's attack!    


"This is too much!"    


Qiongsang Hongyi also shouted loudly. His entire body soared into the sky and turned into a huge purple palm, slapping violently at the bronze cauldron!    




Unfortunately, another huge golden palm came crashing down from the opposite side!    


With such a delay, it should be enough for Wu Mingzi to be kept in the cauldron. However, when everyone looked closely, they were stunned. It was a young man wearing beast skin clothes. He was hugging the weak Wu Mingzi. On top of the young man's head... There was a dark and lightless Strange Blade hanging in the air!    


"This is?"    


"Who is this?"    


"He dares to challenge Holy Emperor. Is he tired of living? "    


While everyone was discussing animatedly, Wu Mingzi was staring blankly at the Strange Blade on the young man's head. That Strange Blade was dark and did not even have a blade slot. The blade was long and narrow and slightly bent. It had completely absorbed the green light that was hanging down from the bronze cauldron!    


This was a weapon that Wu Mingzi was very familiar with!    


"Shi... Shi... Cough, cough, cough..."    


Wu Mingzi was so excited that he let out a loud roar, as if it affected his injuries. He actually started coughing violently!    


The young man in beast skin smiled and took out a pill for Wu Mingzi to consume. He then pushed Wu Mingzi towards Qiongsang Hongyi!    




Kongsang Xuanyi let out a cold snort when he saw how arrogant the young man was. He controlled his bronze cauldron and chased after Wu Mingzi again.    


He did not comply and did not scratch. Clearly, he wanted to kill Wu Mingzi. This immediately infuriated the young man. He waved his hand. The blade was instantly inserted into both of the bronze cauldron's ears. He actually brought the bronze cauldron with him and flew towards Kongsang Xuanyi at high speed!    




The blade tore through the void. In less than a breath's time, the Strange Blade, along with the bronze cauldron, smashed violently towards Kongsang Xuanyi!    


And the tip of the blade was pointed at the space between Kongsang Xuanyi's brows!    




It was only at this moment that the massive bronze cauldron finally broke free from the Strange Blade. At the same time, it shook off the Strange Blade, allowing it to pass by Kongsang Xuanyi's ear!    


At this moment, Kongsang Xuanyi's expression became ugly. He stared intently at the fur-clad young man!    


"Who are you? How dare you interfere in my business?"    


Kongsang Xuanyi said word by word. This man actually dared to stop him from killing Wu Mingzi. In his point of view, this was a challenge to him!    


"You don't even know my real name and weapon, and you dare to challenge me? Return to me? You sealed it yourself, right?"    


Under the strange expressions of some people, the beast skin on the young man's body fluctuated. It turned into a dark grey battle robe with purple sleeves. The hood of the helmet and the youth's face changed dramatically. An impressive young man appeared!    


"Mighty Overlord!"    


At this moment, the Tyrant Clan finally could not hold back and roared furiously. They had long recognized Du Dapeng's Blade of Truth, but they deliberately did not make a sound. Even the people of Reborn Pavilion and the eight thousand guards of Heavenly Beast Forest had purposely shouted until now!    


"Dragon Son Lord is invincible!"    


"Pavilion Master's Divine Martial Art!"    


The sound waves were higher and higher. Not to mention the excitement of Du Dapeng's group, even many of the young men in Zhongzhou were shouting incoherently, "Alliance Leader Du! Alliance Leader Du! The ruler of the world!"    


At this moment, all the young men in Zhongzhou had gone crazy. These days, the overseas powers had been challenging them everywhere, and they had long been unable to bear it. Many of the top hundred families of Zhongzhou had been humiliated by the overseas powers without any restraint. Now that Du Dapeng had come out, it was enough for him to fight against the major powers from the ocean!    


"You are Du Dapeng?"    


While Kongsang Xuanyi looked solemn, the news of Du Dapeng's return had also spread throughout the Zhongzhou. At this moment, Du Dapeng was still looking at Kongsang Xuanyi calmly. "You must apologize to my disciple!"    




"A sneak attack is shameful!"    


"I must apologize!"    


There were millions of people, even though there were ordinary people standing on Kongsang Xuanyi's side. However, there were also half who supported Du Dapeng. This caused the sound of people apologizing to spread far and wide. Even the small mortal tribes in the distance could hear the situation clearly!    


"So Alliance Leader Du has returned?"    


"It seems that Wu Mingzi was bullied by that Holy Emperor?"    


"Bullshit Holy Emperor! When Alliance Leader Du was leading the Cultivator to fight against the darkness, why didn't that Holy Emperor participate?"    


At this moment in Zhongzhou, even the mortals who couldn't cultivate were talking about the two strongest young men. Obviously, Du Dapeng's reputation had spread far and wide, and he had gotten the support of more people.    


As for the Martial Saint Training Hall, it wasn't far from Giant City. Many old monsters came out of their seclusion one after another. They knew that there might be a world-shaking battle soon!    



These were the publicly acknowledged strongest two young men in their generation!    


"Apologies! Wu Mingzi brat! You won! I shouldn't have ambushed you! This is my fault!"    


