Campus Beauty, Scamp Master

C40 The Phantom of the past Life Squad

C40 The Phantom of the past Life Squad

0"Get out of here, from now on, wherever I come from, get out of here five meters away from me."    


Wang Xiao's expression was indifferent as he said coldly to the crew cut guy and the others.    


"Yes, yes, yes."    


Having been beaten so badly by Wang Xiao, how could the crew cut guy dare to say no? He repeatedly nodded and said.    


After saying that, he prepared to leave with the other camouflage clothing companions.    


"Stop right there!"    


But at this time, Wang Xiao's voice was heard, carrying a trace of majesty.    


"Big, big brother, is there anything else?"    


The man with the crew cut turned around and froze. He looked like he was crying. He turned around and asked Wang Xiao.    


"Drag him away. It will affect my appetite."    


Wang Xiao pointed at the unconscious Lei Ji and said to the boy with the crew cut.    




The guy with the crew cut nodded and waved his hand. He asked his companions to carry Lei Ji and quickly left the restaurant. His running speed was almost enough to participate in the Olympic Games.    


After the crew cut guy and the others left, the crowd in the restaurant let out a sigh of relief.    


However, their eyes were still full of respect as they looked at Wang Xiao.    


"Wang Xiao, I'm full. Let's go back."    


After experiencing so much, Yao Beier also lost her appetite for food. She tugged at the corner of Wang Xiao's clothes and said weakly.    


"There is still so much boiled beef. Are you full so soon?"    


Wang Xiao heard this and could not help but be stunned. He stared at Yao Beier and said.    


But when he saw Yao Beier's worried look, he did not say anything else and nodded in agreement to Yao Beier.    


In the evening, on the campus of Forest City University.    


A tall Handsome Man and a sweet-looking girl walked side by side.    


The dim yellow street lights shone down and hit the two of them. The two shadows reflected on the ground and finally intersected.    


Yao Beier's delicate cheeks were red and her face was shy. She lowered her head and did not know what to say.    


"Have you always been so shy?"    


Seeing Yao Beier's cute and shy appearance, Wang Xiao could not help but smile and could not help but tease her.    


"Ah, hmm..."    


Yao Beier was first stunned when she heard Wang Xiao's words. Immediately, her delicate and pretty face flushed red. She lowered her head and answered in a panic.    


Does he think that it is not good for me to be like this?    


I, I don't want to be so shy either...    


Yao Beier's heart rate sped up and many strange thoughts appeared in her heart.    


"You are so cute, haha..."    


Seeing Yao Beier's shy look, Wang Xiao laughed and could not help but pat Yao Beier's little head as he said.    




Yao Beier only felt her delicate body tremble and her face turned red. Her face that was carved from jade was filled with shyness. Her pair of snow-white hands that were as white as lotus roots waved around at a loss as to what to do.    


Is... is he praising me for being cute?    


So embarrassing!    


"How, how is it cute..."    


Yao Beier shyly blinked her crystal clear eyes and said weakly.    


"It's late, let me send you back."    


Seeing Yao Beier's cute appearance, Wang Xiao felt that his mood was much better and said with a smile.    


Unexpectedly, Yao Beier's expression changed slightly when she heard Wang Xiao's words. She felt a little panicked in her heart.    


He said he would send me back so early in the morning...    


Does it mean that he doesn't want to stay with me?    


Does he dislike me?    


"Silly girl, don't overthink it. It's just that if I don't send you back soon, your Roommate sisters will be letting their imagination run wild."    


Seemingly seeing through Yao Beier's inner thoughts, Wang Xiao rubbed Yao Beier's small head and said with a smile.    


Hearing Wang Xiao's words, Yao Beier finally felt a little more at ease.    


Along the way, the two of them were also talking and laughing. The atmosphere was very lively.    


When they arrived in front of the girls' dormitory, there were already many first-year male and female students dressed in camouflage clothing who were chatting with each other in the open space in front of the dormitory.    


After a day of military training, many young first-year male and female students' relationships rapidly developed. Some of the bolder first-year students even directly hugged each other and said lovey-dovey words.    


"Wang Xiao, you go back first. I'll walk in myself."    


Seeing the ambiguous scene around her, Yao Beier's pretty face turned slightly red. She turned her head and said shyly to Wang Xiao.    


At this moment, her little heart was already in chaos. Her mind was filled with random thoughts.    


Could it be that she was dating Wang Xiao tonight?    


