Campus Beauty, Scamp Master

C35 Yao Bei Er

C35 Yao Bei Er

0However, Jiang Chen hid it well. He just smiled and didn't say anything else.    


"Wang Xiao, thank you for helping me with yesterday's matter. Why don't I treat you to a meal today?"    


At this time, Yu Meini blinked her beautiful eyes and looked at Wang Xiao and said.    


You actually dared to reject me when you invited this fellow to a meal yesterday. Now that I have helped you so much, I don't believe that you won't agree.    


When Yu Meini's words came out, the surrounding people were in an uproar.    


"My God, Goddess Yu actually took the initiative to invite this brat for a meal? What kind of luck did this brat get?"    


"I'm so envious of him. If I can have a meal with Goddess Yu and reduce my lifespan by ten years, I'm willing to do so."    


"I'm willing to reduce my lifespan by twenty years!"    


Many second-year senior students looked at Wang Xiao with envy, their eyes filled with envy.    


Jiang Chen, who was at the side, frowned. It would take a lot of effort for him to invite Yu Meini for lunch. What did this brat in front of him do for Yu Meini to make Yu Meini so grateful and take the initiative to invite her for lunch?    


Could it be that Yu Meini liked this freshman?    


Thinking of this, Jiang Chen looked at Wang Xiao with an unfriendly gaze.    


Just when everyone thought that Wang Xiao would not hesitate to invite Yu Meini, Wang Xiao spoke.    


"No need. You guys can eat. I don't want to eat anymore."    


Wang Xiao's expression was indifferent as he shook his head and refused.    


As soon as these words were spoken, an uproar broke out in the dining hall.    


"My god, this brat actually rejected Goddess Yu's invitation to eat?"    


"Is he really a man? That's Goddess Yu!"    


Many of the male creatures were surprised and looked at Wang Xiao with suspicion.    


Even Soong Ming and the other Roommate couldn't understand why Wang Xiao would reject Goddess Yu's invitation.    


This was the flower of Traditional Chinese Medicine System in their second year!    


The surrounding discussions reached Wang Xiao's ears. However, Wang Xiao's expression was very indifferent. He didn't intend to answer. He turned around and prepared to leave with Soong Ming and the others.    


"Wang Xiao, stop right there!"    


At this moment, Yu Meini's face was full of anger. She stood in front of Wang Xiao and stared at the young man in front of her while gnashing her teeth. The anger in her heart couldn't be quelled.    


She was the dignified Forest City University, the second year Traditional Chinese Medicine System's Element Flower!    


She had taken the initiative to invite him to a meal in front of so many people!    


This bastard actually dares to reject her!    


Yu Meini had a pure appearance, but her heart was very firm and confident. She was so beautiful, there would never be a boy who would say no to her!    


"No, you must accompany me to eat today!"    


Yu Meini stared at Wang Xiao with her beautiful eyes and said seriously, with a hint of tsundere in her tone.    


But her tsundere tone, in the ears of others, was like a wild little girlfriend pestering her boyfriend to eat with her.    




All of a sudden, all the male creatures in the dining hall gasped and looked at Wang Xiao with envy.    


If other people's goddesses begged like this, then just agree to her!    


"Beauty, although I know I am very handsome, I am not used to you being so proactive."    


Seeing Yu Meini's urgent gaze, the corner of Wang Xiao's mouth also raised into a smirk as he said.    


He then added, "Since you are so proactive, as a boy, I do not mean anything. It does not seem to make sense. Why don't we be more direct..."    


"How can we be more direct?"    


Yu Meini was stunned when she heard Wang Xiao's words. She responded reflexively.    


When she said it, she regretted it.    


Wang Xiao's gaze was so strange. There definitely wouldn't be anything good about it!    


As expected, the corner of Wang Xiao's mouth raised slightly, and he said with a faint smile, "Let's go get a room!"    




As soon as Wang Xiao's words came out, it immediately set off a huge uproar in the crowd.    


"This kid is really awesome, he actually dared to say such bold words to Goddess Yu."    


"Perhaps Goddess Yu likes such straightforward and simple boys?"    


"I don't know if Goddess Yu likes him or not. I only know that Yang Master Jiang's face has turned green."    


Many second-year seniors whispered to each other.    


"Wang Xiao, what nonsense are you talking about? Who wants to get a room with you? I only want to treat you to a meal. What are you thinking in your head?"    


Hearing Wang Xiao's words, Yu Meini's face darkened. She gritted her teeth and snorted at Wang Xiao.    


This bastard started to play tricks again. He was a hooligan!    


A hooligan!    




"Yeah, I only wanted to get a room with you. Don't worry, I swear I won't do anything bad."    


Wang Xiao looked at Yu Meini with a serious expression and chuckled. That smile was as wretched as it could be.    