Unexpectedly, just as everyone thought that Kongsang Xuanyi would shamelessly start a war, he actually cupped his fist and apologized to Wu Mingzi. At the same time, everyone was dumbfounded. Wu Mingzi rolled his eyes. "Do you think you can defeat us with just a few words?"    




Wu Mingzi's weak reply shocked even more people. That's right, Du Dapeng's fierce reputation was out there, and it was all because of him. If it wasn't for his timely appearance, his disciple would have been killed by a sneak attack. How could a light apology send him away?    


And reality proved that Du Dapeng was not satisfied with such an apology. He pointed the Strange Blade in his hand at Qiong Sang Xuanyi and said with a smile, "You are such a person. I don't even want to fight with you if you don't have principles!"    




" This is red Guo Guo's contempt? "    


"It was originally! A light apology for not being able to sneak attack! No matter what, I have to pay some compensation for my mental damage! "    


Without even needing Du Dapeng to say anything, the group of young men had already helped to express Du Dapeng's intentions. The meaning was very obvious: you have to compensate me, then you can be considered to be apologizing, and only then will you have the right to challenge me!    


This was what Du Dapeng meant. It just so happened that many people understood what he meant!    


This was Du Dapeng's means. He didn't even need to say anything, but he could still achieve his goal. As for whether the other party would obey his orders or not?    


If he dared to disobey, he would just release the Nine Thousand Clones and torture him to death!    


This was Du Dapeng's decision. Thousands of clones had disappeared for a long time.    


"Kid! What do you want?"    


Even Du Dapeng didn't expect Kongsang Xuanyi to have such a bad temper. He knew that he had made a mistake in the first place, and he really wanted to give Wu Mingzi some compensation.    


This made Wu Mingzi feel a little awkward. His injuries were not serious. However, the compensation couldn't be light. Otherwise, it would be a disgrace to his master. Similarly, the compensation must not be too heavy. Otherwise, they would say that they were too much!    


After thinking for a while, Wu Mingzi deliberately coughed a few times. "Cough cough... Cough, I don't know how to treat my injury. You should ask my master! He is a godly doctor and knows how to treat me!"    


" Er... "    


Wu Mingzi's move was extremely clever, he directly pushed the matter to his master. He allowed his master to make a choice, and thus, he gave the initiative to Du Dapeng. Given Du Dapeng's cunning and cunning character, how could he let Kongsang Xuanyi get away with it?    


"Due to your sneak attack, my disciple's heart meridian is almost broken. This is a huge problem. I need the Yin Yang Earth Fate Fruit, the Nine Deaths Yang Rejuvenating Grass, and the Void Spirit Extinguishing Qi Flower to treat it. Give me the medicine!"    




What Du Dapeng said shocked everyone. Although it was only three types of medicine, each and every one of them was a legendary item!    


Even Wu Mingzi's mouth began to twitch. He had originally been afraid that the compensation he had offered would be too heavy, but who would have thought that it would turn out like this?    


"Master is indeed worthy of being called a sinister figure of his generation!"    


Wu Mingzi muttered to himself. He rolled his eyes and pretended to be seriously injured. This made many people secretly curse him. At the same time, they were also speechless to Du Dapeng. "This guy, doesn't he care about his reputation at all times?"    


"You don't have to go too far!"    


Beside Kongsang Xuanyi, a saint cursed loudly. Du Dapeng's condition was too much!    


Who didn't know that Wu Mingzi had no big problems at all?    


They had seen sinister people before, but they had never seen such sinister people!    


He even suspected that Du Dapeng and his disciple had already discussed this beforehand!    


"It's him who's going too far! He doesn't care about anyone! He dares to sneak attack my disciple, he should be prepared to die! He is only qualified to make me take action because he is compensating me. Otherwise? Hmph!"    


The current Du Dapeng was undoubtedly powerful. He had done it on purpose. The people around him were rarely bullied, but once they were bullied... He nearly killed someone. In Du Dapeng's point of view, it was time to let the world know his bottom line!    


"Anyone who dares to challenge my people in the same realm as me can do it, but a sneak attack means death! I did not kill you directly. It is already considered that I have held back my last bit of mercy!"    


That voice rumbled and rumbled, spreading far into the distance. It was like the evening drum and morning bell, deafening everyone. People knew that this was Du Dapeng's bottom line. If he killed the people around him openly, he could say nothing, but if he dared to launch a sneak attack... That would be another outcome.    


"I only have two of them. As for the remaining one, I'll use the Spirit Stone to replace it. What do you think?"    


Such an answer immediately made Du Dapeng's heart blossom!    


This was really too unexpected!    


This Kongsang Xuanyi was actually able to produce two different flavors from such a legendary item!    


It was truly worthy of being called the royal family!    


Even so, Du Dapeng remained calm and collected. He deliberately furrowed his brows. He tilted his head and thought for a while. Then he reluctantly nodded and said, "Bring it over if you have two tastes! There's no need for the Spirit Stone. Just treat it as me leaving some burial fees for you! "    


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