Almighty System

C67 Relic of the Human Emperor

C67 Relic of the Human Emperor

0From the Strange Blade's words, it could be seen that it had a way. Du Dapeng was completely relieved. "Just tell me what to do!"    


"Hehe! As the saying goes, misfortune relies on good fortune, and misfortune lurks behind good fortune!"    


Seeing that the Strange Blade was deliberately mystifying, Du Dapeng could only follow its intentions. "Please enlighten me!"    


The Strange Blade was satisfied with Du Dapeng's performance, so it did not keep him in suspense. "Do you still remember that wretched kid? Do you still remember the dual cultivation method he gave you? If the two of you dual cultivate, you won't be able to stop her from waking up. Both of you will receive tremendous benefits!"    


Du Dapeng was startled when he heard that. The corner of his mouth twitched a few times. Without saying a word, he turned around and left, leaving behind the Strange Blade and scolding discontentedly, "Bastard brat! He did not even know how to express his gratitude! This is really preposterous!"    


Du Dapeng copied a copy of the Yin-Yang Image Creation Art and refined it into a pill. Here! " Lin Qingmo took it. After thinking for a while, she decided to teach the Myriad Spirit Heavenly Arts and Heavenly Mighty Wing to her beloved wife as well. He felt that it was not enough, to actually learn what he had learnt. She learned all kinds of strange things for her beloved wife before she took off her clothes and took off her clothes.    


Lin Qingmo had a dream. She ran wildly in the dark night. She did not know why she ran wildly, nor did she know where she was running to. She was confused. Panic filled her entire body, so much so that she wanted to think. However, she realized that she couldn't do it. She wanted to stop, but she couldn't do it either... Just running and running like this made her feel exhausted. She felt like she was melting, but it also seemed like she was slowly shrinking. He ran across a single wooden bridge and suddenly entered another world. Here, the sun was bright and bright, and the spirit energy was so dense that it turned into water. She lay in the sea of spirit energy. She completely turned into a pool of rootless water.    


She thought she was dead, but she realized that her consciousness was clear. Thus, she wanted to pinch her thigh that was originally no longer there, but she realized that she had feelings?    


Confused, she increased her strength!    


"Aiyo! Stupid to death! He actually pinched me so hard!"    


Lin Qingmo smiled and opened her beautiful eyes. What entered her eyes was a face that could not be more familiar. His face was full of concern as he looked at her with deep affection. Her eyes met and she wished that they could drill into his eyes. That was what he thought too!    


The two of them kissed each other without any emotion. They didn't care about the bloody wine in the jar. They were so attached to each other!    


As a result, the two of them had another round of rain and clouds.    


After a long time, the battle finally came to an end. The two of them hugged each other tightly, afraid that they would never see that person again if they let go!    


"I thought I would never see you again!"    


After a while, the two of them actually spoke at the same time and said the same thing!    


The two of them laughed foolishly.    


Lin Qingmo suddenly pushed Du Dapeng away again and said in a lovable voice, "Damn it! In the wine jar again!"    


Du Dapeng only smiled. If his wife could wake up, he felt that the world was filled with sunshine again.    


He quickly looked around and confirmed that there was no one else around. Lin Qingmo finally jumped out of the wine jar. She quickly patted two water ball talismans on her body. She casually shook a few times and saw her husband staring blankly at her two snowy mountains. She actually shook a few more times!    


Du Dapeng immediately felt his blood boil. After all, he was still a young man. Faced with such teasing, it was impossible for him to not have any reaction.    


However, just as Du Dapeng was about to make a move, his wife quickly put on a light armor. That armor was dark and lightless, and it was very fitting. Not only did it show the exquisite curves of a female, it also carried a trace of killing intent!    


"This armor is amazing. It is the wife of Human Emperor in Small Spirit Heaven. It is not unique either. It is actually a couple's outfit! I accidentally entered a cave... "    


It turned out that after Lin Qingmo entered, due to her low cultivation, later on, all the humans who came in were crazily looting. She was caught in the crossfire of the fish pond and was surrounded by a tribe of over a thousand people. In her panic, she used the Earth Escape Talisman one after another. In the end, she directly entered a cave. There was the inheritance left behind by Human Emperor and his wife. She had entered all the treasures. Her cultivation base broke through one after another.    


After her cultivation base had improved greatly, Lin Qingmo was full of confidence as she recovered her beautiful face. Along the way, she wanted to uphold justice and fight for justice. She wanted to make a big name for herself. She had asked her husband to come after hearing the news, but before she could, her husband had been waiting for Ye Liangchen. She did not know what kind of luck Ye Liangchen had gotten, but he had actually reached the Innate Great Perfection. She had just received the armor from her wife and heard the word 'cultivation'. Du Dapeng was stunned. He recalled the words of the Strange Blade. After checking it out, he could not help but be overjoyed, "We have all broken through to the Innate Late Period! Ahahahaha! I'm so happy!"    


Her husband suddenly jumped up and down again, causing Lin Qingmo to be stunned. She had completely forgotten the joy of having a huge improvement in her cultivation. This was the first time she had seen her husband like this. At this moment, he was like a pure neighbor youth!    




Du Dapeng fiercely kissed his lovely wife. Only then did he smile and put on the same dark and lightless armor.    


Du Dapeng was not very satisfied with this pair of armor. He was quite satisfied!    


Gray, not black, not white, but also black and white. It symbolized the chaos of the Great Dao and the birth of Yin and Yang!    


In particular, the sleeve's settings were actually purple-black, as if after being accidentally soaked in blood, the blood dried up, making the armor even more divine and fiendish!    