When the surrounding boys heard this, they smiled playfully. They were all men, so how could they not know how exaggerated Wang Xiao's words were?    




Hearing Wang Xiao's shameless words, Yu Meini was so angry that her cheeks turned red. She clenched her little pink fist and cursed, "Get lost! I don't want to see you again, Stinky Rascal!"    


"Looks like I can't get this room anymore. I'm leaving now!"    


Wang Xiao spread his hands and said helplessly.    


After saying that, he left with Soong Ming and the others, chatting happily.    


"Damn it!"    


Yu Meini looked at Wang Xiao's back as he left and angrily stomped her feet. She gritted her teeth and muttered.    


"Meini, don't be angry. Why don't we eat first?"    


Jiang Chen saw Yu Meini's ugly expression and could not help but comfort her.    


"What do you want to eat? You have no appetite. If you want to eat, eat until you have enough!"    


Unexpectedly, Yu Meini snorted and rolled her eyes at Jiang Chen. She twisted the Fragrant Buttock and left angrily.    


"Uh..." The smile on Jiang Chen's face suddenly froze. He looked at Yu Meini's beautiful figure leaving and clenched his fist. His face became somewhat ugly.    


"Pui, what the hell is this? A pretty b * tch. It's just a son. Sooner or later, I will make you beg for mercy in bed!"    


Earring Boy and the others looked at each other when they noticed their boss's ugly expression. They didn't dare to speak.    


"Yang Master Jiang, do you want me to investigate the information of those freshmen? Those few brats caused you to lose face. This matter can't be forgotten."    


After a long while, Earring Boy finally opened his mouth and asked tentatively.    


At this time, Jiang Chen had already suppressed his anger. When he heard Earring Boy's words, he nodded and said, "Alright, I'll leave this matter to you. Investigate the information about that kid called Wang Xiao for me!"    


"Yes, Yang Master Jiang!"    


Earring Boy hurriedly nodded, then pointed to the dining hall and said, "Yang Master Jiang, Goddess Yu has left. Are we still eating here?"    


"The food in the dining hall is for pigs to eat. Let's go. I will treat everyone to a restaurant outside the school."    


Jiang Chen's lips curled up into a smile. He looked at those poor people eating in the dining hall with a disdainful look and said to Earring Boy and the others.    


"Mighty Yang Master Jiang!"    


When the younger brothers heard this, they all said excitedly.    




The afternoon sun was extremely sinister. When it shone on the ground, even the air became distorted.    


In Forest City University, the freshmen class that were training could be seen everywhere.    


In a corner of the basketball court, a group of students wearing camouflage clothes were practicing standing under the hot sun.    


Many female students bit their teeth hard. Beads of sweat appeared on their snow-white foreheads, and their lips were pale. They had been standing for nearly an hour, but Instructor Lee had not called for a break.    


"Stand up straight. Now, you are in military training. Show me the look of a soldier!"    


Instructor Lee's expression was cold as he shuttled back and forth among the people of Traditional Chinese Medicine System Class Four. He scolded them.    


"Instructor Lee, I can't do it anymore."    


A petite girl with a weak physique finally could not hold on any longer. She collapsed onto the ground and spoke to Instructor Lee with red eyes.    


"Trash, you can't even stand up so easily. Stand up. Add another half an hour. If you don't finish it, don't eat dinner."    


Instructor Lee's expression was cold as he looked at the petite girl. The young girl cursed angrily.    


This girl's name was Yao Beier. She had a sweet appearance and her voice was soft. Even though she had a lovely figure. She was small and looked like a child. However, her curves were orderly. In just one morning, she was given the title of loli class flower by the men of Traditional Chinese Medicine System Class Four.    


Yao Beier was scolded by Instructor Lee as trash. Tears of grievance hung on her crystal clear eyes, but she still gritted her teeth and stubbornly got up from the ground.    


When many of the boys in the class saw this scene, all of them had angry expressions. They clenched their fists, but did not dare to stand up for Yao Beier.    


Offending the instructor during military training was not a small matter.    


"I told you to hurry up, didn't you hear me?!"    


Seeing Yao Beier struggling to get up, Instructor Lee's expression was somewhat impatient. He cursed angrily, and as he spoke, he stretched out his leg and prepared to kick Yao Beier.    


No! When the female students in the class saw this scene, they all screamed.    


When the boys saw this scene, they wanted to stop it, but they didn't dare.    




At this critical moment, a dull crashing sound suddenly sounded in the air.    


A figure that was not very tall suddenly appeared in front of Yao Beier. His right foot was blocking Instructor Lee's foot. A lazy voice followed, "Instructor Lee, hitting a girl is not the quality a qualified soldier should have!"    



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