At this time, should she do something with Wang Xiao?    




Wang Xiao nodded. He also noticed the ambiguous actions of the surrounding freshmen. The corner of his mouth could not help but curve up into an evil smile. He put his face in front of Yao Beier. He laughed and said, "Little beauty Yao Beier, at this time, shouldn't you do something?"    




Seeing Wang Xiao's action and seeing Wang Xiao's mischievous smile, Yao Beier's pretty face turned red. A pair of snow-white jade-like hands were randomly placed around, and her eyes were chaotic.    


This, this could be considered as taking advantage of her?    


Am I going to be taken advantage of by him?    


Yao Beier's heart was in chaos. Although she did not hate Wang Xiao and admitted that she had a good impression of him, was it really good to kiss him so soon?    


She was a traditional woman!    


"No, no, it's too fast."    


Finally, Yao Beier blushed and said weakly.    


"Haha, I'm just joking. I'm just teasing you. Rest early. I'll be leaving first."    


Seeing Yao Beier's shy look, Wang Xiao felt a sense of pleasure as if his evil scheme had succeeded. He laughed and said.    


After saying that, he waved his hand at Yao Beier and turned around to leave.    


"Bad guy!"    


Hearing Wang Xiao's words, Yao Beier's pretty face turned red. She bit her teeth and pouted.    


Bad Wang Xiao!    


What a shameless Wang Xiao!    


He had caused him to be in a dilemma for so long!    


This is infuriating!    


Yao Beier looked at Wang Xiao's back as he left. She stomped her feet in embarrassment and anger. Her pink cheeks were red, and her big eyes, which were like black gemstones, stared in the direction where Wang Xiao had left. Her eyes were filled with extraordinary splendor.    


"Yo, why did Bei'er come back so early? How far has she gone with Wang Xiao?"    


When Yao Beier returned to the girls' dormitory, a group of big sisters in sexy pajamas surrounded her and teased her at the same time.    


"Don't think about it. She must have held hands, hugged, and kissed."    


A charming big sister blinked her eyes and said with a naughty smile.    


"No, no"    


Being surrounded by a group of big sisters and hearing their teasing, Yao Beier's pretty face blushed and said weakly.    


"No? That's right. After all, there is still military training tomorrow. If it is too much, it will be inconvenient to move around."    


Another forthright big sister patted Yao Beier's shoulder and said in understanding.    


"Don't say anymore. It's so embarrassing."    


Hearing the bold words of the big sisters, Yao Beier's snow white hand covered her pretty face and said shyly.    


When the girls saw this, they all burst into laughter.    




The night gradually darkened. On a remote street in the Eastern City of Forest City.    




In the blink of an eye, dozens of black shadows suddenly appeared on the street lamps on both sides of the street. Ten shadows were reflected on the ground, looking very strange and mysterious.    


"This should be the place where Jia Er died."    


A cold and hoarse voice came from a black shadow on a street lamp. He carried a broad machete on his back, and his body was emitting a cold killing intent. It was the captain of the Rebirth Camp team, Xue Ying!    


"Captain, what should we do next?"    


The black shadow on another street lamp asked.    


"I have received the news that Wang Xiao is in the Forest City University of Northern City."    


Xue Ying said with a cold expression.    


"Captain, the Forest City University is a key university in the Jiangnan Province. It happens to be the military training for the freshmen. If we rashly go in and kill people, it may attract the attention of the military and that department!"    


Hearing Xue Ying's words, a black shadow with long hair couldn't help but open his mouth, and his voice carried a hint of sweetness.    


"Then trick him out and make a move outside the school. Mei Ying, I will leave this matter to you."    


Xue Ying's expression was indifferent. His gaze landed on the long-haired black shadow and said.    



"Yes, sir!"    


The long-haired black shadow heard this and did not refuse. He said in a flat tone, "I will lure him out."    


The assassin from the Rebirth Camp named Mei Ying seemed to be very confident in her looks.    


"Then let's go."    


Xue Ying didn't waste any time talking nonsense. He nodded and said.    


With that, he disappeared on the street lamp, leaving only the long shadow of the street lamp on the ground.    


Swoosh! Swoosh! Swoosh!    


When the other assassins of the Rebirth Camp heard him, they immediately moved and disappeared from where they stood.    


In the blink of an eye, the shadows of ten street lamps were reflected on the ground. The night was dark, as if no one had ever appeared here before.    


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