Du Dapeng pulled his wife over, hugging her tightly for a long time. Only then did he whisper into her ear, "No matter what the future is, I still need your pity. Please do not leave me!"    


Lin Qingmo hugged her husband tighter, "What are you worried about?"    


Du Dapeng let go of her and held her shoulders. His eyes locked her beautiful eyes and he said seriously, "I was worried that you would be attacked again, so I gave you all my life-saving skills! Without my permission, you have no right to choose death! Do you understand? "    


The beauty's eyes became moist. What kind of love was this that required such a domineering judgement?    


Just over ten days ago, when she entered the cave left behind by Human Emperor, she also saw the exact same afterimage. It was also a man in grey battle armor. He spoke the exact same words to a woman in grey battle armor!    




It was absolutely a coincidence!    


Lin Qingmo secretly came to this conclusion, and then she overturned it!    


She would rather believe that the two of them were another cycle for Human Emperor and his wife. She told this idea to her husband, which made him look up to the sky and shout, "They are them! We are us! We will never end up like them! "    


Lin Qingmo's eyes lit up. She took out a large stack of handwritten papers. "Yes, my lord! I also plan to teach you all the life-saving techniques!"    


It turned out that the inheritance Lin Qingmo obtained in the cave was instilled through Human Emperor's remnant will. She also wanted to share her gains with her husband, so before leaving the cave, she specially spent two days and two nights to copy a portion of Human Emperor's Martial Scripture. It recorded what Human Emperor and his wife had learned throughout their lives!    


The couple distributed their harvests, and after confirming that they had finished tidying up, they unfolded the Heavenly Mighty Wing and soared into the sky.    


"Awoo... Ah! "    


Two whistling sounds were heard from far away. A dragon and a bird came over in a flash. "Ah! Mr. Dapeng, you are so beautiful!"    


Atlas flapped his golden wings and praised sincerely. Lin Qingmo was stunned again. "Why did Henn Tiandi become a boy?"    


Du Dapeng briefly introduced Qingtian and Kun Roc Ancestral Land, which made Lin Qingmo praise him." Master Demon Emperor is really far-sighted and has great vision! "    


Lin Qingmo also praised Loong Aotian's changes. She even jokingly said that Loong Aotian looked more powerful than Du Dapeng. It made Loong Aotian reveal a trace of shyness for the first time, but it immediately disappeared.    


The few of them continued to head south. They carried out justice all the way and made the most noise. Not only did they want to attract the three young masters of Lee family, but more importantly, they wanted to attract Ye Liangchen!    


The current Du Dapeng could be said to have no worries about running amok. After cultivating the Human Emperor Scripture, he believed that he would be able to win even if he faced an early stage Divine Object Refiner. If he was at the Mid Divine Object realm, he would be able to retreat unharmed even if he couldn't win. This was because the Human Emperor Sutra also recorded a movement technique called the Eight Desolation Step.    


It was said that the Eight Desolation Step was a footwork created by an ancient mighty figure. As the name suggested, when the Eight Desolation Step was cultivated to the highest level, it could allow one to walk through the Eight Desolations in eight steps!    



It could be said to be the fastest speed in the world!    


And the Human Emperor Sutra was also derived from the Martial Ancestor Sutra from ancient times. It was a Heaven rank cultivation method, the highest level cultivation method. It was comparable to the Myriad Spirit Heavenly Arts that Du Dapeng cultivated. This was because according to Tiger Head Man's description, the Myriad Spirit Heavenly Arts he obtained... Therefore, it could only be considered a God Rank cultivation technique.    


With such a good item, Du Dapeng naturally wouldn't treat his brother unfairly. Although he couldn't cultivate the Human Clan's cultivation technique, but... He could still cultivate some of the Human Clan's secret techniques. He had taught the Heavenly Mighty Wing and Eight Desolation Step to the two of them. With the fastest speed in the world, they could do whatever they wanted.    


However, even though they had been arguing for many days, they still didn't see the three young masters of the Lee family, let alone that hateful Ye Liangchen.    


On this day, they had just helped the two small demon tribes mediate the dispute. They received the same praise from the two tribes. "There are still good people in Human Clan after all! Before you, there were three identical brothers of the Human Clan who advised us. At that time, we stopped fighting. But later on, in order to fight for the inheritance of Human Emperor... We started fighting again!"    


Du Dapeng's heart skipped a beat. "Where did those three identical Human Clan brothers go?"    


" They entered the Human Clan's old land. No matter how we try to persuade them, it doesn't work. They said they wanted to go to the depths of the Human Clan's old land. They wanted to return to the outside world through the exit there! But, the old land of the Human Clan is full of vengeful souls! Over the years, many great demons went in, and in the end, they all died!"    


An old man stroked his white beard and sighed in the end." What's so good about it outside? The outside world is vast, but even the laws of heaven and earth are not as complete as the Small Spirit Heaven. I say, little brother, why don't you two settle down in the Small Spirit Heaven! In the near future, you will be able to create the Human Clan once again. That will be considered a great merit!"    


The more the old man spoke, the more ridiculous his words became. Du Dapeng's head was full of black lines." To tell you the truth, we cannot part with the outside world. We must go back! We might as well choose the right time. Let's part ways here! "    


Du Dapeng and the others bowed to the white-haired old man and flapped their wings. Just as they were about to leave, they were stopped by the old man. "The war between our two tribes started because of Human Emperor's inheritance. You are the righteous and righteous people of Human Clan. In order to prevent other tribes from fighting over the relics, why don't I give it to you? "    


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